Have to get rid of the UN/WEF government leaders (stooges)who are all on board and compliant with anything their masters want them to do if we are to have half a chance at resisting the next round of tyrannical mandates. Must put our money where our mouths are to defeat the tyrant wannabes in office in our next elections and in the courts.

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Time to overthrow this corrupt government.

And realize we did this to ourselves...

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yup, the problem began with Wilson in earnest, but really Teddy was the precursor patsy slightly earlier with his Imperial BS. Why Teddy was pushed into the WH by the Jesuits through early CFR players of the period.

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Let's be clear. The correct word is TORTURE.

Social isolation, is no different than water boarding, beatings, sleep deprivation ( super bright lights and super loud noise), and electrical/shock forms of torture.

This TORTURE ihas been known AND intentionally used FOR DECADES by several military including particularly offshore USA GITMO, and globally to avoid detection on yoyr sovereign shores.

Even hardened prisoners, dont get solitary confinement anymore (except in very rare case) in civilized countries.

These madmen globally united, censored, lied repeatedly and took aim at killing and weakening people using multiple synergies and modalities to debilitate and kill.

This is DEPOPULATION as fact and governments have known for decades that LARGE POPULATIONS are hard to control.

Essentially another method is to build WALLS to assert more and more control to corral society, control it as slaves, and kill those that do not cooperate.

Their killer depopulation walls are going up all around you.

15 minute cities, electric cars that can be disabled, digital currency, digital ID And passport, lab and gmo food that kills and yes even killer mosquitoes (GATES).

The lockdowns were ONLY ONE form of torture, and believe me when I say they (the monsters and psychopaths carrying this out) KNEW IN ADVANCE exactly what they were doing.


This is AN EVIL MILTARY Operation at the highest level .

I post this link many times because it is an accurate SHORT SUMMARY of just 15 minutes.

So again LET'S BE CLEAR .

This was DELIBERATE torture, no different than the intentional sterilization, killing elderly with Midazolam and Morphine, gene therapy transcription (to reduce your life with autoimmune, myocarditis, cancer abd serious adverse effects and immediate death (based on batch).

We either take down the GLOBALIST THUGS or they will KILL YOU.

You have two choices , comply and be a victim , or go to war and FIGHT as your veterans did for you.


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We go to war and fight the thugs. We take them out. We all band together for strength and stand strong in the Lord and the power of His might

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The head of the teachers union had a direct line to Walensy. All frauds. Money changers in the temple.

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Time for Christ to come back and flip those tables again.

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I'm not sensing Christ yet. I suspect that there must be several more chosen planned for in the future. If I'm correct, then Christ will correct this Pedo Anti Christ situation. Remember, Christ caused Pedo to win the rigged election. Most likely to show exactly the truth of pure evil in many ways all at once. :)

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Bring His cat of nine tails.

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Sword from his mouth, as in simply pointing out his Word individually depicting each crime before judgement. I'm not sure as of this writing when this will occur, in terms of time, upon Christ's direct arrival. Christ is here, now, within the chosen, which are his church.

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Lockdowns caused MORE illnesses, MORE deaths and infinitely more economic suffering than did covid.

1) There were more illnesses and more deaths from undiagnosed and untreated worse diseases such as cancers, heart disease, lung disease, tuberculosis and others than from covid, thanks to lockdowns and unnecessary fear.

2) 3-5 Million ADDITIONAL children starved to death because of lockdowns, according to the UN, UNICEF and WHO.

3) Suicides skyrocketed as a result of lockdowns and isolation, to include teens. Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield: “But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess than we are seeing deaths from COVID.”

4) Tens of thousands of elderly people in nursing homes have died prematurely from loneliness, because they haven’t been able to see their families.

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Many of the elderly were targeted in senior homes, here and in Euro, when hospitals sent those with flu symptoms for care with the old timers, all with serious illness' already.

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We need to REFUSE any future lockdowns or tyranny.

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yes, but the problem is that the critical mass of Americans trust the government of Pedo and trust the CFR controlled fake news. In my case, all I have to do to see what the majority is thinking is watch and listen to the wife. She's still wearing the mask, BUT she's very very sick from the four nano vaccines. Layers of egg shells around here as, at this point, now I'm worried that if the love of my life LEARNS the truth, that alone will kill her out of both depression, shame and pure grief of her terrible judgement errors.

So, I agree with your point, but our major problem is that our rear guard is in full retreat. Honest Americans have no leader, at this point and we're without backup, with millions more of Pedo's Vatican supporters offering his Anti Christ Evils with solid support and on the American dime. :)

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Paul, check this crazy website out. They are pushing Human meat.


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This anti Christ doctrine is another layer of Trilateral's attack upon Americans. Be interesting to see which CIA backed, taxpayer funded, color revolution NGO's that set up this psychological scam.

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It is only natural for them to act in such a way; it aligns with their established approach.


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We just submitted this into Canadian Courts for the record, but we've got 3+ years of us handing over this evidence to police/judiciary and them CHOOSING to do nothing. It's suicide data included. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LeHI5eRuEsg3v6wcuXGcZ4pZgb-wJ-Zi/view?usp=drivesdk


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Western governments did not "ignore child suicides" or for that matter teenage and adult suicides as such was not unanticipated!

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

My daughter was kicked out of college in Boston because of the pandemic. All parents had one weekend to get their kids out. And all of their belongings. Absolute chaos. She already had depression as she had been assaulted by a boy in her senior year of high school. It was her freshman college year where she had planned a "new start". She had become great friends with her room mate. She was very happy. She of course, ended up back home and her depression got worst. It was extremely difficult to find her a therapist and the therapy had to be done online. Eventually we found one. She got through it, but it was difficult for her. My neighbor came home and found their 15 yo daughter hung herself in their garage. Absolutely horrible. Crushing. They rushed her to Hasbro hospital in Rhode Island where they had her on life support for about a week. She died. Our hearts go out to them. I could not even imagine. I don't know how people get through that. If you had a child that was already depressive, this was devastating to many of them.

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If child suicides are not related to net interactions, then I suspect the problem is traced to stressed parents. One of my backgrounds encompasses teaching secondary with a couple years of 6th grade compartmentalized history, all kids ranging from gifted, normal, opportunity (at risk, self contained) and CYA LA gangster kids of bloods, crips, 18th Streeters and several other Mexican gang Mexican kids caught up in selling. And kids are tough; all of them. Gang kids same and their parents are gangster BUT they did NOT want their own caught up in gangs.

The point here is that if parents remain centered, the kids pull through just fine. I parents are sweating the truth of the major war going on among the political elite, between the domestic terrorists Dem elite party of Pagan anti-Christ ideologies and America First citizens, kids are sensing their depression.

Paul, check this out; quack Birx was picked up by one of the Pharma Nazis. That was her reward for deflecting, denial, et al of the nano vaccines.

Also, about bureaucrat and corporate bureaucrat deep state's ability to stonewall truth by across the board denial: nothing new. The tobacco industry handed all their template of over rationalization using denial as their foundation of choice FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Millions suffered from cancer as they failed too think for themselves and never learned question the lies. Same with nano vaxxes, 5g and with those that even think about supporting even one dem elite or RINO traitor.

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