Concealed carry, and open carry, are legal in many states. All women/girls aged 16 and up should be trained by NRA and desensitized so they can shoot to kill anyone who attacks them and not be charged.

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kaboom, must be trained to kill the best, the feral beast...great post Edward

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got to develop the mind to be able to do it

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This is going to continue, and increase in frequency and magnitude - you can bet the mortgage on it.

I mean, does anyone here really think that it's going to get better or stop? Be real, okay!

I predict that it'll explode in the event of a breakdown in ordinary social structure, as it would under an economic collapse, a forced lockdown situation, or something similar.

I also believe that it's what 'they' want to occur. It would justify invoking Martial Law and what follows.

It's the only thing that makes sense. Why else flood the country with illegal criminals?

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very accurate Jorge and very troubling. so the truth is we must defend ourselves if life is at risk

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3 mins ago·edited just now

Yes. I've long been saying that, unfortunately, we presently have a single remaining path - *bloody conflict*. I don't wish for that - no sane person would - but all other paths (such as an electoral approach) have been eliminated. Few want to accept that reality, but soon the decision will be imposed on all of us.

At that point we will have ONLY two choices: passively submit and do as the psychopaths in charge order us to do, or oppose them with violence. Forget peaceful means such 'picketing', elections, or letters/phone calls to your public officials - those options are GONE!

Many, likely MOST, will choose to passively submit. That will be out of fear/cowardice, or the erroneous belief that we should always obey our officials (because "the government wants to help the people" - nothing could be further from the truth), or some other misguided/stupid reason.

In the end it'll be as I've been preaching for years: "If we don't take THEM out, they will take US out - period!" Eventually, everyone will realize the truth in that statement.

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6 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

The problem stands : these people will not go home.

For them to return home would be for them to be considered a failure .

They wouldn't live to see the next sunrise.

So fight they will,because fight they must.

You have no retreat to go to Jorge

Nor do I.

So fight we will.

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if life threatened, we have to fight

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Dr. Alexander: How many times have you said these incidents would be happening? MANY!

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yes...and they are...are they not? I am no mystic

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Nothing will change until every illegal migrant is deported.

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That will be a task that must be accomplished!

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very absolutely

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Self defence is a legitimate reason for women to kill rapists.

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it is and allowed...

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Most definitely!

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A quick update from the Russian Front Lynn.

Then we'll return to our regular program.


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these people are pushing Vlad...and I believe him when he says nukes are on the table...one could argue this is the bigger threat and it is .....implications are horrendous...can you imagine, as we write here, we have HAMAS Israel can go nuclear...Russia Ukraine can go nuclear...Iran Israel can go nuclear...

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Ok....Darkstar.....Thanks :-)

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OK....Darkstar....Thanks :-)

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I was in a city today an hour away to take my two grand daughters to church. Their mother did not need to tell me to not lose sight of them. In this sh*t ty there is a LIEberal mayor and many homeless people including girls/women. Drug overdoses are common, pimps seem to be around homeless women, and I have seen women sleeping under a blanket on sidewalks.

I called 911 asking for a city police woman to come to deal with this and waited for them to come. Two ambulances came instead and the leader about late thirties checked her and then asked to speak with me as I had stayed there to watch her until they came. I was angry at the useless bastard mayor and all the attendants told me they knew the woman and had dealt with her before.

The leader told me he had a wife and three children and worked in that city for 19 years and he and his wife had decided the city was "gone" and not safe anymore day or night so they were moving out into the country as soon as their house sold. All of them shook my hand after we had a group hate fest cursing the LIEberal mayor.

This is how it is in cities with LIEberal mayors.

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thank you for sharing this key information

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There are a lot of mayors and local officials that don't care about their cities. Just look at Philadelphia and so many more. I believe some are getting paid off. How can they stand for their city to be destroyed. Especially, the people that have lived in some places for years. That was nice of you to take your granddaughters to church. What area do you live in?

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They are the real human trash!!!

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Hi Lynn this is why we must look a all.of the posableblities,

A nuclear war with Russia will give them the means to stop the election and hand us over to gangland rules.


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So is assault.

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And theft.

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And don't for get we are approaching a nuclear war,Lynn.

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yes...once we use weapons legally, life threatened...yes, shoot to kill

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This is so beyond

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That newspaper headline - called them "undocumented immigrants". That is a LIE. They are INVADERS, CRIMINAL ILLEGAL INVADERS, MURDERERS AND GANG MEMBERS. Any media that says otherwise is gaslighting the public.

By the way Paul, there was an event called Rescue The Republic, I think it was in DC, maybe today. Matt Taibbi was there and spoke, and wrote about it in his Substack today. I could not leave a comment because it's paywalled. It seems he said that one of the speakers there was Robert Malone. I wanted to tell Taibbi that Malone is a liar, and part of the deep state, and was part of the covid hoax and the vaxx genocide. Why is he at a patriot event?

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I had to reprint your words for could not be said better:

'That newspaper headline - called them "undocumented immigrants". That is a LIE. They are INVADERS, CRIMINAL ILLEGAL INVADERS, MURDERERS AND GANG MEMBERS. Any media that says otherwise is gaslighting the public.'

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Yes, I am so sick of libs and others calling them "undocumented immigrants." It's an oxymoron. Immigrants go through immigration processes, making them legally here. Migrants do not. Illegal Aliens have no reason to be here, this is not their country. Undocumented makes them criminal invaders. I want to swear but am restraining myself.

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all you say is 100% correct.

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I understand the urge to swear sometimes.

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big swear...

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I have to at times.

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Dave -- Did you see SimulationCommander's substack today about the rally you referenced? He includes videos of the speeches.


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No I didn't Kathleen, thanks for the link.

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Thank Biden Harris and walz. The predator will be on the street in a couple of days.

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Thank Harris and Biden

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thanks indeed

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Hyena and the rest of them keep letting them in. Wonder how she would feel if assaulted and rapped by them? Send the aliens to mars mission one way no return ticket! Or let them observe earth and give them new parachuting skills. Them canolies and bouncing friends need to leave also or the lowest hanging fruit. Or another solution remove their gang affiliations lazer and drop them off in the hood?

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this is the truth, speaker Johnson sold us out

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Bear Spray might fit well in purses. Children's bags. Maybe churches need prep classes. Firestarters.

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Maybe some state will hire this illegal as a police officer!

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And morons In Wisconsin will still vote democrat. Anyone at this juncture voting democrat is either a hardcore communist or a brainwashed fool..

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Throughout my adult life, I've wondered how people like these Venezuelan monsters and Adolph Hitler could possibly belong to the same species as people like Mother Teresa and Albert Schweitzer, and I've figured there must be "sub-species" of homo sapiens, in terms of what I think of as "spiritual DNA".

But anymore, I really don't think these monsters are human at all. They might have started out that way, but at some point. they completely rejected God and any fragment of humanity they may have ever had. Every decent person needs to be well-armed and proficient with their weapons because those demons need help slithering into the bowels of hell as soon as possible.

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If the police are unable or unwilling to solve this problem, you could end up with the "volunteer police"...aka armed citizenry. This problem could be solved very quickly by a citizen police force.

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it likely will be...sadly

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