high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) looks for cardiac injury, cardiac MRI (gadolinium); silent myocarditis MUST be ruled out in pilots % flight attendants; NEVER ONE pilot flights! NEVER!
It will take more than 3 or 4 incidents before minimal awakening to the problem enters the public consciousness. Denial will be the common reaction.
The majority of the public do not acknowledge the problem now, why should this change?
They bought the lie, it will be easier to buy the next lies. Either denial will still be in play, or basic ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills will be in play. The result will be the same.
I would place the number well into double digits because:
- There will be minimal if any reports of the first dozen or so incidents.
Rationale: How many train derailments must yet occur?
Same will apply to airline incidents.
Most people not know the acceptable P-R Interval was arbitrarily increased.
Therefore, many less understand the implications.
Even less understand P-R interval and have no interest in learning.
The airlines will neither inform passengers nor have ‘opt-out’ if only one pilot.
Deep in the ticket fine print there will be a no liability clause regarding single pilot flights.
There will be no ‘opt-out’ option for single pilot flights, thus forfeit the ticket fee.
I decided a while back flying was not an option for travel.
I like trains. Unfortunately travel by train has been ruled out.
I have chosen to remain close to where I live, reverting in numerous ways to the lifestyle of the 1800’s or earlier.
There can be much enjoyment found in simple endeavors. The collective ‘we’ need to rediscover this and put it into practice. I think we will find life becoming much less stressful.
We must continue to pray for God's protection for the pilots and passengers alike!! It's time for everyone to get right with God and be reconciled to God through Christ Jesus our Lord!! God bless you, Paul, and thank you for all that you do!! 🙏
Were you ever able to determine if Diamond and Silk were vaccinated? I think that maybe Airlines should have one at least one unvaccinated pilot or co-pilot on the plane. But, it also it could be possible that unvaccinated people are having some heart issues too. Possibly becuase of vaccine shedding, and another possibility, though I think unlikely, could be the recent rollout of 5G having impacts on people's hearts. I am curious your thoughts on that?
tryin on D and S...I am interviewing shortly with Silk, will try to ask but it is delicate and I hope you know this is private...its up to the person...these are good people...
There is now a push by the airlines to have only ONE pilot per jet!! Either a cost saving measure and/or due to an acute pilot shortage (? Disability/resigning/ fired for not taking the vaxx); my fried Roger Hodkinson and I are debating as we speak.
Josh Yoder has said that Pilots are flying with chest pain and an overall feeling of not well , but afraid to say anything because they don’t want to lose their medical !
Also, that his organization is being contacted by Professional Business people asking for Non- Vaccinated Pilots !!!
The wealthy have that option but what about the rest of the population!!
I've compared the FAA's management of aircraft certification (737 Max, and possibly even the 787) to the FDA's management of drug certification. Frighteningly similar and really, who knows how long this has been happening (I suspect decades).
I believe you’re correct, this has been going on for a long time , and now due to all that’s been happening, people are looking 👀 under the covers and seeing so much corruption at every turn!!
Is it a coincidence that these organizations are under Federal government?....
The extermination program is going on in all hospitals ,via the treatment protocols . Of course we see the carnage going on ,caused by poison injections .There is a long list of ways to exterminate us humans ,including animals .The reduction and destruction of the food supply is on that list .Snot pouch wearing for long periods seems to make the wearer ,retarded ,but is mandatory in all medical settings .I saw Doctors on alternate news channels warning the public ,not to go to hospitals ,they are one of the most dangerous places you enter .Several times I described how they murdered my brother in there ,when he went in there because he had the flu .sedation isolation ,remdesivir and ventilators are a death sentence .Much is written about the dangerous injections ,but not much about the killing fields ,called hospitals .At the beginning of the virus I had a hernia ,that was not taken care of in the hospital ,the operation was finally done eight month after the hernia first appeared and was still small .The operation was a compete failure ,because the hernia was still there now as big as a grape fruit and had moved down into the scrotum ,requiring another operation . The whole pharma medical industry is now very much a voodoo quackery operation .
If your idea of them being brought to justice is for them to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom and ticker tape parades in their honor then, yes, rest assured, they will be brought to justice.
