The Ukraine leader to me is a money whore like members of congress and senate, bold faced in your face money whores! what about the tax returns of the congress members? not just Trump
We’ve known that for so long. Trump’s biggest mistake was making it solely about Hunter Biden. He should have taken down Lindsey Graham, Cofer-Black, Romney, Fiona Hill, Volker, MCCain, Soros, Podesta, Sid Blumenthal, Mueller, Comey, Yvonovich, Klobuchar, Schiff, Pelosi, Kerry,Volker, Rick Gates,Chris Murphy,Poroshenko, Neal Bush, Ted DeVine, Bernie, Chalupa,Bolton, Comey, Brennan,Kent,Hillary, Doug Schoen, Blinken, Sullivan, Lanny Davis, Zoe Loefgren,CrowdStrike,BleachBit,, Biden extorting Ukraine to vote for the UN anti-Israel Resolution, the False Flag Orange Revolution Maidan Massacre and regime change of the lawfully elected Ukrainian President, trading and arming the Azov Nazis, the collaboration of most of the aforementioned tk take out Trump, the Atlantic Council- aka Burissma lobby , weapons transfer station used to arm Al Qaeda in Libya that caused the Benghazi massacrre ( Benghazi was a CIA outfit) and the “ Arab Spring Freedom Fighters were Al-Qaeda) . Gadaffi, though not exactly a nice guy, was neither “killing the freedom fighters” nor tyrannizing his people. It was another despicable ruse. We plundered Libya’s natural resources, destroyed its sovereign borders, left a violent gutted civil war and terror tunnel, slave market and flood of refugees. Oh yeah! FTX!
This would have been Trump’s crownig achievement. He blew it.
As per Zelenskyy, he’s a fucking Nazi kapo scum , thief, con, liar and a despot. Jewish hero? I want to puke. I’m Jewish. Among the most virulent antisemites are self loathing Jews . Look what he did to Israel. Piece of shit. And the Russian Orthodox Church, his own cabinet members he was friendly with since childhood. All his lies and propaganda.
The Democrat Death Cult no longer shocks me. However, the GOP no longer deserves to exist. It’s long overdue to form a new party with a broad umbrella , different voices, modern, smart , diverse and representative. Country first, not some obsolete, corrupt loser by design saggy octogenarian Party Of Repugnance.
DeSantis, Ron Johnson, Ladapo, Byron Donalds are among the handful with any decency, integrity, courage and ability to gain support across the spectrum
You've covered it all in a few paragraphs. I can't believe that I am living this shit show and the people at the top of the heap are the most corrupt, evil and self-serving two-faced liars to ever walk the face of the earth. It is simply beyond the beyonds.
Re: Trump’s biggest mistake was making it solely about Hunter Biden - in my book, Trump's biggest mistake was signing the secret contracts with Pfizer and others to take their vaccines, irrespective of if they worked or not, to 2035 - with The Lancet later publishing that the Pfizer vaccine was 0.84% effective and getting Covid was 99.16% and the other vaccines fell between 0.84% and 2.5% I seem to recall, with AstraZeneca being the most effective and with the highest kill rate, I seem to recall, which is why its name was changed multiple times over a short period of time and now I don't know if it is still being injected or not.
Anyone who knowingly signs secret contracts (not for public consumption) is still a murderer for each person who dies from their vaccine policies such as this: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.
The Initial Contract with General Dynamics
The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines.
There is no clause in the contract giving the CDC an option to cancel or suspend the contract in the event that vaccines would not be authorized. Also, the contract stipulates that the contractor would have everything up and running within 60 days of the contract, which means by the end of October. But what if the vaccines were never approved? Or what if they were approved much later, say in February, April or June? Was the CDC just going to hand over [redacted] millions of dollars to the contractor for nothing? Or did the CDC know something about the impending approval of COVID-19 vaccines? It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion.
BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: see below
CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting
The contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature:
According to the contract, VAERS had been receiving an annual average of 53,000 reports in recent years, so in contracting for up to 1,000 reports per day, the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher.
The initial total amount specified (with options) under the contract with Eagle Health Analytics was $5,925,388.58 or $7,077,054.90 “with all options” (which presumably includes the extension of the VAERS work through July). This amount also includes the CISA project assistance. However, it does not include the increased hours in the Oct. 29 revision, nor the increase for the V-SAFE pregnancy registry work. However, I have not been able to find the contract in any Federal contracts database. Perhaps one of my readers will have better luck.
How Much Did All of This Cost?
The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars.
So the next time somebody says that VAERS data is worthless, ask them why the Federal government paid contractors at least $45 million dollars over 2 years to maintain this “nationally critical function.”
An anonymous source has sent me (Josh Guetzkow) two key contracts obtained via FOIA between the CDC and two contractors hired to assist with COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, including reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). “Assist” is not quite the right word, since the contracts essentially outsource VAERS maintenance and reporting for COVID-19 vaccines to these companies. Both contracts are embedded above, of this post.
The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow – which I happened to come across.
Question: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27, but It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion - from January 2021
So the CDC knew that Covid-19 vaccines would cause approximately 1,000 injuries or deaths per day (x41), once they were released for public use – yet the mRNA vaccines went ahead anyway, care of Trump first and Biden later and no mention has been made of the 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology in the Lipid packages, which were injected in their billions in each mRNA vaccine shot – so what do you think of the above – when you “volunteered” to be mRNA vaccinated, but now?
My take on this: But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, (with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million was added) is that as the numbers went up of records to be processed, so did the amount being paid for that recording to be done - what do you think?
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...
All countries around the world have experienced similar trends to what America was recording, so it was hardly surprising that the deaths and injuries due to the synthetic mRNA vaccines would continue to go up, irrespective of which country they were being injected - the facts don't lie, how can they, only the people who said they were safe lied and now their lies have been caught out, agreed?
Absolutely agree. You’ve not seen my rants on Dr Alexander’s page, Dr. Malone’s or anybody trying to defend Trump as having been “ naive” or gotten tricked.
Trump had expert advisors prior to his dealings with Gates, Zuckerberg and Pharma, Faustus and Birx.
How could he possibly been unaware of Event 201? A Pa democratic Preparation Tabletop Germ Game sponsored by the WEF, Johns-Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Medicine and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the speakers, participants, planning? Why has NOBODY asked or even reported ?
No way he could have been so unaware and in the very suspect chance he didn’t know, he was not qualified to lead, period!
The whole fucking debacle was outlined, including the pubic/private sector, tech, social media, media, Pharma, Intel, global “ authoritarian” messaging, mis and disinformation. I knew and am merely a private citizen.
