Of course everything you have written should be a manifesto going forward from today. Having said that, you are working from the perspective that this has been about our health. IMHO & many others, this was & still has not ever been about our health. This was all about “the plan” to take us into the One World Government and The Great Reset. Using fear to get as many people as possible jabbed to lower the population ( by many different side effects) ruin our economy, isolate people & get us to the point where we will “Own nothing & be happy.” So, in a sane world your manifesto makes 💯 % sense. Unfortunately we don’t live in a sane world. Maybe, just maybe, people like you can pull us back from the brink.

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Mar 26, 2022
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There are many very good people who don’t follow your faith in Jesus. For instance, I am Jewish. I believe that the Eternal One works through us in this world. We are here for a purpose, that purpose is to make this world a better place, each in our own way. You would not argue, I don’t think with that saying “GD helps those who help themselves.” I don’t think it’s meant in a selfish way, I think it’s meant that GD expects us to do the work, not just sit around saying that he’s in control.

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We have experienced - are experiencing - mass media dictatorship backing government dictatorship. What you call for - what the sane have been calling for from the beginning - requires the rule of law, which has been violated from the beginning, when emergency powers were invoked for something patently not an emergency. To enforce the rule of law we need enough awake citizens. You are doing amazing work. So are numerous others. Important that we each do what we can to wake people and hold accountable the wrongdoers.

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People must be given back the responsibility over their bodies and their health - this statement alone is basically a declaration of bankruptcy to the governments of this world - and people must accept this responsibility again. For many, this is exactly a challenge, as they have become so accustomed to obediently following every measure, no matter how nonsensical.

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Excellent work Dr! Let us all remember this during election time. Going forward this is exactly why we should NOT ever, ever have government socialized, or quasi socialized medicine. While it sounds good from a campaign speech-this is the end result. Look at Canada and UK these past two years. Once a socialized top down system was instituted from up high, all of the dr's & hospitals who relied on getting paid from the govt system operated in lock step, group think and perpetuated this pandemic.

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I know too many people over the age of 75, many not in the healthiest condition. They are all triple jabbed, they all got covid. My question is this, why won’t gov’ts and their health authorities welcome early treatments like ivermectin, with open arms? If everyone is so worried about the “vulnerable” why are these proven treatments being withheld in the UK, USA, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Canada etc. it does not make sense.

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Ivermectin is off patent, no money to be made. They don't care about saving people.

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I know , but I care about people and would like to have access to ivermectin when needed.💕💕

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Agree 100%, everyone should have access to it.

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I learned a new word today: Democide

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I completely agree, Dr. Paul, And this is another awesome article from you. The only point I am not clear on is exactly how we protect the vulnerable when masks, vaccinations, and lockdowns don't work? We can't leave our seniors isolated so how do you keep them safe from infection?

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All you've said, Dr. Alexander, is correct and SHOULD be done from this moment forward. But, and this is a rather large but - a document is being prepared that will give the WHO complete & total "emergency powers" as based on extremely loose & subjective criteria, and for as long as they so deem it "necessary"...

The WHO actually has a Constitution, and this amendment to it is going to include these new powers, and this will be brought up, and possibly ratified as well, during a May 2022 meeting - I'm trying to find an article to direct you all to, but I've got so many tabs open... lol. At any rate, as the WHO's Constitution SUPERCEDES all member-nations' constitutions/charters/etc., THIS AMENDMENT TO THE WHO'S CONSTITUTION GIVES THE WHO TOTAL & COMPLETE POWER OVER EVERY MEMBER-NATION...

Let me repeat...


This plan for world domination has been in the works by very bad people for a long time, and it's looking like it will come to fruition.

This is real, and there is very little doubt in my mind it will pass.

I will either edit this post, or do a new one, when I find the article.

God bless us all.

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Yes, I too would like to know how you give layers of protection to seniors and the vulnerable? They have rights and feelings, too, and do not in a lot of cases, understand why they are being trapped and isolated. Get the ivermectin out and let them free!

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Lift liar liability protection number one

All else falls apart

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Dr. Alexander, thank you for your voice of reason!

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I am a retired craftsman with only a college diploma in electronics and saw this for what it was less than 1 month after the WHO called it a Pandemic. I did my own research and found all the lies because I knew whom I could trust. DENIS RANCOURT, IVOR CUMMINS and  NICK HUDSON at the beginning, then RFK.jr and REINER FUELMUCH and anyone who lifted their head above the parapet. I discovered this method while researching my healthand learning that BigFood, Big Pharma and Big Medicine are killing us for profit. The bought and paid for media is the biggest enabler of this WWIII.


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Terrific list! In speaking with others, it seems to me that the ‘keystone’ issue varies from person to person. Usually, I find that by focusing on just one of your 20 items in depth can lead them to begin thinking through others. Looking at all of them at once seems to be too overwhelming for most. If they are able to think through their respective ‘keystone’, then the potential for the whole house of cards tumbling is very great. The challenge is in identifying that ‘keystone’ and then talking that through thoroughly.

Granted, many can’t make it through even one before they shut down intellectually; it takes some compassionate and sensitive treading in order to not scare them off.

I’m going to refer to your list as a mental checklist, but I’ll have to make it a bit more pithy for utility.

Thank you so much for your writing and diligence!

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Here's some Canada stats. This site is being censored so bad they may not make the next month, PayPal dropped them from receiving donations and they lost a huge amount of donors! https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/20/gov-canada-data-triple-vaccinated-have-a-i-d-s/

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This is must read for everyone.

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3) Get the government and all alphabet agencies out of medicine! This is all you need.

Let the public be the public, we haven't done so bad thinking for ourselves considering we know what's "best" for us.

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