Tony you think they only have a death wish for us ? It's not some wish ,it is a death operation ,extermination ,program in operation ,using a variety of methods .
No. By the Grace of God I had discernment and new it was a LIE. I warned my brother but he would not hear it. I have never been one to follow the herd. I always ask why? Perhaps all the Nancy Drew Books I read. LOL. A little humor. :0) I am deeply sorry for your heartbreaking loss. Hard to watch when we know the truth. Stay strong Lynn. God Bless
My Older brother I lost over a year ago once said. "If I could put all my trouble, regrets and griefs in a pile and exchange with someone else, I think I would take my pile back".
Not to mention a massive number of trains, carrying toxins, going off the rails. We are under attack. You need only look at the people Biden is surrounded with in his cabinet, and his judicial appointees, to see the plot to destroy our once great nation. All while the media, and some of the yenta's on this SubStack, will not allow or admit, you to name the real enemy. Goodbye America.
I live in Michigan 20 miles from where they took the solid waste from the Ohio train derailment. There is a inland lake across I-94 from the dump where they took this waste. Over the weekend I received a video from a friend of a man that went to this lake (Belleville lake) and there were TONS of dead fish lining the entire shore. Almost immediately after he posted this video (which was quickly removed tho I have a copy) the township put out a letter stating that these fish die every single year due to the turbines being turned on for the damn to keep the water levels appropriate. This is absolutely fakse. It’s like they had this letter pre written and ready to release. I’m sure they did. I live in the shores of Lake Erie. We’re in the risk area from this purposeful explosion. I ti. My tap water through a Berkey water filter and it is says to remove 99% of this kind of stuff but I have to wonder if that’s possible to remove. I do not trust anyone or anything anymore. Oddly in November I began to lose feeling in my legs and arms. Within two weeks I could t walk normally and was falling. (Already have multiple health issues including lupus and many other autoimmune and neurological disorders). I can’t imagine what is coming. The miscarriage rate is up 73% last I checked from the inoculations. I cannot imagine the judgement that is coming. Come Lord Jesus. Come quickly.
Thanks for sharing. Keep a local copy, and also one in the cloud, preferably a non MSFT/AMZN/GOOG cloud. They want us dead. Who is "they?" A jewish cabal, hell bent on running a world of only 500M, not the white warriors who have often repelled them. Who is "us?" White men who need to stop typing, and begin acting.
Thanks Mike. I like Steyn, bright guy. However, he does not name his own Tribe, as the people forcibly bringing Islam to The West. Open Borders in the USA, is nearly entirely driven by jewish NGOs, and their orbiters as well.
In these times of medical terror ,critical thinking can save ones life . Some demand stop the vaxx .Who do you think will stop it ? The only one who can stop it is you yourself ,by not taking the injections .
Oh this infuriates me. My sins have been being harassed lately especially my one son. He had worked so very hard to get where he is and does still every day. He’s a lineman apprentice. Imagine putting just anyone in that job. Not making them be the very best. Would you like your home to but. To the ground because the lineman sent to your home to fix the power lines after a storm or to put in new infrastructure didn’t know what he was doing? How bout your son or daughter (very few women do this job) being injured and needing rescued by a incompetent person who doesn’t know how to climb that pole appropriately and cannot perform even the physical aspect of a rescue? I do not think so. My son tied for first place out of 46 men in his class at apprentice climbing school for ALBAT and I was so proud of him but he told me stories of the guys there (some grown men over 35 yo. Who actually gave up and quit walking away from one if the highest paying blue collar jobs out there. They just give up. They don’t want to work hard. Yes, the learning portion of this is intense. It all is. The physical part REQUIRES you to be in shape and on top of your game. The class started out over 110 people. That many men either quit or were kicked out because they failed one portion of another of this training. I’m sorry, I think we need to have the very best and that ALL JOBS should ALWAYS BE BASED IN MERIT. I guarantee you’d want my son working with yours if he needed rescued. Or my son working on the power lines in your neighborhood. Not the guys who hardly made it or heaven forbid they change the requirements for this job and allow men in that cannot do this job because they either don’t understand the electrical system and cause your home to burn down or causing an explosion in the electrical system in your neighborhood or town. No thank you. That is EXACTLY where this is taking us. Regardless of whatever color anyone is - it ought not matter - it should be based ONLY on their qualifications. Their abilities. And those must be proven. No, everyone should NOT get a trophy!
