Do YOU see the democrats pulling back ? They have been very aggressive and brash to this point, as if they have no fear, as if they alone make the rules.

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correct so we dont pull back...no let up

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That's Satan's MO ...until it collapses. Do not comply . They'll probably take out Biden since they didn't get Trump and blame it on Trump or Maga people. We've been intimidated to comply for years, don't go along with the game.

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both POTUS need protection, we have whackos among us

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I belive you're right on all counts.

The idea is to sow caohs.

What better way than with a false flag retribution strike?

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You’ve hit the nail on the head, OnTheJump! They won’t pull back and as you’ve said,

“as if they alone make the rules”.

That’s it, they alone DO and are making all the rules, legally or illegally, constitutionally or unconstitutionally. It doest’t matter! What’s wrong with this is “NOBODY IS STOPPING THEM”!

Which is exactly why I believe,

1. We won’t have an election in November and

2. Because “they who make the rules” will not take the chance of Trump winning and they lose control.

Not at this point, certainly not this deep into their plan for collapse! Most people know this, few speak out and fewer do anything at all.

Many times I’ve said this. Thank you for your post and clear view OnTheJump, which has helped me connect and link together what exactly their scheme is.

Your post shed light on something right in front of my nose, which explains why I believe they’ll maintain control through some unknown “pandemic lockdown BS”. Or MSM will interrupt the “View Crew” daytime programming and break down to Americans why the “US is at War with Russia”. Something like this.

We’re already in a hot war with Russia, but MSM hasn’t had the heart or the chance to break America’s spirit by making us aware.

You know because everything is going so well for you and me and

“We the People”? Right?

Wrong! America has never experienced what’s been happening these past few years. Everything has been part of a much larger plan. A global plan. Beginning with Covid lockdown right up until this reply I’m writing.

There’s an “thick & sludgy” eeriness all around us. In my travels, day in and day out. Something is definitely coming, what exactly it is, is difficult to pinpoint.

Thank you again OnTheJump. Each piece I read on Dr Alexander’s post stack helps to bring closer, what our “enemies” are doing.

There’s no doubt America is the “Big Kahuna”! Top prize, sought after, in order for the big picture to become clearer! As we continue to battle against anti-America forces, working from within our great nation, helping to assist the “Globalist” and a

“One World Order!

Thank you OnTheJump.


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correct, we are in a hot war, in fact WW III...thank you for the excellent analysis

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You’re welcome Dr as always, you offer a two way street of communication and it is so critical today more than ever!

Thank you Dr!


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you may be right AJR, election looks skeptical in Nov

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It's not often people realize that THEY, in fact, are witnessing and living through a historical moment - WE are experiencing such a time.


And your analysis feels spot on, AJR.

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Thank you “OnTheJump” I appreciate your thoughts and your kind words.

Sadly OnTheJump, you are so right.

My entire life always revolved around baseball and playing baseball actively into my 50’s and beyond. Today I find myself working 65 hours a week and loving it more than ever and trying to figure out what the heck these evil people are doing to our great, though not perfect, America?

Without writing a book, as some of my replies are nearly as big, there’s too many connections which well connect. What’s happening has been planned long before I was born.

It’s the 100 year plan, as some call it. We’re about 98 years into this plan, maybe 2 or more years away from completion. Very evil people have expanded this plan and it’s become so diabolical.

More diabolical each day, as the world witness yesterday, the assassination attempt on President Trumps life!

IMO, all that “We The People” can do is try to help each other. Help each other to learn and help learn from each other. If financially I could do more, I would and I do believe others would as well.

I believe most people would, because I believe most people are good. Up and until yesterday when my son said to me:

“Dad’s, there’s more evil in the world today than there are good people”? Right away I disagreed with him as we typically do.

Then I started to think about what he said. He certainly gave me pause, plenty of pause I might add. The more I thought about it, the more I realized, maybe he’s right, I’m not so sure he’s wrong. Somewhere in between I’ll find the truth.

The reason I’m saying this is because, all we can really do is, in “good times” past or bad “uncertain times” as we’re seeing today and what we’re all facing, will be revealed in time. In the meantime, your reply to me OnTheJump explains it al. Funny how things work.

Possibly, why I’ve been saying, this “Spiritual War” of great uncertainty, may bring about the future for a better world. The song “you’ve got to go through hell before you get to heaven” rings louder every day. As we learn something new, if each of us could simply pass that along and vice versa. Less divisive rhetoric would exist.

This may be why, my

“gut instincts” have been telling me to write, what my guts telling me. The closer I get to placing the next piece of this crazy puzzle, something happens, like yesterday.

The assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, added a new group of puzzling pieces, to an already very large and growing larger and more frightening every day.

Thank you very much OnTheJumP, I very much appreciate your input.


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In many ways, your son may be correct - it depends upon HOW we define ‘evil', or ‘ evil people ‘……

I am on the fence regarding those who refuse to “see” what is happening today, and continue to support the left's agenda/narrative . How people can be filled with such hatred - it saddens me. Sounds like it frustrates the heck out of you as well.

Love baseball….my favorite player passed recently. “Say Hey!”

Take care AJR, peace to you and yours.

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Thank you OnTheJump. At times my son and I are water and oil. I use to tell him, “even if you know I’m right, you’ll disagree with me” just because.

Boy was I wrong.

What’s so interesting is, I’ve been so blessed. My son has been listening all these years and I never knew he was. Until last week when he made the statement about there being more evil people than good people in life.

As I thought about it, something we can easily take for granted, which I’m guilty of, was not listening or hearing my son. In many respects, I believe all parents understand why I’m saying this.

