Remember. This is not a holistic organization. The antibiotics and anti fungals in this kit would kill me.

Garlic and oregano oil are healthier options.

I would only buy ivermectin. The rest of this stuff is pharmaceutical crap.

And anyway if there’s a huge disaster does one really think a kit like this would be life saving with no food or water.? And it’s the lack of water and lack of heat or AC that would concern me.

What good would antibiotics be and really they are not life saving especially if it’s a virus.

Give me a break.

Don’t be deceived. They want money like everyone else and they trick you just as much or use scare tactics just as much.

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The first time I saw that name I thought they were part of the Wellcome Trust, the one thing this scaredemic has shown is that you have to have real survival skills-real life living skills, and use what your ancestors used, do NOT depend on corporations as much as possible. I guess all the stuff they couldn't sell at the time due to it being duped for a while to get the emergency needlecraft going now needs to be sold, sorry I saw TC speak on Amazing Polly's channel, supposedly answering questions, it did not look real to me, research Ile La Vache, why do they want to 'develop' an island in the Caribbean, allegedly to help the islanders to have employment....., how are these 'hard working'people able to do so much at once, they must be superheroes of some kind, or not, whatever stick to what your ancestors did as it is thanks to them that you are here and NO it is not modern(a) medicine that saved the world, that stuff is the youngest medicine on the earht and proven to have way tooooooo maannnyyy direct side effects, I make some exceptions but very few, cheers!

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But are any of these available for Canadians?

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I ordered two of these over a month ago and still have not received them. I’m pretty annoyed.

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You should be annoyed considering top name doctors, especially Peter McCullough are doing an amazing number of interviews and promoting The Wellness Company.

A previous commenter referenced Amazing Polly's investigation into TWC. They are not as they appear to be.

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