Alan Dershowitz is far from a 'liberal.' He has strongly supported censorship on anything with which he personally disagrees. He can be quite nasty and reactionary but definitely full of his own hubris. When it comes to his supporting totalitarianism he is in that ball field by choice.

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Tanya M

Totally agree! Cannot stand that guy and do not trust him AT ALL.

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He took the Lolita Express to Pedophile Island also.

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Mar 22, 2023
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Great comment

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More idiocy from Tanya. In every single comment she makes.

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Mar 22, 2023
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He voted for Biden, supports transwomen and rode the Lolita Express. Sounds like a degenerate. But, he's correct on this issue. Even a broken clock ...

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If you understand what 'woke' means then if you are awake, you are woke!

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So we're all woke when we are awake, and unwoke when we are asleep? Keep thinking that Tanya.

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Just trying to point out your contradictions. It is a common tactic that gets used to take an idea from those with whom you disagree and try to coopt its use and change its meaning. So now you are trying to use a synonym of a word as if it means something different. Please do wake up.

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You're being a bit too literal there Tanya. Try being more of an abstract thinker, less concrete. You sound like you're "on the spectrum."

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They want everyone and everything destroyed. Why would the justice department be any different?

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He knows what they are and they know he knows what they are.

When you can't be bought, tricked and corrupted to go along with the agenda - and this one is multi-facet - the monsters are out of the closet - and if they are unable to terminate you then they resort to crime setups and smearing. This is much greater than what we think.

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Agree. We are living in a Police State. We The People, must take a stand before it's too late.

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Your comment is absolutely true.

Have a good evening!

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Same too, have a great evening !

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This attack on Trump will be one of many injustices that keep happening. Look at the number of innocent individuals that were in the wrong place at the wrong time on January 6 th, a crime family that receives $$$$ from our enemies, $$$$ to a foreign country but can’t help a suffering population in East Palestine OH- this is just the tip of the iceberg. Gee, maybe if I change my last name I could magically have $70,000 show up in my checking account from China🤔.

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You may think I am joking or just sounding off, but really and truly, politics is just theater. It's there to keep your attention on these cartoon-like characters while behind the scenes, everything is being ransacked including our environment which they will destroy in order to get what they want.

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That's why, We The People, must destroy them first.

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Being destructive never helps anyone and it just keeps us in a barbaric state. Just ignore them and put our minds to how we would be if they no longer existed is all we need. They will just wither through attrition. Putting any energy into destruction actually keeps us on the same path. Nobody needed to listen to them. But they chose to. Responsibility for one's choices should be paramount to moving to a better society.

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Who's talking about being destructive. I'm NOT going down. How do you think a better society is going to happen with what's going on in this Country?

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To my American friends, sorry to tell you your government is trying to run like the CCP, but in a clumsy way.

In the past couple of decades, every time there is an official visit from the States and other European countries, the CCP officials alwasy bragged about it afterwards, that the foreginers were so impressed with their "efficiency" in implementing new policies and building new infrastructure, AND suppressing any dissent at the same time.

I always used to think these foreigners were just all trying to be nice and polite during their visit. Apparently I was wrong, for example, the J6 so-called insurrection, your government was simply following the playbook written by the Hong Kong Police in 2019. The subseqent arrest and imprisonment without any due process would really make the above CCP officials proud.

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It reminded me of the CCP response to theTiananmen Square protests after the protests had gone on for awhile but before the massacre. The CCP wasn't as heavy handed as the US police state was on day 1. It was much later that they brought in the tanks and opened fire. Imagine what would probanly have happened if Jy had become J7 or J8. Do you think any of those protesters wouldcstill be alive?

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Unrelenting push to stop a return to a nation with morality and a desire for peace!

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He went after international child sex trafficking in a big way.

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Pretty much what can be expected from lying liars who are apoplectic over the thought of DJT running again. From a faction that ran an election coup and denied the American public its true choice, ramping up a bunch of ridiculous charges and creating massive drama over it in the propagandist media is child's play. And guess what? It is never going to end until the propagandist media becomes journalists interested in truth again. Whether Trump or a different candidate, ruthless and unethical scum lie in wait to smear, tarnish, and cheat for the left, all in the name of having power.

