million man standing army, their silence should not be mistaken, they are watching, whatever violative you do to Trump (45) will be done to you DEMS in spades, we will note each
If they keep prosecuting Trump, most of us who don't like Trump will vote for him. I've been planning to write in my dog. I'd vote for RFK but he's terrible on Israel. But I especially oppose election rigging and boguse prosecutions.
It's a shame RFK Jr, who is very good on the jabs, has swallowed the Kool-Aid on Israel. It would be hard for him to remain objective. Sirhan Sirhan, who was born into a Christian Palestinian family and, according to his mother, was traumatized as a child by the violence he witnessed in the Arab–Israeli conflict, including the death of his older brother, who was run over by a military vehicle assassinated RFK Jr's father on the first anniversary of the 1967 Arab–Israeli War, told British journalist David Frost: "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 fighter jets to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."
No dopey Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly killed JFK. James Earl Ray was sentenced to 99 years to life but MLK was assassinated in 1969 and confessed to his killing which was before RFK was assassinated and RFK’s assassination was caught live on TV. Where did you get your education.
Man are you some kind of fucked up. Where in the hell did you get your misinformation. They do say that this is the dumbest generation in America and around the world.
RFK Jr identifies his father's killer in the video interview at the link below. Yes, he says Sirhan Sirhan shot at RFK 4 times but only one hit, a flesh wound. There is credible evidence that SS was set up by the CIA who did the MK Ultra process on him, turning him into an automaton with the necessary cue. There is no way that SIrhan would have known that RFK would leave the scheduled meeting through the kitchen and be in the right place at the right time.
Thanks for sharing that. I suspected that the CIA did the job on both his father and his uncle but didn't know there was another shooter apart from SS involved in the hit on RFK.
Merry Christmas to you & everyone as well! May God put his loving hands on us all, & protect us from this evil. And may He also protect Donald Trump & guide him to do the right thing always! Help him know who to trust & not trust within his circle. Amen. 🙏🏽🎄🙏🏽
Bullshit politically motivated charges, pressed by corrupt politically motivated prosecutors, heard before corrupt political hack judges and reported on by Pravda-like fake news are never a good idea. But it appears to many to be the way things are done now in police states like Zimbabwe, the USA, Ukraine and Venezuela. Such abuses would never be tolerated in Russia or other democracies.
If they get the disinformation/ misinformation bill up and complete the digital id rollout Australia will join them. Not to mention the banks here are moving along with CBDC by closing branches, removing ATM’s and refusing cash at branches that remain open.
There is a real vendetta here on why (((THEY))) the Bolsheviks SCHIFF FAMILY hate's Trump so much;
It's goes back to Ethyl & Julian Rosenberg who got the electric chair, trial was ran by Roy Cohn Trump's "Mentor" & "Godfather", they never forgot Trump as a teen sitting through the trial giving "HOMO" Roy Cohn the high-fives, so Trump got associated with their execution, and ergo they want Trump to die the same way, fried on the chair.
Which of course 'explains' the man love of Trump towards "Giuliani" striking too is that Cohn died of HIV after losing his 'license to practice law', so Giuliani is following their mentors foot-steps
I have always said TRUMP will die alone in prison of HIV, just like all of his mentors;
How racist is that!!! Attacking many decent Ashkenazim as individuals because of an accident of birth, rather than because of the ideology of some of them as a group. And yet Zarka is a prominent ruling Likud party activist!
The problem is the GOYIM just see the 'war' from the point of view as 'ants'
What they don't see is the battle between the different ZOG tribes all fighting over control of the KOSHER-NOSTRA
Long ago they destroyed Italian mob, and Irish Mob; All that is left now is the ZOG-MOB, but even they fight for control; Among themselves just like what we see now in MENA, where even in IRAN lost tribes of ZOG control Iran, as well as Saudi;
Israel in itself is just another scam, a place where stolen land is sold to suckers, usually real Jews, aka non-zionist; Sure the Zionists steal the lands, and then they beg Russian Jews to come to "Israel" and buy a condo
Ape doesn't kill Ape, and Jew doesn't kill Jew; Fuck yes they do;
The Catholic church was long ago infiltrated and taken over too. There have been quite a few Jewish popes. What you say as regards Iran and Saudi doesn't surprise me. Turkey too probably. Ataturk was Jewish, along with Boris Johnson's ancestors.
