Dress like Guatemalans, you will get a pile of cash and an Obama phone upon entry. Might even let you vote, give you a free sex change operation. Make sure you tell them you're gender confused, and your pronouns are Hunter Biden.
It already has. The mostly rural area I live in is no more. Developers buying up ranch land like no tomorrow. Apartments, town homes and subdivisions. It’s not a good thing.
Seems to be the same everywhere!!! In Ontario same thing. 20 or so years ago the provincial govt set aside the “oak ridges moraine” thereby holding down the price of farms and effectively impoverishing generational farmers who wanted to sell their land. Now the premier Doug Ford is selling it to his cronies and allowing development again. Makes one pretty sad and cynical.
All rentals. Even the houses going up for sale in our area are being bought by banks and real estate companies and turned into a rental homes. Our mortgage is paid off. We don’t want to move. “You will be happy and you’ll own nothing”
Lets hope our blood is not so in demand that they kidnap and steal it. Just saying, after watching how insane the corrupt in government is, I would not put anything past them. Watch out for your loved ones and really keep an eye on your children.
my bet, even this initiative is a scheme to steal blood. no way, they will be giving the real thing to regular people. just another way to lie to them.
if this initiative was the real thing would have been never allowed to develop. common they delete comments from some joe, would they let some sort of this initiative develop? never unless it is done under their control and with intention to steal and cheat ... again.
What about unjabbed who may have been exposed via their jabbed spouse (wouldn’t intimate relations shed onto them)? What tests do they do to insure the blood is free of spike proteins etc???
I'm glad he followed your wishes by sleeping in the spare room. My spouse didn't even tell me they'd been vaxxed, until I found out by accident a few months later. (I'm married to a narcissist. What I want doesn't matter and nothing they do is my business.)
My bf who I had just reunited with had gotten it that day when we spent the weekend together. He didn’t tell me since he has Dr. (Dentist) In front of his name and blew off my opinion as unknowing, non-medically trained, anti-vacciner. He has many narcissistic traits too!!! He did tell me months later in Feb. 22, when we again temporarily reunited that he was told by a phlebotomist while drawing his blood that he had “covid blood” which she said they also called “black blood”. He was obviously alarmed by this, and told me bc of what I had told him, and this incident he didn’t get the 4th jab! I haven’t spoken to him and have wondered if his “black blood” had resulted in any new medical issues? He also had said in July his pre-diabetes had advanced to diabetes and he had to go for further testing due to prostate test results.
Glad you did. (Thankfully my husband declined. I would have considered divorce if he did that. He’s retired so there wasn’t pressure from his work place)
I pray it won't permanently set up in those that are shed on. We worry about that as well. Good luck in the future. May these demented insane evil people go down soon.
And what would they tell you if you needed blood, really how would you know without testing it yourself, what you were getting. I don't trust these criminals at all now.
Now I recall they said it was the Buddy system where they trusted if someone said they were not jabbed, they assumed they were being honest. Hmmm! Not very assuring especially if they are getting paid.
But just a couple of days ago I saw a video where one of our hero doctors mentioned something about the spikes themselves crossing into the brain (Dr.Cole, maybe— I watch SO many videos!).
AND for hiding the foreign RNA from the immune system so it doesn't get immediately destroyed, AND for moving into cells through the cell membrane's lipid bilayer.
I am not sure about that. Keep in mind that jabbed brains are different to the unjabed ones. The latter think by themselves. So maybe the blood brain barrier is crossed because they have big holes, like a freck cheese.
just read info on Safeblood's site. at present, they claim no medically recognized method to test 100% for absence of vax. reading the FAQ seems to say this is very much in the concept stage w. no infrastructure, legal and medical protections. support them but it seems it is distant.
I was wondering if it was too soon to have anything actually set up. I don't think the evil will be too eager to approve it anyway. After all they want everyone jabbed and I think especially us who know the truth.
To make this work, donated pure blood should only be accessible by other pure bloods. We have been outcast, threatened, and slandered. We have to stick together to survive.
