Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

Yep its about the secret Bio weapon labs of the USA and the Elites.. Russia wants them destroyed, and the USA and the Elites wants to keep making pandemics from their Drug Inc Labs.. Any money sent there gets rerouted to the usual suspects... Nuland laid the ground work now she is egging the war on, along with all the rest of the EVIL group of usual suspects.. They moved their money from armaments' for blowing up things to pHARMACEUTICALS, more profit margin..

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There is so much global corruption happening right now that it’s so overwhelming once you start to really look at it all. Once you have woken up to it, time to figure out what you and your immediate circle of people can do at this very moment in time. It’s not much sadly, but what you can do is band together. My family learned how to hunt.... in fact we go as a family on a fall hunt for Mule Deer every year for the past 5 years now in the Nevada wilderness. We put in for deer tags as a party, and we always come home with one. We learn from our grandparents, and we teach the kids EVERYTHING involved in it. They get in there and shoot, clean, and handle the deer. They learn the importance of the life that was given and how to properly respect it by not wasting it. So much food is wasted in this country. They learn how to work on engines, and know how to fix things on the fly. They also know what not to believe in (mainstream media, FB, ttok) and not to take any experimental “vaccines” if they should have ever been sold as vaccines❤️‍🩹. Let’s all have the ability to distinguish who is genuine, and is not bought by globalist with creepy doctor evil suits, and who cannot be bought EVER, like Joe Rogan and Breaking Points news. It’s not party issues anymore, it’s world issues now! Let’s all hope and pray that the truth stays accessible to us so we can have some hope that ACTUAL reality with persevere, not this fake, online ideology, contorted reality, or whatever it is. They are coming for us harder than ever. Band together and build your skills as family!♥️🤍💙

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Can’t find out about the democratic party’s stolen taxpayer’s money they are laundering and withdrawing via the Ukraine ATM for their own enrichments-hmmm.

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Absolutely this is about the Bio labs. Putin is looking more and more like the good guy everyday. The problem we have is that our government corruption is so deep, there is nobody who can hold our government accountable! Wouldn’t it be nice for someone like Putin to dissolve our government so we can start fresh! Something has to be done. My tax dollars hard at work to support their corruption! Every speech Putin gives brings more clarity to the problem! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

Damn straight it is. It has everything to do with using Ukraine as a proxy to weaken and dismantle Russia. "Using", as in "taking advantage of", as in "we don't care what happens to its people or the country" - as long as US hegemony objectives met.

Ties to NWO not to be overlooked, of course.

Look up " RAND CORPORATION " - { ' The RAND Corporation is an American nonprofit global policy think tank created in 1948 by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the U.S. government and private endowment, corporations, universities and private individuals ' }

The following links are very telling - WHAT did the US know - and what were expexted results ? :