The interesting thing is how the 'jews' (ZOG) will take over Poland; It's fairly clear the Ukraine-War will continue on 1% prior budget, and all they have to do is take the war to POLAND an destroy poland and it too becomes 'greater israel'
Recall that they need a north-sea port, atlantic, med, and indian ocean for the 'greater israel'
Sort of a 'chicken&egg' problem what came first? ashkeNAZI's, rome? or babylon?
It's noted that some 3,000 years ago satanic assholes calling themselves "jews" wrote the talmud and said jews could steal from goyim ( ergo we have palestine murders )
"babylonian slave management system' ( not letting the slaves know they're slaves, ergo USA today ), is also +3,000 years old
Rome build an empire, but for some strange reason the "Church" never dies and lives forever, Marc-Faber has written much about this strange thing, in all human history all assets eventually become worthless, but the 'church' lives on like the everyready bunny;
Post 500AD Rome setup the Catholic-Church to rule the world, not as "Rome" but by order of GOD
About 12AD because they had banned "USURY" the catholic-church dictated that only JEWS could be bankers and only ashkeNAZI-Jews ( faux-jews ) could be bankers and we have what we have; Important to understand the reason the Vatican enabled the 'ashkeNAZI' is they needed a 'bank' to finance the "crusades", as then it was MENA that had the riches and the Vatican needed to steal those riches;
About 1500AD during the schism, "London-Bankers" privatized and started calling themselves "House of Rothschild" today we just call ZOG
כל הגונב ממון משוה פרוטה ומעלה עובר על לא תעשה שנ' לא תגנבו. ואין לוקין על לאו זה שהרי ניתן לתשלומין שהגנב חייבה אותו תורה לשלם. ואחד הגונב ממון ישראל או הגונב ממון גוי עובד עבודה זרה ואחד הגונב את הגדול או את הקטן.
In English: 'Anyone who steals money or something that is worth more than a perutah has transgressed the negative commandment of: "Do not steal". And one does not receive lashes because of this since it is a transgression that one may pay back, since the Torah has obligated (the thief) to pay (back the money or stolen property). And this applies equally to one who steals the money of a Jew, or one who steals the money of an idolatrous gentile, or to one who steals the money of an adult or of a child.'
Your not very clever accentuation of the last syllables of 'Ashkenazi' is as predictable as it puerile, from your ilk.
Gone back to Israel from whence they came. ISIS's 2nd in command turned out to be an Israeli special forces officer some time back too, they kept that one quiet. How convenient all the hamas wear masks, makes ID'ing the IDF soldiers in disguise that much harder
Well once upon a time the "Romans" ruled the world, like all good things post 500AD they didn't exactly 'vanish' they just setup regional management;
Same thing happened post 1800's with the UK, London didn't quit ruling the world, they just quit ruling the world from London;
New book by Cambridge Press, author "STOCKWELL", called "British end of British Empre", how post 1920's they transistioned into this new model where colony's say "INDIA" are self-rule, of course the Rothschild bankers regionally just control the local politicians, but it makes shit much easier for city-of-london
Violence is exactly what they want. Then they can demonize, jail, and censor the violent right-wing extremists who dare call them to task, and teach the rest of us to be afraid of speaking up. This is what they want.
With a 2 tiered "justice system" still in full swing, who the hell is going to risk being thrown into an underground prison to rot? These maggots are literally salivating at the opportunity to exact more brand specific "justice."
Any "insurrection" will be infiltrated by the masons with FBI agent provocateurs to turn it into a violent mob so most people would reject it.... just as they did with J6 and Brazil!
J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
Generally speaking conservative patriots aren't the type to engage in violence. Its always the left, like BLM, or supporters of Palestine, anti war demonstrators, or pro abortion types. Sure, there was violence Jan 6, but most of that was precipitated by the Capitol police brutality, (they killed 4 innocent people), and agitators, who we still don't know who they all were, like Ray Epps, and FBI agents. See "Capitol Punishment" the movie, it didn't get the attention it should have. Part 2 is on the way as well.
