GVB Predicted this two years ago.... This is a horrifying scenario

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Yes he did

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I am terrified for my vaccinated loved ones, indeed for all of us, trapped as this nightmare plays out in the world.

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W.H.O. will listen.....that is the real question...W.E.F. is going on ......

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By design. Give jabs, wait 60 days, increased cases and deaths…….from the climate. 🙄

Wash, rinse repeat.

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A storm is brewing... I feel like this will end very badly. The majority of the population appears to be lagging behind half a year in terms of information and predictions on the pandemic. Just now the people here are starting to relax and say "yeah covid is just a flu, I don't know why everyone worried about it so much", which is what I thought all the time until I read GVB predictions half a year ago... How ironic that now I am the only one worrying about new variants and everyone else is just chilling xD

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Think we will need "lockdowns" before November?

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Only if too many comply.

Herded into cattle cars, to the digital prisons of smart cities.

15 min walk radius is all ya get.

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Of course, we will. How will they be able to do away with the elections this year if we don't?

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A world on the brink of a catastrophic economic collapse cannot afford any more pointless lockdowns

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Of course they knew exactly what they were doing. Geert even wrote to them several times.

Now we have effective antivirals. Artemisia even works against HIV.

But first you need to be honest with yourself, that you were misled, you made a mistake, have been harmed and require immune support asap. We can't do it for you!

Therapeutics for Long Covid & Transfection Sequalae


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Thank you for your leadership.

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Did you read her substack on the new death vax?


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Just read it earlier. There isn’t a bullet fast enough to end the lives of these MF’s.

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I say drone emf them all.

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Hi, can someone explain to me why the virus will overcome the pressure on the virulence exerted by the non-neutralizing antibodies, as predicted by Geert? Why would the virus need a fitter variant that can do that if it already has increased infectiousness in the vaccinated, therefore being able to replicate freely in them? I understand that the increased infectiousness developed in response to the pressure on infectiousness was necessary to continue its life cycle, but I don't get it why the virus cannot just "stop" there? What does it gain from having a higher virulence? That's only part that's bugging me about Geert's new predictions. It would be great if someone could explain this, I am just an economics student...

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This was your and other experts warning some time ago, but for some reason much of the public turn a blind eye to the escalating situation. Big Pharma and science has a responsibility but for some reason are allowed to neglect this. We are right with you Paul, but others are programmed to ignore your advice. The population of the world is about to be split in two and I for one me and my family withstood the pressure from the narrative

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What a complete and unmitigated disaster. I can only imagine what will happen once the last cohert, the little ones, are given this shot. We have opened a Pandora's Box of an unimaginable medical catastrophe.

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I wonder if the Wuhan Lab is busy “gain of functioning” a more virulent version of Omicron, to be released in time for the US Mid Terms and a CCP attack on Taiwan 🤔

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Vaccine-induced tolerance to the spike protein.

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Meanwhile Israel heading for a 5th shot.

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