Don't have an accident - don't need surgery. Here, while you are under, "they" mRNA vaccinate you and then you can't stop them and job done - simple really
That's why, although I need a back operation, I'm just going to put it off for as long as humanly possible. But I am very worried - I thought I was being over dramatic when I told my hubby, "I bet they'd jab me while I'm under", but now reading your comment , I can see I'm not nuts after all ☹☹
(btw - where is your 'here'? I'm in Northern Italy)
I don't say because the country where I live is 90% vaccinated and the dictator in charge, currently here, has it in for the likes of people like me, who disagree with the synthetic mRNA vaccines and refusing to do what he says we must do, like Biden - however different timeline and different part of the world to you. What the fucker does not know, about me, does not hurt me, which is why, to all intents and purposes, I keep a low profile.
I am something of an expert when it comes to back operations, had a Laminectomy some 30 plus years ago - if you can find the book, probably on Amazon "How To Be your Own Back Doctor" I thoroughly recommend you buy a copy and read it.
By the same token, if you would like any backup info on ways and means to manage your back pain, don't hesitate to ask me and perhaps together, we can come to a compromise which works in reducing your back pain and possibly not needing to have an operation at all.
There is an element of risk in all things and back operations have not improved much since the 1950's so far as I can see - I chose the way I wanted my back Op done, from the above book and I discussed with my Neurosurgeon how he was going to conduct my operation and what he was going to do, one on one and he thanked me afterwards, for taking the responsibility on myself and not leaving it to him to "hopefully" get a satisfactory result.
Back operations are a hit and miss thing, sometimes they work, but more often than not they don't and people are in a constant cycle of operations, trying to find peace and no pain, where that issue does not comply, so always consider a back op as the very last option, when everything else has been tried first.
Do you work, if so what as, or are you a home body?
I would prefer to conduct a chat with you on my Christine Substack, so that anyone else with the same problems can find solace there, rather than "here".
I was one of the lucky ones - my back op cleared me of all pain these past 30 odd years - I am here to help in any way I can, not only these mRNA vaccines in some medical matters, you can only ask me, I either have a simple cure, or I don't.
My Tenants cleaner/carer has a problem with one of her thumbs - apparently she has a genetic family problem where the cartilage disintegrates over time and her thumb was giving her considerable pain. I came up with a quick fix with a length of sports plaster, binding her thumb to the next finger in, the hand side of the knuckle, which supported her thumb and hopefully stopped the pain she was having - find out in a little while, when she is due again.
Simple for me to see the technicality of the thing, which was not obvious to anyone else, so it seemed.
My substack is 100% free and always will be, so no costs involved there.
I will copy the above reply to you and post it there and then you can contact me through this post, but on my substack and we can continue further with the whole issue, if you want.
Look up "How to be your own back doctor" on Google. I did post a link I found to a free online eBook for "be your own back doctor" but I don't know if it is the same one that I had - some 30-40 years ago - I also found one on eBay, but again, same answer.
I don't have any links myself, as such - I like to offer my advice, for what it is worth, to anyone who has an external to the body or back pain issue, if I can - nothing ventured nothing gained, sort of thing, but that's about it!!
Unfortunately, it is the politics of a country, mine for example, which decide what happens to us on entry to any hospital and when we are unconscious, which overrule any documents we might write or sign, to stop involuntary synthetic mRNA vaccines, being injected.
Since I am now a home body, in my rather large newish home, which I own outright, I don't have to go out and circulate amongst the much younger than me, as all food is delivered, by order, so the chances of me ending up in a hospital, for whatever reason, are correspondingly slight, me remaining in excellent health, otherwise - zero family - so no problems there either. I suppose you could say I interact with those I meet online and therein are my social interludes which are more than sufficient for me!!
I have advice from a trusted health provider that by signing your name to this group one may be putting themselves at risk not only due to a lack of safety protocols established with the labs specifically but also due to unsafe storage of one's personal information. Iow, you are at risk of putting a target on your back as an unvaccinated person. Other issues apparently currently exist with stored blood as well. Its not only about being vacced or unvacced. For ex, the blood of patients who take insulin or have had a tetanus shot, may also have been injected with similar ingredients as found in the cv jab. I am not a medical person of any sort whatsoever but this is what I learned from someone who has actually investigated personally what is behind this group personally. So please be aware and do your own homework before signing away your privacy and your health.
How many Kathleen Janoski are there in the world today and how would they pick you out from all of the rest, if you don't identify yourself as being the one they are looking for?
