URGENT: Daniel Horowitz shared this from Dr. Lxx Fxx as to usual practice in hospitals when our parent, grand-parent, you, anyone, based on hospital 'COVID Protocol' to collect $500,000 per patient
URGENT: Daniel Horowitz shared this from Dr. Lxx Fxx as to usual practice in hospitals when our parent, grand-parent, you, anyone, based on hospital 'COVID Protocol' to collect $500,000 per patient
$500,000 per COVIDized patient & thus the COVID Protocol to ensure they collected for each patient; this is why I have called for CEOs, Fauci, Birx, Bancel, Bourla, Francis Collins, all, to be JAILED!
This basically happened to a 40-something friend of mine in a UK NHS hospital. He got breathless and panicked so he went to the hospital. He ended up on a covid ward being putting on bigger and bigger masks plus the kidney drug. He messaged me regularly that he would watch other patients be approached by doctors and nurses who 'had the conversation' with them about going onto a vent. Every patient who went on a vent died within a few days. Then my friend messaged me that the doctors had the conversation with him. That is the last I heard from him last November. He had two teenage children. I think he was on the pathway to death the moment they got him onto the ward. IMPO they murdered him as surely as if they had fired a gun at his head. Evil sods.
I wish he crawled out of there! I would have helped him. I guess that’s easy to say after what we know. God bless your friend in God’s care.
I was in the hospital a little over a month ago, to get cancer removed. I had no choice. BUT, I did do an Advanced Directive and I had it notarized; NO Remdesivir NO blood transfusions NO ventilator NO vaccines...and I PRAYED! If I saw any weird stuff, I was ready to crawl out of that hospital. I only had my bf and they made him leave, after saying he could stay. I was there 3 days and I survived with God’s help...and cancer free, with God’s help.
In case anything comes back, watch the interviews on Dr Eric Berg's youtube channel with the people he interviewed who reportedly got rid of cancer with specific protocols alternating fasting and certain diet.
Excellent post! Summarizes exactly what happened. Should be required reading of every American, European, and Commonwealth citizen.
Those of us who were awake (listening, watching, reading) knew some or most of this as early as May, June, July, August, September of 2020. But now all the pieces which were initially whispered on blogs or tucked into back row NY Post articles are now being confirmed, piece by piece.
Lyme disease doctors, especially knew what was going on and were treating their patients with early treatment (HCQ, Ivermectin, antioxidants including NAC, alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, zinc, and then quercetin), but many have self-censored at this point to avoid reprisal. [Mary Beth Pfeiffer, investigative journalist, did an excellent job documenting some of this until she was banned off Twitter.]
The public in India know what was going on, per friends that have family and travel back and forth. In fact, they are curious as to why we in the US and Canada are still stuck in COVID. They are miles ahead of us.
They are so far ahead because they didn't mess around. Their Ivermectin response in I believe it was Deli, virtually eliminated Covid, in a few weeks. Plus their science representative to ??WHO has been charged for murder.
It was actually the whole state of Uttar Pradesh (population 247 million) in India (borders the capitol Delhi, and Delhi did too) that did massive distribution of ivermectin kits and essentially eliminated COVID. Some other Indian states did too, but not all, strangely (likely Pharma-vax bought). Corruption is everywhere.
What is worse the WHO helped with the distribution of the Ivermectin and said they would write a report on the program results. They have yet to report on it and their web page does not even mention Ivermectin, just the fact that they did track and trace and home visits with some medication.
Yes, so true. The really sad part is that they're all a part of the cabal of death. Very difficult to find the right answers if one has no idea how to search,
Gilead has a inside track in DC because of Donald Rumsfeld. A amoral person who would achieve the goal set for him no matter what it would take! He got Washinton to buy 3 Billion of Tamiflu! Got Aspartame Equal) approved by FDA when they said NO for 7 years! There is so much more!
And now Biden declaring the Pandemic is over is hoping we will forget. Funny, Fauci is trying to walk Biden's statement back. Shows the little fascist can't let go of his inflated ego.
It happened, not only in the US, but in the UK and Canada as well.
They killed the elderly, by the DROVES, and all labeled "with Covid". The "vulnerable". But not only the most vulnerable...
