as long as who is DOING the discrimination and who is being discriminated against...FASCINATING; I love this Tucker piece & I have a great great x x x grand father who was a real plantation slave
Unfortunately those who practice racism lack the cognitive ability the recognize their own behavior. By punishing the innocent with presumed quilt by skin color, we create the very act that we try to abolish.
Glad you have satisfied my curiosity. It’s usually very easy for me to recognize my own people.
Affirmative action has to be legislated because when it comes to hiring practices, the playing field is unequal. It is very unfortunate that in an era in a country where Black people could not vote, where Jim crow was instituted to rule the land, where slavery was legal for hundreds of years, that we have to legislate fairness in hiring practices. But unfortunately that is our history and that is the way it is. I wish our history was not so brutal and unfair but it’s what we have and it’s how the white power structure operated for hundreds of years. Maybe blame the white ancestors for creating a hypocritical, racially torn society that has never properly apologized nor compensated its victims. So what mechanism do we have to ensure people have an equal opportunity? Affirmative action. If anyone has any better system to ensure that those in power don’t abuse it, bring it!
Just so I am clear, Tracy, you support discrimination against those who had no hand in the white power structure and the slavery supported by Democrats to favor those who were never slaves?
Do you exempt Republicans from your affirmative action racism to acknowledge Republicans' primary role in ending slavery?
Do you impose more affirmative action racism against current day Democrats for their party's long history of racism and support of slavery?
Do you demand reparations of the descendants of the Africans who sold people into slavery in the US?
You may find your position emotionally satisfying but it is breathtakingly lacking in substance.
I don’t support discrimination. If you racists would stop the age old trope of affirmative action being reverse discrimination and open your ears, it would be helpful. The rhetoric is exhausting. AA is to ensure that people are NOT discriminated against. Get it? Not that they are GIVEN anything. They are assured of a SEAT. Get it? And yes, since blacks were enslaved, tormented, raped, killed, and brutalized, you bet it will take another couple of hundred years to square it up. Do you thing the wealth gap is accidental? I think white people should walk around and hold their heads down in shame. Racism is the most ignorant, stupid shit in man’s existence. Whites are afraid to compete!!
Win! Fairly! Get a job! Fairly! The problem is you need a bottom to feel like you’re on top! Disgusting.
Well, Tracy, we agree slavery and racism are evil, abhorrent and should be banished from the universe -- yet you call me a racist completely without basis. You can apologize in your response.
According to discovery in the Harvard US Supreme Court case, a black Harvard applicant in the top academic decile has 3.7 times higher chance of admission than a top decile white applicant, 4.4 times higher than an Asian applicant, and 1.8 times higher than an Hispanic applicant. The result is worse -- better in your opinion -- in the fifth decile where equivalent black applicants are accepted at rates: 8.6 higher than whites, 11.8 higher than Asians, and 2.5 times Hispanic applicants. These results are the outcome of Harvard's Affirmative Action. In other words, two applicants -- one black , one white -- work hard in school, work hard in their communities, distinguish themselves in every way but the black applicant is admitted to Harvard where the white applicant is not based on race -- nor are the Asian and Hispanic applicants. The black applicant is GIVEN an advantage based purely on race.
Help me understand, Tracy, how discriminating on the basis of race is not racial discrimination? Not racism? Affirmative Action absolutely ensures that some people ARE discriminated against! Not all of them white. Get it?
You want to "Win! Fairly! Get a job!" but Affirmative Action is ensuring that Hispanic, Asian and white people are ARE discriminated against in favor of blacks! Are blacks afraid to compete? You need to feel like a victim. Disgusting.
You, Tracy, support racial discrimination and racism. If you would recognize the racism of your position, it would be helpful. You wrap your racism in the flag of Affirmative Action and support it with slavery that ended 160 years ago. The rhetoric is exhausting.
African descendants should hold their heads down in shame for their ancestors selling people into slavery!
Great piece Tucker. Expose the hypocrites!
Unfortunately those who practice racism lack the cognitive ability the recognize their own behavior. By punishing the innocent with presumed quilt by skin color, we create the very act that we try to abolish.