This group. Think of this group as a notice board and to pass on information, you have to pin it to a notice board, however, Steve Kirsch's Substack, which he owns with his two henchmen, who report up to him anything they find of interest, Wayne and Kevin - all 3 Jews of course, irrelevant as that might be.
So I pin my messages, like this one, sometimes to my noticeboard (Christine) or someone else's and then you have to go to that noticeboard to read it and reply. So there is always a barrier between us and we don't ever get direct contact and thus we don't know who you are, if you are using your real name, or not, or where you live, you could be anywhere in the world, as I am and there is absolutely no way that anyone can find out where I live or who I am, any more than they/we can find out who you are, unless you foolishly give that information away to us.
So at days end - this is about as safe as it is possible to be to protect ourselves from each other and anyone else trying to find out who and where we are.
If any of you have heard of Nitroflare or any of the other download websites, then the same thing applies - the uploader has no contact with the downloader - it is how it is.
If you want to create a false identity it is really easy, all you need is your iPhone number to confirm you are human - just choose an email site and enter a false identity and confirm you are real, via your iPhone number and hey presto, you are yourself and someone else all at the same time and then you can go where you might have been barred previously?
Only I don't trust that they will give it to ME. Other important ppl yes, me NO. They will simply lie and tell me that I got it when I did not.... never trust them btards. Ever ever again.
In the U.S., regular blood banks do not pay for blood. Minimum standard donation interval is 56 days. Plasma donors often get paid, though, and can give several times per week.
This is something Governor DeSantis and his surgeon general should address in Florida.
I predict Florida real estate is going to BOOM!!!!
It already is
Too bad us pureblood Canadians can’t immigrate legally...do you think they’ll renew the ‘emergency’ in jan???
Lol. Not that border! Just come across the Mexican border. Bidens friends will help you.
Anything to keep their scam going!!!
Dress like Guatemalans, you will get a pile of cash and an Obama phone upon entry. Might even let you vote, give you a free sex change operation. Make sure you tell them you're gender confused, and your pronouns are Hunter Biden.
I think pronouns I am Communist works to. As does I want my Penis cut off.
I want my Vagina removed.
I want a vaccine...
It already has. The mostly rural area I live in is no more. Developers buying up ranch land like no tomorrow. Apartments, town homes and subdivisions. It’s not a good thing.
Seems to be the same everywhere!!! In Ontario same thing. 20 or so years ago the provincial govt set aside the “oak ridges moraine” thereby holding down the price of farms and effectively impoverishing generational farmers who wanted to sell their land. Now the premier Doug Ford is selling it to his cronies and allowing development again. Makes one pretty sad and cynical.
All rentals. Even the houses going up for sale in our area are being bought by banks and real estate companies and turned into a rental homes. Our mortgage is paid off. We don’t want to move. “You will be happy and you’ll own nothing”
It already is 🤯 Booming! Crazy here.
Building everywhere and prices are Not dropping like they are in other markets.
Yea I think that continues. Florida seems the only free state left. Not sure about Arkansas, that is a maybe. South Dakota, too cold.
The big surprise is Texas. The Governor talks big but seems to vote Biden. Hard pass.
I hope so. Bot a year ago.
Lets hope our blood is not so in demand that they kidnap and steal it. Just saying, after watching how insane the corrupt in government is, I would not put anything past them. Watch out for your loved ones and really keep an eye on your children.
Yes organ theft for transplant is a booming business in China. The poor are kidnapped to sustain the rich.
Yes, I had forgotten about that, so we need to watch our asses from now on. The insane will be needing clean blood in the near future if not already.
The elite already addicted.
The insane have already been poisoned so it won’t matter.
My brain is in huge demand😂😂😂😅😅😅😎
Good one, John! 😉😋
Bandit, you're the best!
I don't say Buy me a coffee.
I say "Get me a 245pm Jiffy Lube Coffee". Nothing says you appreciate my work than getting me free sludge that was made 7 hours ago!
I'd tell women we could get them a cup of coffee, and take them to Jiffy Lube in my Hyundai with no ac! They'd never go out again
Do ya blame 'em? Ain't nobody want Jiffy Lube coffee! 🤣
I did bad stand up comedy in 80s. I loved it
LOL! I believe all of ours are...
In Pakistan poorest people sell organs
Incredibly sad!