It wasn't Covid, for the most part, which led to their demise.
It was death due to (proven) medical malpractice, & DNR orders. For profit.
It would have happened to my mum, if she was segregated, alone, with no family advocate during Covid lockdowns. They'd have killed her if she'd been "admitted". (I didn't allow it.)
I talked to SO many people at my (former) workplace, who had elderly loved ones in ____ Hospital, having been transferred from other area hospitals, during "Covid".
I'm in Canada, not the UK, but I'd run for my very life, in the opposite direction of the hospital and take my chances with over the counter meds, if I did live in Britain.
I have honestly never been more proud to have been fired from this machine! I truly cannot fathom what has been done to patients. As a per-diem employee I was asked to come in once during the peak of Covid and only for 6 hours, my friend got called in at the same time and she took the shift so they didn’t need me. Never got called again!! I checked with other per-diem nurse friends and no one was being called in!
So many have the same experience. I had just switched to perdiem. Our clinic slowed to a crawl with Covid protocols. Went back to 1-2 days / week when things opened back up but it would be about 1 year before we got back full operations. Then they started talking mandates. I just had enough and resigned.
We started back early that summer as the first wave settled down and our PACU opened back up. They then started playing catch-up on elective surgeries that had been canceled so was working more. As “warp speed” progressed towards a reality our CEO made it clear from the beginning that they wanted 100% compliance (on a vaccine not even out yet)! It was clear to me there would be no exemptions. I already was one of “those nurses” who didn’t take the flu shot and was forced to be masked during flu season. I knew what was coming with the mandates! At the end of December 2020 the vaccine roll out began at my hospital and by 9/28/21 I was fired for not taking an experimental gene therapy…It’s insane!
Absolutely true, all doctors, nurses, hospital administrators that made 1 penny on this should be sued and made to pay back for every patient that they killed. Let the people sue them so we can close the doors of all the evil and corrupt hospitals, doctors and nurses that contributed knowingly!!
Two of my friends were murdered with this protocol, a third friend, a nurse, checked herself out when it became clear what was going on. That is why she is still alive. When she refused remdisiver and intubation a nurse whispered to her, you will die. My friend had to beg for water for 8 hours and the room was never cleaned, dirty underwear in a corner the entire time. Hospitals have been incentivized to become the unsanitary, barbaric places where people went to die in the 1800s. I will never go to the hospital, will NEVER trust ANY of our so called 'health agencies' and when God wants to take me I will die at home. I seriously question the motives and intelligence of everyone involved with incentivizing democide.
I’m so sorry to hear you lost 2 friends. So many lost friends & family to death protocols. I know of several in our community. 1 of my children has special needs & needed an out patient procedure. The hospital refused to do the surgery without a PCR test. They refused to do it under anesthesia. I finally chose to go to an out-patient surgery center, they didn’t take his insurance but I paid out of pocket and was happy to go that route, thankful that he wasn’t at the mercy of the hospitals anesthesia team.
I have read may stories like yours. I vacillate between anger and tears. I am so thankful that you had the means to get the care you needed for your child. The way people have been treated is shameful and evil. They MUST pay. (((hugs)))
A woman who ran the PCR testing in our local hospital (Providence, Eureka, CA) just told a friend that it was set at 45. Hmmmm.
This morning another friend sent me the insurance invoice from a recent surgery. She is perfectly healthy, had NO symptoms, and interestingly the test showed "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2)". Hmmm.
Another example---last winter my husband was in the ER. Both doctors told me he tested negative for COVID. Two days later Humboldt County Public Health called and told me he tested positive for COVID. Hmmmmm. Could these "positive' tests be about that bonus?
Now that we are on to them, let's hope that whole nefarious scheme may be revealed and the perpetrators --top to bottom--held accountable.
You should see Sutter Health...they still act as if it’s 2020! It’s incredible! I wish I could do something, but it’s just too big of a hospital. I went on their site (the app) and the LIES are still posted! People are reading this because they trust the medical community! It’s absolutely egregious and outrageous. This has gotten totally out of control.
