Beautiful country, love BC. Spent a night stranded in a cove at top of Vancouver Island when caught off-guard by the incoming tide - many moons ago. Fortunately a calm night, lol.
I saw a meme the other day which read, "Tinfoil hats protect against myocarditis."
I think we are right at the cusp where the vaxxed and brainwashed are becoming suspicious that they have been fooled. A neighbor (vaxxed and flu shot) just went into intensive care a few days after his flu shot. He is almost completely paralyzed and is vented. Another neighbor remarked to me that "they are saying it is from the flu shot!" I agreed.
I just watched the film "Died Suddenly" -
Sadly, I do not believe that the blood donations are being separated vaccinated vs un-vaccinated as of today, 11/24/2022.
Thankfully, the TRUTH is getting out there.
I do have friends, who have been vaccinated, who think I'm wearing a tinfoil hat.
Better a tin foil hat than a gravestone.
As I saw in a meme the other day, better a tin foil hat than a blindfold.
Find better friends.
That is, sadly, the truth.
Now..... if I could only find a better Family. ЁЯШФ
I know. But in a way? You have.
This, too, is true ЁЯШК
Where do you live?
British Columbia.
Beautiful country, love BC. Spent a night stranded in a cove at top of Vancouver Island when caught off-guard by the incoming tide - many moons ago. Fortunately a calm night, lol.
Better to wear a tinfoil hat than a blindfold....
I saw a meme the other day which read, "Tinfoil hats protect against myocarditis."
I think we are right at the cusp where the vaxxed and brainwashed are becoming suspicious that they have been fooled. A neighbor (vaxxed and flu shot) just went into intensive care a few days after his flu shot. He is almost completely paralyzed and is vented. Another neighbor remarked to me that "they are saying it is from the flu shot!" I agreed.