This is Not paranoid
my bet, even this initiative is a scheme to steal blood. no way, they will be giving the real thing to regular people. just another way to lie to them.
if this initiative was the real thing would have been never allowed to develop. common they delete comments from some joe, would they let some sort of this initiative develop? never unless it is done under their control and with intention to steal and cheat ... again.
Yeah, they aren't gonna stand for 2 separate societies. Esp when rebels are getting better treatment
They will kidnap us and keep us in bondage just to keep themselves alive with our blood.
I hope they can make it work in the US
that blood wont be available for the regular joe. there is simply not enough.
I agree and I think it won’t even be allowed....unless it is a hidden clinic
So we’ve gone from ‘back alley abortions’ to ‘ back alley transfusions’? Aborting a baby is ok but getting a safe transfusion for one is a no no ?
Kind of like the government encouraging pot use and discouraging cigarette use.
And many other examples....good is evil and evil is good.
Clown World
I think that I just insulted the clowns.
Real clowns wouldn’t mess things up this badly.......
In fact, real clowns would be a distinct improvement over what we have now.....
If they would rather let babies die than to let family give blood to save the baby it makes me wonder who the would we be giving our clean blood to.
What about unjabbed who may have been exposed via their jabbed spouse (wouldn’t intimate relations shed onto them)? What tests do they do to insure the blood is free of spike proteins etc???
I had shedding problems, bleeding in menopause just being around newly vaccinated elderly family members.
I made my husband sleep in the spare bedroom for a month after he jab’d himself against my wishes. I was angry, but also scared of possible shedding.
I'm glad he followed your wishes by sleeping in the spare room. My spouse didn't even tell me they'd been vaxxed, until I found out by accident a few months later. (I'm married to a narcissist. What I want doesn't matter and nothing they do is my business.)
My bf who I had just reunited with had gotten it that day when we spent the weekend together. He didn’t tell me since he has Dr. (Dentist) In front of his name and blew off my opinion as unknowing, non-medically trained, anti-vacciner. He has many narcissistic traits too!!! He did tell me months later in Feb. 22, when we again temporarily reunited that he was told by a phlebotomist while drawing his blood that he had “covid blood” which she said they also called “black blood”. He was obviously alarmed by this, and told me bc of what I had told him, and this incident he didn’t get the 4th jab! I haven’t spoken to him and have wondered if his “black blood” had resulted in any new medical issues? He also had said in July his pre-diabetes had advanced to diabetes and he had to go for further testing due to prostate test results.
I pray you are going to be ok. I wonder how many are in your situation and don't even know it.
Glad you did. (Thankfully my husband declined. I would have considered divorce if he did that. He’s retired so there wasn’t pressure from his work place)
He was coerced by his employer in subtle ways. I wanted him to quit. It has harmed our relationship, for sure.
One can not blame you, especially after you told what could happen to him and to you if he did. I hope he survives.
I am very curious and have yet to see a study if the spike protein is found in seminal fluid. Has anyone read anything?
Very good question, it would not surprise me if it was. I have not heard anything about it yet.
I pray it won't permanently set up in those that are shed on. We worry about that as well. Good luck in the future. May these demented insane evil people go down soon.
They shed spikes but probably not any of the actual mRNA genetic code for manfacturing zillions of the spikes.
Your body can clear small numbers of the spikes, as long as you aren't manufacturing billions or trillions of them.
Sad we don’t have more info on what the bio weapon really is.
I learned the hard way that insurance dictated doctors don’t want to heal.
Healthy people do not generate revenue. The system is rigged to get people sick and keep them sick.
That is the absolute truth, God help us. I wish everyone could see it.
Supplements and prayers keep me going & hopeful.
I had the same issue being around the rest of my household being jabbed
Good point, I would also like an answer to that question.
I'd be shocked if they didn't test the donor's blood.
Im sure they test it but wondering how and what test confirms?
And what would they tell you if you needed blood, really how would you know without testing it yourself, what you were getting. I don't trust these criminals at all now.
Not sure, but Etana Hecht did an interview with Mr. George Della Pietra. https://etana.substack.com/p/safeblood-aims-for-medical-freedom
Very good, thank you.
Now I recall they said it was the Buddy system where they trusted if someone said they were not jabbed, they assumed they were being honest. Hmmm! Not very assuring especially if they are getting paid.