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Sent from my iPhone Screen shots of Michael Kane’s article from 2005 providing Important context regarding vaccines as bioweapon for Steve Kirsch’s debate - we need honest information not coverup re Department of Defense’s AMRIID’s Fauci’s NIH NIAID as origin of virus and mRNA for profit vaccine countermeasures . We need Romero Institute to fight this shadow government the way they did with their RICO suit for Tony Aragon and Martha Honey’s suit of 26 biggest government conspirators and CIA World AntiCommunist League drug traffickers and arms dealers and private financiers of retired Generals, and Directors of the CIA and Justice Department and both parties. All must step down like Nazis in South Africa did in the Truth and Reconciliation program. You should also bring in Kevin Annette’s suit of Pfizer and the Crown which he won in the state of Kanata in Jan 2022 which I think is the real reason they ended the lockdowns. According to Kevin Annett’s YouTube, based on the Judge’s ruling in the Kanata lawsuit, the Queen of England and presumably the CEO of Pfizer could be arrested for the crime of testing the killer vaccines on children in these schools. This is why our rogue shadow government is using criminal Mossad CIA COINTELPRO NATO Gladio targeting and assassination and surveillance methods that we are told were used by Stalin’s and the Stasi’s and Hitler’s SS Gestapo and fail to tell the world what everyone but American’s know which is we the US Defense Department under Rumsfeld and Casey and Bush are the Mafia Criminal Death Squad state that has funded these biological terrorism covert operations and genocide programs since we started the CIA and the West German CIA called the BND Gehlen Organization and funded death squads in Argentina with Nazi Gold and sent 1.7 thousand of the worst war criminals to like Klaus Barbie / the butcher of Lyons and Josef Mengele to orchestrate the terrorist death squads targeting journalists who exposed them. Read Steve Kinzer’s Poisoner in Chief about Fort Detrick which is where these bioweapons in the form of viruses including the AIDS virus and the Polio virus and Lyme Disease and SARS-CoV-2 and the Human Leukemia virus which is like the AIDS virus manufactured by the US government in bio labs throughout US colleges like Chapel Hill and throughout China as in Wuhan and at Porton Down in London, it is the perfect weapon as long as they keep the truth from the people which is why they use the FBI, the police Homeland Security NATO Wackenhut Mossad and all the other intelligence agencies to cover it up and ultimately kill off 7/8 of us so that their is enough oil for the 1/8 of the genetically enhanced chosen people. This is why the world is demanding the US investigate itself as the true criminal state. See Jeff Gates Guilt by Association. Basically we are bringing about the 4th Reich and their greatest superpower is their ability to make it invisible through Total control of the media through the software built off of the Inslaw PROMIS Main Core software that was stolen by Rafi Eitan and developed into a Total Information Awareness program by the Reagan Bush Cheney Rumsfeld Roberts Kavanaugh Meese General Singlaub General Secord and World AntiCommunist League associates like Korean Sung Yun Moon of the Washington Times and SMOM Sovereign Military Order of Malta Opus Dei Vatican Catholics like William Casey, John Roberts (who with Alito was put into power from early 1980’s to end Roe v Wade). The Facebook Cambridge Analytica SCL software is the perfect Active Measures Regime Change machine since it can unduely influence with 1 to one precision the entire world population with disinformation about those who report or teach each other the truth about who is good and who is evil. It is a Luciferian scheme. The role of the vaccine which they have completely misinformed us about is that it was designed to give us Autism or Alzheimer’s through the amyloid clots that creep through the arteries between the heart and the brain. We know about this through the footling amyloid clots or blockages that are turning up in people. We know the spikes proteins are embedded in people’s brains, too, as recently revealed by John Campbell. There is also Glycene Hydroxide in the vaccines which we know from a Danish (I think) scientist who droned to death as he walked out of his home the day after he made a YouTube video describing how Glycene Hydroxide is like a one cell razor blade that clings to the epithelial walls of the veins and arteries and the lymph system and causes the walls to break down so we bleed to death internally. It does stay in the pregnant mother’s system and will cause miscarriages and deformities in the babies. It also has the same genetic structure as the AIDS RNA in its retro virus code just as Leukemia. I will attach a picture of this written by Fauci and Gallo in their textbook Internal Medicine. Fauci and Gallo need to come before a Nuremberg court and hung as Judy Mitkovits told us in Plandemic. They have been silencing the scientists tried to blow the whistle on them using the power of the NIH to determine grants since the 1940’s when NIH and the National Cancer Institute were formed. All the money we spent on curing cancer has been spent erasing from history all the honest scientists who try to blow the whistle on the Department of Defense (formally the War Department) fir creating cancer. A lot of this I learned reading the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Ed Haslam and “Me and Lee” by Judith Vary Baker. These two book expose how the NIH, CDC, WHO, Ochsner clinic in New Orleans were funding development of a vaccine cancer bioweapon in the 50’s to be able to kill off communists like Castro without anyone knowing. It goes on from there. I have all of this from investigative journalists who have been silenced and terrorized into keeping silent. We have to demand that the AMA and the medical schools and all the captured agencies be told the truth which they should have been able to figure out by now if the vaccine hasn’t given them autism dementia. We have to pull the vaccine off the market now and prosecute the US UK Israeli Saudi German Russian Ukrainian NATO Gladio Chinese Communist Party collaborators and conspirators for this. One of the best sources for connecting all the dots was Jim Marrs which is why he got the heart attack shot and Robert Parry who got the cancer shot. These aren’t sudden death accidents. This was invisible genocide. Murder by Design. I think Danny Sheehan’s Romero Institute would be the perfect one to develop this as they are already working with the LCfor911inquiry.org Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry which has recently had good tributes to the late David Ray Griffin a scholar of theology who wrote several great books exposing 9/11 as a new Pearl Harbor state crime against demicracyMicky Harrison, Barbara Honneger, Peter Dale Scott, Kevin Barrett and millions of others in the 9/11 Truth movement to bring to justice the 9/11 criminals who are the same ones behind all these state crimes against democracies by a shadow government or criminal state.

Sent from my iPhone

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Eventually, all the pieces of the jig saw puzzle will convince everyone of the bigger picture. Then, all of the politicians on this planet will be eliminated, and the same for those (corporatists) who are in bed with them. Greedy people never see their future.

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CDC/DOD/CIA consortium! The great harm inflicted on our brave men and women in the military needs to be exposed!

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Like still water, this rabbit hole runs deep & dirty

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Pfauci and Wuhan are theater to keep you distracted from the real source of COVID-19.

Introduced via the bioweapon that is, the medical countermeasures.

Brought to you by.............Ukraine.

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I honestly have thought that all along. Early in this war many posted on TikTok and Instagram the list of our US drug facilities (names you would know) in the Ukraine touting more than 10,000 employees each. There were over 15 of them!! Maybe you saw those posts too. The Biden regime was doing everything to save those facilities and i bet you (good educated guess) that’s why Putin was going after Ukraine in the first place. To shut them down. Sadly I think Russia is ill-equipped. But when Russia rolled out Sputnik V. And digital ID push - hum...... but that was from MSM So. Here. We. Are. Shear speculation.

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God bless you with safety and strength to keep up the pressure. We need to stop these mad mentally deranged evil doers now. Time is of the essence.

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Absolutely agree. U.s. protecting( trying to) their secret ties to Ukraine. Pathetic humans killing off people to protect their over- inflated egos. But God is watching and they will pay HIS price!!!

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I also suspect covid is at the heart of the grand billion dollar Democrat money-laundering scheme in Ukraine but I suggest that posters think twice before believing madman Vladimir Putin is the "good guy" in this abominable, absurd theatre.

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It also has to do with the Nazi’s in the Ukraine and the tortured and abused children in the tunnels…

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Don't forget the Bidens!

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