The truth will prevail if we can create community action groups who will not kneel!

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Carlson is now able say what's REALLY on his mind without the noose of Murdoch & Co. around his neck

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I’ve never smoked, but I wonder if this is how it feels to quit something like that; you knew it was insidiously bad for you, but you kept thinking “it’ll be ok.” Well, I’ve been Fox-free since Monday & it feels great!

Hope to hear more from Tucker - maybe an interview on Rumble with Russell Brand? Go get ‘em Tucker!!

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They unshackled him.

Look out... 😁

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Well said again Dr Paul Alexander 👍

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The Irish in me has No problem with the ‘F’ word at all. Tuckers unleashed now and FOX can just feck off and join the others on the dung heap of history

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When you live & experience the truth vs. seeing the lies time and time again fail to prove the false narratives dropping all around us, you want to shout it from the roof tops, especially those things doing great harm to people. Tucker spoke out and as we have seen he challenged all of the ridiculous narratives that we have been fed for the last several years. Exposed the left in the Fox version of the MSM. Thank God for that. Called them all out and revealed the truth. Rather than 1 thing that caused the powers that be to finally crack, he showed the difference between good and evil. I feel Fox had to can Tucker as Biden’s campaign is launching as they couldn’t afford to have him further expose the depths of evil in the Biden crime family. Because it’s all coming out. Whether or not Tucker supports Trump, Fox isn’t willing to let that happen. They are in bed with the WEF. The puppet master will not tolerate Tucker doing that with the massive audience he had on prime time.

The good news is now we will have Tucker unleashed.

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Paul and all,

What do you say after 3 very long destructive years and no wins?

Sorry to disappoint you, but…

The buck stops with The People…NOT Trump or anyone else!

I DARE YOU today if you still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good Luck pondering!

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We are living in uncharted territory. I hope Tucker continues to be the teller of truths.

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That was absolutely beautiful what he said, and great guidance to live by.

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The F word is the only one that gets close to expressing yourself with passion .....go for it Dr P... I love it .....let it rip.....we need an uproar to get this show on the road

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Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.


The Broken Are Meant To Be Ruled.

“Y” Intersection 1 mi


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No, I don't like the "F" word - it demeans the conversation. We need to keep it clean and professional.

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There is an old saying "Tis the courage you bring to life that matters, not the life itself." I believe this life comes from a book by Hugh Walpole called Fortitude. Tucker has passed a lot of tests with A+++ ratings.

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Exactly….It’s 🥜

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The all too common use of the f bomb has made it acceptable to most people. Just like repeating a lie often enough makes it seem true. While I understand the passion behind it, unless you want everyone including your children to use foul language, I suggest you reconsider. After a while, it’s no longer offensive or provocative- like g-damn this, sh__, etc. now a regular part of most people’s vocabulary. You become desensitized to filthy language just like filthy behavior. Teach your children well.

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