I’ve known Fauci’s forty plus year history of failing upward, lies, coverups, fraud, graft, torture, mass murder, denying life saving , safe, cheap, effective long approved repurposed drugs. Dating back to denying 17,000 HIV/AIDS patients the life saving sulfa antibiotic, Bactrim, instead torturing them with AZT and watching them suffocate to death in agony with PCP pneumonia. Bactrim is the single antibiotic that effectively treats and cures that very rare strain. How the hell did this become erased from public memory? I was 18 years old in my native Miami. It is instilled in my mind. Among the 19,000 were the wonderful Freddie Mercury, Arthur Ashe, George Michaels, Rock Hudson, Ryan White… Magic Johnson stopped the treatment. He couldn’t handle the side effects. He’s alive and well today. The other 18,999 not so lucky.
Here’s a tidbit. Trump learned of Ryan White’s tragic case, contracting HIV from an infected blood tranfusion. The child was a hemophiliac. His dream was to meet Michael Jackson. Trump flew MJ to meet Ryan White at his home where he laid dying.
Lest we forget Bush/Cheney chose Fauci to head and oversee the Pentagon Biowarfare research, fearing an Al Qaeda attack. Faustus was given the green light to embark on GOF research and embryonic stem cell usage. Never before allowed because it violated established bioethical regulations. And the weaponized Anthrax was stolen and sent to members of Congress . Some died, others received placebo. Including Mike Pence. Richard Burr also knew . The anthrax was traced back to Ft Detrick and John Ashcroft, Mr Pharma set Robert Mueller to frame Steven Hatfill. Hatfill fought back. He was ruined, but won his suit against the government was cleared, so they framed Bruce Ivins. He “ suicided” before he could make a public statement. Case closed. W awarded the little monster the Presidential Medal Of Freedom. Ergo, Pence was well aware and chose Faustus to “ Head the team”. Again this is on Trump!
Gates and Faustus disbanded Trump’s vaccine safety panel. He was advised by Hatfill, Zelenko,Michael Leavitt and other luminaries. By then, Drs Risch, Malone, Smith, Oswui, RFK Jr, Battacharaya, Ionnides, McCullough were interviewed on Fox. Dr Risch gave a very complete history of Fauci in great detail in a half hour appearance with Levin
Remember the North Carolina lab leaks, medical kidnapping using orpaphans, disabled wards of State and foster children, tortured in a NY Catholic orphanage? Remember Judy Mikovits who blew the whistle on Baric and Fauci, had her research stolen and went to prison? The Uber failure “ Operation Dark Winter Tabletop Germ Game? The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Coverup? HINI, SARS, MERS, Ebola, West Nile, River Disease, Tedros the terrorist? How Remdisivirc failed to stop Ebola, Zika? Tedros coverup of 2 cholera outbreaks and the 2b dollar grant for AIDS research in Ethiopia? Where he was a murderous Marxist terrorist? Or when Tedros honored Mugabe with the WHO Humanitarian Award? It was rescinded because that was just a step too far. Faustus referred to Tedros as “ delightful”. The horrific toxic HPV vaccines used on impoverished girls in a finite India village?
All public knowledge. Trump also chose Scott Gottlieb, Pharma darling to head the CDC. Didn’t last. Azar served in the Bush admin too. And Kadlec!
I replied, wholly agreeing with you( below) , but have reached the point of such anger on so many issues that the only emotion remaining is hopelessness.
Our country has been gutted from within. Our “ leaders” have long sold us out. We just didn’t realize it because the tactics were deployed behind the scenes. Whenever a “ scandal” was exposed, it was quickly averted by sleight of hand.” Look over there”. What I blame Trump for is failing to see what was going on before his own eyes.
His Achilles Heel is celebrity. The very celebrity that he counted on to build his legacy was used to take him down.” He said nice things about me” entraps him his need for recognition and center stage .. regardless from whom , how or why… good or bad…so long as it’s about him is what makes him tick. For all the positives that come with that personality trait, the negatives outweigh them.
I truly believe the “ positive ( in his estimation) of Bill Gates , Zuckerberg, Pharma, Schwab playing him with “ compliments and attention” were too tempting to walk away from.
Dr Scott Atlas is extremely his book, he describes how Trump was surrounded by an enemy force hellbent on thwarting his every better judgement. He could see Trump struggling with decisions where he was on the right track and being beaten back until finally caving. Atlas particularly despised Pence, Fauci, Birx and Meadows. He knew exactly what a dumbstruck fraud Pence was who had a bizarre crush of sorts on Birx. Like a puppy. As per Meadows, he pegged him as completely inept. Atlas went so far as to state Pence must NEVER again hold political office. He was a snake, a liar and a fraud wielding his religious “ virtue” as a protective shield from taking responsibility for his lack of character. He deluded himself. As per Meadows, he is just that stupid. And that doesn’t begin to cover how many others he named.
Re: add human/child trafficking - that has gone on since the end of the American Civil War (1861-1865), nothing has changed there. Read that a child goes missing every second of every day. Your female kid might be outside playing one moment and the next they have "gone", disappeared for good - probably into the sex trade, where, presumably, the younger the better and the best prices paid to fuck them, if not to an Arab Harem, probably the best option - if they don't comply they get whipped on the soles of their feet until they do comply - that does not damage their looks or sexuality - probably natural blond's would be the most preferred, blondes not occurring in Islamic Countries like Saudi Arabia, for example.
You'll find DeSantis and Johnson are - and will be - exactly the same once they get on the inside.
All politicians are consummate scum.
USA has finally had a mirror held up to what she's all about and, ironically, covid was the proper revelation, because she finally turned the cannon on her very own citizens.
Previously, USA had been fucking around with regime change, genocide, war crimes and wholesale execution of NON-Americans in third party nation states for over 75 years with countries such as Russia, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, just to name a few.
Now it has come full circle.
I wrote a poem a few years ago for a festival I took part in in a small town in South Africa. It's called African dictator but it's now a universal phenomenon and the piece has wholesale application.
I pray DeSantis doesn’t back down. God only knows the threats he will face.
I don’t know of anyone who can survive unless surrounded by ironclad fighters and first cleaning house. To do so, he would have to be seen publicly with the same posse of fighters in the know. The RNC institution will work to sabotage and take him out. He’s more dangerous than Trump because he’s disciplined
Gail, I agree with you. I thought Trump knew what he was doing and was so disappointed when we saw that he fumbled the ball mid play so to speak. He had to have people against him in his own cabinet and I think they kept key information from him. He because of his arrogance, I think let his guard down when he should have know the democrat's would do anything to get him out as many of the democrats and now I'm sure some republicans are eligible for the death sentence. How could he not track their every move, every call, every action as he knew they were complete corrupt lying murderers? for Trump not to stop the voting corruption right when it was noticed made me think he was over confident and did not know his enemy at all or not enough.
