We don’t need more regulations we need to ban the whole process before they destroy the human race!

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I also hope they are wrong. All my children and their spouses bought into the Con. They ignored my alarm! Each injection biodegrades immune systems ability to function properly!

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My adult kids took their shots because they wanted to protect others

I was skeptical of it all my brother tried to convince me that I was going to die. None trusted my judgement despite none of them having any of my laboratory research experience

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When insanity is called “ science”!

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& thanks for your tireless work Dr Alexander. When do you ever sleep?

God bless!

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Imperial College London… weren’t they the ones erroneously forecasting extreme deadliness of original C19?

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I got notice of a new Meetup group. This is the description (what could possibly go wrong?? /sarcasm)


This community project will use CRISPR to edit the DNA of human cell lines. We will meet every week on Wednesday at 7 PM. During the first meeting, we will identify which gene we want to knock out and identify the appropriate cell line to make the knockout. In subsequent weeks, we will make CRISPR guide RNAs, clone them into a mammalian expression vector, and then transfect CAS9 with the guide RNA into human cells. The cell lines we generate will be open source and available for any community lab or project.

You do not need any prior experience or knowledge to join. This community project will primarily take place in the laboratory. You must wear close-toed shoes to go into the lab.

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Need more info on this group and how to join.

NO I am not going to join! It's for research project...

Search and destroy mission.

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It's a meetup group called BioCurious. You can probably find details by searching for it by name on meetup.com

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Thank you Ann! God Bless!

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Put this in Google search and see the goldmine of dr. Evils out there...

This community project will use CRISPR to edit the DNA of human cell lines. We will meet every week on Wednesday at 7 PM. During the first meeting, we will identify which gene we want to knock out and identify the appropriate cell line to make the knockout. In subsequent weeks, we will make CRISPR guide RNAs, clone them into a mammalian expression vector, and then transfect CAS9 with the guide RNA into human cells. The cell lines we generate will be open source and available for any community lab or project.

You do not need any prior experience or knowledge to join. This community project will primarily take place in the laboratory. You must wear close-toed shoes to go into the lab.

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These psychopaths just don’t stop ✋

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How do we stop the funding for these outrages?

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Imperial College of London? Gee, that's a fucking surprise. The only surprise is that none of those assholes are swinging from a gallows pole.

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Humans have been creating diseases to sicken and kill their own species since before Christ was born. The only difference now is taxpayers fund smart people to do this for a living and fund others to dupe the masses into thinking these are natural phenomena requiring toxic injections for protection. It's disgusting how humans believe they're entitled to experiment on every species on this planet without their consent.

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Dr. Paul. I am sharing all of your research publications on social media. The doubters and pharma schills can not keep up with the science!!

Thanks for your honesty and heroism !!!!!!

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I'm for "loss of function" for these mad scientists. Let them join the homeless.

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I believe this kind of activity is what was responsible for the "Kent" variant in England that emerged a few weeks before the mass jab rollout. COVID v1.0 was well and truly over by mid autumn in the UK and then...

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I remember seeing a headline for a podcast by Mike Adams yesterday saying they have plans for spraying biological weapons on the population with drones

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Lil Kim and the butchers in Iran must get a good laugh when western powers talk about the importance of honesty in making and keeping treaties.

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Put these frankenstein scientists in prison. Their skills are not wanted or needed and they are a danger akin to rabid dogs.

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Variants created in a computer database since I doubt they had any real virus. And if they did, where did they get it? Not even the CDC has any samples.

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I remember seeing a short video about doctors/jabmakers waiting for "the codes" so they could make the jabs. I think they were coming from china

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F**k them all to HELL! Fn so called scientist should be in jail! Gitmoed!

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