GOOD! Never give up! A lawsuit is for everyone…especially those that got taken because of this evil. Never lose hope and have FAITH in that which we cannot see.✝️
How do you get people to listen?? I've printed out, put on my phone, short clips of Dr Alexander and others. May as well talk to the wall. By the way, they are not stupid people (I guess they are if they won't even try to listen).
And when they mention how badly they handled the booster, and when you know what that probably means for them, it is horrible.
This has been such a hellishly isolating experience. The physical isolations that were imposed, but more-so the straightjackets put on communication. On simple dialogue. Like some Communist Utopia where half the people are informing on the other half, where trust is obliterated and communities are atomised.
And intelligence doesn't seem to be a factor in who swallows the narrative. I remember an early interview with Desmet and he referenced that the ones who see through it cover the whole array of a population, from smart professionals to labourers. That few Doctors have seen through it is proof enough there is something beyond IQ in play.
I think it is more about life experiences. In 20/21 I had far too much exposure to a narcissist in the work environment, gaslighting all day every day. So I researched aspects of it. And later was attuned to the gaslighting when I heard and saw it all lingering around the C19 narrative like a putrid miasma. Pattern recognition is another aspect. Some things just never made sense, and the explanations made less sense. Others seemingly were born with the ability to see through BS without any effort.
This isn't advice, for surely I'm not qualified. But I would try to relate it back to the person, to an experience you know they have had. Draw a parallel. And use the indirect approach. People are on a hair trigger to exclaim 'Conspiracy Theorist' the second a direct approach is used, a result of the psyops conditioning. Walls go up and ears switch off. Eyes, too. But start on a tangent, on common ground, and you might be able to help those closest to you. Might be able to save them.
Thank you so much. B. F. Skinner and his Operant Conditioning came to mind, Future responses are a choice. But - Respondent Stimulus: exactly as you stated, cannot be controlled. Hmmm
Now, I will pursue this further. Again, many mahalos.
Did you see Steven Kirsch's Substack when he asked readers if they were able to red-pill anyone, and if so, how? Very few who responded were able to red-pill anyone. I've given up on the multi-vaxxed true believers, but won't give up trying to get the word out. I just stopped at the local nursery, the 30-something young man told me last year he had been vaxxed. So I simply said when I saw him today, please don't get another shot. He asked why, and I told him that they were not effective, and have proven to be dangerous and since I care about him, I wanted him to know. He seemed appreciative and said okay, I won't. I think he meant it. So, it's worth talking to people. Many of them have simply never heard the facts (they certainly aren't hearing it from most doctors).
Thanks for the encouragement. One of the people is someone very dear to me, who just shuts me off (not an easy thing to do). I'll work on coming up with a different approach.
Just read Epoch times article on a lady who survived the death protocol posted a couple days ago. She started an organization at former feds Covid 19 humanity betrayal memorial project. Incredibly heartbreaking stories.
Unbelievable, inconceivable that this is happening in the United States. The end result of Obamacare, whose principle author Ezekiel Emmanuel wrote a book called " Why I don't want to live past 75"
whose subtitle should have read ' and why I don't want anyone else to'
Not shocked it happens here in good, old 'mer'ca. Since I've read about how Americans were lied into most if not all wars for the last 200 years. And how eugenics sourced from here. And how the Rockefellers and Bushes and their ilk have ruled all of us and done their evil and prospered.
No visitors = no witnesses.
No autopsy = no evidence.
This was so obvious from the start.
Bingo! Well said.
Death traps. Incentivized murder. More patients died from medical murder in the hospitals from Covid than those that were treated as outpatients.
Is there a link to this story somewhere? Is it related to a lawsuit from Horowitz or is Dr XXX a whistleblower?
Any info to confirm this story would be helpful. Thanks
I couldn't find the link either. Perhaps he forgot to post it.
This basically happened to a 40-something friend of mine in a UK NHS hospital. He got breathless and panicked so he went to the hospital. He ended up on a covid ward being putting on bigger and bigger masks plus the kidney drug. He messaged me regularly that he would watch other patients be approached by doctors and nurses who 'had the conversation' with them about going onto a vent. Every patient who went on a vent died within a few days. Then my friend messaged me that the doctors had the conversation with him. That is the last I heard from him last November. He had two teenage children. I think he was on the pathway to death the moment they got him onto the ward. IMPO they murdered him as surely as if they had fired a gun at his head. Evil sods.