We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here. With unexpected deaths so high the entire house of cards is imploding. Planes - sure - but everything else as well. All services, water, power, food, emergency responses and more. Did we really think we could have a mass genocide and survive?
God will help us, but We the People, just can't sit back and think all will be well. We need to rise up, if JOE sends US Troops into Ukraine. Our taxpayers dollars are going to the corrupt
Ukraine for money laundering by JOE and his Commies. Zelensky is their puppet and
stooge. Who does he think he is making demands on the US like he owns our Country.
I respectfully disagree. God will NOT come to the aid of any nation that has blasphemer His name. Has claimed to be a Christian nation yet invited in satanic religions and inter-meshed these religions into our society- thereby destroying ALL Christian values and taking God out if everything. History and Bible history shows that God will abandon such a nation and will in fact, further allow the results of this abandonment by letting these people kill, steal, and destroy and He will bring His judgement on such a nation. Oh the hypocrisy. The Bible shows us this. It’s very clear. And it becomes even more clear to me when we have people sitting in the highest bench of law - judges- who are passing unGodly laws and allowing such things as murdering babies and sand sex marriage. I’ve been attacked by my own friends. Called a “communist” which is laughable, told she will not be ruled by any man with an iron scepter. 😂🤮 I want my man to protect me. I’m not crazy. Sorry. It’s not ME who says such things are unGodly. God made the rules. See the book of Romans chapter 1. It lays out exactly what will happen to a nation such as this. Look at 2 Thessalonians chaired 2. When the restrainer is taken away, (God/The Holy Spirit that is holding back satan from having free reign in this nation and the quirks, when this protection is gone, I do not want to be here. Lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold? Look at it now? How much worse will it be after this?! People are blinding their own eyes. Following man made rules and laws in religion does not save you. Only the blood of Jesus Christ covers us. But, one must recognize their need to be saved. They just realize their need for Jesus Christ who is the one and only messiah if the world. He ALREADY came. The ONLY prophecy that has not come true yet, the “taking up” or rapture of the “church.” This does not refer to the building of the church. It refers to the true believers of Christ. I pray that as many as can be will be saved. Will recognize their need for the saving blood of Christ that had already been shed. I don’t get into the whole Zionism thing. I don’t think it’s Biblical. I’ve yet to have someone be able to prove this to me. But it’s clear in the Bible, there are plenty of Jews that are NOT going to be saved. Most of them. But many will be saved out of the tribulation. How many other “religions” do you know that say sinners who are as filthy rags will be the ones who are saved. These others are under the false belief that their own works will save them. This is the biggest lie from satan being used in these religions. Men who believe they can be ever be saved by their own works. This is a lie. People will be surprised at who is in Heaven with them. Just wanna point out - I don’t think it’s any coincidence that my phone capitalizes the name of satan but not God. I have to go in and fix that. I pray whoever reads this recognizes their need for a true knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ and that He is the ONLY one who can save you. He came as a sinless sacrifice for sinners. Not “perfect” people. He is God in the flesh. He is the sinless Savior of the World and to say he is not is to insult your own creator. I’m sitting here barely able to handle the level of pain I’m in. I’m sick and cannot get help from any doctor. It’s a absolute joke. This country is being destroyed right now but it’s not close done. I fear what is to come and I’m praying that God takes those of us who believe on Him out of here soon. I cannot suffer physically the way I am for much longer. I’m barely holding on. I gain nothing by saying any of this. I just know the Truth. And the Truth will not only set you free, He will save you.
My husband is a pilot for a major airline. He got the J&J in early 2021, due to mandates, and hasn't had any boosters. I know that there are clotting and stroke issues for that shot, but most of the information I find says that the injuries occur fairly close to when the shot was administered. Are there any tests for sub-clinical damage for these issues?
The J&J seemed to be Blood clotting issues for sure , but I thought one of the doctors I listen too said that it did not have the MRNA like Pfizer and Moderna do ...
That's why I won't fly anywhere and now it's clear RR Engineers are in the same situation.
And that works in well the intent of cancelling flights in the future.