Because Zelensky is as you say a Nazi, thief, con, liar who runs a country known for human trafficking, money laundering etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, we knew as soon as Trudeau and Biden started to send billions of taxpayers money there that something was wrong. Why was money being sent to a Nazi government? When we have many many people suffering in our own countries and have to watch corrupt people living in the lap of luxury from money stolen from our citizens it goes to show there is only corruption controlling everything. I have seen a picture of Trudeau with his face so close to anther mans face there was little doubt that he swings the other way so to speak and there is of course the picture of Zelensky with half naked gays, we know both are involved in acts that are part of the reason for the strange sexual acceptances being brought out and trying to be pushed in schools. In the past so-called royals screwed everyone, it did not matter what the relationship, sister, aunt, mother, offspring etcetera, etcetera in orgies where the offspring were sometimes mentally challenged etcetera, etcetera. These people care only for their desires and wants with no thoughts as to the harm they do.
You are right, a new government needs to be formed because those in control now are so far from the constitutional governments many fought and died for that they are traitors and seditionists who need to be imprisoned immediately. Their actions make them criminals against our government and the people. I don't understand why a new system can't be formed and these criminals dealt with now. If evil makes laws and rules, moral people can unmake corrupt laws and do what is needed.
When the crimes these corrupt thieves are exposed all blood money and stolen tax money must be taken and given back to the people as well as all assets sold and returned to the population. A law for crimes like this in the future needs to be in place so the evil corruption will never happen again. When the outcome for crimes against humanity are known to be strictly enforced they will think twice. The only punishment suitable for their actions is death, after all how many have they killed? I pray the handful of politicians you named here can get the ball rolling.
How is the USA going to overthrow the current government?
Who will have the balls, never mind the mandate to do it?
The current govt has been elected, whether through fake elections or not.
And even if they were fake elections, the current govt and its odious plan is the will of, at the very least, a considerable proportion of the country.
So who will take up the mantle?
Republicans? Trump groupies - you saw the types he summoned on Capitol Hill. Was that the very best he could do?
Perhaps a better way to start, is to get the momentum going to call a referendum on whether the country should be split up, into one country for the current way things are being done, and another country for a different way, whatever way that is, is still in the air.
Then if the numbers are there, the current govt will have to start doing things very quickly for the disenchanted.
I also think that a government who got into position through fraud, when discovered to be fraud it should be possible to remove them immediately, I would think anyway.
I always look back in time to ancient Rome for guidance. Remember, Rome was a very sophisticated society which was socially stratified.
I'm sure you know - the entire western world's legal system has its foundation in Roman law, so we're talking about a phenomenal society here.
The Roman Republic lasted 500 years.
Rome ultimately collapsed because of corruption, inflation, plague, crime and starvation which then led to lower class citizens/commoners rising up against the Roman Senate.
Rome had used slave labour captured in conquests. This created huge problems as local farmers using non slave labour could simply not compete.
When Rome's conquests thinned out, so did the slave labour supply. The local farmers had already been put out of business, so food shortages then led to wholesale spiraling down and monstrous criminal activity. Rome went from a Republic to a dictatorship - in Rome the dictators were called "Caesar".
Ultimately, the entire system collapsed in on itself and Germanic tribes conquered an economically weakened and militarily paralysed Rome.
Now none of this is the path of the mighty US, but one can see definite parallels.
Again we are living in 2022 AD, and things are quite different, but what always remains the same are the intrinsic human characteristics.
So, as I said earlier, the referendum is the start, the pressure from the bottom classes up all the way to the bourgeoisie and then higher up to the super classes and your current sitting USA Caesars.
How long this will take to change things is anyone's guess. A generation perhaps.
I will be dead in 26 years as my family's male line longevity is 77.
I live in South Africa so I'm well placed to survive, and I'm functioning in an already corrupt and insane society I've learned how to navigate.
Very good, yes this way of controlling the population always comes to and end sooner or later. And yes there is parallels in the the way they are going about their plans to take control. As you said it's impossible to say when it will fail however I would like to think that because we know the past that there will be those who see why and how the evil in the past went down. I know the are laws but what about our birth right to protect ourselves from outside harm. In my mind I see no reason we should, just because evil people say we should, allow them to harm us or our loved ones in any way or to steal our wealth. In Canada we see Trudeau doing just as in the past by disarming the population and making it harder and harder for farmers to grow food. He is also through the climate scam stealing billions of taxpayers money to further making people struggle. I tell people this is a tactic used in the past, Look at North Korea. The people are and many in the military always hungry, with no weapons the people have no choice but to endure the corruption imposed on them with little food they don't have the energy to do much more than forage and grow food they cant even drive any distance as there are no cars, they could not afford them anyway. I don't know much about South Africa, however I read Africa has the least death toll from the gene therapy jabs because they would not let their people be Gini Pigs. I love that. Anyway I will keep a positive mind and pray the insanity will be forced to stop soon.
Best wishes to you and yours. Good to hear you can safely navigate the situation in your country.
Every time I make a comment like the the one you replied to, I hope to get someone or many people with Ideas that might be able to change the insane situation the world is in even if they don't tell us what it is as that would not be good to put where it can be seen by anyone looking at our website. But I'm sure there are those out there working on the problem. I don't recall hearing your idea before so it may, with all the other ideas people have stated, start the imaginations of someone to come up with a plausible plan. As you say who has the balls to take them on, to my thinking a plausible plan in the hands of people who truly know what will happen to the world population will give a lot of incentive to at least try. The alternative as you know is to be true slaves to the most demented mentality the world has ever seen. You think the situation now is insane, it will be nothing compared to what it will be like if they get full control. So I keep praying to one hear some good news. Thanks for your two cents Barry.
Until there's a mechanism to hold politicians immediately accountable that's more effective than swearing and less deadly than lynching, we'll get more of the same. Threatening not to vote for them some time in the future is meaningless.
Won't have to vote for Biden, next election - in all probability he will be Democratic Dictator of America and like Qaddafi, Xi, Putin, Saddam Hussein he will be in for life - however long that might be for, him being in his early 80's I gather, now?
Wonder if his son, the one with the left laptop, will be your next Dictator after Biden, probably, he fits the bill well, I would have thought - like father, like son?
Can't get rid of US Federal Government Insiders even after they leave public office and have no legitimate business interfering any more, both in cases of such as Biden, Obama and Hillary and in that of the NeoCons. All perpetually driving the US Ship of State into the biggest iceberg they can find...
Well, I don't care about America - since I don't live there or anywhere near - nice and hot here - 38C expected tomorrow - but all of the other countries around the world including my one, are on the same collision course that America is on, thanks to Trump and Biden and all I can hope is that I survive long enough to witness Biden's Great Reset and put my spanner in the works as much as possible, probably fat lot of good that will do, but I can only try, along with the rest of you like minded souls out there, better to go out with a bang than a whimper!!
I am a warrior and I always have been, my tenant is a worrier and always has been - such is my life - much laughter!
