The government did 10x more to stop the distribution of hydroxy and ivermectin, than it does Fentanyl.

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Fentanyl is doing the job they want done. They did not want the hydroxy/ivermectin to work in our favor.

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Don't take fentanyl recreationally. Nobody's forcing you to.

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If american people were so bored out of their minds and dumb&numb from TV, and obese they wouldn't need fentanyl

Just like meth in the hairlip white areas of USSA, its about 'cheap' meth is cheaper than $5/sixpack piss beer

The demand for drugs in USSA is huge, the world is just filling a demand

Lastly the CIA has run all drugs on earth since the east-india company when they flooded india opium into china

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Whatever gets the big guy his 10% is all that matters. If encouragement does the job he doesn't need to force. After Hunter is installed as POTUS things may change.

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Hunter has never held office, but he's been arrested for hard drug possession and distribution 100's of times and never seen the inside of a jail

Daddy gave HUNTER the extra special double-top secret CIA "Get Out of Jail Free Card".

Then there is the daughter who write about taking showers and being fucked by daddy;

This is 100% American this family values; Rah-Rah USSA

Back in the day BIDEN proved himself loyal to Deep-State, and he's a made-man, and made sure his son is a made-man; Since 1871 USSA GOV under City of London is Mafia.

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After the masking debacle and then the jabs, it's pretty much criminal to be sending your children to schools these days.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Daily reminder that the globalists want you dead. They also want to kill your children. They probably want to sterilize your unborns as well.

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There is enough fentanyl in the US alone to kill every person on the planet according to DHS

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It's all because (white europeans) we don't know who our eternal enemy is, and we let them take over our countries.

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Bottom Line. It is satan

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Well there are organized groups who are pushing it, and i agree that's evil.

The same people did it to China -- the Sasson family got their banker friends to fund flooding china with opium.

When the chinese rebelled, these jews tricked the British government into fighting a war with china for them.

These were called 'The Opium Wars'.

It was all jews using the force of the government to make themselves rich.

In the USA it was the Sackler family, also jews, and their networks that got the opium epidemic rolling.

Some things never change.

Of course the choice is still ours, to obey the jews or not. Choose life.

Obey OUR God Yaweh, not his enemies....

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For me the answer is clear and simple. Almighty God.

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Why do we not have the death penalty in the United States for possession of


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Trump wants to change that, he wants the death penalty for drug dealers and other offenses such as human trafficking.

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Wanting to pass off *your* responsibiltiy to not abuse drugs to the King is very child-like.

Do you also want the King to give you free food and medical services?

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Unfortunately, Donald Trump doesn't have the power or authority to do anything about drug dealers or human trafficking.

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Because it can be a medicine. Objects are not crimes. Ownership of property is not a crime.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

How many fentanyl deaths over the past several years do you think have been caused by legally possessed fentanyl?

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Good question, and I don't know the answer, but if it's less than 100% it's obviously not enough.

If I consider how many alcohol deaths are 'caused' by legally possessed alcohol, I'd say it's near 100%.

Allow me to mention also, that an inanimate object cannot 'cause' anything. It has been unfortunate that English language has degenerated to confuse and conflate actors with inanimate objects.

In this concrete instance, alcohol or fentanyl didn't 'cause' the death, but rather the *person* who overdosed or chronically abused the substance.

The alcohol and the fentanyl have no agency: They are not actors. They are chemicals which have known interactions with our biology.

The person taking the fentanyl or alcohol is the responsible actor. I can recommend Ludwig von Mises' book, "Human Action", to get a clear view of this.

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Its death on the menu for all of us “ useless eaters” as we are called by the evil trudeau and co.

Buyer beware!

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Minors should not be taking any drugs at all, legal OR illegal -- no less ordering them on-line from drug dealers -- without knowledge and approval from their parents.

What's wrong with parents who lose control over their children? Who haven't taught them from day one never to take risks with their bodies and their health?

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They look to the POTUS for a role model and they say "We elected this man. Let's raise our children in the image of his."

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Just in time for Spring Break

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I am finding out that the named prescription drugs and others are very harmful and addictive. Benzos are also very bad . People are trying to buy them because they are addicts. Fentanyl as a substitute is probably better other than the overdose risk.