Is there any wonder the FAA has no interest in pilot health? There will be very few needed in the future.
Let’s not forget about bus, truck and train drivers. Any jabbed person operating a motorized vehicle or aircraft is a risk to himself and others.
What about the train driver in Ohio? Was a cardiac event ruled out?
Yet on some medications, there’ll be a warning not to operate machinery.
At least on trains, do they not have a 'dead-man's switch'?
Good question. It appears now they call them “vigilance controls”. But there have still been several accidents despite having them.
My opinion:
It will take more than 3 or 4 incidents before minimal awakening to the problem enters the public consciousness. Denial will be the common reaction.
The majority of the public do not acknowledge the problem now, why should this change?
They bought the lie, it will be easier to buy the next lies. Either denial will still be in play, or basic ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills will be in play. The result will be the same.
I would place the number well into double digits because:
- There will be minimal if any reports of the first dozen or so incidents.
Rationale: How many train derailments must yet occur?
Same will apply to airline incidents.
Most people not know the acceptable P-R Interval was arbitrarily increased.
Therefore, many less understand the implications.
Even less understand P-R interval and have no interest in learning.
The airlines will neither inform passengers nor have ‘opt-out’ if only one pilot.
Deep in the ticket fine print there will be a no liability clause regarding single pilot flights.
There will be no ‘opt-out’ option for single pilot flights, thus forfeit the ticket fee.
I decided a while back flying was not an option for travel.
I like trains. Unfortunately travel by train has been ruled out.
I have chosen to remain close to where I live, reverting in numerous ways to the lifestyle of the 1800’s or earlier.
There can be much enjoyment found in simple endeavors. The collective ‘we’ need to rediscover this and put it into practice. I think we will find life becoming much less stressful.
Yeah just give up, and go back to earth worms. So natural!
We must continue to pray for God's protection for the pilots and passengers alike!! It's time for everyone to get right with God and be reconciled to God through Christ Jesus our Lord!! God bless you, Paul, and thank you for all that you do!! 🙏
Were you ever able to determine if Diamond and Silk were vaccinated? I think that maybe Airlines should have one at least one unvaccinated pilot or co-pilot on the plane. But, it also it could be possible that unvaccinated people are having some heart issues too. Possibly becuase of vaccine shedding, and another possibility, though I think unlikely, could be the recent rollout of 5G having impacts on people's hearts. I am curious your thoughts on that?
tryin on D and S...I am interviewing shortly with Silk, will try to ask but it is delicate and I hope you know this is private...its up to the person...these are good people...
Yes Dr. Paul it sure is. Prayers and Amen
There is now a push by the airlines to have only ONE pilot per jet!! Either a cost saving measure and/or due to an acute pilot shortage (? Disability/resigning/ fired for not taking the vaxx); my fried Roger Hodkinson and I are debating as we speak.
Multinationals demanding the pilots of their private jets are unvaxxed!
Ps. You and Dr. Hodkinson we’re absolutely amazing with the Canadian Truckers !🤩👏👏👏
Thank you for standing up against this Covid injection Tyranny !!!😇🙏🙏🙏🙏
God Bless you both forever 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕💕
Josh Yoder has said that Pilots are flying with chest pain and an overall feeling of not well , but afraid to say anything because they don’t want to lose their medical !
Also, that his organization is being contacted by Professional Business people asking for Non- Vaccinated Pilots !!!
The wealthy have that option but what about the rest of the population!!
This Must be Stopped Now !!!
Suis the Greens who want us travelling anywhere by bicycle or canoe.
I’m sickened that the FAA seems to have become another criminal enterprise!!
Rather than standing by their pilots , they instead loosen the heart monitor tests!!!
This is Criminal!!!
They don’t care about their Pilots or the the flying public !!
They’re just involved in a coverup like the rest of these criminal organizations!!
They all need to be brought to justice!!
I've compared the FAA's management of aircraft certification (737 Max, and possibly even the 787) to the FDA's management of drug certification. Frighteningly similar and really, who knows how long this has been happening (I suspect decades).
I believe you’re correct, this has been going on for a long time , and now due to all that’s been happening, people are looking 👀 under the covers and seeing so much corruption at every turn!!
Is it a coincidence that these organizations are under Federal government?....
