
C'mon Guys ...

The People That Thought

That Taking The Vaccine

Was A Good Idea

- Couldn't Be Responsible For Their Own Health.

Given What We Know Of Them

How Could They Be ?


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Jul 10, 2023
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Interesting. Clicked the link four times but the page didn’t come up because Google “couldn’t connect to the server”. How good of Google to protect me from accessing misinformation! I think I’ll run along, now, get both a booster and a trivalent shot (just to be on the safe side!), deposit all my life savings into the nearest bank, make an appointment to have my genitals surgically mutilated and hoist the Ukranian flag by my front door to show support for the righteous cause. Good thing I’ve got Big Brother watching out for me or I might otherwise be persuaded by unscrupulous manipulators to do something foolish!

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Welcome to the upside down world, where lies are truth and everything "they" say is the opposite of reality...

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you said my points but faster . :)

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It's tragic to say but the folks who are buying the lies of these shills are dying or sick and coming to question "trusted experts" in record numbers. What they fail to see is all the nudging lies are building popular revolt. Hang em high will be the majority view soon!

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Paul, the power elite are short timers. Here's my point. Due to the abuse of controlled fake news, that contains, at most, small portions of truth, control of perception becomes less than complicated given success of one element: huge increases of outside cultures. Diversity is the enemy of all cultures. To the power elite, divide is the essence of control. We note the constant Vatican Pagan invasion and the recent spike invasion due to our rigged Knight of Malta Vatican citizen Usurper.

Here we note released NGOs, color revolution experienced here and elsewhere, fake democracy entitled, funded directly by the Treasury same as medicare supplements elderly Americans, all inciting perversions of homosexuality: drag queens, gender mutilations even going after the children, yet even toddlers, all using our Protestant tolerance of the many perversions that go on inside of homes that we Christ fearing Americans allowed as just more evil expressed among us.

Americans are armed and that does NOT sit well with power elite bureaucrats that run their own USA within the Deep State of Rebellion. Now the bureaucrat trash release their criminal NGOs to support invaders with signs of 'protest' at the borders; support NO law enforcement; arrest and prosecute those that resist legalized criminals with knives, rifles, fists etc.

When Americans protest, the deep state domestic terrorist plant hundreds of deputized federal NGO agents among the Americans to create the lie of Americans as domestic terrorists. Jan 6 is the prime example set to resist the real bureaucrat domestic terrorists. We have rigged Pedo on the record verbally attacking Americans in Sept. 2021 with DOD's Marines holding candles in the background with Xi's red glare in darkness. All PLANNED

We note the planned homosexuals and Mexican illegals attacking peaceful school setting filled with American children, with not a few schools based upon Christ. We note the rogue FBI Wray and rogue Merrick with his rogue DOJ attacking parents at schools speaking to fake and Trilateral indoctrinated school boards that push divisive-diversity agendas upon Common Law of the USA. We note several DC Federal Judges that aligned with Merrick's deep state domestic terror that deny rule of law with fake crimes of 'parading' in DC with controlled DC police terror assets invitation to enter the rotting halls of our infected DC politicians.

Provocation is the weapon of our deep state ruling rats, same as their divide and conquer weapon using homosexual perverted, drag queens, fake news agitations, fake Vatican controlled Hollywood talking heads and over 10,000,000 Vatican Army agitators running the borders with all benefits while many children of Americans fade in waste to Zombie drugs.

And the Terrorist Deep State punks continue to provoke Americans into violence.

Yet, Americans wait.

Trump is our ONLY OPTION!

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To put it bluntly...nudge can go to hell.

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