The politicians and judges and everyone in positions of power over us has been bought by Big Pharma and Big Tech, this time. It has taken years to do that, but everyone has a price and all Big Pharma has to do is find out what that price is and provide it. It is called lobbying, which is a polite word for bribery. They own all of the armed forces, the police and every weapons carrying person and all we have are our voices and refusal to take their synthetic mRNA vaccines and they can step on each of us, like stamping on a nail in the ground (which we are) anytime they like and there is nothing we can do to stop them - with Trump's vaccines being rolled out to 2035 - like it or lump it.
My advantage is I've probably got another 10 years tops on the clock before my life ends, now at 76, so I'm in line for the early chop, sooner or later, because that's the way the mud flops or the cookie crumbles, or I fall off my twig, this time - much laughter - but at least, not vaccinated and still human
Well, Zelenskyy, not to be outdone, has bought a US$345 million property (or thereabouts) in America, so he can skip to America and live there off the millions he pocketed for himself, while he was providing millions in capital to the slush funds of whichever American party suited him, from the billions of US$, Biden sent him, for his own private war against Putin.
The DC Swamp has set new highs for unbridled corruption at the expense of US citizens. This is the reason it will be history in 10-15 years...about the same time as fake global warming melts the earth.
If anyone (not this group I realize...) believes for a moment that "democracy" is the rallying cry, one need only look around with eyes open and it becomes blatantly evident that N-A-Z-I ideology is rampant (one minor example, the NYT's recent Sunday crossword puzzle was in fact a swastika pattern) with a generous side helping of systemically institutionalized money laundering on a scale hitherto unseen nor imagined. It's the grift that keeps on grifting. Just this AM Martin Armstrong posted this clip of the hero Z before he became the 21st century reincarnation of Winston Churchill
Make no mistake. McConnell did this to blow up the GOP. Everything he’s done since 2020 has been deliberate, including allowing SCOTUS to overturn R v W right before the midterms. The GOP had a guaranteed sweep and the lead plummeted. He hurt decent candidates , disparaging them . They weren’t the crazy ones. They were the anti- war , immigration reform, young, diverse outsiders who were exactly what the voters wanted, including independent, moderate, libertarian and younger voters.
McConnell pushes the “ pro- life”, anti- LGBT, old , stodgy nothings and if the candidate is a minority, they have to be a certain “ type”. A black person who sounds like Tim Scott, Latinos who have no flair, Indians who are Christian, Jews who don’t have the relatable northeast cultural gig, gays who aren’t too colorful… I guarantee you he despises DeSantis. Guarantee it. DeSantis is much more independent, modern and outside the box. He has a sense of humor and he’s fucking up Mitch’s Pharma , China and war profiteering. He’s not gung ho Zelenskyy. He knows exactly what Zelenskyy is, took on BlackRock, Disney, ESG, WEF, Faustus, Pharma and has a FABULOUS Surgeon General, Dr Ladapo.
Naomi Wolf published a conversation with her husband last night, pouring through the death to America traitorous massive theft and fraud. The carve outs are horrifying, including huge Soros wealth, property, federal land and vote rigging. “ Arabella Corporation”. Why did Mitch push so hard for Murkowski? The largest parcels are Alaskan Native American reservations, salmon fisheries and worse. Like Alaska’s newly adopted “ rank voting.system”.
Ties into FTX, Open Society, hyper regulation.. Soros and FTX donated heavily to Murkowski, Mitch too and Mitch is deep in bed with Pharma, hence not bringing Trump’s lower drug and healthcare price transparency.
The Ukrainian corruption, China profiteering, war profiteering… but here’s the kicker with the shot heel GOP overhening R v W. The bill contains massive funding for PP.
Not to mention the FBI, NIA, DOJ, NIH, CIA,DHS and 86,000 new IRS agents + salary increases for all. No border security for the US, plenty for Ukraine, Lebanon, Tunisia, Pakistan,Egypt
I hope the GOP implodes. Well finally create a new party, but we MUST organize and be prepared to act!!
The way things are going in the US, we will need a revolution to rid the country of all the evil and corruption. I am praying and hoping the WHITE HATS are for real or we are in deep dodo.
Amen, Dr. Alexander! Another losing war, which could have been predicted at the start, will finish our country off economically. The creation of a powerful coalition new party, not owned by Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex is needed. Merry Christmas!
You must be really a degenerate to utter samthing like that about Celery's speach to the Congress. We saw pope and now Celery addressing the Congress. It looks like it has become a forum for all type of high profile criminal elements of the world where their depravity have been flaunted as virtue.
Why would the globalist pyramid cap use their own money to corrupt and control national govts. around this planet when they can use the people's? This 'cap' is without any moral principles or boundaries. One glance at their covid vaccine is all the proof we need! Only their own self interest, meaning enslaving everyone else to those interests matters to them. They are holding humanity back from achieving our true potential as a caring and cooperative species. The 'cap's' core power and control ability comes from its ownership of the money creation business. All created as interest bearing debt all owed to themselves. Money can be created and issued debt free! As Thomas Jefferson stated, "...... The issuing power [of money] should be taken from the bankers and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." This remembering that the Federal Reserve is a private for profit corporation that has substituted its bank notes in counterfeiting the US money supply. Can anyone even imagine the power and control they have usurped with ultimate control over this omnipotent commodity!? This while using the American people as its guarantor in furthering what can only be labelled as an evil scheme.
Well, the one thing America is really good at is running away from wars (like Biden, according to Berenson) Afghanistan, Vietnam (booted out in 1975), Korea and probably the Ukraine eventually, if Putin is able to turn the tide of war in his favour - he expected to crush Ukraine in 24 hours I read somewhere - sure got egg on his face over that one.
We’ve known that for so long. Trump’s biggest mistake was making it solely about Hunter Biden. He should have taken down Lindsey Graham, Cofer-Black, Romney, Fiona Hill, Volker, MCCain, Soros, Podesta, Sid Blumenthal, Mueller, Comey, Yvonovich, Klobuchar, Schiff, Pelosi, Kerry,Volker, Rick Gates,Chris Murphy,Poroshenko, Neal Bush, Ted DeVine, Bernie, Chalupa,Bolton, Comey, Brennan,Kent,Hillary, Doug Schoen, Blinken, Sullivan, Lanny Davis, Zoe Loefgren,CrowdStrike,BleachBit,, Biden extorting Ukraine to vote for the UN anti-Israel Resolution, the False Flag Orange Revolution Maidan Massacre and regime change of the lawfully elected Ukrainian President, trading and arming the Azov Nazis, the collaboration of most of the aforementioned tk take out Trump, the Atlantic Council- aka Burissma lobby , weapons transfer station used to arm Al Qaeda in Libya that caused the Benghazi massacrre ( Benghazi was a CIA outfit) and the “ Arab Spring Freedom Fighters were Al-Qaeda) . Gadaffi, though not exactly a nice guy, was neither “killing the freedom fighters” nor tyrannizing his people. It was another despicable ruse. We plundered Libya’s natural resources, destroyed its sovereign borders, left a violent gutted civil war and terror tunnel, slave market and flood of refugees. Oh yeah! FTX!