I wish he crawled out of there! I would have helped him. I guess that’s easy to say after what we know. God bless your friend in God’s care.
I was in the hospital a little over a month ago, to get cancer removed. I had no choice. BUT, I did do an Advanced Directive and I had it notarized; NO Remdesivir NO blood transfusions NO ventilator NO vaccines...and I PRAYED! If I saw any weird stuff, I was ready to crawl out of that hospital. I only had my bf and they made him leave, after saying he could stay. I was there 3 days and I survived with God’s help...and cancer free, with God’s help.
Bravo Renee, keep telling your story, it is so uplifting AND gives very clear direction how one is able to self protect.
In case anything comes back, watch the interviews on Dr Eric Berg's youtube channel with the people he interviewed who reportedly got rid of cancer with specific protocols alternating fasting and certain diet.
IDK about Berg. He’s a DC giving medical advice and selling products. His son has called his Pa out.
I will for sure! Thank you and God bless you.
God bless Renee.
Excellent post! Summarizes exactly what happened. Should be required reading of every American, European, and Commonwealth citizen.
Those of us who were awake (listening, watching, reading) knew some or most of this as early as May, June, July, August, September of 2020. But now all the pieces which were initially whispered on blogs or tucked into back row NY Post articles are now being confirmed, piece by piece.
Lyme disease doctors, especially knew what was going on and were treating their patients with early treatment (HCQ, Ivermectin, antioxidants including NAC, alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, zinc, and then quercetin), but many have self-censored at this point to avoid reprisal. [Mary Beth Pfeiffer, investigative journalist, did an excellent job documenting some of this until she was banned off Twitter.]
The public in India know what was going on, per friends that have family and travel back and forth. In fact, they are curious as to why we in the US and Canada are still stuck in COVID. They are miles ahead of us.
They are so far ahead because they didn't mess around. Their Ivermectin response in I believe it was Deli, virtually eliminated Covid, in a few weeks. Plus their science representative to ??WHO has been charged for murder.
It was actually the whole state of Uttar Pradesh (population 247 million) in India (borders the capitol Delhi, and Delhi did too) that did massive distribution of ivermectin kits and essentially eliminated COVID. Some other Indian states did too, but not all, strangely (likely Pharma-vax bought). Corruption is everywhere.
What is worse the WHO helped with the distribution of the Ivermectin and said they would write a report on the program results. They have yet to report on it and their web page does not even mention Ivermectin, just the fact that they did track and trace and home visits with some medication.
They are pure evil, not partial evil.
Yes, so true. The really sad part is that they're all a part of the cabal of death. Very difficult to find the right answers if one has no idea how to search,
And in the words of Paul Harvey - "the rest of the story". Thank you.
I stay FAR AWAY FROM THESE murderers at all cost. They are absolutely complicit in killing millions globally.
I want up close and personal
Gilead has a inside track in DC because of Donald Rumsfeld. A amoral person who would achieve the goal set for him no matter what it would take! He got Washinton to buy 3 Billion of Tamiflu! Got Aspartame Equal) approved by FDA when they said NO for 7 years! There is so much more!
And now Biden declaring the Pandemic is over is hoping we will forget. Funny, Fauci is trying to walk Biden's statement back. Shows the little fascist can't let go of his inflated ego.
He's been hillary's pet dog for almost 40 years, and has surpassed mengele, CCP, Iran and other groups death toll (I might even venture to say total).
No Pandemic = no Emergency Use Authorisation.
The perfect response (for normal people). The cabals manipulate laws, rules, and more importantly, common sense. The woke crowd just laps it up.
It happened, not only in the US, but in the UK and Canada as well.
They killed the elderly, by the DROVES, and all labeled "with Covid". The "vulnerable". But not only the most vulnerable...
It wasn't Covid, for the most part, which led to their demise.
It was death due to (proven) medical malpractice, & DNR orders. For profit.
It would have happened to my mum, if she was segregated, alone, with no family advocate during Covid lockdowns. They'd have killed her if she'd been "admitted". (I didn't allow it.)
