if I hated women and wanted to humiliate and dominate them I would declare myself a female and then beat women in a sport or activity that historically men have been better at. What is in it for these guys? They are inferior athletes. Everyone knows this. So what is to be gained? Do they derive psychological satisfaction from beating women? It seems that this is the height and epitome of misogyny

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agreed, it is misogyny and the female in me is angered for I do have that too...;-) very seriously, this is insane and we simply must push hard and talk out when something is just plain nuts batshit wrong, this is...seems these freaks derive pleasure defeating women...

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I understand what you mean. Allowing biological males to compete directly against women in this way where the women dont have a direct say in it , is an act of violence against women. I can understand if there was a voluntary mixed gender league. But these arrangements are coercive. I look at this transgender men who are pretending to be women and I think these people either are mentally very sick with identity disorders. We can feel and demonstrate compassion towards these transgender people but the entire group of biological females should not be made to suffer or be punished b/c of other's mental illness

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yes, we have to have compassion to people, I agree. But if it is mental illness too we need to deal with it that way and not suffer and punish others.

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Nuts batshit is absolutely correct. And sane people are too cowardly to speak truth

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Speak it out, now that you have identified the symptom, propose a solution to this HUGE problem.

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Autogynephilia is involved with most of the crossdressers, drag queens and even some calling themselves trans. They simply get aroused by the wearing of females clothing, or being seen dressed as one. Mental health professionals need to be exactly that, PROFESSIONAL. No one is born in the wrong body, it is physically impossible. Yet people are making money pushing this insanity. You are who you were born to be physically, you were you from the moment of conception. NOW, deal with the realities of living.

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EXACTLY!!!!! What in creation is wrong with people. Look in the mirror … pure evil insanity. Get help and yes… deal with it, take responsibility, get help and learn to live like the rest of us who have to deal with hard and excruciating pain in life!

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Your also call yourself “Lia” walking around your ex girlfriends naked in the locker room while prancing around the deck with your friend “Iszac,” who also competes against women, but wonders the pool deck topless because she chopped her boobs off.

Or maybe you’d go into MMA fighting and break the skulls of your two female opponents.

Or maybe decide to win high school and college track by turning your mediocre male performance into female championships.

Or maybe weightlifting, soccer, skateboarding, or snowboarding.

This crap is absolutely the most blatantly misogynistic “movement” in this countries history meant to destroy and demoralize female athletes (like myself and my 10 year old daughter).

It’s also complete evil. There is NO context where child sterilization and genital mutilation is something that should be considered, much less promoted and done to hundreds of thousands of children (1-2% in US public schools now “identify” as “trans” - it could be over a million before enough lives are destroyed to end this).

My son has a condition impacting 1 in 10,000 babies. There are 3 competent surgeons and zero hospitals in the US that can “fix” it in 1-2 10-14 hour operations. There are dozens of physicians performing child sex change operations and 5 hospitals supporting the surgeries every day. Not only is the whole gender ideology a lie, so is the claim that medical and/ or surgical intervention is “rare.” By the time the truth comes out in a few decades every child in this country will personally know at least one butchered child. Because it’s such a social contagion, many children will either be part of, or know, entire social groups butchered by this cruel ideology (that has absolutely nothing to do with being gay).

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When Gadaffi's regime was alive and well, before he and Libya were murdered by Obama-Clinton and replaced with a failed state and open aire slave markets, they not only had universal health care in Libya, if the care you needed was unavailable in that country, the government would pay the costs for the individual to go anywhere in the world where she/he could receive the care they needed. As an American visiting countries like England or Canada, you would be eligible for free health care. But an American living in one state visiting another, even one with better health care, you're out of luck!

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But if you want your 12 year old sterilized or 15 year old’s genitals are mutilated, you can get it free here!!!!

We don’t lack access to healthcare for lack of funds, or lack of infrastructure, it’s that our priorities are ideological, not based on individual needs.

I’m not voting for the child genital mutilation and faux “vaccine” mandate people to get MORE control over our system or no one will have any access to actual healthcare.

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Nobody is stopping you from getting healthcare in the United States, but you are delusional if you think it’s the government’s job to provide it.

The founders made it clear that you are entitled to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. You don’t even have the right to happiness, but to pursue it. You are responsible for your own destiny- you. Not other people.

Healthcare isn’t right. Access to it may be, but i’m not responsible to pay for you. Same for housing, food or anything else. What some other country does is irrelevant.

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We have the worst health care in the western world AND the most expensive. People like you, those who think only of "me first" somehow never seem to be aware of the fact that we are a country that provides socialism for the rich and law of the jungle capitalism for everyone else - unless you're one of the raptors making out at everyone else's expense, you are the one delusional if you think your selfishness isn't costing you more.

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I have 2 kids with lots of health needs. What you assert simply isn’t true about “the worst” healthcare. While our healthcare is more expensive we have by far the best care on the planet.

We are mammals and like all animals responsible for the balance between individual needs and a functioning social group. You clearly aren’t going to put me or my children first, so why shouldn’t I? And why would I put you before my own family?

