I have the screenshots of Matt Handcock text messages saying then is the next Variant coming out because FEAR SELLS. This to me proves it was all a lie and all about MONEY

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It was all about selling more jabs. People are dropping like flies. Now Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has died, reportedly of a blood clot. It's been claimed that he was jabbed and chose pfizer.

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Money and control.

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I wrote about the elderly deaths before I know of the DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM MURDER OF THE ELDERLY and in my eyes it was to create fear for to make the SCAM-pandemic! Doctors must have falsified death certificates etc! I am sure it happened in other countries also so was clearly all planned!---------------------If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder

Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021

By Roy R M McIntosh

After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!

Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…

So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!

Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.

I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!

In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?

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100% correct. And the WHO is funded and run by Pharma, China and Gates. Have you seen the truly horrifying report from ‘The Expose’ on the death numbers for England? They must be matched (or worse proportionately) for Scotland. Definitely worth reading all of it - best if you have the reader view:


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Cheers Penny and I shall read it later! People from round the world need to work on all of this and it is starting to happen as I alone ( sure others do also) write to politicians home and abroad plus bombard the MSM!---Awe the best fae Roy

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And all the best to you too, Roy, thanks. It can be disheartening at times, but we stick with the bombardment and we SHALL prevail!

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That evil cow Sturgeon dropped the dnr age right down to age 45 in Scotland.

Having it set at 60yrs in the rest of the UK was bad enough but she really hated her own people to set it so low.

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Yep Gregkunt worked for the WHO then he worked for the Australian government till he committed the genocide then resigned the kunt millions jabbed now dying in Australia. But hopefully this will bring justice

On Tuesday, House Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced the Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered (LIABLE) Act. The LIABLE Act would dissolve ALL federal immunity and protections for manufactures of ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ and will be retroactive once passed.

Chip Roy’s LIABLE Act will:

“Prohibit any Federal law from making the manufacturer of a COVID– 19 vaccine immune from suit or liability, or limiting the liability of such a manufacturer, with respect to claims for loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a COVID–19 vaccine, and for other purposes.”

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Cheers for the information!

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Jane Halton is the head of the snake here in Australia she worked for the WHO until August 2019 then she was the CEO of the ANZ HOTEL QUARANTINE AND COVID 19 Board her Husband is Trevor Sutton Brett Sutton brother Brett works for the Burnett institute funded by Nill and Melinda Gates foundation

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Within a few weeks of the covid shenanigans I was seeing things that did not add up and have written about them etc. A fella in the street also said to me early on ---this can only be described as SINISTER!? I said from early on that this was a FLU that was grabbed hold of and used for AN EVIL AGENDA! Boy was fella in street right!


By this time the GREED MERCHANTS were dealing out the PUBLIC CASH in the truck load and one has to wonder what 'furlough' money was claimed by false manner!? Questions still remain over a 'covid' loan to a company in Fife , Scotland and money was paid for a hotel ( LUNDIN LINKS )that had been closed for more than 10 YEARS!?

Then all the contracts dished out to people with links to politicians etc and one of the most spoken about is MONE from Scotland. I am sure SUNAK'S grubby paws shall be found in the GREED MERCHANTS BASKET!?

Now if this was happening in UK you can be sure it would be WORLD WIDE!?

Then onto the MURDER and that started with the POLITICIANS/NHS slaughter of the ELDERLY with DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM/REMEDESIVER and then carried on with the NHS JAB GHOULS with the POISON JABS!? The MAIMING and MURDER with the JABS as soon as they were rolled out and MURDERS still happening today and with in last couple of weeks a group of people have requested that UK COPS INVESTIGATE THE MURDERS!?

The fact that NICK CLEGG/FACEBOOK called a meeting in Feb 2020 to start censoring speech on FACEBOOK spells it out that it was all planned and FACT CHECKERS etc in place but whose facts were they checking and who pays the FACT CHECKERS SCUMBAGS!?

I added on some of the comments from here and emailed it far and wide---no names given!

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I got the stats off the net when each 💉 came out and the deaths went up

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Ongoing court action in UK against Hancock, Valance, Ferguson and Witty.... by Michael O'Bernicia / PUB ... this 10 months old but very relevant and a solid basis for prosecuting those behind mass murder of innocent peoples.


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Fuck yer bring in the death penalty for GENOCIDE

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Hancock is a monster, not a man. My sister in the UK didn’t believe, when I told her after his overdue resignation, that the UK health secretary Matt Hancock had tweeted out a message in 2021 telling pregnant women to get the jabs, since they were so safe. I sent her the tweet, and have kept a copy of it for my files. Hancock it was who authorized the use of Midazolam to murder thousands of mostly elderly people, regardless of what illness they were hospitalized for. But guess why he resigned? A married man, he was caught on camera kissing his co-worker and ‘bit on the side’ lover at a No 10 party, and was forced to vacate his cabinet position in June 2021. I tell this rather sordid episode as an illustration of the dishonesty and psychopathology of this person, and many of his counterparts in other countries. And no, there was no mention whatsoever in the reports about his resignation, of all the poor people he had had killed with the Midazolam. That never entered the equation. Later it was finally revealed - along with proof of his having awarded very high value PPE contracts to family members. Pure scum.

