So why could he NOT do what Kristi Noem did? Ask some lawyers about the law of the land, her state in her case, and what is legal and what is not and then leave it up to the states whilst defending individual unalienable rights? There was no reason for fear at all if you did not have your telling you a lying vision machine on 24/7 and th…
So why could he NOT do what Kristi Noem did? Ask some lawyers about the law of the land, her state in her case, and what is legal and what is not and then leave it up to the states whilst defending individual unalienable rights? There was no reason for fear at all if you did not have your telling you a lying vision machine on 24/7 and the radio, that's why the Amish didn't suffer the same mass hysteria OP. Since when do people take medical advice from non-medical people? That's sheer propaganda and salesmanship like using celebs to sell something. CV came to get the needle in, thaaaaaat's it! It's a shit show to watch, ofcourse, and we're all watching it all around us. When was the last time a billionaire cared about your health? When in history? For the greater good? Cheers!
I think he did do that. He allowed the States as per the Constitution to lock or unlock. He himself did not advocate for lockdowns or mandates. His only action was to try to stop travel from China.
Thanks for that although if I'm not mistaken it was not just people from China who could not fly in, until recently as in last year May, 2023 however that was already under another big wig, no body from Europe could fly in without having a certification of a certain level of poisoning.
The blocking of flights from China did not happen immediately either so allegedly 'infected' human beings were flown about the world for a while before the airspace went full on blue sky. Anybody with a computer could look up Kary Mullis, may he rest in eternal peace (Aug 2019), and see what those NOT diagnostic tests could and could not do, anybody! How many children were harmed by those inserted into their nose? And maybe it was his double who said: take the shots, the result is the same though. So WHO knows hey? WHO knows who's who in the zoo? I'm sure it's a whole lot more complicated though, cheers!
Come on Mystic you don't seriously believe that that one word could not slide of his broad back, I mean he supposed to be able to take some heat in any case, you don't get to sit up there by being a pussycat right? That word is a weapon, true, like some many other words, but once you know that it has no value as such. Vladimir Lenin : We will win by using slogans. We will win by using socialized medicine. I'm sure he got those sentences from someone else as well but that is where I read it, thanks for the thought. And some other president, me think Clinton, said : it's the economy, stupid! And boy is the economy on a ventilator or what?
Be it as it may there's definitely much more going on, what we talk about is just theatre, a smoke screen of some sorts, I wish you a lovely day, in my neck of the woods the sky is blocked by grey heavy, not rain, clouds, cheers mate!
I don’t think it bothered him. But whatever he did or suggested to do was immediately attacked. They were trying to pin deaths on him. At that time, March-July say, NO ONE was thinking there would be a global culling. I came out on FB and said there was no pandemic. It is all made up. COVID does not exist. This was April of 2020. Everyone attacked me. Even good thinkers I know. Actually the good thinkers didn’t attack me, but they all said I was wrong. It was easy for me to see clearly as I had no one shouting in my ear. I didn’t have the fate of 350M people in my hands. Every year a flu shot comes out tailored for the years flu. We all know now every year it is BS. But that wasn’t common knowledge then. Considering the fear that had been ramped up it wasn’t unreasonable to Warp Speed the latest flu shot in an effort to quell the fear and get the country open. So he did. No one could have predicted the monstrosity that occurred.
So why could he NOT do what Kristi Noem did? Ask some lawyers about the law of the land, her state in her case, and what is legal and what is not and then leave it up to the states whilst defending individual unalienable rights? There was no reason for fear at all if you did not have your telling you a lying vision machine on 24/7 and the radio, that's why the Amish didn't suffer the same mass hysteria OP. Since when do people take medical advice from non-medical people? That's sheer propaganda and salesmanship like using celebs to sell something. CV came to get the needle in, thaaaaaat's it! It's a shit show to watch, ofcourse, and we're all watching it all around us. When was the last time a billionaire cared about your health? When in history? For the greater good? Cheers!
I think he did do that. He allowed the States as per the Constitution to lock or unlock. He himself did not advocate for lockdowns or mandates. His only action was to try to stop travel from China.
Thanks for that although if I'm not mistaken it was not just people from China who could not fly in, until recently as in last year May, 2023 however that was already under another big wig, no body from Europe could fly in without having a certification of a certain level of poisoning.
The blocking of flights from China did not happen immediately either so allegedly 'infected' human beings were flown about the world for a while before the airspace went full on blue sky. Anybody with a computer could look up Kary Mullis, may he rest in eternal peace (Aug 2019), and see what those NOT diagnostic tests could and could not do, anybody! How many children were harmed by those inserted into their nose? And maybe it was his double who said: take the shots, the result is the same though. So WHO knows hey? WHO knows who's who in the zoo? I'm sure it's a whole lot more complicated though, cheers!
Most of that was after Trump. When Trump tried to shut down China travel everybody called him racist.
Come on Mystic you don't seriously believe that that one word could not slide of his broad back, I mean he supposed to be able to take some heat in any case, you don't get to sit up there by being a pussycat right? That word is a weapon, true, like some many other words, but once you know that it has no value as such. Vladimir Lenin : We will win by using slogans. We will win by using socialized medicine. I'm sure he got those sentences from someone else as well but that is where I read it, thanks for the thought. And some other president, me think Clinton, said : it's the economy, stupid! And boy is the economy on a ventilator or what?
Be it as it may there's definitely much more going on, what we talk about is just theatre, a smoke screen of some sorts, I wish you a lovely day, in my neck of the woods the sky is blocked by grey heavy, not rain, clouds, cheers mate!
I don’t think it bothered him. But whatever he did or suggested to do was immediately attacked. They were trying to pin deaths on him. At that time, March-July say, NO ONE was thinking there would be a global culling. I came out on FB and said there was no pandemic. It is all made up. COVID does not exist. This was April of 2020. Everyone attacked me. Even good thinkers I know. Actually the good thinkers didn’t attack me, but they all said I was wrong. It was easy for me to see clearly as I had no one shouting in my ear. I didn’t have the fate of 350M people in my hands. Every year a flu shot comes out tailored for the years flu. We all know now every year it is BS. But that wasn’t common knowledge then. Considering the fear that had been ramped up it wasn’t unreasonable to Warp Speed the latest flu shot in an effort to quell the fear and get the country open. So he did. No one could have predicted the monstrosity that occurred.
We've got God on our side! He Tha' JUDGE!
Intersesting time to be ALIVE!
Grüß Gott, is how people in Bavaria greet each other on the street or in shops, I think that's cool, Grüß Gott, cheers mate!
Grüß Gott! 😊🙏