Americans don’t need to study. They just need some guy on television to tell them the magic jab will save them from death and they will take it without question.

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Yes. It's appalling. Same way they got through high school, unless they dropped out.

(Not all Americans but so many, it appears, judging by covid shot uptake and voting for Dems.)

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wouldn’t just single out Americans, as compliant elsewhere.

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Americans are like a giant congregation of the People's Temple at Jonestown. They were craving to be suckered by a conman like the Reverend Jim Jones to tell them what to do and now their wish has come true.

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Yes, and they’re still treating people like us like we are the idiots

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Yep, and it’s really starting to steam my clams!

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They sure are.

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Sooooooo true!!!!!

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Sad, but unfortunately very true today.

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Designed, to Cull the Human Race, zero benefits of the Covid "Vaccines" and booster. Vast profits made, on Human suffering and Deaths.Cancers as if Turbocharged MS, Sids, Birth rates as if off a Cliff.

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Do you ever sleep???? I really appreciate all your hard work! Thank you. ❤️

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

Paul, that's why we use the term, Politically CORRECTED Science. Not about the science as you fully know, but about the political hacks that tell the science nerds to cover up the truth or else. Been that way since CFR Reagan failed to allow the EPA to put a stop on GMOs about mid-80s. Reagan really gave us today's Freak Show Government of Nazis.

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As much as I liked Reagan, you are correct. He is the one who removed all vaccine liability. Which has resulted in killing and maiming millions of children and adults today.

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These bare facts, along with the disastrous outcome, rebut the entire "safe and effective" conspiracy.

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Thank you Dr Paul for stating this simply and as a stand alone post.

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There has not been one relevant study in the last 70 years that proves any vaccine is safe and effective and improves health outcomes in the long term. The entire vaccine industry is as fake as pandemics and dieting schemes.

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Why? Because there is NO such thing as a “safe vaccine “! Never has been and never will be.

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Thank you for that and too bad for those that mandated the crap injections. They are ignorant

and corrupt.

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But we DO have tons of evidence the jabs maimed and killed MANY.

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WE THE PEOPLE HAVE TO GO AFTER THESE FOUL EVILS AND THEN THE FOUL EVILS WHO WONT PROSECUTE THEM LEGALLY - UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED FOR RIGHTEOUS STRENGTH AGAISNT ALL EVILS ,,, Treason is a federal crime in the United States, as stated in Title 18 U.S. Code § 2381. It is defined as "levying war against the United States, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." ,,,,, But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.,,,,, OUR WE THE PEOPLES RIGHTS,,, That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

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If you have not watched Denis Rancourt crunch the numbers...it is worth a watch. There was no pandemic. The vaccines don't work.


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