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Abolish the DOJ. Leave it to the states. Same goes for most of the executive branch agencies. The executive branch is too easily corrupted.

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It's absolutely unprecedented.

Has anyone else noticed that the reporters and newsreaders on PBS and CBS, to name just two, use the terms "us" and "we" when referring to Democrats and "they" and "them" when referring to Republicans?

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It's a desperate serious mistake on their part.

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Be Ready for We Know Not the Time.

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What would we do without Tucker Carlson?

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Watch out for Tucker. I heard he gets his information from Langley. His Father was CIA. Don't you ever wonder why FOX allows Tucker to say what he wants?

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Controlled opposition and friend of Hunter Biden

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I feel terrible over what Trump has to deal with because of The People who have chosen NOT to unite the past 3 years into a real Freedom Movement! ONLY The People can save our Republic…no politicians and not even Trump!

Posted a variation of this message elsewhere today and it seems to resonate…

Our enemies are creating/distracting more ways to divide The People all day long everyday!

Their ART OF WAR plans of dividing us have been most successful so don’t expect them to stop and fear The People until…

The People figure out it is serious UNITY in a real Freedom Movement under real strategic planning experts doing the right things to address ALL the Treason! Right?

ART OF WAR says…NO UNITY=NO chance of any victory

Any surprises here why The people will continue to lose, enemies not fearing us YET?

Have you found the right strategic planning experts…like Gideon’s Army of 300 men?

It is not too late!

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Remember, how few men saved us from England's rule. It will be done again.

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They use Rules for Radicals as their plan. Holley wrote her Master's thesis its the author, Saul Alensky. .

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"what did Trump do to warrant this abuse?"

Simple answer is that he REFUSED to be a puppet!! That's why the propaganda media spent 24/7 attacking him.

I'm sure people have heard George Carlin's "You have owners"--if not, look it up on youtube. He's right we do have owners. The US govt has been captured by the Rothschild banking cartel and they own everything!! We are only allowed to have puppets as President. They tried to send Trump a message not to run with the raid on Mar A Lago, but Trump refused to listen. So, Soros (Rothschild front man) is using his bought and paid for DA Alvin Bragg to take down Trump. The WEF/banking cartel are the process of ushering in their Great Reset and digital slave grid (CBDCs) and possibly setting us up for WW3 with China. Trump is NOT on board with the agenda, so they are doing everything possible to stop him.

And for anyone who does not understand that the banking cartel took over America in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act, please watch Bill Still's The Money Masters and Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism.

Also, the best books on central banking and the Federal Reserve are G Edward Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island, Eustace Mullins The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, and Ellen Brown's Web of Debt http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/introduction.php

You can find key excerpts of those books here:

https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Federal_Reserve/Federal_Reserve_page.html https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Banks/Secrets_Federal_Reserve.html https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Banks/Creature_Jekyll_Island.html https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Banks/Web_Of_Debt.html

Congressman Louis McFadden was a hero who tried to warn the American people about the Federal Reserve (just like former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul) and then he was poisoned: https://www.winterwatch.net/2023/02/the-assassination-of-louis-mcfadden-one-of-the-20th-centurys-most-prescient-men/

Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden (1878–1936) was a Republican member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. He served from 1915 to 1935. He was the chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency between 1920 and 1931. Although smeared by the usual suspects as a crank, he was highly experienced and knowledgeable of banking issues and controversies for two decades.

Here are some key quotes from McFadden

“It was not accidental [the 1929 stock-market “crash”]. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. … The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.”

“Open the books … and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia, by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York [owned by the Rockefellers].”

"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists … acting together to enslave the world … Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is–the Fed has usurped the government.”

“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not … they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.”

And for anyone who doesn't know that Soros is a Rothschild agent:

George Soros Funded by the House of Rothschild


Deep State Money Men: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros


It is the central bankers/banking cartel who are behind the plot to enslave humanity under a dicatorial government. They even declared it to Congress:

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” -James Paul Warburg, whose family co-founded the Federal Reserve – while speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950

Henry Ford - “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning”

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