The extermination program is going on in all hospitals ,via the treatment protocols . Of course we see the carnage going on ,caused by poison injections .There is a long list of ways to exterminate us humans ,including animals .The reduction and destruction of the food supply is on that list .Snot pouch wearing for long periods seems to make the wearer ,retarded ,but is mandatory in all medical settings .I saw Doctors on alternate news channels warning the public ,not to go to hospitals ,they are one of the most dangerous places you enter .Several times I described how they murdered my brother in there ,when he went in there because he had the flu .sedation isolation ,remdesivir and ventilators are a death sentence .Much is written about the dangerous injections ,but not much about the killing fields ,called hospitals .At the beginning of the virus I had a hernia ,that was not taken care of in the hospital ,the operation was finally done eight month after the hernia first appeared and was still small .The operation was a compete failure ,because the hernia was still there now as big as a grape fruit and had moved down into the scrotum ,requiring another operation . The whole pharma medical industry is now very much a voodoo quackery operation .
If your idea of them being brought to justice is for them to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom and ticker tape parades in their honor then, yes, rest assured, they will be brought to justice.
Ya for sure 🙄
What a disgusting joke that would be !!
Like Obama giving out Presidential Medals 🏅 of Freedom to all his Epstein Island frequenters, as if they were candy 🍬 🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬
One Pilot not two ???
These people suggesting that have a Death wish ☠️ for the rest of us!!
Tony you think they only have a death wish for us ? It's not some wish ,it is a death operation ,extermination ,program in operation ,using a variety of methods .
Agreed 👍
It is designed to kill. I lost my twin 4 months ago and all of my friends in the UK.
OMG.....I am so sorry. Were you forced to take the JAB? My nephew's
Mother in Law same. She was insulin diabetic. In September, she was diagnosed
with aggressive pancreatic cancer. She passed in December. I know she took
the JAB and at least one booster. Very sad situations for all.
No. By the Grace of God I had discernment and new it was a LIE. I warned my brother but he would not hear it. I have never been one to follow the herd. I always ask why? Perhaps all the Nancy Drew Books I read. LOL. A little humor. :0) I am deeply sorry for your heartbreaking loss. Hard to watch when we know the truth. Stay strong Lynn. God Bless
Oh YOU are so sweet. It certainly is hard to watch when we know the truth. Thanks for your words of encouragement. May God Bless YOU, too. Take Care.
My Older brother I lost over a year ago once said. "If I could put all my trouble, regrets and griefs in a pile and exchange with someone else, I think I would take my pile back".
Sorry to hear that.
Thank you M
Not to mention a massive number of trains, carrying toxins, going off the rails. We are under attack. You need only look at the people Biden is surrounded with in his cabinet, and his judicial appointees, to see the plot to destroy our once great nation. All while the media, and some of the yenta's on this SubStack, will not allow or admit, you to name the real enemy. Goodbye America.
I live in Michigan 20 miles from where they took the solid waste from the Ohio train derailment. There is a inland lake across I-94 from the dump where they took this waste. Over the weekend I received a video from a friend of a man that went to this lake (Belleville lake) and there were TONS of dead fish lining the entire shore. Almost immediately after he posted this video (which was quickly removed tho I have a copy) the township put out a letter stating that these fish die every single year due to the turbines being turned on for the damn to keep the water levels appropriate. This is absolutely fakse. It’s like they had this letter pre written and ready to release. I’m sure they did. I live in the shores of Lake Erie. We’re in the risk area from this purposeful explosion. I ti. My tap water through a Berkey water filter and it is says to remove 99% of this kind of stuff but I have to wonder if that’s possible to remove. I do not trust anyone or anything anymore. Oddly in November I began to lose feeling in my legs and arms. Within two weeks I could t walk normally and was falling. (Already have multiple health issues including lupus and many other autoimmune and neurological disorders). I can’t imagine what is coming. The miscarriage rate is up 73% last I checked from the inoculations. I cannot imagine the judgement that is coming. Come Lord Jesus. Come quickly.
Thanks for sharing. Keep a local copy, and also one in the cloud, preferably a non MSFT/AMZN/GOOG cloud. They want us dead. Who is "they?" A jewish cabal, hell bent on running a world of only 500M, not the white warriors who have often repelled them. Who is "us?" White men who need to stop typing, and begin acting.
