The tyrants Gates, Fauci & the WEF & WHO who control our governments & their medical industrial complex & Big Pharma, etc... are all totally evil & are actively working on depopulation bioweapons.

If Real Justice still existed in America or worldwide then we would be witnessing their prosecutions for Crimes Against Humanity!

Instead all our governments are doing is all talk & no action.

Nobody is even stopping them from continuing to inject innocent people & children.

The evil Tyrants at the top (WEF & WHO & UN) & those carrying out their evil bidding deserve the death penalty for the billions of lives cut short and/or injured for life?!?

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A couple days ago, friend told me his 29 year old daughter was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. He said she was vaxxed and she "turned liberal in college." Weird how the vaccine, 🌈 flag, 🇺🇦 flag and abortion rights are all causes libs have in common.

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I’m so sorry for your friend and his daughter. This entire thing has been and is deeply tragic.

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It's because it is all Globslist propaganda!

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Now we have two phrases, "no brainier" and "no brains."

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Tragic for the victims; equally tragic for the family and friends left behind.

At least the time-frame from diagnosis to lime pit is quick.

If I got diagnosed with any form of cancer, I wouldn't receive any treatment, because every person I knew in the last ten years who was diagnosed with cancer and who received radio- or chemotherapy still pegged it and more miserably than if they'd received no treatment at all.

Hasta la vista baby.

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Excellent reporting.

Meanwhile, from NYT et al, it's crickets.

"KtttttttschzzzzzZZZZZ KtttttttschzzzzzZZZZZ Z zz K K schzzzzzZZ tttttt K"

Translation: Credo in vaccina, omnipotentem sanctum potionem

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I spoke earlier to a fellow whose father died of lung cancer late last year. It was very short from diagnosis to death. I knew his father was jabbed but didn't know the fellow and his wife weren't jabbed. He confessed that they weren't and then added "I think it's what killed my father." Out of all the unjabbed people I know hardly anyone has caught it. It's been overwheminly the jabbed people. One unjabbed lady did catch it, twice with only a 3 week interval between infections. She now has major long covid with neurological complications including severe left-sided unilateral headache reflected in CT and MRI scans and has been referred to a neurologist and vascular surgeon.

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I don't know, of course, I'm not a doctor and I've never met her, but I would wager that she may be suffering from the effects of shedding. FLCCC protocols could help her.

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That's something I hadn't thought about. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Transcriber B.

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Just finished this transcript a moment ago, perhaps it might be of interest:

Dr. Chris Shoemaker Invites Diane Spaulding to Tell Her Story of Healing with Ivermectin

"A Personal Story"


[Note: there are several videos on this page, you may need to scroll down a way to find it]


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Hello everyone, Dr. Chris Shoemaker here on the 27th of August [2022], it's a Saturday. I'm very excited to have a very pleasant person with us today who will talk to us shortly. I just want to show you the scene. We're down in Old City Hall in the background, and but I'll show you the New City Hall area which is just across. And there it is of course, activities going on in Old City Hall Toronto, Old City Hall Toronto, and we'll come back now to where we're continuing to chat and again, let me introduce my guest here, Diane Spaulding. And Diane, would you like to say hello?


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Wonderful. Well it's wonderful to meet Diane, and feeling as well as she does today. But she only feels well because, although injured by the covid 19 vaccine, she was given extensive help, extremely helpful treatment by an Ontario physician in the months following. And we want to ask her about that story. So Diane, go ahead.

DIANE SPAULDING: OK. So I received the AstraZeneca vaccine back in April of 2021 and shortly after the vaccine I developed bleeding under my skin. I had head tremors, I had internal vibrations, I had pins and needles in my hands and my feet going up my arms and legs. I ended up getting bruising all over my body and petechiae, which are bleeding dots under my skin.* And I also had extreme fatigue that left me in bed for two months. Um —

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Well that, that was a really horrible experience, lasting two months and but without much treatment at that point. I'm sure general doctors did what they could but they had no special ideas as to how to help you.

DIANE SPAULDING: I went to Mt. Sinai Hospital four times and every time they told me that I had anxiety and they sent me home with prescriptions of benzodiazepines and anti-depressants.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: But of course, anxiety doesn't create petechial injuries in your skin, it doesn't create vasculitis, so that was kind of a silly diagnosis for them to have made.

DIANE SPAULDING: That's correct.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: OK. Well, what happened three or four months later in terms of a doctor being willing to do more for you once they diagnosed that was a vaccine-caused vasculitis of the skin,

and also a vaccine-caused neurologic illness to your brain system with brain tremors? Who was that doctor who kindly treated you about four months in?

