LOL Tucker nailed it. I heard this smarmy entitled prick Zelensky list off his demands. I really wonder how damaging is the dirt he has on Biden and Pelosi.

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Wouldn't it be lovely to just find out that bit of information.

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It would be better to mind our own business.

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Tucker has been on fire in the last number of weeks and months! I don’t know how he’s still on fox!

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They can't replace him. He's the star, brings in viewers. Taking him off, will be another PayPal style joke.

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He is Fox's biggest attraction. If they are ever stupid enough to run him off, the Carlson channel will bury them.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

Do you know what's sad?, there are still millions of braindead/brainwashed zombies who dutifully wave their Ukrainian flags and demand that the West "do more!" for those poor Ukrainians.

You see their shilling for the cause on numerous comment sections and forums on the Internet.

If you make the mistake of presenting actual facts about whats really happening they instantly turn on you like rabid dogs and call you a Putin sympathizer and a conspiracy theorist.

I've never seen so many people NOT question a single thing wrong with the funding of this war and the complete lack of critical thinking exhibited by so many people.

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These are the same people that line up for the death shots.

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So this is a self correcting problem!

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You could say that I guess.

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I am still amazed at the lack of discernment around the world- why have so many human beings seemed to have lost their ability to question, think & research? (Could it be all the toxins in our water (fluoride, for one), the myriad of toxins the vaxxx “industry” puts in their different shots, & the processed foods our corrupted fda approved) - could these be affecting our brain’s ability to function well? Or are people just trying to make ends meet & get through the day & do not have the energy & stamina to add anything more to their platter. Or are folks just willing to be spoon-fed lies?

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Actually the simplest explanation for the lack of critical and analytical thinking and discernment is that western educated people of the past two generations are not taught any of the skills necessary to even begin to question the information presented to them.

The western education system has been changed to one of not educating but indoctrinating future citizens. All the proof anyone needs is to look at the crap being taught in schools these days and how powerful various teacher’s unions and school boards have become.

Obedience to authority is the one main principles drilled into the heads of children and younger adults these days.

If an ‘expert’ says the shots are safe and effective then ok, no questions asked.

Also western culture has been shifted from one of a community based style of thinking in the early-mid 20th century(think Boy Scout troops) to one of exclusive narcissism (the TicTok generation).

Most younger people today only think about their own needs, wants, and desires.

In fact much of western culture these days is geared towards narcissistic thinking thanks to 50 years of broadcast and mass media.

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We awake Americans are DONE with the criminal enterprise that has infested our Federal govt & is in bed with criminal activity around the world.

We want the dirty vermin out of power.

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Mark my words here... Zelensky will NEVER live in the Florida mansion someone bought for him.

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Yes he's becoming less and less useful to certain individuals and organizations and he knows a little too much to be allowed to safely retire.

Time for a "Russian" missile to find it's way to where ever he's hiding out at.

A most unfortunate turn of events but they can always put another puppet in his place.

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American citizens don’t matter anymore except to pay outrageous taxes to fund the Left’s Agenda including billions & billions to the most corrupt country in the world with a “leader” installed by our government. Do Love Tucker for speaking truth!

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You can’t criticize Zelensky! And to suggest there might be some connection with Him and Nuland, and Vindman, and Walensky and the Biolabs in Ukraine is not allowed.

Prepare to be canceled like Kanye.

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I can't wait for Zelensky, whoever he is, to be assassinated by his own generals. I will genuinely buy a bottle of Champagne to celebrate.

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Tucker is the one redeeming aspect of woke and paid off Fox

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100 % right on.. agreed. UNREAL. now only well said: SUCCINCTLY and PEREECTLY said. :) good night

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I wish I could take back the money that our government sent him.

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Amen! I can’t Zelenskyy, his effing Nazi aficionados or anybody, Dem or Rep who continue promoting Zelenskyy as a “hero”, ratcheting up a war we are responsible for creating and the globalist NWO endgame.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

Ol’ boy is right. Again!

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

That's why Tucker has been number one for so long. I got hooked on him a couple of years ago.

Another thing the little creep Zelensky said some of the money was for was coal and gas? Seriously, we are not supposed to use those things. Was that an intentional double whammy? Europe would like heat too.

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I hope Zelensky heard both of your perfect comments. Nailed Dr Alexander! Zelensky cans fluff off!

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