Mark Steyn wrote books on this subject, America Alone, and After America, and Lights Out (islam, free speech, and the twilight of the West).
Thanks Mike. I like Steyn, bright guy. However, he does not name his own Tribe, as the people forcibly bringing Islam to The West. Open Borders in the USA, is nearly entirely driven by jewish NGOs, and their orbiters as well.
In these times of medical terror ,critical thinking can save ones life . Some demand stop the vaxx .Who do you think will stop it ? The only one who can stop it is you yourself ,by not taking the injections .
It is too late. Most pilots are fully vaccinated and many have had boosters. Too late...we now awaits the grim future.
This is absolute insanity. What must happen before good men act and act with intent, courage, and finality. Dear Lord save us.
Also, add in the new catch words now. DEI.....Diversity, Equity, Inclusion....hiring not the
BEST. That's part of JOE's and his Commies bright ideas. A friend said it should be
DIE....Diversity, Inclusion, Equity. The Leftists always come up with stupid definitions
for their dangerous agenda.
Oh this infuriates me. My sins have been being harassed lately especially my one son. He had worked so very hard to get where he is and does still every day. He’s a lineman apprentice. Imagine putting just anyone in that job. Not making them be the very best. Would you like your home to but. To the ground because the lineman sent to your home to fix the power lines after a storm or to put in new infrastructure didn’t know what he was doing? How bout your son or daughter (very few women do this job) being injured and needing rescued by a incompetent person who doesn’t know how to climb that pole appropriately and cannot perform even the physical aspect of a rescue? I do not think so. My son tied for first place out of 46 men in his class at apprentice climbing school for ALBAT and I was so proud of him but he told me stories of the guys there (some grown men over 35 yo. Who actually gave up and quit walking away from one if the highest paying blue collar jobs out there. They just give up. They don’t want to work hard. Yes, the learning portion of this is intense. It all is. The physical part REQUIRES you to be in shape and on top of your game. The class started out over 110 people. That many men either quit or were kicked out because they failed one portion of another of this training. I’m sorry, I think we need to have the very best and that ALL JOBS should ALWAYS BE BASED IN MERIT. I guarantee you’d want my son working with yours if he needed rescued. Or my son working on the power lines in your neighborhood. Not the guys who hardly made it or heaven forbid they change the requirements for this job and allow men in that cannot do this job because they either don’t understand the electrical system and cause your home to burn down or causing an explosion in the electrical system in your neighborhood or town. No thank you. That is EXACTLY where this is taking us. Regardless of whatever color anyone is - it ought not matter - it should be based ONLY on their qualifications. Their abilities. And those must be proven. No, everyone should NOT get a trophy!
That's why Pete is letting the entire industry crater.
I have a cousin...in his 60s...in Canada...now qualifying as an Air Canada pilot.
He has been a private jet pilot for years.
Jabbed...yup. In fact...a jab pusher to the greatest extent.
I'm sorry in advance for your loss.
We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here. With unexpected deaths so high the entire house of cards is imploding. Planes - sure - but everything else as well. All services, water, power, food, emergency responses and more. Did we really think we could have a mass genocide and survive?
True that KW this is just the beginning watching all around me mayhem, confusion. Be very aware
Dear GoD help us please.
God helps those who help themselves. Weapon up, war is coming.
Everyone who cares about Freedom must help to stop ALL this serious war we are in…
Mandates that murder people
Open Northern and Southern borders
No more elections that matter now as our enemies own all the avenues of fraud
Executive and law making branches that no longer represent the people
Schools at all levels that do not give a damn about the parents who fund them
The list of violations against WE THE PEOPLE is serious and endless!
We have one last peace option…yes one!
Ready to pray AND help your country for the sake of future generations as someone did for you?
Stay tuned!
Mother/Grandmother Lion
P.S. O’Biden Regime World War by Lex Greene @ newswithviews.com…click on Lex’s name for archives…serious background! Keep an eye on this writer!
God will help us, but We the People, just can't sit back and think all will be well. We need to rise up, if JOE sends US Troops into Ukraine. Our taxpayers dollars are going to the corrupt
Ukraine for money laundering by JOE and his Commies. Zelensky is their puppet and
stooge. Who does he think he is making demands on the US like he owns our Country.
