This will send the Big Pharma out of business!!!

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NAC degrades spike at a low percentage. Augmented NAC degrades spike at a higher percentage.

How much does nattokinase degrade spike? I can’t find it.

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I would use azithromycin only in an emergency. Antibiotics ruin your gut biome and cause depression. The best way of sorting out a bacterial infection is to reduce EMF, Gram negative bacteria are more susceptible to EMF making it grow faster and causing imbalance over time ( most disease comes from GN bacteria with few GP bacteria together they balance and makeup 80% in the Pareto principle of the body's bacteria. (whooping cough is the most recent, and a K pneumonia outbreak release of Amazon Sidewalk 900Mhz as the bacteria increased 25% Pnumosnia increased 3 fold + the mold which causes pneumonia>600times faster in EMF this will explain further https://normanjames.substack.com/p/mold-pneumonia-and-the-underwire ) reducing EMF in your home is important and in the sum of physics while you are next to live wires as it amplifies the effect of RFR and is why do they tell you not to use your phone while charging. Opt for fresher supplements with real fruit and veg as you don't need as much. Natto is great helps with mold i use Baccus subtilis in the home. to kill mold with the help of EM-1 (for more info look through my posts) I suggest logols iodine on the wrist + 1 Brazil nut. Shilajit Celtic sea salt organic everything Black strap molasses Pumpkin seeds + magnesium spray and glycinate, Ginger bug and use the organic yeast of the ginger bug to make MEAD but semi ferment it if you don't add fruit, then you can dispense it like a ginger bug as it has no pectin, and won't make Methanol which is bad for you. start drinking it after 1 week of ferment.


RFR has increased 1 quintillion times from 2000-2020. + new 5G phones >20 times more potential radiation.

One quintillion seconds is equal to approximately 31,688,738,506.8 years.

The truly massive scale of 1 quintillion seconds. To put it in perspective:

1 quintillion seconds is approximately 31.7 billion years.

The current estimated age of the observable universe is 13.8 billion years.

So 1 quintillion seconds is over 2 times longer than the entire age of our universe!

This really puts the astronomical magnitude of 1 quintillion x Hz of RF radiation generated in just 20 years into stark context. It's an almost unfathomably huge amount of electromagnetic energy introduced into our world in an extremely brief period on the cosmic timescale. Multiply that up to 16 x with an updated 5g phone.

When you sleep at night, you naturally sweat, and it is common to wake up having lost some weight. However, if the bacteria responsible for toxin elimination were not functioning properly or affected by EMF interference, it could potentially hinder the sweating process and prevent the toxins from being eliminated during sleep. Is it possible for this to overload your body with toxins, leading to a Herxheimer reaction, commonly known as a sweating sickness?

General Measures :

Turn off electricity at trip switches (except refrigerators) for sleep

Ground yourself while sleeping (earthing pipe strap, earthing sheet, etc.).

Turn off all wireless communication (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cell phone data).

Hardwire internet connection instead of Wi-Fi (Ethernet cables).

Use corded devices instead of wireless whenever possible.

Minimize phone use indoors (use ethernet-to-phone adapter or internet calls).

Specific Precautions:

Move bed away from walls and use shielded radiation mat (if electricity cannot be turned off).

Consider replacing metal bed frame with wooden one and metal-free mattress (if electricity cannot be turned off).

Use safe Wi-Fi router with timer or keep Wi-Fi off except when needed.

Avoid Ethernet over power devices (EOP).

Charge phone in Faraday box at night (with car keys) if kept near bed.

Use rechargeable PIR night light for nighttime navigation.

Additional Tips:

Swap pillowcases with silver fibers regularly (every 6 months).

Ground yourself throughout the day with ESD shoe straps or earthing shoes.

Use airplane mode on phone when not in use.

Consider safer cell phone carrier that supports internet calls.

Phone Choice:

Focus on SAR (Specific Absorption Rate): Choose a phone with a low SAR rating. This metric measures the amount of radiofrequency (RF) energy absorbed by the body. Aim for models with ratings below 1.0 W/kg, ideally closer to 0.5 W/kg. Websites like LeafScore and PhoneArena offer searchable databases based on SAR. This is a tricky subject as SAR doesn’t count for channels wifi Bluetooth. Smartphones like Samsung have a low SAR compared to dumb phones but there are caveats to this like if you drop a smartphone and smash the glass the radiation may reach 4 fold or the shielding taken out up to 10 fold whereas a dumbphone is more rugged. So for a smartphone, it is advisable to get it well-protected and don’t use it if damaged. Dumb phones are easier to turn on and off (CELL phones are meant for emergency use only turn them on when needed) dumbphones may have a higher absorption rate SAR they are less likely to increase in radiation by notifications no data transfer Mudita Pure is the lowest and out of stock


Prioritize single bands: Look for phones that primarily operate on a single 4G band instead of supporting multiple bands simultaneously. This can reduce overall transmission power and exposure as only one tower interaction is needed. 4G = 7 channels @ 2mw/m2 = max 14mw/m2 approx 1 cell tower 5G 200 channels@ 2mw/m2 = max 400mw/m2 approx 20 cell towers. this can be up to 4x higher with a damaged phone.

Research cell tower proximity: Check coverage maps provided by your carrier and consider alternative phone models if they connect primarily to a single closer tower compared to your current phone. Remember, distance significantly impacts exposure.

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