I’m afraid it’s a little too late - the damage has already been inflicted and me personally am losing any hope I have remaining. EVERY SINGLE WAKING MINUTE of my life is now consumed by dread and disbelief at what has happened and the horrors that are yet to come. God Speed to all. Only He can lead us out of the pits of Hell that we are all in.

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Maybe the vaccines are why the scotus let go of protecting Roe. Who needs abortion if no one can procreate(fruitfully multiply) anymore.

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For the last 40 or 50 years big pharma has been using experimental drugs mostly in African countries to sterilise through vaccines . If you can find the data they have paid out hundreds of millions in compensation

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It's obviously an attack on all fronts as these medical terrorists seek to end humanity. Those that remain will be turned into some kind of robotic zombies.

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Dr. P. --> His phone number and email are in the description header and the signature. Did he want that?

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So unbelievably true! FDA, CDC, IDSA, WHO, Big Pharma And the entire federal government have totally all lost any legitimate credibility in my opinion! 🧐

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From Joel Smalley. Excessive mortality for every country who vaxxed.


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Thrombocytopenia- I didn’t see this on the list of adverse evens in jabbed pregnant women. This almost did my niece in when her platelet count dropped 3 weeks before her due date. I’m they did an emergency c-section. I don’t know at what point in her pregnancy her OBGYN convinced her she needed to get the shot or be at high risk from dying from Covid. It’s been a year, mom and baby both are doing fine from what I can tell. After she told me what happened she has gone silent on the subject. I don’t pry. I pray that she understood the big picture. I don’t live near her, She’s in the DC area and I’m in Florida. Her and her husband are attorneys. In her circle, her and her husband were under heavy pressure to get the shots. Hopefully she refrained from jabbing her kids. I’ve shared with her what I felt she would be receptive to but got no response.

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If this saves one pregnant woman or baby, we've done our job. I'm so heart broken reading about infants dying at their mothers breasts because evil monsters told them to get "vaccinated" to save others. The lies being told now aren't even lies, they are verses from the satanic bible, I can't believe the depth of rot and evil this has reached.

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This is nothing short of a mass Aborticide of defenseless Preborn Children and also of humanity as a whole.

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