They don't test for spikes, as far as I know. The reagents are very specific.
Only direct injection crosses the blood brain barrier, right?
Lipid nanoparticles, yes.
But just a couple of days ago I saw a video where one of our hero doctors mentioned something about the spikes themselves crossing into the brain (Dr.Cole, maybe— I watch SO many videos!).
The LNPs surround the mRNA which have the spikes.
If the mRNA wrapped in the LNPs are shed on you, no. It's the LNPs that allow the crossing of the BBB.
AND for hiding the foreign RNA from the immune system so it doesn't get immediately destroyed, AND for moving into cells through the cell membrane's lipid bilayer.
There are NO spikes in the injections, just the CODE for building them!
I am not sure about that. Keep in mind that jabbed brains are different to the unjabed ones. The latter think by themselves. So maybe the blood brain barrier is crossed because they have big holes, like a freck cheese.
We need to find that out.
just read info on Safeblood's site. at present, they claim no medically recognized method to test 100% for absence of vax. reading the FAQ seems to say this is very much in the concept stage w. no infrastructure, legal and medical protections. support them but it seems it is distant.
I was wondering if it was too soon to have anything actually set up. I don't think the evil will be too eager to approve it anyway. After all they want everyone jabbed and I think especially us who know the truth.
Awesome and necessary.
To make this work, donated pure blood should only be accessible by other pure bloods. We have been outcast, threatened, and slandered. We have to stick together to survive.
Don't have an accident - don't need surgery. Here, while you are under, "they" mRNA vaccinate you and then you can't stop them and job done - simple really
That's why, although I need a back operation, I'm just going to put it off for as long as humanly possible. But I am very worried - I thought I was being over dramatic when I told my hubby, "I bet they'd jab me while I'm under", but now reading your comment , I can see I'm not nuts after all ☹☹
(btw - where is your 'here'? I'm in Northern Italy)
I don't say because the country where I live is 90% vaccinated and the dictator in charge, currently here, has it in for the likes of people like me, who disagree with the synthetic mRNA vaccines and refusing to do what he says we must do, like Biden - however different timeline and different part of the world to you. What the fucker does not know, about me, does not hurt me, which is why, to all intents and purposes, I keep a low profile.
I am something of an expert when it comes to back operations, had a Laminectomy some 30 plus years ago - if you can find the book, probably on Amazon "How To Be your Own Back Doctor" I thoroughly recommend you buy a copy and read it.
By the same token, if you would like any backup info on ways and means to manage your back pain, don't hesitate to ask me and perhaps together, we can come to a compromise which works in reducing your back pain and possibly not needing to have an operation at all.
There is an element of risk in all things and back operations have not improved much since the 1950's so far as I can see - I chose the way I wanted my back Op done, from the above book and I discussed with my Neurosurgeon how he was going to conduct my operation and what he was going to do, one on one and he thanked me afterwards, for taking the responsibility on myself and not leaving it to him to "hopefully" get a satisfactory result.
Back operations are a hit and miss thing, sometimes they work, but more often than not they don't and people are in a constant cycle of operations, trying to find peace and no pain, where that issue does not comply, so always consider a back op as the very last option, when everything else has been tried first.
Do you work, if so what as, or are you a home body?
I would prefer to conduct a chat with you on my Christine Substack, so that anyone else with the same problems can find solace there, rather than "here".
I was one of the lucky ones - my back op cleared me of all pain these past 30 odd years - I am here to help in any way I can, not only these mRNA vaccines in some medical matters, you can only ask me, I either have a simple cure, or I don't.
My Tenants cleaner/carer has a problem with one of her thumbs - apparently she has a genetic family problem where the cartilage disintegrates over time and her thumb was giving her considerable pain. I came up with a quick fix with a length of sports plaster, binding her thumb to the next finger in, the hand side of the knuckle, which supported her thumb and hopefully stopped the pain she was having - find out in a little while, when she is due again.
Simple for me to see the technicality of the thing, which was not obvious to anyone else, so it seemed.
My substack is 100% free and always will be, so no costs involved there.
I will copy the above reply to you and post it there and then you can contact me through this post, but on my substack and we can continue further with the whole issue, if you want.
Look up "How to be your own back doctor" on Google. I did post a link I found to a free online eBook for "be your own back doctor" but I don't know if it is the same one that I had - some 30-40 years ago - I also found one on eBay, but again, same answer.