I talked to SO many people at my (former) workplace, who had elderly loved ones in ____ Hospital, having been transferred from other area hospitals, during "Covid".
The unreal protocols, visitor restrictions, etc, ward lockdowns, blah blah blah.
Long Term Care facilities, hospices and hospitals were, and still are, prisons and Killing Fields.
For a little extra money, I took on a second job at a nursing home. Lasted 1 day, told them to keep the paycheck.
Have you watched this?
So disturbing.
I'm in Canada, not the UK, but I'd run for my very life, in the opposite direction of the hospital and take my chances with over the counter meds, if I did live in Britain.
I have honestly never been more proud to have been fired from this machine! I truly cannot fathom what has been done to patients. As a per-diem employee I was asked to come in once during the peak of Covid and only for 6 hours, my friend got called in at the same time and she took the shift so they didn’t need me. Never got called again!! I checked with other per-diem nurse friends and no one was being called in!
So many have the same experience. I had just switched to perdiem. Our clinic slowed to a crawl with Covid protocols. Went back to 1-2 days / week when things opened back up but it would be about 1 year before we got back full operations. Then they started talking mandates. I just had enough and resigned.
We started back early that summer as the first wave settled down and our PACU opened back up. They then started playing catch-up on elective surgeries that had been canceled so was working more. As “warp speed” progressed towards a reality our CEO made it clear from the beginning that they wanted 100% compliance (on a vaccine not even out yet)! It was clear to me there would be no exemptions. I already was one of “those nurses” who didn’t take the flu shot and was forced to be masked during flu season. I knew what was coming with the mandates! At the end of December 2020 the vaccine roll out began at my hospital and by 9/28/21 I was fired for not taking an experimental gene therapy…It’s insane!
God and His angels protected you.
So you are 100% correct. The societal damage is incalculable, IMHO. Now how do you propose that we go about prosecuting all these criminals?
It's not an opinion. Fact
Don’t I know. I will never be the same.
Absolutely true, all doctors, nurses, hospital administrators that made 1 penny on this should be sued and made to pay back for every patient that they killed. Let the people sue them so we can close the doors of all the evil and corrupt hospitals, doctors and nurses that contributed knowingly!!
Your right sued isn't enough!
Agree!!! Sued doesn’t begin to fit the crime. Death Penalty for Crimes Against Humanity!
Two of my friends were murdered with this protocol, a third friend, a nurse, checked herself out when it became clear what was going on. That is why she is still alive. When she refused remdisiver and intubation a nurse whispered to her, you will die. My friend had to beg for water for 8 hours and the room was never cleaned, dirty underwear in a corner the entire time. Hospitals have been incentivized to become the unsanitary, barbaric places where people went to die in the 1800s. I will never go to the hospital, will NEVER trust ANY of our so called 'health agencies' and when God wants to take me I will die at home. I seriously question the motives and intelligence of everyone involved with incentivizing democide.
I’m so sorry to hear you lost 2 friends. So many lost friends & family to death protocols. I know of several in our community. 1 of my children has special needs & needed an out patient procedure. The hospital refused to do the surgery without a PCR test. They refused to do it under anesthesia. I finally chose to go to an out-patient surgery center, they didn’t take his insurance but I paid out of pocket and was happy to go that route, thankful that he wasn’t at the mercy of the hospitals anesthesia team.
I have read may stories like yours. I vacillate between anger and tears. I am so thankful that you had the means to get the care you needed for your child. The way people have been treated is shameful and evil. They MUST pay. (((hugs)))
They all need to be arrested at the Agency that makes these protocols. This is premeditated murder for profit.
A woman who ran the PCR testing in our local hospital (Providence, Eureka, CA) just told a friend that it was set at 45. Hmmmm.
This morning another friend sent me the insurance invoice from a recent surgery. She is perfectly healthy, had NO symptoms, and interestingly the test showed "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2)". Hmmm.
Another example---last winter my husband was in the ER. Both doctors told me he tested negative for COVID. Two days later Humboldt County Public Health called and told me he tested positive for COVID. Hmmmmm. Could these "positive' tests be about that bonus?