This would have been Trump’s crownig achievement. He blew it.
As per Zelenskyy, he’s a fucking Nazi kapo scum , thief, con, liar and a despot. Jewish hero? I want to puke. I’m Jewish. Among the most virulent antisemites are self loathing Jews . Look what he did to Israel. Piece of shit. And the Russian Orthodox Church, his own cabinet members he was friendly with since childhood. All his lies and propaganda.
The Democrat Death Cult no longer shocks me. However, the GOP no longer deserves to exist. It’s long overdue to form a new party with a broad umbrella , different voices, modern, smart , diverse and representative. Country first, not some obsolete, corrupt loser by design saggy octogenarian Party Of Repugnance.
DeSantis, Ron Johnson, Ladapo, Byron Donalds are among the handful with any decency, integrity, courage and ability to gain support across the spectrum
You've covered it all in a few paragraphs. I can't believe that I am living this shit show and the people at the top of the heap are the most corrupt, evil and self-serving two-faced liars to ever walk the face of the earth. It is simply beyond the beyonds.
Re: Trump’s biggest mistake was making it solely about Hunter Biden - in my book, Trump's biggest mistake was signing the secret contracts with Pfizer and others to take their vaccines, irrespective of if they worked or not, to 2035 - with The Lancet later publishing that the Pfizer vaccine was 0.84% effective and getting Covid was 99.16% and the other vaccines fell between 0.84% and 2.5% I seem to recall, with AstraZeneca being the most effective and with the highest kill rate, I seem to recall, which is why its name was changed multiple times over a short period of time and now I don't know if it is still being injected or not.
Anyone who knowingly signs secret contracts (not for public consumption) is still a murderer for each person who dies from their vaccine policies such as this: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.
The Initial Contract with General Dynamics
The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines.
There is no clause in the contract giving the CDC an option to cancel or suspend the contract in the event that vaccines would not be authorized. Also, the contract stipulates that the contractor would have everything up and running within 60 days of the contract, which means by the end of October. But what if the vaccines were never approved? Or what if they were approved much later, say in February, April or June? Was the CDC just going to hand over [redacted] millions of dollars to the contractor for nothing? Or did the CDC know something about the impending approval of COVID-19 vaccines? It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion.
BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: see below
CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting
The contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature:
According to the contract, VAERS had been receiving an annual average of 53,000 reports in recent years, so in contracting for up to 1,000 reports per day, the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher.
The initial total amount specified (with options) under the contract with Eagle Health Analytics was $5,925,388.58 or $7,077,054.90 “with all options” (which presumably includes the extension of the VAERS work through July). This amount also includes the CISA project assistance. However, it does not include the increased hours in the Oct. 29 revision, nor the increase for the V-SAFE pregnancy registry work. However, I have not been able to find the contract in any Federal contracts database. Perhaps one of my readers will have better luck.
How Much Did All of This Cost?
The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars.
So the next time somebody says that VAERS data is worthless, ask them why the Federal government paid contractors at least $45 million dollars over 2 years to maintain this “nationally critical function.”
The Contracts
23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te...
23 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Ll
An anonymous source has sent me (Josh Guetzkow) two key contracts obtained via FOIA between the CDC and two contractors hired to assist with COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, including reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). “Assist” is not quite the right word, since the contracts essentially outsource VAERS maintenance and reporting for COVID-19 vaccines to these companies. Both contracts are embedded above, of this post.
The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow – which I happened to come across.
Question: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27, but It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion - from January 2021
So the CDC knew that Covid-19 vaccines would cause approximately 1,000 injuries or deaths per day (x41), once they were released for public use – yet the mRNA vaccines went ahead anyway, care of Trump first and Biden later and no mention has been made of the 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology in the Lipid packages, which were injected in their billions in each mRNA vaccine shot – so what do you think of the above – when you “volunteered” to be mRNA vaccinated, but now?
My take on this: But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, (with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million was added) is that as the numbers went up of records to be processed, so did the amount being paid for that recording to be done - what do you think?
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...
All countries around the world have experienced similar trends to what America was recording, so it was hardly surprising that the deaths and injuries due to the synthetic mRNA vaccines would continue to go up, irrespective of which country they were being injected - the facts don't lie, how can they, only the people who said they were safe lied and now their lies have been caught out, agreed?
Absolutely agree. You’ve not seen my rants on Dr Alexander’s page, Dr. Malone’s or anybody trying to defend Trump as having been “ naive” or gotten tricked.
Trump had expert advisors prior to his dealings with Gates, Zuckerberg and Pharma, Faustus and Birx.
How could he possibly been unaware of Event 201? A Pa democratic Preparation Tabletop Germ Game sponsored by the WEF, Johns-Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Medicine and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the speakers, participants, planning? Why has NOBODY asked or even reported ?
No way he could have been so unaware and in the very suspect chance he didn’t know, he was not qualified to lead, period!
The whole fucking debacle was outlined, including the pubic/private sector, tech, social media, media, Pharma, Intel, global “ authoritarian” messaging, mis and disinformation. I knew and am merely a private citizen.
I’ve known Fauci’s forty plus year history of failing upward, lies, coverups, fraud, graft, torture, mass murder, denying life saving , safe, cheap, effective long approved repurposed drugs. Dating back to denying 17,000 HIV/AIDS patients the life saving sulfa antibiotic, Bactrim, instead torturing them with AZT and watching them suffocate to death in agony with PCP pneumonia. Bactrim is the single antibiotic that effectively treats and cures that very rare strain. How the hell did this become erased from public memory? I was 18 years old in my native Miami. It is instilled in my mind. Among the 19,000 were the wonderful Freddie Mercury, Arthur Ashe, George Michaels, Rock Hudson, Ryan White… Magic Johnson stopped the treatment. He couldn’t handle the side effects. He’s alive and well today. The other 18,999 not so lucky.
Here’s a tidbit. Trump learned of Ryan White’s tragic case, contracting HIV from an infected blood tranfusion. The child was a hemophiliac. His dream was to meet Michael Jackson. Trump flew MJ to meet Ryan White at his home where he laid dying.
Lest we forget Bush/Cheney chose Fauci to head and oversee the Pentagon Biowarfare research, fearing an Al Qaeda attack. Faustus was given the green light to embark on GOF research and embryonic stem cell usage. Never before allowed because it violated established bioethical regulations. And the weaponized Anthrax was stolen and sent to members of Congress . Some died, others received placebo. Including Mike Pence. Richard Burr also knew . The anthrax was traced back to Ft Detrick and John Ashcroft, Mr Pharma set Robert Mueller to frame Steven Hatfill. Hatfill fought back. He was ruined, but won his suit against the government was cleared, so they framed Bruce Ivins. He “ suicided” before he could make a public statement. Case closed. W awarded the little monster the Presidential Medal Of Freedom. Ergo, Pence was well aware and chose Faustus to “ Head the team”. Again this is on Trump!