I don't have any links myself, as such - I like to offer my advice, for what it is worth, to anyone who has an external to the body or back pain issue, if I can - nothing ventured nothing gained, sort of thing, but that's about it!!
I would love that. You are very kind! Link please?
Unfortunately, it is the politics of a country, mine for example, which decide what happens to us on entry to any hospital and when we are unconscious, which overrule any documents we might write or sign, to stop involuntary synthetic mRNA vaccines, being injected.
Since I am now a home body, in my rather large newish home, which I own outright, I don't have to go out and circulate amongst the much younger than me, as all food is delivered, by order, so the chances of me ending up in a hospital, for whatever reason, are correspondingly slight, me remaining in excellent health, otherwise - zero family - so no problems there either. I suppose you could say I interact with those I meet online and therein are my social interludes which are more than sufficient for me!!
All governments need to be revamped and moving on from genocide to life now.
Even if it’s nothing...the precautionary principle applies. I for one will donate.
I have advice from a trusted health provider that by signing your name to this group one may be putting themselves at risk not only due to a lack of safety protocols established with the labs specifically but also due to unsafe storage of one's personal information. Iow, you are at risk of putting a target on your back as an unvaccinated person. Other issues apparently currently exist with stored blood as well. Its not only about being vacced or unvacced. For ex, the blood of patients who take insulin or have had a tetanus shot, may also have been injected with similar ingredients as found in the cv jab. I am not a medical person of any sort whatsoever but this is what I learned from someone who has actually investigated personally what is behind this group personally. So please be aware and do your own homework before signing away your privacy and your health.
Trusted health provider- that is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.
No kidding! Like "military intelligence"! Lol!
The sign-up list will make it easier for DHS to round us up and put us in the FEMA camp for our own "protection."
How many Kathleen Janoski are there in the world today and how would they pick you out from all of the rest, if you don't identify yourself as being the one they are looking for?
DHS, DoD, NSA...have you not been paying attention?
Edward Snowden warned us.
This group. Think of this group as a notice board and to pass on information, you have to pin it to a notice board, however, Steve Kirsch's Substack, which he owns with his two henchmen, who report up to him anything they find of interest, Wayne and Kevin - all 3 Jews of course, irrelevant as that might be.
So I pin my messages, like this one, sometimes to my noticeboard (Christine) or someone else's and then you have to go to that noticeboard to read it and reply. So there is always a barrier between us and we don't ever get direct contact and thus we don't know who you are, if you are using your real name, or not, or where you live, you could be anywhere in the world, as I am and there is absolutely no way that anyone can find out where I live or who I am, any more than they/we can find out who you are, unless you foolishly give that information away to us.
So at days end - this is about as safe as it is possible to be to protect ourselves from each other and anyone else trying to find out who and where we are.
If any of you have heard of Nitroflare or any of the other download websites, then the same thing applies - the uploader has no contact with the downloader - it is how it is.
If you want to create a false identity it is really easy, all you need is your iPhone number to confirm you are human - just choose an email site and enter a false identity and confirm you are real, via your iPhone number and hey presto, you are yourself and someone else all at the same time and then you can go where you might have been barred previously?
Only I don't trust that they will give it to ME. Other important ppl yes, me NO. They will simply lie and tell me that I got it when I did not.... never trust them btards. Ever ever again.
So I'm pureblood, TX major city.
How much could I make selling blood each time to general blood banks?
How many days a month?
How long each time?
Not to be mercenary....
In the U.S., regular blood banks do not pay for blood. Minimum standard donation interval is 56 days. Plasma donors often get paid, though, and can give several times per week.
Plasma donation takes a lot longer, and they use a really big needle. I've got a "track mark" from plasma donating! Lol!
That’s pretty mercenary😂😂😂
I offered my brain when I died at discount rate. 😎😎😎😎😎😎
You can take the boy out of4th grade, but never the 4th grade out of the boy
This is truth🤣
Wow!! Great news!!😁
Pure Bloods need to bank their own blood if going in for Surgery or for loved ones with the same blood type going in for Surgery
My body doesn't like losing a pint of blood but I'm willing to sacrifice to give to this cause!
I hope that it works and is successful.
I wish I could donate. I had one Janssen.