Now that we are on to them, let's hope that whole nefarious scheme may be revealed and the perpetrators --top to bottom--held accountable.
You should see Sutter Health...they still act as if it’s 2020! It’s incredible! I wish I could do something, but it’s just too big of a hospital. I went on their site (the app) and the LIES are still posted! People are reading this because they trust the medical community! It’s absolutely egregious and outrageous. This has gotten totally out of control.
The lawsuit in Fresno gives me hope. Not that this is starting to come out, they won't be able to stop it--truth is emerging, and the proof is there.
GOOD! Never give up! A lawsuit is for everyone…especially those that got taken because of this evil. Never lose hope and have FAITH in that which we cannot see.✝️
It’s all a big SCAM. But it’s a scam that’s hurting fellow human beings. That’s ANGER!
How do you get people to listen?? I've printed out, put on my phone, short clips of Dr Alexander and others. May as well talk to the wall. By the way, they are not stupid people (I guess they are if they won't even try to listen).
It is hard. Shockingly so.
And when they mention how badly they handled the booster, and when you know what that probably means for them, it is horrible.
This has been such a hellishly isolating experience. The physical isolations that were imposed, but more-so the straightjackets put on communication. On simple dialogue. Like some Communist Utopia where half the people are informing on the other half, where trust is obliterated and communities are atomised.
And intelligence doesn't seem to be a factor in who swallows the narrative. I remember an early interview with Desmet and he referenced that the ones who see through it cover the whole array of a population, from smart professionals to labourers. That few Doctors have seen through it is proof enough there is something beyond IQ in play.
I think it is more about life experiences. In 20/21 I had far too much exposure to a narcissist in the work environment, gaslighting all day every day. So I researched aspects of it. And later was attuned to the gaslighting when I heard and saw it all lingering around the C19 narrative like a putrid miasma. Pattern recognition is another aspect. Some things just never made sense, and the explanations made less sense. Others seemingly were born with the ability to see through BS without any effort.
This isn't advice, for surely I'm not qualified. But I would try to relate it back to the person, to an experience you know they have had. Draw a parallel. And use the indirect approach. People are on a hair trigger to exclaim 'Conspiracy Theorist' the second a direct approach is used, a result of the psyops conditioning. Walls go up and ears switch off. Eyes, too. But start on a tangent, on common ground, and you might be able to help those closest to you. Might be able to save them.
Everyone I know has been jabbed, family included.
Live Well.
Thank you so much. B. F. Skinner and his Operant Conditioning came to mind, Future responses are a choice. But - Respondent Stimulus: exactly as you stated, cannot be controlled. Hmmm
Now, I will pursue this further. Again, many mahalos.
Did you see Steven Kirsch's Substack when he asked readers if they were able to red-pill anyone, and if so, how? Very few who responded were able to red-pill anyone. I've given up on the multi-vaxxed true believers, but won't give up trying to get the word out. I just stopped at the local nursery, the 30-something young man told me last year he had been vaxxed. So I simply said when I saw him today, please don't get another shot. He asked why, and I told him that they were not effective, and have proven to be dangerous and since I care about him, I wanted him to know. He seemed appreciative and said okay, I won't. I think he meant it. So, it's worth talking to people. Many of them have simply never heard the facts (they certainly aren't hearing it from most doctors).
Thanks for the encouragement. One of the people is someone very dear to me, who just shuts me off (not an easy thing to do). I'll work on coming up with a different approach.
Just read Epoch times article on a lady who survived the death protocol posted a couple days ago. She started an organization at former feds Covid 19 humanity betrayal memorial project. Incredibly heartbreaking stories.
I read her story as well.
I wrote a stack but so much stuff, I had it in que, should come out tonight...now I have so much to share I am using the delayed post option.
Unbelievable, inconceivable that this is happening in the United States. The end result of Obamacare, whose principle author Ezekiel Emmanuel wrote a book called " Why I don't want to live past 75"
whose subtitle should have read ' and why I don't want anyone else to'
Not shocked it happens here in good, old 'mer'ca. Since I've read about how Americans were lied into most if not all wars for the last 200 years. And how eugenics sourced from here. And how the Rockefellers and Bushes and their ilk have ruled all of us and done their evil and prospered.