1:13 people with covid in the Uk today. Hardly know anyone who hasn’t had it recently. Runny nose, fatigue, some with headache. At bridge the other night four women talked excitedly about taking their fourth injection. I wanted to scream DON’T DO IT. But the sheeple are so excited, so proud to take the fourth poison shot, it is errie, as in, it creeps me out. Unvaxxed, not infected with covid and grateful I made the right decision.

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Here is my take.

Almost all of the vaxed are testing positive & so is proof the vaxed are infecting each other via their vaccine damaged immune systems but the good news is that it’s not a problem for the unvaccinated who have their immune systems intact.:)

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have been looking at these figures for a while Paul, the 100k rate is increasing in jabbed and reducing in unjabbed across the board in emergency care presentation, deaths 28 day & deaths 60 days


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Great data Joe! You'll find that the comparison you are making is triple jabbed v unjabbed. If you look at the figures for single jabbed and double jabbed (which you need to calculate using the National flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/national-flu-and-covid-19-surveillance-reports-2021-to-2022-season) which gives the population figures for all the jab categories, you'll find the single and double are experiencing death rates twice that of the unjabbed.

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interesting stuff, i have limited time to dive through those figures but will definately have a look. was trying to highlight the change over time which should not be affected by confounding factors which are always used to debunk the difference in rates.

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I read the non hacksxxinated may still get infect but the rate is like 80percent hacksxxxed

We non hacksxxd would want the Omicron, and some melatonin to ease that thru

Mild but still trouble...take some melatonin is what helped me, suggested by Mercola

This is what worked for me, they haven't kiboshed that yet

I disagree; the not-hackxzxed also ought to support this convoy...

Hope you get close enough to bay area that I can join at all...

You can hear my music in YouTube

If you bring convoy near enough to s f I'd want to give a performance live....

If u wanted

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander! It boosts my spirits to follow you as you support the truckers and speak the truth.

I hope you will check out the cartoon I just posted on the injections this week, and the one I posted last week about Pfizer. I hope you enjoy them, and if so, please share.

https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/booster-boosters?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web, https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/facelift?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Those are funny. Cheers

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Both the vaxed AND unvaxed are getting these infections. First time I've heard that.

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Hoping the unvaxxed who’ve been infected (like me) will have better antibodies going forward though?? Or are we all doomed in the same way?

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My hairdresser, unvaxxed got covid recently (omicron). Same as everyone else, runny nose, fatigue, headache. That was it.

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Dr. Alexander, could I ask your opinion in regards to the fact that some say that this corona virus doesn't exist like some other viruses. I'd be very interested in your opinion about this concept that a virus can exist only if it was proven to be isolated.

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This is new to me. It appears the Biden Administration is giving away our sovereignty. In a "crisis" the WHO and United Nations can take over a country. This will be voted on the May 22nd.


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