TRUMP didn't do shit for the 1,000's of his lemmings rotting in the J6 sodomy prisons
Nobody will do shit or care of TRUMP goes to prison
Like even MUSK says on this subject, Trump is only running to give a pardon to him & his family and make sure the GOV doesn't claw back the 10's of BILLIONS that the kids got deposited into their trust-funds by the $12 Trillion USD "War on Covid" scam;
Trump is KOSHER-NOSTRA faux-goyim bagman, aka money laundering casino money into real-estate 1950's to 2015
Tucker is a legacy child of CIA founder, which gives Tucker a "CIA birthright"
There is no doubt that if Tucker can get Trump back in the white-house that Tucker can be made "CIA director" that would be something 'pa' could approve ( tuckers pa )
Tucker I think you would be enlightened by X1 Van Fleet, her book Mao’s America, A Survivors Warning! She has such knowledge & Understanding of what is happening coming from communism. She was on Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson today Dec 12
The left is doing everything they can to continue to poke the bear and poke the bear and poke the bear. What they want is for those of us who are constitutional conservatives to rise up and do something stupid so they can institute martial law and drop the hammer and make no mistake, just because we are armed does not mean we would have the advantage. There is a very good reason why they are allowing so many military aged Chinese nationals into this country and allowing the CCP to purchase up all of the farmland. If we rise up, they will use our own military as well as the CCP to shut us down, so we have to be extremely careful and do everything in a lawful, and very smart manner.
That is the main purpose of this scam. If things get violent, they will declare martial law and never let us escape it. You can forget elections and anything else beyond your imprisonment in the US gulag. Under martial law, who knows what these fascist psychos are gonna do.
Imagine a scenario where all media is blacked out, no phones, no Internet, no TV. Then, these thugs go door to door and start murdering people. Without being able to leave your house and no communications, you will not know what is happening 1/4 mile away. They can do anything and there will be no one to stop them.
Of course, the question remains about who will be carrying out the depopulation orders. These clowns will not be able to control every city in the country, so the pitchfork crowds just might make a difference.
IscTrump still on the COVID booster regimen? Couldn't you have explained to him that after acquiring natural immunity that he wouldn't have needed any vaccine?
"Sailing off the coast of Gaza, a member of the Knesset from Otzma Yehudit, a coalition partner of Netanyahu, proudly discusses her plans for constructing illegal settlements in the Gaza Strip after ethnically cleansing it."
If they keep prosecuting Trump, most of us who don't like Trump will vote for him. I've been planning to write in my dog. I'd vote for RFK but he's terrible on Israel. But I especially oppose election rigging and boguse prosecutions.
It's a shame RFK Jr, who is very good on the jabs, has swallowed the Kool-Aid on Israel. It would be hard for him to remain objective. Sirhan Sirhan, who was born into a Christian Palestinian family and, according to his mother, was traumatized as a child by the violence he witnessed in the Arab–Israeli conflict, including the death of his older brother, who was run over by a military vehicle assassinated RFK Jr's father on the first anniversary of the 1967 Arab–Israeli War, told British journalist David Frost: "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 fighter jets to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."
RFK killed by same guys who killed JFK & MLK.
Deepster Creepsters.
Though in RFK's case, it could be argued it was Self-Defense.
Sirhan was a model fall guy by design. An upgraded Oswald.
Follow the dates of the events.
No dopey Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly killed JFK. James Earl Ray was sentenced to 99 years to life but MLK was assassinated in 1969 and confessed to his killing which was before RFK was assassinated and RFK’s assassination was caught live on TV. Where did you get your education.
MLK was assassinated in 1968, April 4th
Not 1969
I guess you weren’t alive then otherwise you wouldn’t make that mistake
Thanks for the correction. Duly noted I hit 9 instead of 8. I should have read it before posting.
You betcha dude. And Trump raped that chick in the dressing room. Go back to MSNBC for more govt lies.
Man are you some kind of fucked up. Where in the hell did you get your misinformation. They do say that this is the dumbest generation in America and around the world.