And so, being true to form, when I made the statement more good people, his reply was, but you said an hour ago how, if someone offered you a million dollars to hold a sign saying, free Covid shots, you’d think about doing it.

Which was why I said there’s more good people. Most people wouldn’t hold the sign knowing how dangerous the shots are. And this one assumption explained why he was saying that. My son believes more people would hold the sign.

Today, more people would line up to hold up the sign for a million dollars, the same way every politician is bought and sold for, day in and day out and seemingly they don’t care about their constituents. Is this evil? One thing I do know is, it’s not right!

Does it mean those people are evil? His point was “yes Dad, that’s evil in my mind, absolutely,” because they know what they’re doing is wrong and they still do it.

It’s a difficult situation certainly loads of gray areas.

There’s a fine line no doubt. But does doing something bad make people evil? This is the area I believe you’re referring to OnTheJump. Depending on how you define evil.

Either way it’s was an interesting conversation mainly for me. I realized something about my son I never knew. He’s been listening since birth and all the way up until last week’s talk.

Yes, OnTheJump, it saddens me deeply how and why, so many people align themselves with such demonstrably flawed people. And yes it frustrates me to know end.

I don’t understand why anyone would believe fallacies when it’s become so easy to validate truth and learn what’s really happening. It’s so disingenuous to oneself, to simply follow blindly!

I have always said regarding politics my position has always been,

“I’m not left nor right. I’m what’s right”.

It’s quite simple and I never liked being put into anyone’s corner to begin with.

I am my own man.

Lastly OnTheJump, a shout out to your favorite baseball player’s passing. I’m not sure whom you’re referring to.

You take care as well OnTheJump, thank you again and may you have “absolute peace to you and your family as well”.


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Lol, sorry AJR....

The Say Hey Kid = Willie Mays.

.....maybe you're a Yankees fan ? Lol.

Happy to hear that, lo and behold, your son HAS been listening!

Best to ya!

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Bingo...you win a Kuppie doll.

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Democrats are back stepping their hateful words he must be stopped, bullseye on the back. Oh no we didn't mean that was a sanctioned hit green light. If those words are not premeditated murder and attempted murder what is? They have captured agency of the agencies by industry such as pharma and all the industries has a stranglehold on our government so they can make money over a human life.

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we got them by the shot and curlies

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What? Only Joe brain dead? Nope. Every abcessed pimple sucking sarcaphegus blowing sop dumbocrap is brain dead as well.

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What state of mental health was US president Joe Biden in when he imposed COVID-19 vaccination mandates, which violate voluntary informed consent for vaccination?

See: Fact Sheet: Biden Administration Announces Details of Two Major Vaccination Policies: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/04/fact-sheet-biden-administration-announces-details-of-two-major-vaccination-policies/

I raised the subject of COVID-19 vaccination mandates with the President of the American Medical Association, Jesse M. EhrenFeld, in September 2023, see my email: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/informed-consent-and-covid-19-vaccination-mandates-4.pdf

I received no acknowledgement or response from the President of the AMA.

It's extraordinary that Joe Biden imposed coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination on the American people, and that advisors allowed this to proceed.

This a devastating situation with millions of people vaccinated under coercion and mandates in a supposed 'free country'.

Coercion and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

There is no valid consent if people cannot say 'no' without penalty.

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excellent sharing, valuable information Elizabeth

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Typical communist strategy: two steps forward, one step back. The one step back is only to adjust the strategy, until victory is achieved.

Now Trump is going the same thing,he has rewriten his speech to talk about unity .

Soon we will see there is no difference between the two.

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I am angry about that unity shit....it is he who was shot...moreover he heads our movement...the attacks are on us, not him, yet I must say huge props to the man...he is a good man...

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We will see. If you think he has changed to cuddling with the left,will you stand by him?

Chiming in with the left won't stop the inevitable fall of the dollar.nor will it stop the Caohs of a racially devided nation.

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Dr Paul - to defer to Jesus statement - Matthew 19:17

I will not succumb to calling Pres Trump nor any man, “good”.

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I vote “No Confidence” in ANYONE in the traitor joe administration to assume the position of POTUS.

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Well, if anyone knows about being brain damaged, its democrats, liberals, socialists, globalists, Marxists, communists and progressives. No contest except for the RINOs.

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Emphasis on the “system”…and we all fall for the lies on both sides. Absolutely abysmal what has happened to our Constitutional Republic since socialust, eugenicist Woodrow Wilson (bourgeois perhaps?) to this modern day. Billionaires running for & winning office.

(I live in the once great, now awful state of “ILL”inois…where we have the number one family of multi-billionaires in this state - the Pritzgers. Have you actually taken the blinders off & looked at our elected leader (gov) in the state? He is a walking picture of non-healthy lifestyle, including but, not limited to his unhealthy views & ideologies & practices.

Give me a break. They are All players in this theatre. We are all being played by them. The prize …

Money, power, control of the plebes.

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The "change of batters" will occur during the Deocrap convention. They want to reduce the time of scrutiny before the election. They want to sneak in Granny (Hillary) and the Tranny (Big Mike) while the masses are still in the "honeymoon" phase of their selection.

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Good points. Many have believed the international deep state cabal will seek to imprison Trump. The cabal feels it has won at this point since so few people even recognize what has happened.

All in all the United States Banana Republic probably believes having a sitting president in prison cannot further harm its already utterly trashed and tarnished reputation.

Hopefully that will not happen but the situation as it stands with the deliberate actions of this body of traitors to assassinate the former president on Saturday - signals they are pretty desperate.

Desperate enough to have pulled off a Watergate Plumbers level game of whack a mole.

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