I hope doctors feel as let down, unsupported and backstabed by their medical associations as I feel let down, unsupported and backstabed by them.

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There are many good Dr’s that stood up, told the truth about what is occurring and lost their Medical License. Many of them got brainwashed ( MK Ultra), like so many people and believed the Government, their Public Health Authorities, their Medical Associations, etc. Many Dr’s took the extra money.

It’s our fault too. We always should be doing the research on everything.

Have a nice day.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

Your 'many good Dr's stood up' refers to a very small minority. And, those 'many' that got brain washed had a comprehensive medical knowledge that must have told them something was desperately wrong.

What Dr didn't know the masking was BS? What Dr didn't know kids were at zero risk from Covid? What Dr didn't have first hand knowledge of the vaccine adverse events? How many doctors actually stood up to support those few - not many - good doctors who stood up?

Doctors have shown themselves to be gutless, ignorant, happily compliant participants in this medical abomination.

With few exceptions, they are either too stupid, too compliant, too greedy, or too gutless to warrant respect.

PS. The 'research' a layman does is heavily weighted in seeking advice from their doctor - what a dreadful mistake that has been.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Doctors were the first to sign on to the nazi party so that speaks volumes what were seeing today. I can see people with no compassion and can't blame them. I myself try to have compassion but it can be hard as you know doctors during lockdowns were happy to be telephone docs as they found a slower workload and ignored the harms that a good doctor should already know in advance especially the bad advice to go and hide.. Doctors were working from cottages and even outside the country on the phone. This needs investigation as Canada Public Health was on 33 million cellphones and knew where you were so they are hiding stuff. There is only 2 ways to look at the tic toks of Healthcare. They either lied of hospital overwhelm while patients were scared from doctors offices and hospitals causing numerous health issues delayed surgeries and treatments or they were dancing while patients were dying. Both so bad.. The research of these vaccines is all there and they refused to do it or put blindfolds on to cover it up. Gutless and ignorant does come to mind. I know Dr Roger Hodkinson is livid and he has choice, words for so many. I don't blame him. Very few doctors stood up and they forsook medical ethics. They even watched their colleagues smeared and did nothing. It is warranted anger and it's time for doctors to come clean. The data was not hard to find. The evidence was overwhelming regarding the vaccines and doctors stood by and supported vaccine mandates and passports even though the proof was there that the vaccinated were spreading to vaccinated without even the unvaccinated in the equation. Absolute travesty of stupidity cowards and fraud. The lies of the vaccine were right there before your eyes. The lie of the Pandemic of the unvaccinated was all there. The doctor who died who wanted to punch the unvaccinated in the face well maybe other doctors can learn a lesson to uphold medical ethics and leave it to choice to take the vaccine or not. There is lots of stories of healthy people who taunted the unvaccinated using lies and died unexpectedly. Plenty. One said if I die you were right if you spoke out about the vaccines and he died. Powerful lesson to learn.

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Well said.

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You are entitled to your opinion as am I and everyone else.

The powerful lessons I have learned in my life is that I am sinner saved by grace. I’m not worthy to be saved. If I hold bitterness, angry and unforgiveness in my heart it only hurts me. Jesus says if we don’t forgive others he will not forgive us. ( Read the Lord’s Prayer). At the end of all of our lives we all will bow our knees to Jesus. I pray that there will be a great spiritual revival and more people come to know Jesus as their Personal Saviour.

I will not be answering any further comments on this issue.

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Respectfully, I don’t lump all people ‘bad’ as you do. I also have compassion for everyone, including Dr’s. Dr’s also died from this jab. They leave behind spouses and children. I also have compassion for all those who took this j

This was a well coordinated brainwashing ( MK Ultra ) event that was planned for years.

We were told the survival rate for Covid per age group. The Dr’s that spoke about this early stated what Covid was. We were told about Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Vitamin D. We were told that these vaccines were experimental. The information was out there regarding PCR Tests and masks.

Yes, I consult with a Dr. I’m also an adult and take responsibility for doing my own research, my own health and take accountability for it.

People that didn’t take this particular jab warned others. How were they treated? Called conspiracy theorists, tin hats, couldn’t go out to restaurants, movies, visit with families and were treated and still are in many cases treated horribly.

Yes it is a mess. I’ve been doing my part warning people since February 1,2020.

I DID NOT STATE that Dr’s, Pharma, WHO, politicians, media, etc not be held accountable. They absolutely should.

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With respect to you.

I specifically did not lump all people 'bad' as you state. I specifically mentioned the few v the many - not all!

Nor did I say that you stated Big Pharma etc should not be held to account.

These are straw men comments.

Excluding these two inaccuracies, I agree with your remarks, and wish you much succes in warning others.

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I wish you and your family well also.

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I have more faith in the honesty of used car dealers than doctors.

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Thank you for this alert, Dr Alexander. I’m happy to finally see autopsies & investigation into the vaccine’s affect on the body. But, on a macro level, how can 90 of the best educated fall pray to a faulty and ever changing narrative? How did these young, highly educated citizens NOT SEE THIS? They are suppose to scientifically trained, to be suspicious of narratives while focusing on data. What is lacking in their education? Has every institution become a propaganda mill, pushing and ostracizing those who buck the narrative so that critical thought is silenced? Is this where political correctness has ultimately led us?

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Doctors in Nova Scotia still pushing to have kids masked and jabbed.

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I say fire these bureaucratic talking heads that don’t have any skin in the game. Useless eaters

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Wouldn’t the OMA CMA shit their draws if all Doctors pulled a Doctors strike. That should set these bureaucratic bs talking heads afire. Turn the tables on these criminals. And sit back and watch the show

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Medical Corruption worse than any 3rd world country.

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Yes. They keep "debunking" that piece of mis, dis, mal information. And we've been chided for even thinking that might be the case. The lid is screwed down and no matter how many legitimate people bring it up, they start chanting their mis, dis, mal bullshit and shitting on us for our "wrong thinking" I think Trudeau called it. Look how they managed to squelch the trucker protest and make it seem small and weak, even though it was anything but. The media in this country portrayed it in such a way, that if you werent there, you would have no idea of the scope. The press repeatedly referred to fringe groups and downplayed the size. And disparaged the effort. So people that might have jumped on became disspirited and did nothing. I don't know what we need to do now to stir up an appropriate reaction.

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Doesn't it create an "imperative" to import doctors from China, and complete the ChiCom-rule that is Trudeau's heart's desire.

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