I respectfully disagree. God will NOT come to the aid of any nation that has blasphemer His name. Has claimed to be a Christian nation yet invited in satanic religions and inter-meshed these religions into our society- thereby destroying ALL Christian values and taking God out if everything. History and Bible history shows that God will abandon such a nation and will in fact, further allow the results of this abandonment by letting these people kill, steal, and destroy and He will bring His judgement on such a nation. Oh the hypocrisy. The Bible shows us this. It’s very clear. And it becomes even more clear to me when we have people sitting in the highest bench of law - judges- who are passing unGodly laws and allowing such things as murdering babies and sand sex marriage. I’ve been attacked by my own friends. Called a “communist” which is laughable, told she will not be ruled by any man with an iron scepter. 😂🤮 I want my man to protect me. I’m not crazy. Sorry. It’s not ME who says such things are unGodly. God made the rules. See the book of Romans chapter 1. It lays out exactly what will happen to a nation such as this. Look at 2 Thessalonians chaired 2. When the restrainer is taken away, (God/The Holy Spirit that is holding back satan from having free reign in this nation and the quirks, when this protection is gone, I do not want to be here. Lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold? Look at it now? How much worse will it be after this?! People are blinding their own eyes. Following man made rules and laws in religion does not save you. Only the blood of Jesus Christ covers us. But, one must recognize their need to be saved. They just realize their need for Jesus Christ who is the one and only messiah if the world. He ALREADY came. The ONLY prophecy that has not come true yet, the “taking up” or rapture of the “church.” This does not refer to the building of the church. It refers to the true believers of Christ. I pray that as many as can be will be saved. Will recognize their need for the saving blood of Christ that had already been shed. I don’t get into the whole Zionism thing. I don’t think it’s Biblical. I’ve yet to have someone be able to prove this to me. But it’s clear in the Bible, there are plenty of Jews that are NOT going to be saved. Most of them. But many will be saved out of the tribulation. How many other “religions” do you know that say sinners who are as filthy rags will be the ones who are saved. These others are under the false belief that their own works will save them. This is the biggest lie from satan being used in these religions. Men who believe they can be ever be saved by their own works. This is a lie. People will be surprised at who is in Heaven with them. Just wanna point out - I don’t think it’s any coincidence that my phone capitalizes the name of satan but not God. I have to go in and fix that. I pray whoever reads this recognizes their need for a true knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ and that He is the ONLY one who can save you. He came as a sinless sacrifice for sinners. Not “perfect” people. He is God in the flesh. He is the sinless Savior of the World and to say he is not is to insult your own creator. I’m sitting here barely able to handle the level of pain I’m in. I’m sick and cannot get help from any doctor. It’s a absolute joke. This country is being destroyed right now but it’s not close done. I fear what is to come and I’m praying that God takes those of us who believe on Him out of here soon. I cannot suffer physically the way I am for much longer. I’m barely holding on. I gain nothing by saying any of this. I just know the Truth. And the Truth will not only set you free, He will save you.
So, We The People, who believe in God and are Christian are to just fall to these
Satanist. I am not living under their rule. My husband came from a Communist
Country and became US Citizen. His Family had their Business and Farm taken
by the Communist. We are taking on whatever comes.
Thanks.....I did check out Lex Greene's article. :-)
Thanks for sharing this link. I never heard of this one :-)
Most international flights have two pilots. Will monitor IATA rules.
My husband is a pilot for a major airline. He got the J&J in early 2021, due to mandates, and hasn't had any boosters. I know that there are clotting and stroke issues for that shot, but most of the information I find says that the injuries occur fairly close to when the shot was administered. Are there any tests for sub-clinical damage for these issues?
Troponin and d-dimer blood tests for starters, I would imagine. Not a doctor.
See Dr Peter McCullough information, I believe he talks about this and test to take !
I'll check. So many who were subjected to mandates early in the shot roll out did the "1 and done". There seems to be little information about J&J.
The J&J seemed to be Blood clotting issues for sure , but I thought one of the doctors I listen too said that it did not have the MRNA like Pfizer and Moderna do ...