Dr Alexander you’re reading my mind. My latest post states exactly that and for the past hour as I thought about everything happening around the world, the exact same fingerprints are here again! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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From open borders to WW3, all by design.

Stolen elections have dire consequences.

End of empire type shit now...

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Anyone who voted for Biden must feel pretty damn stupid

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Don’t count on it... it’s really hard to fix stupid

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No. Most of the democrats I know like Biden.

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as I said...we REALLY need to get rid of public education... err I mean public indoctrination in this country.

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Agreed. The education system in the US is horrible. It is great at turning people into sheep.

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The Military Industrial Complex ...”so many lucrative conflicts and so little time, how to choose?”

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China doesn't need to move on Taiwan. They are already heading for reunification and the timeline was set long ago. Just as Russia attacked nobody until we provoked them numerous times with our lies and broken promises. And now, just as we provoked Pearl Harbor, we will probably try the same provocation with China by sealing the Strait of Hormuz, which sees about 70% of Chinas imported oil and gas pass through. It's getting so I am embarrassed to be an American.

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The globalists' plan is to destroy Israel and create WWIII. Next step: Biden pre-emptively invades Iran due to an obscure CIA memo stating that they've got Weapons of Mass Destruction... just to find none after killing so many (just as with Saddam Hussein).

The full plan revealed:


Bonus: have a laugh


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Yup. Everything is either about oil or China.

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IMO it is an attempt to execute WWIII. Losing in Ukraine much? No problem, just open up a second front in the Middle East. “Surprise attack my arse” D. Icke. Ie. The whole thing stinks.

Putin is over the target calling out Klaus Schwab et al as terrorist IMO.

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