OldTine is correct - healthcare isn’t a right. No one has a right to another’s labor and intellect. You are free to make decisions in life based on your access.

Never in a million years would I vote for the crew masking toddlers, injecting 5 year olds with useless experimental jabs, sterilizing 12 year olds, and mutilating the genitals of 16 year olds to get MORE control over healthcare.

If you have an issue with those going in need here, take it up with your congressional reps and Biden spend over a billion $ a week arming Ukraine not investing it here. Biden just ordered 100-million Monkeypox vaccines no one wants or needs. That’s billions wasted on pointless non healthcare. Billions that could have provided functional care for millions. Plus, private health insurance has been growing in all of Western Europe for years and for a reason.

The socialized medicine people are the real “me first” people.

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Don't want to presume, but usually when anyone has lots of health needs, they've been seeing a doctor regularly. They are considered the third leading cause of death. It's been demonstrated repeatedly that when doctors go on stricke, the death rate goes down. Many of the chronic condtions people suffer from are caused by (primarily) vaccines, but almost every drug dispensed has potentially awful side effects. A healthy person rarely or ever needs to see a doctor. Children today, statistically, are less healthy than previous generations. There's no money in cures, only treatment - doctors are good for emergencys, but for chronic condtions all they know how to do is treat symptoms. I was in and out of hospitals for 3 years which a chronic condition. I was so sick I couldn't even work, had to go on disability. Until I took the advice of someone who ended up in prison for "fraud", for dispensing "medical advice" w/o a license. He said I was suffering from a calcium deficiency. I started taking calcium and was completely healed in 2 weeks!!! Got off disability and went back to work, Worked until I was 75. Between Big Pharma (with it's ties to I;G. Farben-Bayer) and our government, you really trust your reps to have your back more than a fellow citizen? They represent themselves, they vote themselves a pay grade far higher than the average person, far better health care and far more perks. And the vaccine they are still trying to force on us - with it's very high death/illness rate? They voted themselves exempt. Believe me, you'd be far better off trusting your neighbor than your government. We have the same interests, the government's policies very clearly support only the rich. And yes, it's outrageous that they take our money and use it to promote a war supporting the nazis they put in power in the Ukraine in 2014 while a million Americans remain homeless - and they're allowing hedgefunders to buy up all the available housing - including trailer parks - to make conditions even worse for the average American. This gov't has a strong interest in brainwashing us into believing that capitalism good, socialism bad. Try to remember who got the socialist response in 2008 and who got the capitalist response from our gov't. Without the toxicity of the U.S. gov't in the mix, a true socialism might actually have a chance - that means government by the many rather than, as capitalism does, government by the money. This gov't has done it's damndest to make it impossible for true socialist countries to survive. Then they lie to us that their leaders are actually murderous monsters. You ought to read the truth about Gadaffi - as much as we can find in this lying country! He was a socialist, there was no homelessness in Libya, he even enacted equal rights for women, they had free education, free health care to the point if they couldn't get the medical care they needed in Libya, the gov't paid to send them where they needed to go. If you studied hard, you had a better chance of getting into Harvard from Libya than the U.S. - because the gov't would pay all your living expenses. You know how they did it? The profits from their oil went to the people - not to the Rockefellers. I don't know all the details of day-to-day life in Gadaffi's Libya - or in Assad's Syria either, but I do know we are being lied to.

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Excellent! And it is complete evil.

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Does anyone else think that apart from the "social" component of the issue (being different, special and *celebrated*) there might be a real "culprit" in guise of food consumed, especially the last twenty years

or so, with so much genetic and otherwise manipulation going on

on a big scale. Is it possible that affecting the hormones that may

cause some kind of "mental imbalance" and confusion as well?

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Not only do I think it VERY feasible that this is a cause, I also believe that those who have the power to alter and toxify our food would not be bothered in the least if it were so. Perhaps they already know that it is. I've actually considered that there might be some way to investigate the leavings at the Monsanto-Dupont-Gates-Rockefeller-etc. criminals and families to see if there were any evidence of the "food" they foist on us. I think probably not, although I'm sure there are some of them who actually believe fake food is quite as good as the real thing. Wonder what the menu was at Davos.

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MiFly, you said it, exactly this.

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The word "CHEAT" is inadequate for the corruption of sports competition which is being allowed by the gutless sports associations!

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We are in a war of inversion. The ONLY way we don't fall to global tyranny is to keep fighting and speaking truth. The World Econ Forum are murderous thugs. Dr. Alexander, NEVER STOP DOING WHAT YOU DO!

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Women can do lots of things if they have to, but tell me how a 5’3” 125 lb woman can compete with a male who says he’s a woman.

