
via @VigilantFox, posted February 17, 2023



DR. RHETT BERGERON: I think Americans in the world are waking up on some level. But ultimately there is a spiritual eyesight. And so from the Judeo-Christian faith, you have to be spiritually alive, God's spirit and His Word have to live in your soul for you to even see these things.

MALE VOICE: Yes that's right.

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: You know it's been said, it's been written that there'll be eyes to see, ears to hear and others will have scales over their eyes. And I never really understood what that meant until the last three years.

And it's clear people have scales over their eyes, that they can't see the same things that we can see. And yet others can. And it appears as if the proportions are not equal. There's a small number of people who see things clearly and a large number of people who simply can't see this to the point where they couldn't see the neglect of friends, family members, patients as being harmful in the context of the acute infection and they themselves cannot see the harm of the vaccines and the complications of the vaccines, and they reach for almost any other explanation outside of the vaccine. And when we interact with people one of the key diagnostic criteria I think for someone who has scales over their eyes is they quickly will answer, I don't want to talk about it.



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I've always known that God gave me His discernment when this whole covid thing started. I kept seeing the numbers rising on the side of the TV screen (to instill more and more fear, I thought). And then when the jabs came out, I'm like, nah I'm not taking that, I don't even know what's in that. Little by little things just didn't add up for me, then I would hear keep repeating in my head, "don't believe the lies, don't take the poison," over and over again. I knew it was a sign, it was God protecting me and mine. My mom, who was living with us at the time, even questioned me, as to why I wouldn't take it, it was good, the gov't said it would help so you don't get sick. She just couldn't understand why I wouldn't take it. Now looking back and knowing what I know now, I thank God everyday that He gave me His Wisdom and Discernment. I know He lives in me, protects me, loves me, and wants to keep me (and mine) safe. I will continue to keep reading my bible, and sticking close to Him each and every day, I will not stray from His Word. I love you, Jesus, and thank You for saving me and mine. Maranatha!!!!!

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it is arrogance! narcissists (we all have some level of narc) b/c they are so masked with phony superficial unexamined lives, cannot bring themselves to admit they were wrong or even say I'm sorry. They double down with more ridiculous mental mumbo jumbo b/c they are deceived...it is 'self' deception (the scales on eyes). Humility is a way of life that allows us to have an open mind and receive freely from God, we're not constantly trying to control the narrative and cover our faults, we're FREE from condemnation and shame...the 2 drivers of narcissism. This made them easy prey from the narcissistic agenda and agencies and group/mob mentality--the Beast. They followed everything anti-God and took advice from godless lawless perverted ppl. The media is the perfect example of 'THE BEAST' as well as pharma and the current govt all in lockstep including ALL medical/hospitals/sports teams/agencies who were corrupted with bribes! But those who are equally money minded, worship those who operate this way and therefore they were grandiously taken advantage of because they refuse the protection of God...His wisdom from the Word.

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Excellent! I have had a very similar thought regarding the spiritual aspect of being able to see what the truth is regarding these shots.

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Maybe, but IMO, when a person shuts down mentally or emotionally due to a mental crisis challenging his/her idea of truth, it is actually cognitive dissonance.

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Possibly, Signor Pareto's 80/20?

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According to reputable sources, Fox was mandated to receive the Covid injections as a requirement on the set of a movie he was making with Cameron Diaz. He reportedly had a stroke due to clot which caused blindness, as well.

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Heard the same, was he going in for brain surgery? Thank you for truth. 💯

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Unlikely he has a brain if he took the jab.

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I can agree, but due to my nature, we can’t judge these things that happen. I say, Jesus says it best, Matt 7:3-4, “why do you look at the speck that is in your brothers eye, but you don’t notice the log that is in you own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your own eye, ‘and behold the log is in your own eye?’” I was reading yesterday, if we don’t have God, we can’t discern. So true.