Gates and Faustus disbanded Trump’s vaccine safety panel. He was advised by Hatfill, Zelenko,Michael Leavitt and other luminaries. By then, Drs Risch, Malone, Smith, Oswui, RFK Jr, Battacharaya, Ionnides, McCullough were interviewed on Fox. Dr Risch gave a very complete history of Fauci in great detail in a half hour appearance with Levin
Remember the North Carolina lab leaks, medical kidnapping using orpaphans, disabled wards of State and foster children, tortured in a NY Catholic orphanage? Remember Judy Mikovits who blew the whistle on Baric and Fauci, had her research stolen and went to prison? The Uber failure “ Operation Dark Winter Tabletop Germ Game? The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Coverup? HINI, SARS, MERS, Ebola, West Nile, River Disease, Tedros the terrorist? How Remdisivirc failed to stop Ebola, Zika? Tedros coverup of 2 cholera outbreaks and the 2b dollar grant for AIDS research in Ethiopia? Where he was a murderous Marxist terrorist? Or when Tedros honored Mugabe with the WHO Humanitarian Award? It was rescinded because that was just a step too far. Faustus referred to Tedros as “ delightful”. The horrific toxic HPV vaccines used on impoverished girls in a finite India village?
All public knowledge. Trump also chose Scott Gottlieb, Pharma darling to head the CDC. Didn’t last. Azar served in the Bush admin too. And Kadlec!
He can’t be that “innocent”
I replied, wholly agreeing with you( below) , but have reached the point of such anger on so many issues that the only emotion remaining is hopelessness.
Our country has been gutted from within. Our “ leaders” have long sold us out. We just didn’t realize it because the tactics were deployed behind the scenes. Whenever a “ scandal” was exposed, it was quickly averted by sleight of hand.” Look over there”. What I blame Trump for is failing to see what was going on before his own eyes.
His Achilles Heel is celebrity. The very celebrity that he counted on to build his legacy was used to take him down.” He said nice things about me” entraps him his need for recognition and center stage .. regardless from whom , how or why… good or bad…so long as it’s about him is what makes him tick. For all the positives that come with that personality trait, the negatives outweigh them.
I truly believe the “ positive ( in his estimation) of Bill Gates , Zuckerberg, Pharma, Schwab playing him with “ compliments and attention” were too tempting to walk away from.
Dr Scott Atlas is extremely his book, he describes how Trump was surrounded by an enemy force hellbent on thwarting his every better judgement. He could see Trump struggling with decisions where he was on the right track and being beaten back until finally caving. Atlas particularly despised Pence, Fauci, Birx and Meadows. He knew exactly what a dumbstruck fraud Pence was who had a bizarre crush of sorts on Birx. Like a puppy. As per Meadows, he pegged him as completely inept. Atlas went so far as to state Pence must NEVER again hold political office. He was a snake, a liar and a fraud wielding his religious “ virtue” as a protective shield from taking responsibility for his lack of character. He deluded himself. As per Meadows, he is just that stupid. And that doesn’t begin to cover how many others he named.
I can name hundreds.
Well said!!!
Thank you. I forgot to add human/child trafficking
Re: add human/child trafficking - that has gone on since the end of the American Civil War (1861-1865), nothing has changed there. Read that a child goes missing every second of every day. Your female kid might be outside playing one moment and the next they have "gone", disappeared for good - probably into the sex trade, where, presumably, the younger the better and the best prices paid to fuck them, if not to an Arab Harem, probably the best option - if they don't comply they get whipped on the soles of their feet until they do comply - that does not damage their looks or sexuality - probably natural blond's would be the most preferred, blondes not occurring in Islamic Countries like Saudi Arabia, for example.
Hi Gail,
Happy Chanukah.
You'll find DeSantis and Johnson are - and will be - exactly the same once they get on the inside.
All politicians are consummate scum.
USA has finally had a mirror held up to what she's all about and, ironically, covid was the proper revelation, because she finally turned the cannon on her very own citizens.
Previously, USA had been fucking around with regime change, genocide, war crimes and wholesale execution of NON-Americans in third party nation states for over 75 years with countries such as Russia, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, just to name a few.
Now it has come full circle.
I wrote a poem a few years ago for a festival I took part in in a small town in South Africa. It's called African dictator but it's now a universal phenomenon and the piece has wholesale application.
Wishing you and yours all the best.
African dictator
He looks just like Idi Amin
Sitting there smugly,
Pleased with himself,
Power over men,
Bullets shoot from his mouth,
Words on his trigger,
The corners of his mouth
Just like the dead bodies remaining right after
Words on his trigger
His subjects bow and genuflect
Tens of millions of them
Him only one
As was his father
And his father’s father before him
Tribes war against one another
Dusty blood
Power over men
Young women carry his babies
Cast summarily out from under his white sheets
The soiled
The weak
Fatherless small people
Power over men
His gold
A singular faithful lover,
Glistening in the early sunlight
Lain with him the whole night before
Never talking back
His people
Hungry, starving
Wretched minute existences
Ants on an anthill
Power over men
He is a king of kings
Parading it
Flashing it
Glistening white teeth
Straight from the back of his motorcade
City state leader
The throng of ants
Hold onto his every word
Mumbled from high
And places out of reach
Breathing rarified wines
Swallowing air of unpalatable pain
Power over men
And as he retires
From another weary gruelling day of
War mongering
He calls to action
An unanswerable cry
The ants beg
“Yes dear leader
“Anything for you, dearest leader.
Power oven men
African dictator’s
Deadly legacy
Meted out
In banal nothingnessness
I pray DeSantis doesn’t back down. God only knows the threats he will face.
I don’t know of anyone who can survive unless surrounded by ironclad fighters and first cleaning house. To do so, he would have to be seen publicly with the same posse of fighters in the know. The RNC institution will work to sabotage and take him out. He’s more dangerous than Trump because he’s disciplined
thank you so much for outlining the corruption that has gripped our world. I pray and hope the WHITE HATS are for real or we are in deep dodo.
Gail, I agree with you. I thought Trump knew what he was doing and was so disappointed when we saw that he fumbled the ball mid play so to speak. He had to have people against him in his own cabinet and I think they kept key information from him. He because of his arrogance, I think let his guard down when he should have know the democrat's would do anything to get him out as many of the democrats and now I'm sure some republicans are eligible for the death sentence. How could he not track their every move, every call, every action as he knew they were complete corrupt lying murderers? for Trump not to stop the voting corruption right when it was noticed made me think he was over confident and did not know his enemy at all or not enough.
