Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

The list of financial incentives in USA SHOULD BE PUBLISHED!

It's beyond time the public were informed about this!

I feel confident Austalia has no such procedure in place, but point being all this incentivised USA practitioners to make the cases and death sound much worse than reality. The rest of the free world followed suit, not relising numbers from USA were protracted even more so than from their own home territory, which already had a bunch of false info due to false +ve PCRs.

Anyone who accepted money ignored their ethics, they surely have blood on their hands.

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Rose, I have no proof otherwise (in regards to Ausie drs being incentivised) however I've heard of and from individuals being offered money in exchange for agreeing to have loved one's death listed as a consequence

of c 19. That's 2020 -2021 I wouldn't rule that out when looking at the

aggressiveness of the narrative, but this is only my humble opinion.

PS. When Italy first, and then UK governments officially published their

adjusted figures for the actual deaths numbers (from c 19) there was nothing said about it here (msm).

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Yep, Marta, the whole think stinks like a rotten fish! But only because all the Drs did not have the guts to say NO - few did but not enough. There is an aussie woman who went public on wootoob saying that her Dad died after years of dementia, but they pinned it on Covid19. She asked the dr to change the death cert and he said, after much consternation, that the was "....sorry but the pressure comes to him from higher up".......... he SHOULD HAVE GONE public - not this poor woman who just lost her dear Dad! Spineless. The main media are completely complicit with their mono-linguistics, in what seems to be a world-wide- coup d'état, but after all, I think most media outlets are owned by Reuters - all part of the WEF syndicate, so that should not really raise any eyebrows once it is known.

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Rose, you are so right. It is still hard to accept that there is so little of

plain decency and moral integrity around. Tnx for replying, my very best to you.

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Precisely, it IS a world wide coup, make no mistake about it. bill gates is a eugenic proponent, wants most of us useless feeders dead.

Klaus Schwab: silicon forest.ca - New world order according to Klaus Schwab

bill gates helped fund Wuhan lab.: uncoverdc.com, bill gates future pandemic reduce the population. Too, he is the largest owner of US farm land, china is 2nd. Starving us out on the menu?

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Have you directly talked to someone offered money for this?

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The lady I was working with wasn't with. She was contemplating the second dose but experiencing some problems after the first one and had her doubts about the whole thing. Someone In her family has passed away and was certified as C19 death, when it wasn't so. I just remember

her saying "why would they be doing this?" She was from a rural area here in SE Queensland. The other times I've heard couple of times from people at the protesting mandates rally. So, Sandra it was direct as such.

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See my post above. This was included on CMA emails and also through county medical societies. People need to know what motivates their doctors who are so adamant about pushing this useless, dangerous shot.

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newsrescue.com - Fauci, Collins, others at NIH received $350 between 2010 - 2020, probably multimillions since then. AND they're allowed to buy stock. Can you say insider trading? You try it, you go to jail. Remember Martha Stewart?

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Yep. I’m speaking at an AaFP conference in July. According to their nonsensical Covid policies, I should test myself daily, since I’m not vaccinated. But the vaccinated, who still get Covid and spread it, don’t have to test. I will find a way to mock them at the end of my talk.

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Maybe this will help, if you haven't seen it: "Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases."


Let them get out of that one.

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Money, it’s always how much is in it for those who seek riches🙄 when it should be the legacy for those after you to learn and prosper

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I’m glad to have escaped a similar organization, the ABIM 15 years ago.

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May they all burn in eternal hell fires.

I had delta. On a Friday, I was sent home and told my lungs were clear, on the following Tuesday, I couldn’t walk to the car. My sister called an ambulance. My hospital stay, I can’t complain about, I received excellent care. I was discharged with OTC’s. 🙄 Not even budesanide.

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Glad you're healthy.

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Doctors in California were initially offered grants of $55,000. to push the vax. Now the grant is for $15,000. to push it for kids. Here is what was sent to doctors in California:

CalVaxGrant offers up to $55,000 in grant funding to help physician practices vaccinate their communities against COVID-19. Funding will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so early submission is encouraged. Apply by December 17 at calvaxgrant.org.

Then this:

Deadline extended for pediatric COVID-19 vaccine grant program; apply by July 15

Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) has extended the deadline for its KidsVaxGrant program – which will award grants of up to $15,000 to support Vaccines for Children providers providing pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. Applications will now be accepted through July 15, 2022. Administered by PHC, the California Department of Public Health is investing approximately $10 million to fund the KidsVaxGrant program.

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Fab find thanks for sharing.. documented financial incentives tend to go from scarce to scrubbed in a very small window.. both the initial $55,000 carrot and $10,000 sweetener for jabbing babies is now at Wayback as revisionist history insurance. :~)

2021 $55,000


2022 kids $10,000


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"Depend on their physicians", it says in one of the slides. Great, just great. How am I to ascertain if the physician is giving me the best advice that physician knows to give, or if he's just following the latest marching orders from a hospital administrator who recently got a fax from Washington?

Back to the future? No, not me. Back to the 1850s... Milburn Stone would give better advice.

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Maybe Dr. Desmett can psychoanalyze how it is that these people can expect that we all just accept their blatant hypocrisy and the resulting cognitive dissonance as they speak out of both sides of their collective mouth.

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That's what grooming our children is all about. Disparage the parents, brain washing, sexualizing long before they have learned how to be just kids.

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It’s all about the Money and the associated decay of Morality.

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Part of the deep state...

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The SCOTUS decision did no such thing. I’m so sick of people who know better doing this. So sickening.

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Like AMA the AAFP is a lobbying group and like the old union bosses they are bought by corp interests. One of the big leaders of corp coup by legislation is Koch Bros' ALEC and nobody tracks and maps them better than CMD/Sourcewatch crew! Scan the link it's a PhD in toxic policy.


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Bodily autonomy. Did those forced to take unsafe, ineffective experimental biologicals to keep their jobs given bodily autonomy. I don’t remember the outrage from the pro choice crowd. What has changed? Both lack of access to abortion and forced experimental biological injections have harmed people.

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