I am generally against drug use. I am finding out that the medical profession is behind a lot of the drug abuse. Of course the patients are always trying to get a pill to relieve every symptom without correcting the ailment. Doctors get them started.

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NOW I will cut to the CHASE, the REASON that this OP & CIA are making WUHAN Target #1 is they used to be steel city, but then fiber-optic, and now 5G telecom;

They are not a major chemical manufacturer, and never were; Trump & POMPEO have for years and now BIDEN tried to kill China's 5G, which is has a ten year lead over USSA, who hasn't invested in its TELCOM infrastructure for decades, like all things zio-nazi, it is better to destroy the competition, than out innovate them.

Previously a steel city, Wuhan started to encourage next-generation technological advancements in 1988 with the establishment of the East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, also known as Optics Valley. Boasting over 90,000 firms, Optics Valley drove the output of Wuhan's high-tech industries to over one trillion yuan (143 billion U.S. dollars) in 2018, according to Xinhua. With its added value surpassing 300 billion yuan (43 billion U.S. dollars), the high-tech industry accounted for 20.6 percent of Wuhan's GDP the same year.

These economic figures show why the city has cemented its place in China's high-tech industry. Wuhan is now the world's largest producer of optical fiber, optoelectronic devices and laser equipment.

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Article has NOTHING to do with CHINA, and certainly NOTHING to do with WUHAN

What comes first the chicken or egg; Why do you post this bile? Just to keep 'wuhan' on the gaydar, or is it some kind of joke??

All chemical percursors on earth are made in CHINA, by the boxcar they're shipped to India where pills and IV drugs are made

Precursors for FENTANYL are sold to black-market mafia in South-American and fentanyl final products shipped into USSA where their is huge demand for cheap recreational narcotics, especially in the white-trash and black slums

Let's play this logic, given that almost all modern meds including anti-biotics and parcetamol and aspirin are chemcials are sourced in China and pills made in India crap ends up on USSA shelves, does this mean that everybody in USSA should quit taking all pills cuz they're sourced in CHINA??

The problem of course is that Fentanyl couldn't be made without Chinese chemicals, cuz raw chemicals to make drugs aren't made any where else

The real question in this pathetic CIA 'China Hate' article is why are the parents not to blame for keep them off of drugs??

Now to WUHAN they're famous for 'high-tech' factorys, chip factorys and all kinds of modern stuff, so it completely obvious why the CIA has made WUHAN ground zero for their COVID attack on CHINA, that said the raw material's for FENTANYL are more than likely NOT made in CHINA, its a big country, there are a few chemical companys in WUHAN;

Like METH most of this stuff is really easy to make, and most percursors are easy to procure the 'china' connection is that the materials are so cheap from China, that it makes no economic sense not to procure raw materials from china

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This is Chinas version of The Opium wars. The CCP is funding and supplying the Cartels. This is payback for "The Century of Humiliation" that every Chinese mainland citizen learns about in school. You have been at war with the CCP since 1952 and didn't know it.


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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Elections have consequences. Sadly, in America there are a few million potential voters who are relatively wise, except they suffer from TDS. Since Big Tech, Lamestream Media, Big Ed, and the courts all have their thumbs on the scales, TDS within the center-right is enough to "elect" the worst president ever along with 51+ foolish/evil senators and about 49% congress-critters.

I fear curing TDS may be more difficult than coming up with a safe and effective vaccine for AIDS, Covid, or the flu. We don't need such vaccines, but we do need wise leaders. Other than praying every day and worrying about the problem. I don't know what to do.

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Radicalized fools don't verify their facts or sources and the cabal easily creates the Jacobin mob.

I have provided source after source in order to do your own research in post after post on where these drugs are funnelled from.

Rather than investigate, I am accused of being a shill.

I will continue to pray for someone with more wisdom to reach you, but I must leave this group...

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Alexander is exactly like zerohedge, serco, abc-media, big nazi-zionism

Every 15 min post some bile that may or not be relevant but send the rats in the chattering-class scurrying; Why post this bile every 15 min, what the FUCK does this post have to do with COVID?

The ongoing CIA bullshit about wuhan is relentless, and this just proves that almost all the covid-truthers on substack are in fact pushing CIA talking points.

CIA under TRUMP-Pompeo released COVID on the world, and I don't see one damn site here talking about the reality

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