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These women athletes are gluttons for punishment or just plain stupid. There’s no other reasonable explanation for this. Until every single woman athlete refuses to compete with these men, they deserve to lose and we shouldn’t feel bad for them. The women should’ve stood up and refused to participate in this travesty on the day when these opportunistic parasites decided to “identify as women” and started competing in women’s sports. Instead, these women thought they were being “cool” and “virtuous” and “inclusive” or whatever else their Little Red Book of Woke Emotional Incontinence tells them they should be. Selfish men like Lia Thomas were a nobody trying to compete against men all their life. And now suddenly they are the “stars of the show”, proudly beating their chests that they are No.1, competing with biological females. Lia Thomas when asked in an interview last week, “There are some who say you are enjoying a competitive advantage. What do you say to that?, replied “I am happy. In my sophomore year when I was competing with men, I was miserable”. So there you have it - now he gets to make the women miserable. If they allow this to continue, not only will they be miserable but the women’s sports as a whole will become a thing of the past.

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Until women stand up in demand biological males be kept out of their sports, this behavior needs to continue so they learn the full weight of the consequences of their decisions. 

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Certainly being blamed for our own victimization is standard operating procedure. in this toxic patriarchy. The problem is women are NOT men. Most women do not respond the way men do. I (jokingly) commented now that "men" can claim to be "women", perhaps real women will now receive equal pay and opportunities. No. Males masquerading as women are getting that!

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I’m not victim blaming. I’m saying that without feeling the pain of the consequence of letting men who identify as women, preemptive legislation would hurt more than it would help, because a consequence would never be felt.

Democrats certainly think that women vote as a block and that the block votes Democrat. The Democratic Party uses this block to their advantage when it suits them. Therefore, this issue needs to become an issue for the voting block. If it’s not that important to the block, there’s no need to legislate.

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As a woman all my long life, I can't tell you how many times I've been condescended to or discriminated against as a woman. But first as a girl. When I was a young woman, in the 50's, it was very rare for women to report being raped to the police. Why you may ask? Because 10 times out of 10 the state would find a way to blame the women for their rape? What were you wearing? You could be wearing a flannel jumpsuit, brown corduroy, didn't matter - and nothing's changed. Girls in high school have a dress code based on males having the "right" to molest. Intact males are now being sent to women's prisons in droves because they "feel" like women - and some of these men are rapists and murderers. In one instance, the male prisoners were relieved that the criminal was removed from their prison! It isn't women's jobs to ameliorate sick males. When I go into a public ladies' room or fitting room or gym locker room I do not want to see a man. Not all men are predatory towards women, but the vast majority of predators of women ARE men, We get nervous when we hear a man walking behind us down the street. We should not have to deal with this "pretend we're equal" b.s. I don't care how someone chooses to dress, if he wants to wear a dress and pretend he's a woman, fine. I promise to throw no stones, or laugh (at least not to his face) just stay the eff out of women's spaces!!! Women are not responsible for understanding or being sympathetic listeners. They need help, they should get it, just get it somewhere else. You'll notice in a gov't which is 80% male as it is, when Biden appointed a doctor to whatever (I try not to think about Biden), somehow it's revolutionary because it's a man with a mental health issue which makes him think he's a female. Yay for women! It's such a joke! But a very bad one/

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Selfish cheaters probably wouldn’t qualify against other men. Why women or men support this lunacy is beyond me.

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Why don't people show up and boo these cheaters? They are mentally deranged and supporting their deviant behavior doesn't help anybody. Women and girls need to refuse to compete (because under current circumstances, it's not even competing!)

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They do get booed. If they're not embarrassed to compete against women why would they be embarrassed at being booed? They're being supported in demolishing women's sports as well as women's rights by people with enough money to buy the prostitutes who pretend to be our representatives and who make rules and laws benefitting the very few at the expense and the anger of the majority of both women and men.

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Disgusting. They are the nose of a very ugly, bumpy, woke camel, under the flap of America’s tent.

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Wow,what gets me is they actually consider themselves to have won,you would have to be completely delusional to think you actually won.And if you don't care that you cheated than it's even worse,In both instances though you be mentally ill.

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You have to be a twisted individual to want to be other than you are born, although most of that is born out of childhood sexual abuse and a change in one’s sexuality due to chemical alterations taking place using the vaccines on the childhood schedule, so we really need to take a look at that and put an end to it. The globalists are rubbing their hands together in glee.

They really should be ashamed to even participate in women’s sports, but in these generations of brats today, there is little recognition of personal responsibility and accountability, therefore, no shame or very little, if any cognitive awareness to what they’re doing to themselves and humanity as a whole.

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the trans participating (and winning) are, like Lia Thomas put it: pretty miserable in their category as men. There is no way these men could be at the top of their game competing with other males. So... to ensure your medal, and sponsors, and prestige, and prizes (whatever they wish), they transform into women and... reap. another story was a trans boxer who badly smashed his female opponant's jaw. This athlete knew she was not facing another woman's punch. Oh and why not throw in Miss Nebraska 2021. Yep. You guessed it. I'm blown away by the silence. Let them have their own competitions. Period.

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Well you got the Ding-Dong part right. Throw in "deranged and slightly confused dingleberries" and you've nailed it.

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Only slightly confused?Your lessening the significance and gravity of what their doing.

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Cheaters…gross! Where are the parents of these sickos?

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TransCheat is a great moniker

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