Be happy we have the discernment. And honestly, now, it’s going to be a real test, we have to discern, and not judge, lest we be judged. We did warn all we could but that free will keeps creeping up...we always have a choice. Wide or narrow, what way is yours, mine is narrow. I have my eyes on God/Christ, my father, savior, the man, my dad...the unconditional love from the Holy Spirit, our helper from Him...all I know is the love from God✝️😀❤️

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the reason we are better off not judging others is because....'where your attention goes, there your energy flows'. We have a finite amount of emotional energy each day and when it's gone it is gone. So what do you want to spend your energy on? Looking at fools and idiots or finding out what amazingly good things God can provide through knowing your own body and what happens to your hormones when you are happy, content and praising God (to glorify God is simply to be grateful and live a full day bouyed by peace and joy). I'm not judging anyone, I spend my fair share of wasted time getting distractecd and judging others! But, through the fire we're in and getting in the Word daily, I'm learning the tricks of satan and the ease of letting go and living like God...'finding no fault'. Blessings

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Many blessings to you! Yes, guilty as well. We are all human, and sometimes we have to say, hey I love you no matter what! Jesus is the best when it comes to life lessons and unconditional love. And yes, satans ways are broad and many, discernment is the key! In Christ’s love always! Lee

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I'd think we need to be compassionate to those who, out of sincerity, took this injection. You're correct; we are no one's judge and who is to say that the evil goons who concocted this don't try and find another way to kill those of us who didn't roll up their sleeves. The has NEVER been a worse evil than what we witness, right now.

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It's not asif actors work hard for the money and he would have been set to earn millions for that movie with Cameron Diaz. Would you have declined those millions if you were in his position?

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Yes. I was an actor in my younger years. I learned the method at the actors school in NYC. I would never put my career before God, health and family.

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OMG, RIIP and God bless his soul! This is the first I'm hearing of it, thanks for the update!

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In the meantime, we can investigate the hundreds of thousands of peons who have been injured instead of wasting time on a Hollywood joker. You're never gonna get the truth anyway. Everyone else injured by this mRNA crap is just as important.

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Yes it is and it’s sad. We put people on peta stools, why for the love of wisdom I have no idea. God is first always!❤️✝️

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There is little doubt that Jamie got the clot shot. Let's hope he recovers and gives them hell!


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" Let's hope he recovers and gives them hell!"

And even if he doesn't; it''ll be there, patiently awaiting them when they kick off.

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He did get the shot. For the movie he was making with Diaz. It’s sad, people can’t think for themselves, marionettes, fame, etc…God gave us free will. It’s your choice.:.

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Such a horror.

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We can only 🙏 that these celebrities realize they have been poisoned and start to publicly fight back.

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God created me with this difficult disposition, I don't blindly follow anyone or program.

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That’s interesting, being human. His love, free will, grace and forgiveness is such a joy! We strive to be like him, as He loves us with so much more understanding, the unconditional love is my joy! Always and forever, God is my father, and I love His love!

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Jamie might have thought it was a good idea to get jabbed up but if so I won't be following his example. However, I shall be eating more garlic:

Australian garlic kills COVID-19, says Doherty Institute


Walter M Chesnut WMC Research substack has more:

Dr Julie McAuley, manager of the Doherty’s high containment facility COVID-19 research lab, said the results were striking.

“We wanted to know if these strains had the possibility of killing COVID-19,” she told The Australian Financial Review. “I thought it might fail miserably. We blindly tested over 20 varieties. We found one of AGP’s products could reduce the infectious titre of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza by 3-log-fold (99.9 per cent). We barely detected any remaining virus genome, indicating nearly complete virucidal activity.”

Friday Hope: Garlic: More Than Just the Doherty Institute Study


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This is wonderful! On insta, Dr. Sebi’s reel, speaks of 5 toxic poisonous foods, garlic was one. I study holistic healing, make my own supplements. I love garlic, as I am Italian🤣! I will be eating this on a reg basis, again. So glad this study came out, next; WORMWOOD. Why not? It is an anti parasitic!

