Trump will not admit anything. Years ago when he challenged Obama about his *history* Trump backed down. Everything about Obama is fake. Trump better not run in 2024. Someone younger who has shown courage through this plandemic should run. But not Trump.

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If he cant address what I mentioned, he should not run...what happened to people's lives the last 2 years is not to be swept away, or covered up or simple 'mea culpa'...I dont usually reply but your post is good...this is not something that we can just walk away from, people's lives were crushed...people must be held to account and he can help go a long way with healing too if he helps people understand they were not nutty or insane to think that something is wrong here. that they dont want the vaccine because simply they made that decision, and it MUST be respected...It takes guts and leadership...let us see what he has now and you are bang on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is larger than Trump, this is about the future of the US and it is larger than any of these people. Some of these people dont get it, they think it is about them.

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Completely agree. Nobody else should run if the mess isn't acknowledged. The laws need to change so this will never repeat.

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I agree with you... Trump needs to learn not to defend his actions with bluster when he does something wrong... great that he rushed vaccines and other actions re Covid... not great that he allowed the crappy no liability exclusive contracts with Big Pharma... but like you said, he was bamboozled by the advisors around him who were either morons or corrupted. If he were to come out and explain that in a good way, he would earn millions of new voters... he needs them if he wants to run again. I know there is a wanting for a softer but tough guy... DeSantis... who knows politics, one of the negatives for Trump and main reason he got screwed by all the advisors around him with their advice and recommendations for appointments.

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Suggested reaction seems to be very just but unfortunately would be suicidal. Media would start vicious campaign against Trump and his base! Trump cannot afford that. I expect some softening of his stance after mid-term election. Happy New Year!

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As you know, we are in complete agreement on every single point.

Happy New Year, my brother.


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