vaccine; from all that I am seeing, given no intel on his vaccine status or myocarditis or blood clot situation & cause, given exploding strokes globally e.g. UK 2021 & 2022, then FOXX had vax stroke
He strikes me as the uncle-tom type, he's not going to jeopardize the system he lives in, and his comfortable life; At this point taking down big-pharma will not bring him back to health, clearly he had a stroke, and most likely clot-shot caused, but becoming a RFK-jr anti-vax crusader is probably not how he wants to waste his little remaining time on earth.
Just like Neil Young, when all your zog-bucks comes from big-pharma you don't rock the boat
The system could cancel jamie-foxx in a nanosecond like they did mel gibson
If jamie foxx was go to nail the clot-shot he would have already done so, he's just following management protocol, and recall his management gets 50% of his take and if he pisses off big-pharma management take goes to zero as well
Should he 'hurt' a lot of people that takes a certain kind of person, willing to bring it all down.
What you all need to do is find all the hollywood people who talk about pedohilia and get them to talk about covid, as they have already destroyed their careers
Lastly don't forget big-pharma owns 90% msm and 100% social media, and nobody is going to piss on them
Reverse racism here you all know if he came down on the mRNA clot-shot every cuck black uncle-tom would call him a racist.
Note on RFK-jr at congress all black big-pharma ho's called RFK-jr racist for saying covid hit blacks
That all ugly faux euro-jew dykes (neo-cons) called out RFK-jr as anti-semitic for saying COVID didn't hit ashkeNAZI&Chinese
me thinks jami-foxx knows he would get booted out of the liberal plantation if he goes honky on mRNA, that said most blacks have already rejected the white-mans clot shot and all of africa too
All this BS is just for USA goyim and to keep getting their boosters until everybody is dead or dumbed down
He strikes me as the uncle-tom type, he's not going to jeopardize the system he lives in, and his comfortable life; At this point taking down big-pharma will not bring him back to health, clearly he had a stroke, and most likely clot-shot caused, but becoming a RFK-jr anti-vax crusader is probably not how he wants to waste his little remaining time on earth.
Just like Neil Young, when all your zog-bucks comes from big-pharma you don't rock the boat
The system could cancel jamie-foxx in a nanosecond like they did mel gibson
If jamie foxx was go to nail the clot-shot he would have already done so, he's just following management protocol, and recall his management gets 50% of his take and if he pisses off big-pharma management take goes to zero as well
Should he 'hurt' a lot of people that takes a certain kind of person, willing to bring it all down.
What you all need to do is find all the hollywood people who talk about pedohilia and get them to talk about covid, as they have already destroyed their careers
Lastly don't forget big-pharma owns 90% msm and 100% social media, and nobody is going to piss on them
Reverse racism here you all know if he came down on the mRNA clot-shot every cuck black uncle-tom would call him a racist.
Note on RFK-jr at congress all black big-pharma ho's called RFK-jr racist for saying covid hit blacks
That all ugly faux euro-jew dykes (neo-cons) called out RFK-jr as anti-semitic for saying COVID didn't hit ashkeNAZI&Chinese
me thinks jami-foxx knows he would get booted out of the liberal plantation if he goes honky on mRNA, that said most blacks have already rejected the white-mans clot shot and all of africa too
All this BS is just for USA goyim and to keep getting their boosters until everybody is dead or dumbed down
It's what long ago Andy Warhol called the 15min fame rule
If you got your 15min, and they kept you around, it means you are VETTED;
Why people like Mel Gibson went off the rails, went off reservation are unknown, but when they do they get cancelled;
Like our Neil Young when big-pharma said 'jump' he said how high;
This post explains the 15 min rule, and why some are kept around and some like Carlin just drop dead when they go off reservation.
Will Jamie Foxx go off reservation, a BIG no, like "Will Smith", these guys are the black "Tom Cruise" of scientology, aka CIA.
Dr Paul, I understand this may help with micro clots . Does it help the rubbery white clots that aren’t natural too?
The more they claimed innocence, especially in such great detail, the surer we can be of their guilt.
D-dimer is only confirmatory for a high hs-CRP, mine being .4, thanks to celery seed.
Dr. Alexander was offered big bucks to shut up and stop rocking the boat.
What was proposed to Foxx? An offer he couldn't refuse, now that his bread & butter, his face & voice are damaged?
Dr. Alexander was offered big bucks to shut up and stop rocking the boat.
What was proposed to Foxx? An offer he couldn't refuse, now that his bread & butter, his face & voice are damaged?