I also have a vid, captured, AU, has studied ivermectin, and is in high consideration in Australia, as cure. They studied it against the covd virus, and within 24 hrs, people were cured. Amazing, huh? Ivermectin a parasitic drug, is the safest drug on the market. Won Nobel peace prize, in ‘75? For sure, used as an anti-inflam…so many off label uses. WHO’s top ten list, I mean come on, what hypocrites, honestly. My eye doc was giving it out for people who were covd +, during COVID. Love the knowledge she has…

I took it 5x in a 2 month span for my EDS, fungal pneumonia and parasites.I am not v’ed, just unlucky with allergens to blk mold, fungus.

In conclusion, garlic is deemed good for us, then down my hatch it goes! Yay!

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We already know he got jabbed. It is required of all Actors by the studio.

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It is really sad about what happened to Jamie Foxx. I have a friend who is a studio teacher. She teaches kids who are actors working on tv shows or movies. She works in the Atlanta area. They (whoever "they" are...film makers/producers?) required her to take the jab to even continue working on the set teaching, so I would have to imagine that this industry required everyone to have it.

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How sad for him to have resisted the the shots then possibly be injured by them. He is one of my favorite actors.

In all of the efforts by the NFL, Hollywood, MSM, government, healthcare corporations and the like who mandated the shots will still stop at nothing to hide the ugly truth about the injuries and deaths. It’s just bizarre. Are these people and their families being forced into silence in an effort to keep the covidians compliant? All part of the psyop they are still pushing in preparation for the next plandemic?

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It’s very sad, I agree with you, one of my fav actors as well. As far as the last paragraph to address, probably. They touted it was good for us, made commercials, made family albums put the unvaxxed down. Us AWAKE humans, we knew. We had discernment. Thats a big part of critical thinking, listening to God, each other and ourselves thing. We ALL AND I MEAN ALL, SHOULD STAND TOGETHER AND END THIS CRAP, so when the next comes along, and we will have more, we will ascend with Gods will be done, through our just thinking and strong constitution!

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Have you noticed black men are targeted with the jab for side effects?

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My good friend’s 29y/o stepson, died from a massive pulmonary embolism. They are a Haitian family. He had just gotten the jab a couple weeks prior to start a new job. He was a truck driver. He was sleeping in the cab and when it was his turn to drive his driving partner couldn’t wake him. Resuscitation was unsuccessful. He left behind a wife and 3 very young children.

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and I think the Franklin Graham family and churches! Graham himself had heart surgery for pericarditis THRE WEEKS AFTER MODERNA BOOSTER! His neice Rachel-Ruth Lotz had 2 heart attacks in early 2022, his nephew Jonathan Lotz was in ICU with "covid" but I'd bet money it was vaccine induced ADE causing him to have serious lung/heart issues from a 'harmless' cold virus to a 50 yr old man in what looks to me very slim/fit shape and clean living.

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Thank you for the affirmation in regards to holding the line in regards to refusing to succumb to the psy ops the bullying the lies and the harassment from those either vaccine injured from cumulative vaccines or have been brain damaged by the mental games are government has inflicted upon We the People!

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Its all because of you. God bless you

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The vaccine gave him a blood clot that paralyzed him.

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You are doing the Truth a dis=seirvice, and not making our jobs any easier as we try to educate that public that the CoViD19 modified mRNA gene editing serum(or inoculum/injection) is NOT a vaccine.

I don't care how they attempt to change the meaning or definition of a word, it is still not a vaccine. It does not work like a vaccine. It works as what it's nature is, and that is genome editing, a Gene Code editor. I refuse to call this CoViD19 mRNA gene editor a therapy, nor immuno-therapy, because it demonstrates no therapeutic value; however, the reports are coming out that it acts more like a bioweapon. By the way, it should not have been reported via VAERS, but shouldve been reported on FAERS. 'They don't even label the vials SARS-CoV2, because NOT any part of that entity is in any of the vials of that ongoing clinical trial substance.

Main point: This is not a true vaccine

Dr Martin | The CoViD 19 (modified) mRNA Gene-Code(Editing) Serum is an inoculum, NOT A VACCINE. I refer to it as an mRNA injection.


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