My son has a genetic deletion of p53 tumor necrosis factor alpha. I've done a lot of research on it. They've essentially genetically damaged all of these people. What will happen to the 3rd and 4 Generations after these gene editing bioweapons. We dont even have mice studies. Irresponsible unforgivable anti science.
My son has a genetic deletion of p53 tumor necrosis factor alpha. I've done a lot of research on it. They've essentially genetically damaged all of these people. What will happen to the 3rd and 4 Generations after these gene editing bioweapons. We dont even have mice studies. Irresponsible unforgivable anti science.
My son has a genetic deletion of p53 tumor necrosis factor alpha. I've done a lot of research on it. They've essentially genetically damaged all of these people. What will happen to the 3rd and 4 Generations after these gene editing bioweapons. We dont even have mice studies. Irresponsible unforgivable anti science.
Incase you want to read some of my research on p53, how to upregulate it:
Iām afraid most of these injectees will not have offspring so we will never know.