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Well said Penny - absolute pure scum , and how people in the UK cannot see it, is beyond me. 😦

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Born and bred in the uk here I can assure you I was pointing the lies and malfeasance to those around me about our traitorous scum in parliament committed. I include all of them because without the opposition voting for lockdowns along with government then this shit show would’ve never been able to happen.

There’s been millions of us who didn’t buy their crap and have been busy alerting and waking up as many as possible.

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Born and bred in the UK like you Lizzy. I have been fighting hard to wake up the masses. I even wrote to the government in 2020 telling them not to waste money on vaccines.

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I’ll never understand it. It’s been the shock of many of our lives to discover how easily our families and friends were deceived. Now we live in a world of worry for them all. Awful.

There’ll be no forgetting and definitely no forgiving for any participant in this holocaust.

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I understand Penny. Every single one of my family and friends fell for it. Thankfully my immediate family (hubby, children (except one) and grandchildren, have NOT taken part in the experiment. Family and friends are always ill these days. I find it all really upsetting. 🙁

I'm English but live in Italy - as an over 50 year old, we were told to either get it or be fined. We still did not comply. I'm so utterly thankful now that we didn't.

I simply cannot forgive or forget.

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Thank you, Puffin, for your reply. I was brought up in the UK, now in what used to be Canada. I can certainly sympathize with the ‘you must get this or else’ mantra.

Very thankful that you and most of your family held out. Good for you!

It is horribly upsetting to see our close family and friends becoming ill: while some are still oblivious and can’t/won’t connect the dots, a few others tacitly acknowledge the likelihood of jab injuries. Either way, the worry is constant, though it’s a point of honour to be always supportive and never reproaching, as you are too.

Thank God you didn’t fall for it all. Stay strong and stay well! All the best. P.

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Did you get fined? If so I hope you ignored it.

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Many do. Why he has not been lynched yet beats me.

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Well said. I did find the resignation and the set up of the assignation very suspect though. It was the classic stationery cupboard scenario, very odd.


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Hubris, arrogance? Maybe she just got fed up with being a bit on the side and was in on it! Whatever it was, it got rid of him.

Just hope he ‘gets his’ on this earthly realm before popping off to hell. Along with all the rest of the psychos.

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They used to put traitors heads on pikes on the Tower of London...

But the lake of fire awaits him.

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Many thanks for your post. Very useful links and text. Rishi Sunak, the 'Hi risk anus' is a slimy turd. He was chancellor in 2020 as it was his Covid budget which helped massively increase government debt.


Anyway I have at last done my own post on Midazolam and included a link to this post of yours.


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Hi Dr Paul Alexander, I have a question about TWCs supplements. I have purchased so many of their supplements. But why do they use a snake picture on the bottle. I’m very curious to know…? WHY

isn’t this a WHO symbol too. I’m and my family are taking the supplements but I’m very afraid. Why they use this symbol?

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Hello Kulvinder,

Please don’t worry about this symbol. It is an emblem commonly shown on medical products and is called a ‘Caduceus’.

Here is a link that explains the history of its use, with a link to a similar symbol called the ‘Rod of Asclepius‘. There are many articles on the internet if you want more information. Hope this helps. Best regards.


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Thank you for your response Penny. I just read something about it somewhere else about this symbol. It wasn’t a positive one. This symbol attached to the Satan. The article says. My husband won’t take the supplements because of that. He doesn’t want me to take it either. And my husband is the guy who told me in 2012 that kill shots are coming to depopulate the world and we are not getting Lucifer shots. These are natural supplements why would they use this symbol? We question EVERYTHING if we see something is odd. Trust has gone with the medical establishment. Natural supplements should not have anything attached to the current medical establishment.

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I certainly agree that the health ‘profession’ has lost all trust for me too, and many others. Deservedly so, except for the handful we can trust, who make up the TWC board. IMO Dr McCullough, Dr Makis, Dr Risch and our host Dr Alexander are the last people who would ever think of harming us.

Nonetheless, your husband is correct about the unfortunate associations of the Caduceus - it’s not an appropriate symbol for health, as you will have read in the linked article. For once, Wikipedia got this information right.

I wish it wasn’t used but it seems that ‘tradition’ beats out causing alarm and confusion. How short-sighted!

Your husband is wonderfully aware of what was planned decades ago, and your family is fortunate to have such a well-informed man of the house!

Wishing you all continuing good health, no jabs ever (they’re all contaminated now) especially for children, and more questioning of everything!

All the best, P.

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