Because Zelensky is as you say a Nazi, thief, con, liar who runs a country known for human trafficking, money laundering etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, we knew as soon as Trudeau and Biden started to send billions of taxpayers money there that something was wrong. Why was money being sent to a Nazi government? When we have many many people suffering in our own countries and have to watch corrupt people living in the lap of luxury from money stolen from our citizens it goes to show there is only corruption controlling everything. I have seen a picture of Trudeau with his face so close to anther mans face there was little doubt that he swings the other way so to speak and there is of course the picture of Zelensky with half naked gays, we know both are involved in acts that are part of the reason for the strange sexual acceptances being brought out and trying to be pushed in schools. In the past so-called royals screwed everyone, it did not matter what the relationship, sister, aunt, mother, offspring etcetera, etcetera in orgies where the offspring were sometimes mentally challenged etcetera, etcetera. These people care only for their desires and wants with no thoughts as to the harm they do.
You are right, a new government needs to be formed because those in control now are so far from the constitutional governments many fought and died for that they are traitors and seditionists who need to be imprisoned immediately. Their actions make them criminals against our government and the people. I don't understand why a new system can't be formed and these criminals dealt with now. If evil makes laws and rules, moral people can unmake corrupt laws and do what is needed.
When the crimes these corrupt thieves are exposed all blood money and stolen tax money must be taken and given back to the people as well as all assets sold and returned to the population. A law for crimes like this in the future needs to be in place so the evil corruption will never happen again. When the outcome for crimes against humanity are known to be strictly enforced they will think twice. The only punishment suitable for their actions is death, after all how many have they killed? I pray the handful of politicians you named here can get the ball rolling.
Hi Dennis,
How is the USA going to overthrow the current government?
Who will have the balls, never mind the mandate to do it?
The current govt has been elected, whether through fake elections or not.
And even if they were fake elections, the current govt and its odious plan is the will of, at the very least, a considerable proportion of the country.
So who will take up the mantle?
Republicans? Trump groupies - you saw the types he summoned on Capitol Hill. Was that the very best he could do?
Perhaps a better way to start, is to get the momentum going to call a referendum on whether the country should be split up, into one country for the current way things are being done, and another country for a different way, whatever way that is, is still in the air.
Then if the numbers are there, the current govt will have to start doing things very quickly for the disenchanted.
That's my two cents.
Best of luck to you.
I also think that a government who got into position through fraud, when discovered to be fraud it should be possible to remove them immediately, I would think anyway.
Greetings again Dennis.
I always look back in time to ancient Rome for guidance. Remember, Rome was a very sophisticated society which was socially stratified.
I'm sure you know - the entire western world's legal system has its foundation in Roman law, so we're talking about a phenomenal society here.
The Roman Republic lasted 500 years.
Rome ultimately collapsed because of corruption, inflation, plague, crime and starvation which then led to lower class citizens/commoners rising up against the Roman Senate.
Rome had used slave labour captured in conquests. This created huge problems as local farmers using non slave labour could simply not compete.
When Rome's conquests thinned out, so did the slave labour supply. The local farmers had already been put out of business, so food shortages then led to wholesale spiraling down and monstrous criminal activity. Rome went from a Republic to a dictatorship - in Rome the dictators were called "Caesar".
Ultimately, the entire system collapsed in on itself and Germanic tribes conquered an economically weakened and militarily paralysed Rome.
Now none of this is the path of the mighty US, but one can see definite parallels.
Again we are living in 2022 AD, and things are quite different, but what always remains the same are the intrinsic human characteristics.
So, as I said earlier, the referendum is the start, the pressure from the bottom classes up all the way to the bourgeoisie and then higher up to the super classes and your current sitting USA Caesars.
How long this will take to change things is anyone's guess. A generation perhaps.
I will be dead in 26 years as my family's male line longevity is 77.
I live in South Africa so I'm well placed to survive, and I'm functioning in an already corrupt and insane society I've learned how to navigate.
Godspeed my brother.
Very good, yes this way of controlling the population always comes to and end sooner or later. And yes there is parallels in the the way they are going about their plans to take control. As you said it's impossible to say when it will fail however I would like to think that because we know the past that there will be those who see why and how the evil in the past went down. I know the are laws but what about our birth right to protect ourselves from outside harm. In my mind I see no reason we should, just because evil people say we should, allow them to harm us or our loved ones in any way or to steal our wealth. In Canada we see Trudeau doing just as in the past by disarming the population and making it harder and harder for farmers to grow food. He is also through the climate scam stealing billions of taxpayers money to further making people struggle. I tell people this is a tactic used in the past, Look at North Korea. The people are and many in the military always hungry, with no weapons the people have no choice but to endure the corruption imposed on them with little food they don't have the energy to do much more than forage and grow food they cant even drive any distance as there are no cars, they could not afford them anyway. I don't know much about South Africa, however I read Africa has the least death toll from the gene therapy jabs because they would not let their people be Gini Pigs. I love that. Anyway I will keep a positive mind and pray the insanity will be forced to stop soon.
Best wishes to you and yours. Good to hear you can safely navigate the situation in your country.
Good luck in the future.
Hi Barry;
Every time I make a comment like the the one you replied to, I hope to get someone or many people with Ideas that might be able to change the insane situation the world is in even if they don't tell us what it is as that would not be good to put where it can be seen by anyone looking at our website. But I'm sure there are those out there working on the problem. I don't recall hearing your idea before so it may, with all the other ideas people have stated, start the imaginations of someone to come up with a plausible plan. As you say who has the balls to take them on, to my thinking a plausible plan in the hands of people who truly know what will happen to the world population will give a lot of incentive to at least try. The alternative as you know is to be true slaves to the most demented mentality the world has ever seen. You think the situation now is insane, it will be nothing compared to what it will be like if they get full control. So I keep praying to one hear some good news. Thanks for your two cents Barry.
Until there's a mechanism to hold politicians immediately accountable that's more effective than swearing and less deadly than lynching, we'll get more of the same. Threatening not to vote for them some time in the future is meaningless.
Won't have to vote for Biden, next election - in all probability he will be Democratic Dictator of America and like Qaddafi, Xi, Putin, Saddam Hussein he will be in for life - however long that might be for, him being in his early 80's I gather, now?
Wonder if his son, the one with the left laptop, will be your next Dictator after Biden, probably, he fits the bill well, I would have thought - like father, like son?
Can't get rid of US Federal Government Insiders even after they leave public office and have no legitimate business interfering any more, both in cases of such as Biden, Obama and Hillary and in that of the NeoCons. All perpetually driving the US Ship of State into the biggest iceberg they can find...