My lawd, the F Bomb .. wow.
Yo Seeker, you need to pull your head out and look around.
Not gonna find The Truth up in there.
RFK Jr identifies his father's killer in the video interview at the link below. Yes, he says Sirhan Sirhan shot at RFK 4 times but only one hit, a flesh wound. There is credible evidence that SS was set up by the CIA who did the MK Ultra process on him, turning him into an automaton with the necessary cue. There is no way that SIrhan would have known that RFK would leave the scheduled meeting through the kitchen and be in the right place at the right time.
Thanks for sharing that. I suspected that the CIA did the job on both his father and his uncle but didn't know there was another shooter apart from SS involved in the hit on RFK.
I saw a similar story about Lee Harvey Oswald and JFKs assassination.
It may be worse than that.
RFK was assassinated on June 6th 1968. How do you write posts in here with such wrong information.
Merry Christmas
Awesome video! has great content!
Merry Christmas Denise
Merry Christmas to you & everyone as well! May God put his loving hands on us all, & protect us from this evil. And may He also protect Donald Trump & guide him to do the right thing always! Help him know who to trust & not trust within his circle. Amen. 🙏🏽🎄🙏🏽
Bullshit politically motivated charges, pressed by corrupt politically motivated prosecutors, heard before corrupt political hack judges and reported on by Pravda-like fake news are never a good idea. But it appears to many to be the way things are done now in police states like Zimbabwe, the USA, Ukraine and Venezuela. Such abuses would never be tolerated in Russia or other democracies.
If they get the disinformation/ misinformation bill up and complete the digital id rollout Australia will join them. Not to mention the banks here are moving along with CBDC by closing branches, removing ATM’s and refusing cash at branches that remain open.
There is a real vendetta here on why (((THEY))) the Bolsheviks SCHIFF FAMILY hate's Trump so much;
It's goes back to Ethyl & Julian Rosenberg who got the electric chair, trial was ran by Roy Cohn Trump's "Mentor" & "Godfather", they never forgot Trump as a teen sitting through the trial giving "HOMO" Roy Cohn the high-fives, so Trump got associated with their execution, and ergo they want Trump to die the same way, fried on the chair.
The physical resemblance between Roy Cohn and Rudy Giuliani is striking!
Which of course 'explains' the man love of Trump towards "Giuliani" striking too is that Cohn died of HIV after losing his 'license to practice law', so Giuliani is following their mentors foot-steps
I have always said TRUMP will die alone in prison of HIV, just like all of his mentors;
google "Where is my Roy Cohn?"
A famous movie made about Roy Cohn & Trump;
When of my favorites from Israel just a few months ago where ZARKO & NETANYahu called for the murder of 6M Euro-Jews all over again.
How racist is that!!! Attacking many decent Ashkenazim as individuals because of an accident of birth, rather than because of the ideology of some of them as a group. And yet Zarka is a prominent ruling Likud party activist!
The problem is the GOYIM just see the 'war' from the point of view as 'ants'
What they don't see is the battle between the different ZOG tribes all fighting over control of the KOSHER-NOSTRA
Long ago they destroyed Italian mob, and Irish Mob; All that is left now is the ZOG-MOB, but even they fight for control; Among themselves just like what we see now in MENA, where even in IRAN lost tribes of ZOG control Iran, as well as Saudi;
Israel in itself is just another scam, a place where stolen land is sold to suckers, usually real Jews, aka non-zionist; Sure the Zionists steal the lands, and then they beg Russian Jews to come to "Israel" and buy a condo
Ape doesn't kill Ape, and Jew doesn't kill Jew; Fuck yes they do;
The Catholic church was long ago infiltrated and taken over too. There have been quite a few Jewish popes. What you say as regards Iran and Saudi doesn't surprise me. Turkey too probably. Ataturk was Jewish, along with Boris Johnson's ancestors.
