Awesome !!! I would donate in a second as there were so many that stepped up for us when my huband needed unvaxxed blood !

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Glad they did. Hopefully they proved it to you before donating as I dont trust some people to be honest

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I had elective surgery last summer. It turned out that it would be improbable to bleed. Nonetheless, I had planned to do an autologous transfusion if necessary. More people should be aware of this option. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-an-autologous-blood-donation-189962

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I knew about this, but I thank you for posting the link Doctor Lewis. 💖

Everyone should know.

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I heard a story however of a couple who needed blood for their child (he DID have a preexisting condition, what it was I do not remember) and arranged for unjabbed blood from donors. They had it all lined up, everything good to go and the baby got jabbed blood instead. I do not know how they proved it but apparently they did and if I understand right the hospital did not deny it. Was on social media as recently as about 6 months ago. The baby DIED. I believe they were pursuing a suit. However, the reports were unclear if they had established any clear proof the blood was at fault. I’m personally sure it played a role but did it actually kill the boy? He had been doing well however before the transfusion and quickly went downhill. I hope I am relaying the history accurately, I admit I am not looking at the actual reports.

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If someone does this, how can they be certain they receive their own blood???

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I understand your concern as I see the Medical establishment as a minefield too. First, you have to add character as a criterion for choosing your physician. I had a hip replacement last summer and chose a doctor with skill and independence. When he switched hospitals recently, he is very strong and appreciates reality. He told the new hospital. "if I switch to your hospital, i.e bring you my business, you have to do everything my way." As you might know from my other postings I am very critical of hospitals. During my admission, the floor for his practice run as a hospital SHOULD run. Every nurse confirmed the same. I was surprised that I had a private room. I asked, " Why? They said my doctor wants no infections and insisted that the floor be structured to prevent that- i.e private rooms. I have long thought that hospitals were just buildings with equipment and suits running them The doctors bring in the business, do all the work, and carry all the responsibilities medical, moral, and relational. They gave up all this authority. One additional point. Most independent-minded physicians that you can trust have opted out of Insurance plans. The doctor I spoke of does not take Medicare. I paid him out of pocket for his work. Medicare, nonetheless, paid for all other costs associated with the surgery. Please share any questions you may have. In my practice, I take no insurance and I make my adjustment of fees to accommodate those who can't afford it. It is my decision not that of a third party. It boils down to independence.

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On another reassuring note - my experience is that blood banks usually have very strict protocols and tend to be very careful with blood products. Its been years since I worked in a hospital so ask your doctor for reassurance

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We have to choose strong doctors, choose hospitals and if surgery is elective be vocal about wanting to be given assurances. I live right near Columbia Presbyterian in NY and when I had an emergency I had family take me across to NJ where I trust a smaller hospital more.

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Yup they are gaining ground. Excellent organization.

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My girlfriend just had to have blood, she’s unvaccinated but had to have blood from the regular supply. I’m so worried for her.

My sister died a few weeks ago, at home in her sleep. She was twice vaccinated, double boosted.


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Omg Andrea, so sorry to hear this. 😢

Condolences. ❤

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Oh dear Lord!😧

That’s just heartbreaking!💔💔💔💔

I’m so sorry for your loss .. 😞🙏💐

May the Lord comfort you and your family and give you peace 😔🙏

And prayers for your friend that the Lord Jesus Will keep her blood clean and untainted,

in Jesus Name Amen 😇🙏

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My sister died the 2nd, my dog the 14th, he too died in his sleep. Makes me wonder what they’ve done to the animal vaccines. He just got his vaccines in Jan.

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The pets r dying from shedding. Blood clots brain hemraging. The vets r in shock how many r dying

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There are zero reverse transcriptase or RNA-mediated vaccines on the veterinary schedule. Period.

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Not true! My vet is vaxxing dogs & cats with mrna cax plus covid vax!!!!! I haven't done any vax on my dogs or cats for 30+ years, but my friends who use him were aghast that he's doing that. The others around here apparently are too...

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Really? I had no idea based on what I’ve read. Our mtn vet here is somewhat anti vac because a lot

of them don’t even work in the actual studies. That is abysmal. Can’t believe that.

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Thank God your vet is reticent to vax! You are very very lucky. He might give up any semblance of positivity towards vax if you buy him a copy of Turtles all the way down: vaccine Science & myth.

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That not true on my puppies Vax papers for reg shots. Covid 19 is in there trust me. I already told the vets what I think of this. N pets r dying from shedding

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How old was your dog? My dog had 2 vaccines in Feb.

she had terrible reactions and my vet even felt so awful about it she called the vaccine company and they are picking up all her bills while she was recovering from these stupid reactions.

It was $250 so far they are paying.

I know they are trying to kill us all now, even our pets!

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Please tell me it wasn't the cvid vsx they gave him

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He was 12. The day he died he had been outside chasing the squirrels. He had one job and he did it well.

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That’s terrible 🙁

So sorry your sister passed from this poisoning 💉

This is just outrageous!😤

May the Lord comfort your heart and fill you with His love and peace and hold you safely in His arms 🤲😔🙏♥️

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Some animal "vaccines" are already gene-modifying... and they're ramping up converting ALL to gene-modifying. We are in deep doo doo.



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There’s another unjabbed blood start up called Unjected

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Please bring this project to Canada

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And one called Blessed By His Blood - https://www.blessedbyhisblood.com/

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I clicked on the link and it’s not work working, hopefully this one works.


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Im so very sorry😞 Jesus give you peace and comfort you in the very sad time.

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My heart goes out to you. So sorry for your loss.

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So sorry for this loss, Andrea

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I am so very sorry Andrea.

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Awesome 🤩

I pray it is successful! 😇🙏

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I would donate to this blood bank as often as necessary! Great idea!

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It’s going to be imperative that it’s heavily protected. As the globalists won’t be happy with this move.

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Oh how beautiful..!! Pure blood!!

So wonderful to see this rising up!

Bless the Lord!

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Please keep everyone informed! I will gladly give blood!

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I would donate blood too. A-

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Love this. About time!

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I will be glad to donate my pure blood

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I would also donate blood.

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Recently had an issue after surgery- pre surgery I had asked to donate my own blood but they said they can’t do that.

Post surgery my levels got very low- Dr ordered 2 units. I refused. The nurse said,” You don’t have to worry about Covid we don’t have much anymore.” I told her that wasn’t my issue but was very concerned about donated blood by the vaxxed. She looked at me like I was from Mars!! No clue at all! I still refused it and asked to be retested- many were praying and my level went up.

I’m excited to learn help for this issue is growing!

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