It's simple human nature.
Everyone should just admit it.
The oppressed, upon gaining acceptance then become the oppressors.
Keep this in mind.
Without White Guilt there would be no Black Power.
Glad you have satisfied my curiosity. It’s usually very easy for me to recognize my own people.
Affirmative action has to be legislated because when it comes to hiring practices, the playing field is unequal. It is very unfortunate that in an era in a country where Black people could not vote, where Jim crow was instituted to rule the land, where slavery was legal for hundreds of years, that we have to legislate fairness in hiring practices. But unfortunately that is our history and that is the way it is. I wish our history was not so brutal and unfair but it’s what we have and it’s how the white power structure operated for hundreds of years. Maybe blame the white ancestors for creating a hypocritical, racially torn society that has never properly apologized nor compensated its victims. So what mechanism do we have to ensure people have an equal opportunity? Affirmative action. If anyone has any better system to ensure that those in power don’t abuse it, bring it!
How long will it take ?
When will AA have achieved all of its goals ?
Just a guess will be fine.
100 years ?
200 years?
Last question.
How do you stop discrimination with discrimination?
Just so I am clear, Tracy, you support discrimination against those who had no hand in the white power structure and the slavery supported by Democrats to favor those who were never slaves?
Do you exempt Republicans from your affirmative action racism to acknowledge Republicans' primary role in ending slavery?
Do you impose more affirmative action racism against current day Democrats for their party's long history of racism and support of slavery?
Do you demand reparations of the descendants of the Africans who sold people into slavery in the US?
You may find your position emotionally satisfying but it is breathtakingly lacking in substance.
I don’t support discrimination. If you racists would stop the age old trope of affirmative action being reverse discrimination and open your ears, it would be helpful. The rhetoric is exhausting. AA is to ensure that people are NOT discriminated against. Get it? Not that they are GIVEN anything. They are assured of a SEAT. Get it? And yes, since blacks were enslaved, tormented, raped, killed, and brutalized, you bet it will take another couple of hundred years to square it up. Do you thing the wealth gap is accidental? I think white people should walk around and hold their heads down in shame. Racism is the most ignorant, stupid shit in man’s existence. Whites are afraid to compete!!
Win! Fairly! Get a job! Fairly! The problem is you need a bottom to feel like you’re on top! Disgusting.
No defense of your racism, Tracy?
Well, Tracy, we agree slavery and racism are evil, abhorrent and should be banished from the universe -- yet you call me a racist completely without basis. You can apologize in your response.
According to discovery in the Harvard US Supreme Court case, a black Harvard applicant in the top academic decile has 3.7 times higher chance of admission than a top decile white applicant, 4.4 times higher than an Asian applicant, and 1.8 times higher than an Hispanic applicant. The result is worse -- better in your opinion -- in the fifth decile where equivalent black applicants are accepted at rates: 8.6 higher than whites, 11.8 higher than Asians, and 2.5 times Hispanic applicants. These results are the outcome of Harvard's Affirmative Action. In other words, two applicants -- one black , one white -- work hard in school, work hard in their communities, distinguish themselves in every way but the black applicant is admitted to Harvard where the white applicant is not based on race -- nor are the Asian and Hispanic applicants. The black applicant is GIVEN an advantage based purely on race.
Help me understand, Tracy, how discriminating on the basis of race is not racial discrimination? Not racism? Affirmative Action absolutely ensures that some people ARE discriminated against! Not all of them white. Get it?
You want to "Win! Fairly! Get a job!" but Affirmative Action is ensuring that Hispanic, Asian and white people are ARE discriminated against in favor of blacks! Are blacks afraid to compete? You need to feel like a victim. Disgusting.
You, Tracy, support racial discrimination and racism. If you would recognize the racism of your position, it would be helpful. You wrap your racism in the flag of Affirmative Action and support it with slavery that ended 160 years ago. The rhetoric is exhausting.
African descendants should hold their heads down in shame for their ancestors selling people into slavery!