Yes of course its impossible to mention them all
YINON-PLAN "Greater Israel" is already in place,
"All the lands from Poland to Iran"
All those lands are already under "Jewish" ZOG control, even India, and of course Pakistan and Ukraine; Turkey is ZOG, so is Saudi
When one gets technical every fucking country on earth has a "Rothschild Bank" running that country an that includes russia, india, iran, and china
A Sephardic buddy was telling me much the same thing quite recently, that there is a plan for Greater Israel to extend all the way to Ukraine.
I repeat again
"Poland to Iran",
India is already 100% jew owned, like Iran;
It's all coming together,
The interesting thing is how the 'jews' (ZOG) will take over Poland; It's fairly clear the Ukraine-War will continue on 1% prior budget, and all they have to do is take the war to POLAND an destroy poland and it too becomes 'greater israel'
Recall that they need a north-sea port, atlantic, med, and indian ocean for the 'greater israel'
Sort of a 'chicken&egg' problem what came first? ashkeNAZI's, rome? or babylon?
It's noted that some 3,000 years ago satanic assholes calling themselves "jews" wrote the talmud and said jews could steal from goyim ( ergo we have palestine murders )
"babylonian slave management system' ( not letting the slaves know they're slaves, ergo USA today ), is also +3,000 years old
Rome build an empire, but for some strange reason the "Church" never dies and lives forever, Marc-Faber has written much about this strange thing, in all human history all assets eventually become worthless, but the 'church' lives on like the everyready bunny;
Post 500AD Rome setup the Catholic-Church to rule the world, not as "Rome" but by order of GOD
About 12AD because they had banned "USURY" the catholic-church dictated that only JEWS could be bankers and only ashkeNAZI-Jews ( faux-jews ) could be bankers and we have what we have; Important to understand the reason the Vatican enabled the 'ashkeNAZI' is they needed a 'bank' to finance the "crusades", as then it was MENA that had the riches and the Vatican needed to steal those riches;
About 1500AD during the schism, "London-Bankers" privatized and started calling themselves "House of Rothschild" today we just call ZOG
Why are you lying?
כל הגונב ממון משוה פרוטה ומעלה עובר על לא תעשה שנ' לא תגנבו. ואין לוקין על לאו זה שהרי ניתן לתשלומין שהגנב חייבה אותו תורה לשלם. ואחד הגונב ממון ישראל או הגונב ממון גוי עובד עבודה זרה ואחד הגונב את הגדול או את הקטן.
In English: 'Anyone who steals money or something that is worth more than a perutah has transgressed the negative commandment of: "Do not steal". And one does not receive lashes because of this since it is a transgression that one may pay back, since the Torah has obligated (the thief) to pay (back the money or stolen property). And this applies equally to one who steals the money of a Jew, or one who steals the money of an idolatrous gentile, or to one who steals the money of an adult or of a child.'
Your not very clever accentuation of the last syllables of 'Ashkenazi' is as predictable as it puerile, from your ilk.
I'm a 'self hating jew' darling;
So? And? You are a profanely stupid liar, regardless of what you characterize yourself as. You are to be pitied, more and more.
Why did SATAN create "AshkeNAZIism"??
Jew-haters are so cowardly. Matched only by their illiteracy.
3,000 years ago SATANIC assholes wrote a book called the "TALMUD" where they said "Gods chose people had the right to Steal"
The rest as we say is "FUCKING HISTORY"
Coward, eunuch. Not man enough to even touch the truth. I guess your white robe and hood are frequently worn.
Gone back to Israel from whence they came. ISIS's 2nd in command turned out to be an Israeli special forces officer some time back too, they kept that one quiet. How convenient all the hamas wear masks, makes ID'ing the IDF soldiers in disguise that much harder
LOL...omi are such a strange liar, sweetheart.
Well once upon a time the "Romans" ruled the world, like all good things post 500AD they didn't exactly 'vanish' they just setup regional management;
Same thing happened post 1800's with the UK, London didn't quit ruling the world, they just quit ruling the world from London;
New book by Cambridge Press, author "STOCKWELL", called "British end of British Empre", how post 1920's they transistioned into this new model where colony's say "INDIA" are self-rule, of course the Rothschild bankers regionally just control the local politicians, but it makes shit much easier for city-of-london
Violence is exactly what they want. Then they can demonize, jail, and censor the violent right-wing extremists who dare call them to task, and teach the rest of us to be afraid of speaking up. This is what they want.
