They will not stop until we make them stop.

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boom, 100%

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Absolutely true. This EVEL knows no bounds.

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That is absolutely true! The other important thing to know about sociopaths and psychopaths is that you can only stop them by using force. Unfortunately the diplomatic way always fails with them. Why is this the case? That is because they have they own rule that have nothing to do with our society and as a result they will break every rule that the rest of us follows. That also includes the rules of law. That never applies to them only to us. That's how they think, and unless someone stops them, they will never stop committing crimes. Why would they when they have so much fun? For normal people it's very difficult to understand how someone can enjoy causing pain to others. But sociopaths don't have any problem with that. They are completely devoid of emotions and moral compass. Trying to rationalize with them is like trying to negotiate with a wild animal. If you encounter a wild animal you better run for your life.

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Can we at least stop vaccinating anyone under age, say, 30? Stop vaccinating everyone, but let's protect our children and people who are just getting started with their lives.

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BOOM. this is why we hold them to account, they know what they are doing. these are criminals. these are not stupid people.

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there is no data today, no evidence that vaccinating anyone makes any difference, no benefit, just harms. all, all of these shots must be stopped, it is not good for anyone, not even elderly granny.

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Paul…What is your plan to hold any of these psychopaths accountable?

This is why Lex Greene is going to hold a series of live conference calls…to discuss ideas, actions and solutions that many are calling for!

We are in in a serious war for humanity, seeing evil the world has never seen before…and NO UNITY!

Lex’s contact information is at the end of all his pieces…

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can you give him mine? yes, in a war. and we can win but we got to step it up. they wont stop unless we stop them.

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I want them in jail, all who did wrong. and the US house wont cut it, they are part of the problem too...dong and pony

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It would take a REAL "leader." Leadership does matter. Somebody has to stand up to the bully. Whip his ass preferably. Remember when Dorothy accidentally killed the Wicked Witch? Everyone thought the mean and scary flying monkeys would go after her. Instead, they thanked her. Something like that needs to happen.

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Contact Lex Greene at NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

He then can give you his phone number…

Do it soon because he wants to get the LIVE conference calls going soon on ideas, solutions and actions? The People are calling for this…

A serious war needs serious strategic planners!

I put YOU, Paul at the top of the leader list to rally the other great doctors and scientists who have put out such great investigative research that has been important in growing the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION!

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I contacted, thank you.

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Truth Matters, what about the attorney Tom Renz? Are you familiar with him? He is going after Fauci. I know he has lots of data and is dealing with whistleblowers. Praying this might be a way they can be brought down.

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Thank you Michele for your questions!

Yes, the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group is familiar with Tom Renz and monitoring…

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I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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What about the attorney Tom Renz? I know he has been working on a case against Fauci. I know he has data and whistleblowers. Maybe this will be what takes them down. ??

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One of my feelings of horror during this pandemic was when they started vaccinating the children...that’s when I knew something wasn’t right and felt the creeping evil.

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We knew it when illegals continued to pour over the border with no testing requirements, much less vaccination requirements.

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3 shots 🤯 of untested poison! Jesus take the wheel and save our kids!

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Doctors here in Canada have been forced to recommend the jabs from the getgo by their provincial health authorities. EVERY one of them across the country and if they strayed off the agenda they would be forced to have their medical license suspended.

Both my cardiologist and family doctor NEVER bring it up with a one on one meeting so as to avoid saying anything one way or another. They know by looking at my health record I've never had any jabs., but are quiet about it.

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doctors in US and Canada were criminals, real criminals deserved to be in a jail cell

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Senseless loss, I am frankly surprised we have not seen exponentially more instances of children who died like this 14 yr old girl, though we have certainly seen reports of many more to be sure. All risk, no benefit, criminality of the highest order.

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Incidents and reports WILL BE CONCEALED and atttributed to other causes. Doctors will manipulate irrational parents' guilt to influence them to go along with the cover-up.

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Yes, I was just as surprised as you that there aren't more incidents among children. It is a mystery to me, and one day we may find out. But it is indeed very interesting. However, only time will tell what will happen.

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Isn’t weird that after 1 death, they removed a certain kind of eye drops from the shelves but completely deny any of thousands of events occurring very soon after these mRNA shots!

