We all need to realize that MSN such as CBC, CTV, Global here in Canada, (and similar in USA and Europe) are no longer qualified to suggest they are media at all.

The are however LIARS and Govt propaganda delivers. But there is MORE, a lot more to this story.

As one example, these media and yres, most newspapers and other media including especially FACEBOOK and GOOGLE are CRIMINAL in nature, and accessory to mass murder, torture, brainwashing and as such, are accomplices to genocide after the fact, obstruction of justice, and more because they are STILL TO THIS DAY - censoring , lying and accomplice to multiple crimes,, - lwell after any reasonable time period, they MUST HAVE REALIZED SOMETHING was very very wrong with their narrative.

I understand MANY are coerced but is their JOB and in one so important to them that they will become muderers and carry out planned genocide and KILL babies, and out precious elderly or even their own family members.


I have zero respect and tolerance any more for criminals like Trudeau, and for any media whose lies ,KILLED BABIES, PREGNANT MOMS , our again elderly and yens of thousands of people that formerly trusted them and deserved better .

I hope those culpable BURN IN HELL.

I have been too tolerant all my life, and as a veteran I would protect others with my life and not hesitate - ever.

No longer am I a willing naive nice guy Canadian .




PLEASE - PLEASE - PLEASE - Dr. Paul Alexander, - organize your team of EXPERT witnesses, and go to the POLICE and DEMAND PROSECUTION of the henious crimes of Gov't malfeasance and GENOCIDE.

FEW ARE AS BRAVE OR HONEST as you are - Dr. Alexander , but as example you can start with these names. They are ALL BRAVE hrros and warriors like you!

Dr. Roger Hodkinson

Dr. William Makis

Dr. Byram Bridle

Dr. Charles Hoffe,

Dr. Daniel Nagase

Dr. Michael Palmer (Fired from Waterloo)

And even the globally famous Dr. Paul Mark (FLCCC Alliance doctors leader) who too practiced medicine in Canada for over a decade.

In short, Dr. Alexander this is MY PLEA... - ASSEMBLE a LIST OF EXPERT WITNESSES and do your next presentation at local POLICE stations and demand charges be laid and justice carried out.

The judiciary has a FIDUCIARY DUTY TO ACT, - but they must have complainents willing to testify. Doctors in other countries can by formal written avidavit .

It is time for all of us, to stop talking and start prosecuting .

Thank you Dr. Alexander .

You are a SUPER HERO and walk the high road. Know that I and most veterans still standing would WALK with you any day, and have your back.


Please NOTE I love CANADA and LOVE MOST CANADIANS whom are GOOD PEOPLE. But as naive nice guys we allowed corrupt criminals globally to influence, pollute and corrupt our government leaders in both major parties.

Note - I too have a plethora of evidence as potential criminal charges . Anyone with legal experience would see this BUT again we need EXPERT witnesses as complainents . This is why going to the police is now the most effective route to a better future and restoring the Rule of Law.

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A true Warrior, does not ask others to fight their battles.

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Not true at all.

I will only say this "one time"; that - only an idiot, amateur or a person with a death wish, would go into battle alone, or being out-numbered with the odds of losing great.

Underestimate your enemy, and that too will get you dead - quickly.

I suggest you study war, as I did for nine years (military officer ) including University.

A new student could consider the book ZEN and the Art of War .

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Building a coalition is wise, and I have just a wee bit of expertise in this arena as well. Perhaps it was not your intent, but many, many on-line warriors always seem to be calling others to fight their battle. For some, they look for religious and messianic saviors, still others have some political entity, and others give us screeds calling for some mythical judicial/legislative/enforcement arm to correct the ills of the world.

When, and I am sure you would agree, I prefer to first look inward, and think, "how can I bring a Rothschild, a Klaus Schwab, a Kissinger, Gates to true justice myself." Not alone, but as an active leader or soldier within a true, in real life group.

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I have 38 men that I call friends that died, doing nothing more than my exact job in the military (and many more) , as well as family that served and died. Survival of the fitest, is an imperfect rule. But survival is always proportional to strategies and tactics .

In short, warriors must outsmart their enemy on many fronts to win.

It is ugly, which is why when Einstein was totally correct when asked what was the greatest threat to the world and humanity.

He answered in a single word ; - "intolerance."

When humans become intolerant, we kill each other.

Sadly our enemies now are all psychopaths that they believe they are smarter and should shape the future for their gain, benefit , and elite sick club.

In essence, they are intoletant and carrying out genocide and more .

We will need an entire army of equally intolerant warriors to stop them.

I am sure you and I are on the same side. Nuances don't and won't matter . How we fight and strategize will.

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Warrior, well, are we not; therefore, "intolerant" of elite psychopaths? Not the first time, Einstein has been proven very, very wrong! Hatred, anger, and intolerance are actually how nations are formed and defended. I hated the Cuban regulars we killed in Angola.

Einstein, was actually a member of the very duplicitous Tribe (most expelled in human history) that has sown the racial division bringing the US to civil war. Tricksters! Financial crimes. False Flags. Building 7. Epstein island. Always the same group. I hate them. They make my flesh crawl. My instincts atavistically know, like a venomous snake, or a scorpion, they mean me and my family, our white tribe, harm.

Look, I realize Americans have been brainwashed in to thinking "diversity and tolerance is our strength." That, is a trick. This nation was much happier and healthier, 91% white.

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Dr. Alexander I agree!

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We are not going to get justice, nor maintain our freedoms, by typing. No witty comebacks either. Our Nations (I should say former nations) were forged in blood, and have been defended repeatedly in blood. This new method of Tweeting, meme-ing or SubStack'ing "victory," seems to be failing.

When 10M men with weapons surround our Capitals, that is when the Elites will acknowledge us. This here? These bits and bytes? Just more ammo for them to parse on us, in Bluffdale, Utah.

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Actually I prefer “class” over “crass” any day. Don’t demean ourselves by acting as if “Media Matters” matters.

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Kinda reminds me of when Siskel and Ebert reviewed a Rambo movie, which included a clip of Rambo screaming and fire many, many rounds from an automatic weapon. One of the reviewers summed it up well, "So much for dialog."

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Media Matters is hyperfocused on Tucker, lying about him. They need him in order to get eyeballs😂

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YEP.. well said.. LOL. perfectly phrased and summed up to a perfect T. :) Isabell

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