How effective is a vax that one needs multiple jabs just to get less than what a non jabbed persons immune response is!?? Oh and risk does not outweigh benifit when one considers myocarditis or increase cancers or strokes from said vax.. ya. I’ll pass again.. stay healthy. Stay unjabbed!!

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Why even bother with the opening paragraph? They know they're not "remarkably effective."

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Who are you? How were you able to hi-jack Dr. Paul Alexander's Substack? Should I be concerned for his well-being? Everyone that follows real science, knows that there is NO upside to being infected with the mRNA "vaccine"...only adverse events can occur, if one is injected.

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I agree, what in hell is this all about?

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This is strange

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My view. When you reprogram cellular function, you reallocate essential cellular building components to create spike proteins and you degrade the immune systems ability to function at 100%. It's not space science but understanding that for every action there is a reaction. When you interfere with normal cellular function, you can't control the outcome. It is reflected in the over 1000 ADR's Pfizer publish in their research and they still plowed on! Throwing a mRNA monkey wrench into the complex exquisite cellular biomechanism is the root cause. STOP THE INJECTIONS!

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This is confusing. Putting a poison into your body whether it be IM, IV, SQ or oral, could not possibly make a difference. Why exactly did you call this study urgent?

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Our immune system can be thought of as a symbiotic organism which we merged with and co evolved with starting a few species back. Very similar in a sense to our co-evolution with mitochondria.

If you except this model of treating our immune system as an integral and essential human symbiot then you must except that we can not survive without each other. Given thus we must stop treating this essential part of us as if it is a dog we can teach to role over or play fetch.

In particular we need to stop assaulting and damaging this essential part of ourselves with artificial and fake enemies we will never actually face in real life.

Stop acting like insane people and “know thy self”.

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On that note there is a fascinating interplay between the immune system in the respiratory mucosa which tends to aggressively react during infection vs its gut mucosa counterpart which (upon swallowing sputum..yuck but it happens ) tends to down regulate the reaction to the infection.

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Are u pro vaccination now ? If given SQ

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He's quoting a study. He should have added an intro line or used quote marks to make that clear.

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It’s the abstract of the study

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You can try to sell it all you want, I am still not buying!! Too many getting covid over and over and others having TIA, Atrial Fibrillation, Blood clots and internal bleeding and now stage 4 aggressive cancers!!!

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What??? You are seriously spending time and money studying better ways to inject this bio-weapon? Oh yes you will feel less tired - for maybe a week - then you will be DEAD - or seriousky disabled - “whoops! Sorry about that.” Why would you post such a thing. I do have respect for your opinion Dr Alexander and thank you for standing up against this tyranny but you still seem to have some imbedded indoctrination that vaxxxxx is some how good … if only given a chance…no way! The system that created them is corrupt to the core and the lies and deceit of previously trusted agencies is such that it is beyond repair - they must all go - and take their poisons with them!!

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Your dead on! 79 Not jabbed and never will be!

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Unrelated but related…study finds Getting Covid More Than Once Doubles Risk Of Death From Related Issues.


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The Wuhan virus was made to harm and shorten lifetimes. The omicrons are fashioned to take advantage of different aspects of the death shots. I believed omicron 1 was a proof-of-concept when I heard its PrP sequences were silenced, and it had magically acquired adeno virus too - no way. Then there were people writing it was possibly a white hat attempt, or a fortuitous "mutation" that was giving people something like a robust immunity that would cover them for other variants with a milder illness presentation. I thought huh!? How so? I also believe the various omicron releases are activating different sequences and additions in the jabs, and omicron infection may affect those who have gotten Wuhan but haven't gotten jabs. Elegant and evil composing. Bastards. All that GSAID plotting of variants as mutation is bullshit - they are all releases that have been purified, multiplied and seeded, observed then seeded elsewhere. I have been seeing reports of people and children - jabbed - having accelerated dementias after recovering from an omicron infection. Cancers up after infections where they had survived the jabs' pro-cancer/P53 and IFN-1 muting/elimination.

Thank you for the Huff post. Important.

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Well, the risk part made sense to me - and I think since the spike from the Wuhan infection and likely the others hang on in reservoirs, including the brain and lymph nodes. I had the Wuhan in June 2022, rough, and then 3 omicrons since January 2022. I started taking the spike detox protocol options after checking out all the supplements in pubmed and for interactions in February: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

I had been catching every cold and flu bug after Wuhan it seemed. By the time of my last omicron in early May this year something changed, and I haven't had any respiratory or gastro illnesses. I have a nephew age 9 in public school, and he has had to stay home for a couple days for a flu and a bad cold, but I didn't catch them. Thank You, God. I am committed to continue taking the supplements for as long as it takes, because I am older, the viruses are meant to and will cause problems given that there is HIV, TB, TSS, Staph A, Malaria and more Humanized sequences in it. These will, given another immune insult or just the erosion of the immune system with age get opportunities to cause problems and greater susceptibilities to additional illnesses. This website has a lot of information on studies and findings, it uses a little bit somewhat misleading ledes at times and lots of exclamation marks, and it will not allow copy and pastes but do provide the sources. Here is one of them: https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-hypothesis-that-majority-exposed-to-sars-cov-2-will-have-shortened-lifespans-validated-by-study-showing-nsp2-impairs-human-4ehp-gigyf2-comple

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Yah there is something fishy about that headline, because I first heard it yesterday morning on a local talk radio top of the hour news cast…mainstream. Then I looked for it and found some articles.

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Well done Jean Pierre - 79 and not buying into the BS fear and peer pressure etc 👍…history will show we survived the greatest psychological (& genocidal) plot the world has ever seen. Stay strong! The light will prevail!

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I still don't understand how it is that anyone would take the word of those doing anything where money is the bottom line. Because the medical system has shown for many years, especially since the so-called pan demic, that they don't really care about the people they treat, only the money made from continuous visits from the sick to selling drugs made from oil. I think we should have, for those who trusted greedy evil, used our heads and understand that our evolved immune system is the best defense and that there are times when there is nothing that can be done if you are compromised health wise to save yourself using unnatural drugs. we need the natural paths to bring back the nontoxic cures that did more to heal than anything made by the big pharma corporations.

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What are your thoughts on this Dr Alexander?

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this study is a travesty

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1 A debased or grotesque likeness.

2 An exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work.

Imitation of, what?

The damage that this vaccine is accused of doing is indeed grotesque.

The failure of the covid vax program revels the error of our entire concept of vaccination. I used to trust vaccines and medicine in general. It is clear now our entire medical system is corrupted and failing.

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I suppose I could have used the word farce, or simply called it a pathetically bad joke. The premise as stated in the opening paragraph is so beyond blatantly false as to render any text that follows too fallacious to even comment. And the band plays on...

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I'm going to read the paper again. At most, I think the route of administration may slow the process some, but the results are inevitable.

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And what about the ones who have already got the jabs!

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