That photo, of Biden on the ground, being helped up by several agents, is EXACTLY how our many enemies see America as a country now. Weak, feeble, unable to rise. Thanks Democrats.

Weekend at Bernie’s was funny in a movie. Not so much on the world stage.

How can he be the Leader of the Free World when he can’t even stay on his feet?

Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, said if he tripped on a sandbag (which the Secret Service uses to weight down TelePrompTers and such), it was almost 100% certain that he was walking where he shouldn’t have been, confused as to where to go. The USSS teams never put the bags on the side where POTUS will walk. He probably went the wrong way, trying to make a show of how he can jog offstage.

This, after he flubbed so badly during the speech (who are those guys that are gonna fly over?) and then leers and whispers, really creepily, that “three of them are women”.

How much more of this humiliating charade can we stand?

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he tripped over his imaginary friend

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LOL. He's a real "stand up" guy.

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Unfortunately Biden is not the only traitor.

The FBI’s big shots, the generals of the US Armed Forces, even the weekend warriors (National Guards) have turned themselves into the violent forces ready to crush patriotic citizens at a moment’s notice.

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Remember Kent State...4 dead in Ohio.

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Biden was once a standing joke. He seems incapable of that now.

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good one.

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the fact that they prop this obviously compromised old guy up to serve as a figurehead is elder abuse in the extreme

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He's got a daughter still messed up by his forcing her to shower with him as an adult. He deserves every bit of this embarassment.

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Note to Jimy: Impressed by your properly using the possessive before a gerund. Hardly anyone knows to do that, including most "journalists."

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Thank you. I consider myself something of a gerundalist. (I don't always get it write though)

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Dr. Jill is Lady MacBeth...she will do anything to stay in power.

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Yes! Behind (not a real doctor OR real PhD) "Dr. Jill's" low-class floozy demeanor lies a social-climbing, power-hungry manipulator.

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...who turned a blind eye to Joe "showering" with their daughter.

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it really is

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Maybe the pressure of Marco Polo releasing Hunter photos &

The fight for the document the fbi is wrongfully withholding is getting to the P-resident . & the double standards are the new normal, sadly.

Dr Alexander, don’t forget to get some rest!

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He hit his head stepping off of Marine One helo today.

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Legalizing MURDER - California Bill Allows The

Killing Of Live Babies Up To ONE MONTH OLD



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This news has really upset me. These are signs of the end of Civilization. 😥

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That by far ain't the worse thing that's gonna happen to him.his days coming up real quick,weeping and nashing of teeth.cold,dark,no door,no way out.

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The pressure and stress is beginning to send his criminal ass down the slippery slope. Soon he won't be able to stand or talk at all. Then we'll see these dirty bastards slide one in, right in front of Kamel-toe. They can't stop committing all of these crimes. If they do, it's their end.

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As Marie Antoinette would say, “Let him eat dirt.”

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As much as I detest the creepy unduly elected president imo, I think he fell on a sandbag he didn’t see on the stage and likely anyone could have done that.

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As another commenter pointed out, Biden most likely was walking where he shouldn't have been, unaware of his surroundings. He cannot negotiate from point A to point B without an escort, like others suffering from senile dementia.

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Yes, when the White House Easter Bunny had to help guide him out on the lawn, I knew there were problems.😳

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But only a fool could give the speech he’d just delivered.

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now that was embarrassing

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The issue is he could not find the freaking podium up there, he was walking all around side to side and someone had to escort him over to the podium...that was more pathetic!

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Notice how his eyes are always dilated? Pupils look like big black saucers. Older photos of him show him with very blue eyes.

He is no doubt "juiced" up with some kind of meds. It is very difficult to see in bright sunlight if your eyes are dilated. (Think back to if you had an eye exam and the ophthalmologist dilated your eyes.)

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He felt that; might knock some sense into him. Had a rotten headache so called in sick. Went onto the patio, reached down to pick up whatever, and one of the shepherds hit by head with his hard head. Cured that headache and went to work. :)

Right after this fall, Pedo hit his head while exiting the Marine Helicopter, if I recall.

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I am a 20+ year nurse and assess he is at the assisted living with dementia phase. He needs proper medical tx and care, which does not include flying around the country, climbing on stairs unassisted, and making speeches.

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I feel bad when I see him fall, and I am very glad he wasn’t injured. I empathize too as it’s frightening and embarrassing to fall. But I’m also concerned that as President, he has such responsibilities and heavy load to carry, with consequences for millions of people at home and abroad, and I seriously wonder about his ability to discharge these tremendously weighty responsibilities.

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@Ken Anderson You are so kind, but I believe you apply the wrong principle here.

Biden feels great when his evil policies crush the innocent people like us and demolish this country while protecting the traitors, criminals and real racists.

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Matthew 18:6.

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Do you not worry that he does business deals with communist China for his family’s gain and that he is a pathological liar? Do you not think it’s bad that he has no problem making Americans pay the debt of students who willingly took on their debt to give them a break at our expense? Do you not worry that when he was acting lucid he treated unvaccinated Americans as enemies and promoted hostility towards the unvaccinated? Do you not worry that thousands upon thousands of healthcare professionals left because of his despicable vaccine mandates and now we have a severe shortage of those needed people? Come on man! The guy is a terrible human being and has been long before losing it mentally. It’s so obvious that he isn’t making any decisions but the Power brokers in the DNC. They wanted him because they could control him and they don’t even care how blatant it is. His could nap most of his presidency and they don’t care. That’s how bogus this is.

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Speaking of China: this is not being talked about.



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People are so predictable.

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USURPER joe cant stand himself, he needs help

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China knows Biden is weak.

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