There's just no money to be made with natural immunity.😉

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Chance of getting cancer in a lifetime is 40%, according to team cancer’s website. For a while now, statistically, the 3rd to 6th leading cause of death (depending on who’s reporting) is medical mistakes.

Give me a break. Where’s the “improvement”? The gleaning of “knowledge” over decades. Oh but look at all this “technology”.

I’m going to go out on a limb here: These people don’t know what they’re doing.

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Hi Dr, Alexander,

Great article in Brownstone! Thank you for all of your courage and efforts. The final nail in the coffin for the weak and completely unethical case for vaccine mandates has been delivered now that we know unequivocally that the VAX does not appreciably stop infection or spread. The sales pitch was “do it for others”and “protect grandma”. The other sales pitch was to help reach herd community.  We’ve known for some time that even if 100% of the population across the globe were vaccinated, we could never reach heard immunity.

A super strong case for naturally acquired immunity is just thick icing on the cake. Thank you for helping to frost the cake!

I have created a simple activism project to help bring people together on this topic. https://circle.love

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Your health varies in proportion to the foods you eat, the activity you undertake and the amount of big pharma drugs you consume...which means less drugs equals better health in the long run.

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My husband had polio as a child and I bet he now, at age 85, still has natural immunity

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Two things:

1. The mechanism of the adaptive immune response to viral or bacterial proteins in vaccines is identical to that coming as the result of the innate immune system destroying a pathogen and presenting the bits and pieces of the pathogen’s proteins to the adaptive immune system.

2. The difference in results lies primarily in the quantity and variety of the antigen load. When your innate immune system whacks a C19 or other member of the coronavirus family, your adaptive immune system will be presented with many different fragments with unique epitopes of as many proteins as the virus contains.

Given the ~78% homology of C19 to other members of the coronavirus family, the specific antibodies and T cells to any one of them will be effective against any other member to the extent that they share identical proteins or at least identical stretches of protein with the same epitopes because specific antibodies and T cells are epitope-specific, not pathogen-specific.

Want to blame someone for crappy immune response following a vaccination? Blame the companies for trying to use the least possible number of antigens to provoke an immune response and then trying to amplify it by the use of adjuvants because of anti-vax nonsense about antigen load overwhelming the delicate immature immune systems of children.

The single smallpox vaccination in the first part of the 20th century introduced a greater number and a broader variety of antigens than all the vaccines any kid growing up over the past decade will ever receive in his entire life.

So, a viral protein vaccine containing the variety of C19 antigens of the C19 virus and in sufficient quantity will be at least as effective as having had to suffer the infection itself, but certainly far more effective than the manufacturers’ approach, which seems to be little more than the concept of in-app purchases being applied to immunization in order to ensure a continuous revenue stream.

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Thankful to be a pureblood and a 69 year old going on 70, who had Covid in January and already had ivermectin on hand. Doc said if temp spikes 103, get to the ER. Even though it did get to 103, I knew I wasn’t going to the hospital to be vented and killed. Praise the Lord for natural immunity!

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Won't it be argued that that is Influenza but this is coronavirus? Even though studies show B cell immunity for at least a year.

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The 1918 flu wasn’t flu either. Nomenclature has changed.

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