"But what’s curious about the figures is that it’s not the one-dose, or double-vaccinated population who account for the majority of COVID-19 deaths throughout the 12 months, it’s instead the triple and quadruple-vaccinated population that accounted for the majority of COVID-19 death"

While there are MANY things wrong with the mRNA vactines, my understanding is that one of the worst side-effects of the 3rd and 4th does (and beyond) is that they act like allergy shots, trying to suppress the host's immune system so that it no longer treats Covid infections as serious. Even worse, that same suppression of the immune system could be what is leading to an material increase in cancer cases.

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It's insane that SO MANY people are still blind, ignorant, or in complete denial about this stuff. I think there are ways to break through that conditioning (or "mass formation psychosis") but it's tough!!

these might help - https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/5-scientific-reasons-your-vaccinated

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I see dead people...

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What percentage of the population does each group represent? Raw numbers are one thing, but you still need to factor in the percentage of the total population of each group, too.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/janiform/p/men-aged-18-39-in-england-who-got?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=s05je have been going through this too making line graphs from their data. Men 18-39 in England who got 0 shots registered no death rate involving covid from apr 2022 to may 2023 but peers with shots did.

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As time passes, it is important to remember the fundamental fraud perpetrated on humanity. I'll try to get most but add on what I have forgotten. 1. Planned event. 2. Gain of Function research tax payer funded. 3. Origin hidden. 4. Therapeutics were always available. 5. Doctors/patients Denied repurposed drugs. 6. Hunted doctors who spoke out. 7. Put infected in nursing homes. 8. Sent people home to get "sicker". 9. Remdesiver known toxic protocol lives up to it's nickname, "run death is near". 10. Censorship like we have never seen before. 11. Incentive pay for hospital and medical professional compliance. 12. Data hidden early and still. 13. Recommend injecting pregnant women and babies. 14. 95% effective. 15. Does not prevent transmission or infection. 16. Stays local in the arm. 17. Myocarditis is mild and goes away. 18. masks help prevent the spread. 19. The vaccines are safe and effective. What am I missing?

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Madness, and they continues to vaccinate (with a bioweapon).

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Has anyone of you idiots ever looked on the age-standardised mortality rate?

Anti-vaxxers are a religious cult that needs to be eradicated. Vaccinations (not just against Covid) should be mandatory, everyone who resists should loose their Internet access.

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Mathematician Norman Fenton explained very well how you can have fake 'efficacy' of a 'vaccine', even if it's saline solution:


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Dr. Paul, would you mind speaking to this please?

"what’s curious about the figures is that it’s not the one-dose, or double-vaccinated population who account for the majority of COVID-19 deaths throughout the 12 months,"

So I'm confused. If its not the 1 dose or 2 dose populations that are accounting for the deaths, what the hell does the "ever vaccinated" mean?

Does it mean people like me born in 1962 who've been vaccinated prior to the vaxx act of 1986 but served in the Military and been vaccinated for God knows what but refused the mRNA poison prick?

And is the "unvaccinated" group totally unvaccinated? As in, has never ever taken any vaccines of any kind?

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Do we know the percentage of the population who are not jabbed? The percentage who are triple and quadruple jabbed?

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This only means something if it tells you the percentage of the population jabbed. England had a very high compliance rate maybe we should be told that upfront. If 95% got jabbed then I'd expect these kind of numbers. If like the US 70-75% now that's bloody murder. We need the numbers if you want us to win this death cult war. Should have been the first sentence in the article.

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The Mandemic criminals are having a tough time selling their bullshit line to the public a second time

as people are starting to open their eyes--Agenda 30 is D.O.A.-And so is the globalist plan to euthanize 80% of the world population-

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https://open.substack.com/pub/janiform/p/why-did-all-cause-age-standardized?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=s05je I calculated the weighted average for all the shots rows for each month and the all cause death rate winds up higher for the got-shots population than got 0 shots .

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When I studied the source data at https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland, the columns titled "Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years" were confusing. They generally seemed to indicate that mortality rates were HIGHER among the unvaccinated, yet the percentage of deaths for the unvaccinated was around 5% and the percentage of person-years live for the unvaccinated was round 15%.

Can anyone explain how the "Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years" is calculated.

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Are the vacced up people older? Sicker to begin with? Then higher deaths would be expected right?

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