I don't know why everyone's so surprised. What else are supposed to do in the middle of a war....Go shopping in Paris. It's ALL a psyop. Mass psychosis in full effect and nobody cares. Thank you Dr. Alexander and God Bless.

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No one has been held accountable , so why not brazenly spend stolen laundered money? Glad it’s gotten exposure. I don’t think these people have guilt or remorse.

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We’ll, I can’t help but think how much of that money belongs to ‘We the People.’ Actually money laundered from the deep state corrupted politicians.

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We stand (at the sales counter) with Ukraine!

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The Gateway Pundit is one of few news sources that uncovers and reports issues factually versus lazily .And always the key missing links that ties together a far bigger picture.

Isn’t it ironic that the Republicans who never miss a chance to appear on Fox, promising big time investigations never ask the right questions? They cannot be so inept as fail repeatedly in their efforts. Most are complicit ,corrupt or cowardly. But if others are just that stupid, how the hell are they elected? Or if they are so naive and new to the game, why are they given committee positions? And why the hell was McConnell overwhelmingly approved to retain his leadership position? Where were Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Cruz, Hawley, Massie, Blackburn and the big mouths who always showbat until push comes to shove? Where was Ron Johnson who at least has taken on the Covid lies and the harmful vaccines? Mitch and the big mouths did NOTHING to support his efforts. But one elected Republican of honor backed Johnson and bucked the entirety of both parties, the bureaucracy and Trump as well. One awesome Governor who is the true Independent Progressive ( in the literal definition). Ron DeSantis. The only Senator to challenge Mitch was Rick Scott, who knew there was no chance and should not have been appointed to lead the Senator’s Convention either.

I really believe the GOP doesn’t want to win the majority. It means they have to act vs only act as opposition.

For McConnell to dare blame the Senate loss on “ bad candidates” is as bizarre as how the hell he has remained in his seat for decades. More bizarre is his “ Leadership” position. He is absolutely repugnant. His face, voice, lack of personality, ideas, Corrupt to the core, warmongering, selling out America’s middle class,cultural obsolescence, refusal to expand the party and modernization with diverse , young , representative of America’s multitude of ethnicities is makes it very difficult to convince people to switch sides. How can you counter the narrative that the GOP is a party of old white men, out of touch, anti-women, makes no outreach and shuts out people that don’t fit the “ morally righteous gold standard” of Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney,John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham,Mike Pence, Trey Gody, Ben Sasse, John Thune, Bill Cassidy, Mike DeWine, Richard Burr, Jeff Flake, John Kasich,Karl Rove,Dick Cheney, the Bush Carte, Mark Thiessen,, Rich Lowry, David Petraeus,John Bolton, David French, George Conway, Bill Kristol,Cofer-Black, John Boehner… my all time favorites- John McStain, Bob Mueller, Bill Barr, Jim Comey, Chris Wray, John Brennan, Rod Rosenstein, Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts ( all Bush appointments)… and Jeb.

Nearly forgot St Anthony Faustus, promoted to head the Bentagon/DOD Biowarfare program and given approval to engage in Gain Of Function research while keeping his NIAID title. So great is the tiny tyrant, Bushhonored him with a Presidential Medal Of Honor. Who else was involved and aware in 2001? Pence, Burr, Christie, Judith Miller, Graham, Andrea Mitchell, Kavanaugh, Mitch, McStain, Portman, Corker… to name a select few

What the hell is/was wrong with Trump? He has only himself to blame .He didn’t even fight for His best appointment, Mike Flynn. BTW, Pence was the saboteur behind the Flynn/Russia bullshit

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The cocaine-fueled comedian who plays a piano with his penis is the new avatar for jewish democracy.

What brilliant guy coined and popularized the term 'Clown World' to describe this kind of kabuki theatre?

Oh yeah, me, In 2017. :)

And always remember, do not mess with Dr. Paul Alexander! https://0x0.st/onk3.jpg

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These people make the guests on the Jerry Springer Show look classy. They are total communist reprobates and that is why Zelenzky is adored by Time’s and they awarded him person of the year.

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Stop giving these criminals money!!

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These people know no shame!

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Her wardrobe was not shipped back to Ukraine!

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I'm in the Netherlands. We are supposed to have the biggest gas supply (bubble) in the whole of Europe. Yet, I now have to pay €478 a month for my electrical/gasbill instead of the €150 last year. Funny part is that the Netherlands do export our gas to Belgium and Germany amongst others. And they pay less per m3 than us. And still there are people thinking Zelensky is a saint and the EU is a democratically chosen institution (France and the Netherlands en masse said 'no' to an EU constitution, so they cancelled all other countries referenda and pushed through the Lisbon Treaty)

with in their basis principle of equality, freedom of movement, to promote peace, European values and the well-being of EU citizens; to provide freedom, security and justice, without internal borders, combined with appropriate measures at its external borders to manage asylum and immigration and to prevent and combat crime,


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You can compare them to the Biden Crime Family living in the White House. They never earned the Titles. All they know is to live off the American People. Now, their granddaughter and her husband live in the White House. They made sure she got married at the White House, too. I know JOE paid for it (Right). Could you imagine, if one of President Trump's adult Family Members lived at the

White House. JOE and JILL are the rot that permeates through the White House. They bring in scum like drag queens and trannies to prance around the White House.

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Sadly it is inevitable, however wealthy Zelensky was before the Russian invasion, he, and his closest confidants, will be significantly wealthier afterwards. He may even be able to afford a proper shirt...

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Zelenskyy s think they are

Hollywood elite posing in vogue during war

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Religion and politics exploit the all too human desire to have a savior and a leader. Some of us, firmly seated on the throne of reality, rightfully despise the exploiters, and the exploited.

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Ukraine = money laundering operation; US funded bioweapons labs; proxy war with Russia.

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