I have yet to see one story, one account where the parents have expressed any regret over the decision to vax their kids and the child died.

They’ll continue to believe the covid risk outweighed the risk from the ‘100% safe and effective’ shot.

I mourn for those lost young lives, they didn’t have a choice.

However I have zero sympathy for the brain dead parents who didn’t pause for one second to consider the risks, to do some elementary research into what risk they might be taking.

One story I saw online, the parents were blaming the unvaxxed for the death of their daughter, they truly believed that she died of covid caught from exposure to an infected unvaxxed person, and the shot they recently gave her came too late to save their child.

How can anyone reason with such morons?

I’m sorry for the degrading terms I use but I have zero sympathy for idiots where the life of a child is concerned.

And these fools call us dangerous and irresponsible for not getting these shots to protect their children.

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Here is the story of Ernest Ramirez sorrow at losing his 16 year old son after the EUA experimental mRNA injection. Ernest gives talks all around the country.


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Thanks for the link, I’ve never seen this story mentioned anywhere.

Unfortunately stories like this are completely suppressed by the MSM and Big Tech companies, some parents only realize too late the trap they fell into.

What is even sadder is that quite a few parents won’t believe Ramirez and will think he’s trying to blame the Pharma companies for his son’s death or is looking for some sort of big payout.

The level of censorship, coercion and conspiracy is mind boggling, even the massive funeral and insurance industries are muzzled by threats and can’t talk about it.

This is the level of power ordinary citizens are up against when they challenge the vax narrative.

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Yes, the cognitive dissonance and brain-washing is staggering. I had expected an outcry from parents and society when children started dying but it seems that none of them can make any connections at all. How those behavioural psychologists sleep at night I don’t know!

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yeah, it's very sad to see people sacrificing their children on the altar of the state.

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You know, before the veil fell from my eyes, I actually believed in fighting regarding 9/11. I have since woken up to know it was a gold heist pulled off by the Bushes et al, which includes this medical mafia.

Part of it is an actual spiritual veil. Then there is the tech in the shots, which do who knows what. No frankenshot for me thanks!!!!

And then we have the mRNA gene modification, add the prepared foods, which also tinker and whalah, true idiocy, following the idiotbox!!!!

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Here is an interview of the father of Sean Hartman who died 33 days after getting the jab (another father interviewed was Ernest Ramirez who also lost his son to the jab) https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/vsrf-call-jun-9-at-4pm-pdt-two-fathers

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I did see that when it aired. Such bravery to share their sorrow. I hope comfort comes knowing they will change a choice for health is everything. I bought Dr Huber book after I saw this “Neither Safe nor effective” Have not read yet but thinking I needs paper when the internet starts taking off books to buy!!!

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"According to the testimonies of funeral directors who wish to remain anonymous, many children are dying within months after being injected with the mRNA jabs."


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Praying that more parents would come forward with their story! 🙏🙏🙏

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Reading this post and the other deaths of young healthy high school athletes brings a visceral response of sorrow for these precious teens just getting ready for an exciting future. I am reminded of a quote attributed to St Augustine that Liz Yore said on LifeSite News :

“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. ‘ANGER’ at the way things are, and ‘COURAGE’ to see that they do not remain as they are.”

Dr Alexander, God Bless you infinite COURAGE.

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oxidative stress induced by toxicity of Pfizer-BioNTech UNDECLARED INGREDIENTS - graphene, cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti), cerium (Ce) and gadolinium (Gd), barium (Ba), cesium (Cs), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), sulfur (S), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca)

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Your name expresses my feelings. How is one supposed to function in this morally outrageous world?

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It's quite a challenge isn't it?

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taa,OH! fyi...who knew?

Cerium can cause lung embolisms, a threat to the liver,causes damage to cell membranes, with negative influences on reproduction and on the functions of the nervous system,has no know biological role, but it has been noted that cerium salts stimulate metabolism [sic]

& the pièce de résistance , Gadolinium- MRI Lawsuits - AboutLawsuits.com

Following an MRI, side effects of gadolinium contrast agents used to enhance the scans may result in the development of a painful and debilitating medical condition, known as Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD). This has left patients suffering severe headaches, joint pain, loss of mobility, loss of cognitive function and other complications.


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RIP murdered children. :-(

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Loads of covid here in the UK, family and friends.ALL TRIPLE VAXXED. Chem trails in the sky daily here in Devon england. And some really weird weather. Who is flying these aircraft.what is being discharged? Chem trails do not move like clouds, they do not evaporate. They linger in the sky for hours. Something very wrong is going on.

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Safe and Effective = Safe to assume that your life expectancy will be Effective(ly) shortened.

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None of the cowardly main stream media investigates children dying from vax even loser Fox News. Or elected reps at state or federal level? Anyone ? Bueller?

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No stopping condition, no institutional review board. Just mowing people down. Beyond awful.

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THIS. We all should now be demanding stopping conditions and Independent review board. Can't Congress get it act together? How do we get this done?

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Answer: Katherine Watts Substack “Bailiwick News”. Great content, explains it all.

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Here is an example of the brainwashed stupidity we are dealing with from an MD no less.


Always blame the unmasked and the unvaxxed.

There will come a point where you can’t fix stupid nor negotiate with it, this MD needs to lose his license for being a moron.

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The doctors and health officials involved in this cover up of vaccine side effects (includong deatgs) must come forward NOW- or else they risk getting swept up in a tsunami that goes FAR beyond innocent mistakes.

It is not a stretch to say that those who continue to remain silent will be viewed the same way Nazi doctors were in the post WW II era.

And they’d be wise to set the record straight VERY soon. Is it possible that their window is closing?

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Nuremberg 2.0, it’s coming.

History has taught us not expect remorse, contrition nor regret from many of these doctors and health officials.

If you read or watch some of what happened at the 1945-46 Nuremberg trials you see that many of these doctors and officials had zero remorse for their actions.

They said they were totally justified in their acts because of the threat of the subhuman Jews and of less than perfect people with ‘defects’ to Aryan society.

Some of course claimed to be only following orders, others claimed everything was legal under German law at the time and attacked the Nuremberg tribunal and judges of supporting Communism.

In the end quite a few were hanged, others received prison sentences, only a handful expressed regret or sorrow for their actions, none really asked forgiveness and some were defiant right up to the point the trapdoor opened up and sent them to judgement in front of God.

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From the report: The incidence of myocarditis, although low"..........once again, insertion of unqualified opinion, since pathologists are NOT statistics experts, nor epidemiologists. Dr McCullough's opinion is much more valid: "ONE death is too many". Hope every mealymouthed disclaimer comes back to bite every person uttering it in their butts.

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In your attached reference, Walensky is a true liar. Her stats are so full of holes, swiss cheese would be jealous!!!

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Teenage boys are expendable. Nothing to see here.

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Died too young... When will this stop?

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