With a 2 tiered "justice system" still in full swing, who the hell is going to risk being thrown into an underground prison to rot? These maggots are literally salivating at the opportunity to exact more brand specific "justice."
Maggots with Pavlovian Response. Kinda scary.
The cowardice and deceit is thick as fudge.
Professional Fudge Packers at work
Demonrats, Deep State SES filth, and the sold-out FNM…packing!
Any "insurrection" will be infiltrated by the masons with FBI agent provocateurs to turn it into a violent mob so most people would reject it.... just as they did with J6 and Brazil!
J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:
Generally speaking conservative patriots aren't the type to engage in violence. Its always the left, like BLM, or supporters of Palestine, anti war demonstrators, or pro abortion types. Sure, there was violence Jan 6, but most of that was precipitated by the Capitol police brutality, (they killed 4 innocent people), and agitators, who we still don't know who they all were, like Ray Epps, and FBI agents. See "Capitol Punishment" the movie, it didn't get the attention it should have. Part 2 is on the way as well.
Any violence will be instigated by state actors.
Same as J6.
Rob Reiner is praying for violence. He's already sacrificed several children and a couple of goats.
What a crock of CRAP
TRUMP didn't do shit for the 1,000's of his lemmings rotting in the J6 sodomy prisons
Nobody will do shit or care of TRUMP goes to prison
Like even MUSK says on this subject, Trump is only running to give a pardon to him & his family and make sure the GOV doesn't claw back the 10's of BILLIONS that the kids got deposited into their trust-funds by the $12 Trillion USD "War on Covid" scam;
Trump is KOSHER-NOSTRA faux-goyim bagman, aka money laundering casino money into real-estate 1950's to 2015
Tucker is a legacy child of CIA founder, which gives Tucker a "CIA birthright"
There is no doubt that if Tucker can get Trump back in the white-house that Tucker can be made "CIA director" that would be something 'pa' could approve ( tuckers pa )
agree with some other comments here... unfortunately, even if you're peacefully allowed in by police, you're considered a 'domestic terrorist'...
Tucker I think you would be enlightened by X1 Van Fleet, her book Mao’s America, A Survivors Warning! She has such knowledge & Understanding of what is happening coming from communism. She was on Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson today Dec 12
The left is doing everything they can to continue to poke the bear and poke the bear and poke the bear. What they want is for those of us who are constitutional conservatives to rise up and do something stupid so they can institute martial law and drop the hammer and make no mistake, just because we are armed does not mean we would have the advantage. There is a very good reason why they are allowing so many military aged Chinese nationals into this country and allowing the CCP to purchase up all of the farmland. If we rise up, they will use our own military as well as the CCP to shut us down, so we have to be extremely careful and do everything in a lawful, and very smart manner.
That is the main purpose of this scam. If things get violent, they will declare martial law and never let us escape it. You can forget elections and anything else beyond your imprisonment in the US gulag. Under martial law, who knows what these fascist psychos are gonna do.
Imagine a scenario where all media is blacked out, no phones, no Internet, no TV. Then, these thugs go door to door and start murdering people. Without being able to leave your house and no communications, you will not know what is happening 1/4 mile away. They can do anything and there will be no one to stop them.
Of course, the question remains about who will be carrying out the depopulation orders. These clowns will not be able to control every city in the country, so the pitchfork crowds just might make a difference.
You do realize the massive number of retired Military plus civilians that are true patriots don’t you.
IF we each know the necessary details about ten local Mortal Enemies and ten distant Mortal Enemies...
Mask Up!
Lock and Load!
IscTrump still on the COVID booster regimen? Couldn't you have explained to him that after acquiring natural immunity that he wouldn't have needed any vaccine?
"Sailing off the coast of Gaza, a member of the Knesset from Otzma Yehudit, a coalition partner of Netanyahu, proudly discusses her plans for constructing illegal settlements in the Gaza Strip after ethnically cleansing it."
Musk was in Israel a short while back meeting with Netanyahu and discussing rebuilding Gaza. Pure cohencidence.