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The problem is that uneducated (by choice) people are doing this to their children. It's not just the doctors and their puppet masters. The parents have to say "no" but they refuse to understand that their was no reason to inoculate in the first place. And, definitely refuse to believe that these shots are toxic and deadly. There's going to be a generations or 2 (since they've given these shots to pregnant women and infants/toddlers) of people who can't function in society. And, that's just the shots. What about all those swabs they shoved up the nasal passages of children who would cry in pain? How sick are these monsters (parents) who can do this to their children?

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I knew at least 3 vaccinated kids in 2021 that all got Appendicitis soon after the shots came out...

I am sure it was a coincidence...

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I know a few adults too. Appendectomy is listed under the GI side effects 😵‍💫

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The shaming they used to wax the world is still embedded into my psyche. Not too keen to hang out with these vex dictators who hate us anyway. Just give me a

Scarlett A

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Paul and all,

Love all the necessary evidence growing the COURT OF OPINION! I completely support all the investigative research, BUT…

The next necessary step to restore our Republic is uniting and supporting ACTIONS AND SOLUTIONS! I see many persons calling for this…


Who would join a series of live conference calls if Lex Greene agreed to them?

Sooner or later information/evidence must become ACTIONABLE INFORMATION and The People must take ACTION, together, or all of that information/evidence is useless!

War is a TEAM sport, right?

Paul…WE NEED YOU, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Mike Yeadon, David Martin, Ana Maria Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova and any other persons for starters in on these live conference calls to discuss ideas and solutions!



A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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I'm hoping that the Florida Grand Jury will be significant, too bad each and every state doesn't have a Grand Jury looking into the clot shots. Families of the deceased should be contacting their own state AG and demanding an investigation and indictments for the murders of their family members.

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"If we could save just one life [by doing something foolish as we participate in the PANdemIC]..."

They never stopped to think there are no solutions, just tradeoffs*, and abandoning epidemic best practices and vaccine development best practices were both horrendous tradeoffs.

* https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1411380-there-are-no-solutions-there-are-only-trade-offs

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The Doctors are literally zombies that parrot the CDC guidelines! I went to the er for a tick bite and because I didn’t match the CDC protocol for Lyme infection from a tick I was sent home with some cream and told I just had a rash. The next morning I woke up and my leg had doubled in size and I needed a cane to walk. Needless to say I was back in the er again and this time the doctor was so concerned that I may have a blood clot that he had me do an ultrasound. You can’t even trust them to treat a tick bite correctly !!!! I don’t trust any of them period!!!!

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My goodness, third dose??????

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The evil beasts will remain evil until they are stopped. Not only are they psychopaths, but any admission they were wrong will be used against them in the prosecution. They are doubling down and they think that if they cause enough damage and kill enough people, it will be even harder to prosecute them. After all, as a famous psycho once said: "It is easier for the people to believe a huge lie than a little one." (loose quote) People simply won't believe that the power structure would poison them, they are not capable of that belief and the more the power structure grinds on them, the more they fall into line. Keep on kicking ass Dr. A,

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Do you know what one mother told me when I was telling her that these shots are toxic and are already killing and injuring people? Here are her exact words: " I refuse to believe that our government can be so evil as to kill its own people". But if you refuse to believe anything you don't like, you can never find out the truth. In order to find out the truth you must take into account the impossible no matter how painful it is.

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You are exactly right. People cannot believe the government would do this to them. They need to learn their government lies to them. Here is truth: We nuked the Japanese to keep them from Surrendering to Stalin, it had nothing to do with saving American lives. JFT and RK were killed by the CIA, The Bay of Tonkin was faked to get us into Vietnam, Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction, The twin towers were an inside job and the biggest of all: We did not go to the moon, the entire landing was faked in a hanger in Arizona before the moon shots. If your friend could learn that we really DID NOT GO TO THE MOON, she could more easily believe that the shots are killing and maiming millions. If the moon issue interests you go to bartsibrel.com to start your research.

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My first question to the sheeple is: you do know that the mRNA animal trials all failed, right?!

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I have tried to tell the sheep all that the problem is, they won’t listen. They can’t believe the government would give them an injection that killed all the ferrets a decade ago.

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