Well, I don't care about America - since I don't live there or anywhere near - nice and hot here - 38C expected tomorrow - but all of the other countries around the world including my one, are on the same collision course that America is on, thanks to Trump and Biden and all I can hope is that I survive long enough to witness Biden's Great Reset and put my spanner in the works as much as possible, probably fat lot of good that will do, but I can only try, along with the rest of you like minded souls out there, better to go out with a bang than a whimper!!
I am a warrior and I always have been, my tenant is a worrier and always has been - such is my life - much laughter!
Maybe if we are lucky Russia & the United States will use nuclear weapons over Ukraine & we can end this shit show called humanity.
The politicians and judges and everyone in positions of power over us has been bought by Big Pharma and Big Tech, this time. It has taken years to do that, but everyone has a price and all Big Pharma has to do is find out what that price is and provide it. It is called lobbying, which is a polite word for bribery. They own all of the armed forces, the police and every weapons carrying person and all we have are our voices and refusal to take their synthetic mRNA vaccines and they can step on each of us, like stamping on a nail in the ground (which we are) anytime they like and there is nothing we can do to stop them - with Trump's vaccines being rolled out to 2035 - like it or lump it.
My advantage is I've probably got another 10 years tops on the clock before my life ends, now at 76, so I'm in line for the early chop, sooner or later, because that's the way the mud flops or the cookie crumbles, or I fall off my twig, this time - much laughter - but at least, not vaccinated and still human
As long as the criminals have control of the laws there will never be a clean system. Sadly, we have allowed this to happen.
I agree with everything you shared. Like Candace I no longer recognize my country. We are ruled by a dictatorial class of Congress & executive branch.
We the People are insignificant.
The Omnibus Bill is a joke on America...
Omnibus Bill? not sure I've read that one?
Well, Zelenskyy, not to be outdone, has bought a US$345 million property (or thereabouts) in America, so he can skip to America and live there off the millions he pocketed for himself, while he was providing millions in capital to the slush funds of whichever American party suited him, from the billions of US$, Biden sent him, for his own private war against Putin.
I, for one, don’t want his sorry ass in this country.
Sad to see Tom cotton sign onto this bill.
And Grassley.
The DC Swamp has set new highs for unbridled corruption at the expense of US citizens. This is the reason it will be history in 10-15 years...about the same time as fake global warming melts the earth.
If anyone (not this group I realize...) believes for a moment that "democracy" is the rallying cry, one need only look around with eyes open and it becomes blatantly evident that N-A-Z-I ideology is rampant (one minor example, the NYT's recent Sunday crossword puzzle was in fact a swastika pattern) with a generous side helping of systemically institutionalized money laundering on a scale hitherto unseen nor imagined. It's the grift that keeps on grifting. Just this AM Martin Armstrong posted this clip of the hero Z before he became the 21st century reincarnation of Winston Churchill
Make no mistake. McConnell did this to blow up the GOP. Everything he’s done since 2020 has been deliberate, including allowing SCOTUS to overturn R v W right before the midterms. The GOP had a guaranteed sweep and the lead plummeted. He hurt decent candidates , disparaging them . They weren’t the crazy ones. They were the anti- war , immigration reform, young, diverse outsiders who were exactly what the voters wanted, including independent, moderate, libertarian and younger voters.
McConnell pushes the “ pro- life”, anti- LGBT, old , stodgy nothings and if the candidate is a minority, they have to be a certain “ type”. A black person who sounds like Tim Scott, Latinos who have no flair, Indians who are Christian, Jews who don’t have the relatable northeast cultural gig, gays who aren’t too colorful… I guarantee you he despises DeSantis. Guarantee it. DeSantis is much more independent, modern and outside the box. He has a sense of humor and he’s fucking up Mitch’s Pharma , China and war profiteering. He’s not gung ho Zelenskyy. He knows exactly what Zelenskyy is, took on BlackRock, Disney, ESG, WEF, Faustus, Pharma and has a FABULOUS Surgeon General, Dr Ladapo.
Naomi Wolf published a conversation with her husband last night, pouring through the death to America traitorous massive theft and fraud. The carve outs are horrifying, including huge Soros wealth, property, federal land and vote rigging. “ Arabella Corporation”. Why did Mitch push so hard for Murkowski? The largest parcels are Alaskan Native American reservations, salmon fisheries and worse. Like Alaska’s newly adopted “ rank voting.system”.
Ties into FTX, Open Society, hyper regulation.. Soros and FTX donated heavily to Murkowski, Mitch too and Mitch is deep in bed with Pharma, hence not bringing Trump’s lower drug and healthcare price transparency.
The Ukrainian corruption, China profiteering, war profiteering… but here’s the kicker with the shot heel GOP overhening R v W. The bill contains massive funding for PP.
Not to mention the FBI, NIA, DOJ, NIH, CIA,DHS and 86,000 new IRS agents + salary increases for all. No border security for the US, plenty for Ukraine, Lebanon, Tunisia, Pakistan,Egypt
I hope the GOP implodes. Well finally create a new party, but we MUST organize and be prepared to act!!
Merry Christmas Dr Alexander and all your followers and comrades in this fight. We are blessed to have one another.
The way things are going in the US, we will need a revolution to rid the country of all the evil and corruption. I am praying and hoping the WHITE HATS are for real or we are in deep dodo.
But how? How do we do this??
Amen, Dr. Alexander! Another losing war, which could have been predicted at the start, will finish our country off economically. The creation of a powerful coalition new party, not owned by Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex is needed. Merry Christmas!
You must be really a degenerate to utter samthing like that about Celery's speach to the Congress. We saw pope and now Celery addressing the Congress. It looks like it has become a forum for all type of high profile criminal elements of the world where their depravity have been flaunted as virtue.
Why would the globalist pyramid cap use their own money to corrupt and control national govts. around this planet when they can use the people's? This 'cap' is without any moral principles or boundaries. One glance at their covid vaccine is all the proof we need! Only their own self interest, meaning enslaving everyone else to those interests matters to them. They are holding humanity back from achieving our true potential as a caring and cooperative species. The 'cap's' core power and control ability comes from its ownership of the money creation business. All created as interest bearing debt all owed to themselves. Money can be created and issued debt free! As Thomas Jefferson stated, "...... The issuing power [of money] should be taken from the bankers and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." This remembering that the Federal Reserve is a private for profit corporation that has substituted its bank notes in counterfeiting the US money supply. Can anyone even imagine the power and control they have usurped with ultimate control over this omnipotent commodity!? This while using the American people as its guarantor in furthering what can only be labelled as an evil scheme.
Sadly, like Afghanistan, there is no intention to win any war for the Ukraine. War is a horrible thing to give for Christmas.
Well, the one thing America is really good at is running away from wars (like Biden, according to Berenson) Afghanistan, Vietnam (booted out in 1975), Korea and probably the Ukraine eventually, if Putin is able to turn the tide of war in his favour - he expected to crush Ukraine in 24 hours I read somewhere - sure got egg on his face over that one.