"Burn down CDC, HHS, NIH, FDA, all, and fire 500 top down, and take their pensions"

Yes! Please include the CIA, FBI, and NSA as well.

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You are forgetting one massive roadblock. That of congress going along with all this when they are bought and paid for by lobbyists and industry. Don't you notice that they have a hissy fit over this or that and pretend they are "investigating" the problems and yet there are no solutions or no one goes to prison? Congress are experts at looking busy while accomplishing next to nothing.

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I love Trump, too. But we have to be realistic. No one man can retrieve OUR country from the criminals who permeate every level of society. Only millions of normal, civilized, armed and organized Americans can do that.

Never Forget!

Never Forgive!

Never Again!

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TRUMP WILL NEVER GET MY VOTE -- Trump murdered his own supporters when he advocated the VAxx bioweapon as safe and effective long after it was found as the most dangerous vaccine in history. . He's also gets an F on 2nd amendment for supporting red flag laws and placing gun confiscation ahead of due process. There other issues about the bioweapon rollout that shows he was complicit.

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I have friends who won't vote for Trump unless he supports the war in Ukraine, they hate and fear the Russians that much (although with good reason). Others are tired of Trump's faults and look for RINO alternatives to Trump, none of whom impress me.

The fact is those grifting idiots in Washington, D.C. are marching us toward World War III with Russia and China. Trump is the only one who has a chance to stop it. The best way to support Ukraine is to have a truce--which should have been done a year or more ago.

Pretty soon there won't be any Ukranian solders left. Watch for Zelensky planning his exit strategy with all the money he's stolen.

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The Substacker Neo-Feudal Review wrote an article which introduced me to another article about Tucker Carlson most likely being a CIA asset*. I used to be quite partial of Tucker until I read it. Now I don’t know what to think :/

Of course, this could be fake news, but, on a cursory reading at least, it seems to be an article worth taking seriously. Are you aware of anything like these claims?

I ask as someone on the fence.


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This is why many of the things Trump does is to draw out the dark evil kind......and he is not alone.......but there are spies on both sides.....this is why it is taking time too.....and to all of those who hate him because of the vaccine, one day we will see what Juan has eluded to.....that there were terrible choices to be made......terrible.....and if Trump had not done what he did far worse was in the planning of the global elite.....Trump interrupted that planning.......so Trump rolled things out to stop their timing.....don’t know if this is absolutely true.....and look what he did to get hospitals and ships though they were not needed.....no one could have done that........Also Trump could have been tricked by those surrounding him, including Pence.....after all his entire cabinet which he chose wanted to impeach him at the start.......they all knew he would be in the way of the deep state......i listened to one very long interview with Kennedy and while he is so brilliant on some issues his romance with the Dem party really skews his views on other issues.......i am a Trump fan and always will be.....and those that hate him for the vaccine issue really must see that the forces that pushed it were not Trump .... he was so hated that he did not have the power to influence the entire “liberal” population.......it was Rachelle Maddow and CNN and all the media and the WEF and WHO...........i understand something is not right about T and the vaccine issue.....but our problems go way beyond that.....though I would like some more information , it does not stop me from supporting this great man....however I am deeply sorry for those that got injured.....but and I don’t mean to be callous, whose responsibility is it to not be brainwashed, to look into the research.....to really try and know what is going on....it is our individual responsibility ....after all we are fighting for our rights as individuals.....back to Tucker, of that I am surprised....

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Both Tucker and Brand are controlled opposition. This is another circus show for the sheeple. As usual.

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Wow, You are amazing. Yes Tucker you are so right and the sooner the better. All these things are MAJOR Chess pieces showing the Black Chess board is loosing its grip and the Black King is due to come down. When He does White Hats will have won the game with CHECKMATE!!! Love ya, Sharon

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Trump is NOT the only choice. He MIGHT be the BEST choice, but putting too much hope in any individual is foolish.

In general elections, we almost always must choose the lesser of two evils due to our (alleged) two-party system. In the primaries usually we have more choices, and we must balance what we judge to be the least evil candidate with expected electability.

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Anyone who keeps up with the censoring of we the people should clearly know that Elon is not the free speech hero he claims to be, or is placed in position to lead you to believe things have changed and are better. Twitter is still and always has been a tool of the US GOVERNMENT! IMO Facebook/Meta nothing more then a facial recognition program with extensive tracking abilities. Dr Shiva has laid out the evidence and factual recognized the portal for politicains to censor or ban citizens from Twitter! Not a word about it when he took the civil case to court in Mass. MSM was silent , he discovered the corruption in our election system and not one media outlet wanted an interview! Why doesn’t anyone want to hear what he has to say? 🤔

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Tucker Carlson hates Trump, except when the camera is running.

Because he needs his gullible Cult followers who still worship Tucker, despite Tucker reviling Trump.


"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.

I hate him passionately."

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