DIANE SPAULDING: Can I say that? [laughs nervously]

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: I think you can because this doctor's a wonderf— he's spoken out, and we know, I think—

DIANE SPAULDING: OK. OK. So, um, so after about 3 or 4 months I finally went online and I did a lot of researching and I found the FLCCC.** And through them I was able to find Dr. Ira Bernstein*** and he put me on Ivermectin, um, and, um—

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: How quickly did it help or change what had been 3 months of serious tremors, almost like Parkinsonism, which is really terrible. And how long did it take for Ivermectin to help you quite a bit?

DIANE SPAULDING: Oh, it, almost instantly. Overnight practically. I had, I had Parkinson-like tremors and as soon as I took the Ivermectin almost, almost instantly my tremors went away. So.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Isn't that incredible. So ladies and gentlemen, Ivermectin, which had been given a pretty bad name by people for no good reason, Ivermectin was always going to be the best treatment covid itself and it's now proven to be the best treatment for long covid, if you have long covid, and it's the best treatment for covid vaccine injury. It's best for that as well.

And so this terrible fact is that in Ontario it continues to be a demonized medication, not allowed on our pharmacy shelves, and people have to struggle to get it, like the struggle that dear Diane went through to get this. If you were living in New Hampshire right now, you could go to the pharmacy, pick up Ivermectin on the shelf, get a small bit of advice from the pharmacist, and go right away and take it for any purpose that you need it if you had either long covid symptoms or short covid symptoms where you're trying to not get bad effects from it.

So Ivermectin, it's a wonderful drug, it's a safe drug, it should be used regularly, Ontario, look how it helped this lovely person who had a terrible change in her life courtesy of a covid vaccination gone wrong. And the doctor was able to help her because he was allowed to use the medication, or put it this way, he allowed himself to use the medication as it should have been used. God bless him. Thank you for that information.

DIANE SPAULDING: Yeah and you know, it's it's it's sad because I had to spend months and months researching online to be able to find this doctor willing to help me. And that's, that's really sad, it's really sad and, you know, and for everything that's going on, you know, we should, we should be able to get Ivermectin. It's just one of the safest drugs there is, off-label, used for many different reasons off-label—


DIANE SPAULDING: —with no side effects.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: And the label should be much broader. It's an anti-viral, it's an anti-parasitic, it's an anti-inflammatory, in certain countries it's used if there's a snake vemon or a poisoning and they don't have the specific snake [inaudible] they'll use Ivermectin in some countries because they know it works, and it works safely. And it saved you from a lifetime of tremors, which if they continued untreated for much longer would have become probably life-long in-state.


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: So here we are on the 27th. We'll show you the tower that we're at, the tower of Old City Hall. And we're here on the 27th of August and we're reawakening everyone that the covid vaccines are now banned in Denmark. They are banned in Denmark—


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: —because they're producing things like this, right Diane? Not just for adults but for children.

DIANE SPAULDING: Tragic, tragic.


DIANE SPAULDING: Criminal. It's criminal what's gone on. And there needs to be accountability.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Yeah, I agree with that. And now let's make change. Let's invite our public health officials to finally admit the truth that the medicines are available to be helpful and the vaccines are dangerous. And it's not us saying it, it's the public health officials of Denmark who are saying, the vaccines are injuring and they're damaging their children and vaccine by Denmark stopped. No child in Denmark can get vaccines anymore after August 31st. Let's do the same in Canada. Thank you.


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: You betcha, Di. OK.



#   #   #


Dr. Chris Shoemaker's website is https://drshoemakercovidtruth.com

More about Dr. Shoemaker at: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/dr-chris-shoemaker/

*"Petechiae (puh-TEE-kee-ee) are pinpoint, round spots that form on the skin. They're caused by bleeding, which makes the spots look red, brown or purple. The spots often form in groups and may look like a rash. The spots are often flat to the touch and don't lose color when you press on them. Sometimes they appear on the inner surfaces of the mouth or the eyelids. Petechiae are common and can be caused by many different conditions. Some may be very serious."

Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/petechiae/basics/definition/sym-20050724

** FLCCC is the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Their website is


*** Dr. Ira Bernstein, based in Toronto, is co-founder of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance.


See another interview with Diana Spaulding, see:

Canadian Vax Injured Diane Spaulding, Episode 69

Interviewed by American Conversations Host Christine Dolan

CDM February 1, 2023


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If you or anyone thinks they have gotten shedding of the spike protein, Dr. McCullough has a company that sells a supplement for it. TWC. The Wellness Company. Or buy nattokinase and enteric coated bromelain.

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Just read an article. And low and behold. You say what???? King Charles III. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/06/24/the-reset-riddle.aspx?cid_medium=sms&cid=share

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I read that article too. Dr. M just posted it. Unless one has a subscription to his library I believe these types of articles are taken down within 48 hours. Good article.

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How many appendicitis have happened since 2020 till now ??

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Makis is now behind a paywall.

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So what are you grifting Alexander ?

Firewall paid subscriptions for a % ???

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