he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people. Not awesome imo." Did Elon really twitter this? God, this is getting nice, grab the popcorn!
Elon had better increase his security budget. Sounds like he may need it.
When someone in THIS White House calls your comments ‘disgusting’ it should be taken as a compliment. This entire administration is indicative of a world turned upside down.
Their world view is so skewed that they consider what is good to be evil and vice versa.....
> world turned upside down ... Their world view is so skewed that they consider what is good to be evil and vice versa
wroke LGBTP is backwards (reversed energy/kundalini) in their (colorful) egglayer brainstem (gender reversal, primitive swarm/communism mentality etc) and according to human trinity (as above so below) their mind/logic & heart/soul is degen(d)erated as well - stay away, nothing good is ever coming from inside out rotting fermenting vats... (germophobia due to own excessive CO2-milieu neatly expressed by climate-hysteria)
Please keep it up ELON.... Do not back down to these beaurecratic cowards with their Agendas for poison vaccines, Carbon Reduction/Climate Control.. First and last time I checked Humans are made from Carbon, so I guess that is truly their aim, they want to reduce us and then this LGBTQ*********** BS and last but not least this US wide Crime wave, which is the work of SOROS and his well funded minion DA's across the country who love criminals...We need to shut all FOUR agendas down at the same time..
Thats great....not awesome when people die of untested injections...stop the shot stop the injection stop the jab it all sounds like pricking a balloon that is actually a beautiful human being that has been used, abused, taken advantage of....stop the killing...it is not 'awesome'!!
I don't know how to post a photo here (😋), but there's a great photo circulating of the British Parliament. One photo with the subtitle (MP's vote on payrise) , the chamber is absolutely full chock a block. And the other photo is this week (chamber practically EMPTY), MP's listen to MP Andrew Bridgen, debate on Vaccine Injuries. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
So you don’t agree with Musk? Do you support Gates too? They both have done absolute horrific things in Africa, in the name of philanthropy. Is your “ B.S.” claim against Musk about anything at all? It sounds unfounded and irrelevant when all the facts are already out there about Fauci. He is not a good man. He’s the opposite of good, times a million.
Elon had better increase his security budget. Sounds like he may need it.
When someone in THIS White House calls your comments ‘disgusting’ it should be taken as a compliment. This entire administration is indicative of a world turned upside down.
Their world view is so skewed that they consider what is good to be evil and vice versa.....
> world turned upside down ... Their world view is so skewed that they consider what is good to be evil and vice versa
wroke LGBTP is backwards (reversed energy/kundalini) in their (colorful) egglayer brainstem (gender reversal, primitive swarm/communism mentality etc) and according to human trinity (as above so below) their mind/logic & heart/soul is degen(d)erated as well - stay away, nothing good is ever coming from inside out rotting fermenting vats... (germophobia due to own excessive CO2-milieu neatly expressed by climate-hysteria)
Pray for truth to be revealed & the criminals exposed, prosecuted & sentenced. Justice.
unfortunately, the prosecution part would not happen with this corrupt and compromised administration and DOJ
If Elon was wrong, the response would be different than "dangerous and disgusting". It would be an accusation of defamation / libel.
Called out LGBTQ+ pandering AND Fraudci FACTS, all in less than 121 characters is tremendous! 💯🤣🤯
Bitch, please
IKR?! 😂🤣😂🤣
Please keep it up ELON.... Do not back down to these beaurecratic cowards with their Agendas for poison vaccines, Carbon Reduction/Climate Control.. First and last time I checked Humans are made from Carbon, so I guess that is truly their aim, they want to reduce us and then this LGBTQ*********** BS and last but not least this US wide Crime wave, which is the work of SOROS and his well funded minion DA's across the country who love criminals...We need to shut all FOUR agendas down at the same time..
You left out human trafficking and the normalization of pedophilia
This White House is dangerous and disgusting along with the DOJ
Thats great....not awesome when people die of untested injections...stop the shot stop the injection stop the jab it all sounds like pricking a balloon that is actually a beautiful human being that has been used, abused, taken advantage of....stop the killing...it is not 'awesome'!!
We are watching a scripted movie.
Says the hologram.
Bitch please 😅🤣🤣🤣..aaah that's funny af ...still hate weirdo retard bot boy Elon tho...ha..
Woo hoo! Finally not just "us" telling each other what we already know. Elon is telling the rest of the world.. Very very encouraging!
Dangerous and disgusting is funding that research, not pointing out that it was done. That is simply necessary to stop the harm.
Elon is double minded and wishy washy. He's showing you who he really is,. There's a lot of deception now days.
Which one are you?
I don't know how to post a photo here (😋), but there's a great photo circulating of the British Parliament. One photo with the subtitle (MP's vote on payrise) , the chamber is absolutely full chock a block. And the other photo is this week (chamber practically EMPTY), MP's listen to MP Andrew Bridgen, debate on Vaccine Injuries. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
A cop in South Africa told me - when I wanted to lay charges of criminal harassment on account of a social media hate speech campaign run against me:
"Brother, unless you're a govt minister or a sports star, just forget about anything ever being done on your case".
Musk is the super rich and famous equivalent of an attention seeking ADHD in HD suffering child.
He fucks around with meaningless drivel and lesser (poorer) humans around him collapse in poverty, illness and starvation.
If you pay any attention to his BS, rather just kill yourself right now.
So you don’t agree with Musk? Do you support Gates too? They both have done absolute horrific things in Africa, in the name of philanthropy. Is your “ B.S.” claim against Musk about anything at all? It sounds unfounded and irrelevant when all the facts are already out there about Fauci. He is not a good man. He’s the opposite of good, times a million.
Please re-read my comment and indicate to me where exactly I said anything in support of Fauci or Gates.
You're lost brother.
They tried to kill his wife? Perhaps thats why Kelly is brainwashed?