Considering that Newsweek published the list, it is more likely that the hospitals on this list should be avoided in all circumstances.

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How many of them forced their employees to take the covid death shot or lose their job?

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Many if not all in Wa st. !!! Providence System still requires fully shot people when applying for employment. And yes, my husband lost his job of 40 years there, because he would not partake of their foolish folly. He even filed for medical exemption ( he had Guillian Barre), and religious exemption.

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Geez...what they did to people...

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Probably all of them which was by design so the health system eventually becomes a 3rd world clinic. So many will be dying off and the others will become so sickly, and overwhelmed they'll quit. Glad I quit going to Drms years ago. They've always beem qucks but it's going to get a lot worse.

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Oct 29, 2023Edited
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All the VA employees were forced to take the covid death shots.

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I stay far away from all of them!! To high risk

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the Houston Hospital listed was the horrid business which fired all unvaxed medical staff and denied critical care to the unvaxed ER patients. A disgrace to the medical profession IMHO

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As a Texan, I was appalled to see Houston Methodist Hospital listed at all. They were the first in Texas to fire healthcare workers over the vaccine mandates. This is the same hospital that revoked privileges (fired) of Dr. Mary Talley Bowden. She has been a fierce warrior in the Covid plandemic fight. This hospital was all in for the Fauci hospital protocol. So, NO.

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You just have to read it in the right context. It's a list of places to avoid, so I thank them for that.

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That’s pretty much the credo for everything these days. Anything we’re told by the DS, Big Pharma, the government, etc, means we should be doing the exact opposite!

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My buddys brother just died in a houston hospital. Said they couldnt figure out he was having problems with his gallbladder? Was thede for another reason so who knows what actually happened.

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Hospitals can no longer be trusted period. They cannot be relied on to provide proper care or correct treatments. In fact, they have been completely compromised by Big Pharma and the corrupt medical establishment, and put money before the welfare of people. Covid scam, vaxx scam and cancer "treatment" scam.

The one exception is the trauma unit care, for people who have suffered serious accidental injuries. But even there, the aftercare protocols are suspect.

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Best at following government protocols?

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Having the Josef mengele protégé at nebraska medicine on this list I would not trust any of them on list. NE MED wanted hard shutdowns here in nebraska, mask mandates, said the death jab was better than natural immunity, pushed jabs forc60 month and up, lied all during vivid and is now being sued for Trans surgery on a minor after less than one hour consult. That place should be shut down, Dr's arrested and tried for crimes against humanity.

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I’m curious if they rate them by how well they followed pfauci’s protocols to kill?

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I no longer have any faith in ratings like this.

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UCLA in Los Angeles? No thanks!

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Dr. Alexander…could you explain why you posted this?

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He's very committed to warning us of possible threats: Floridian reptiles, and human reptiles (focusing lately on those with Korans or advanced degrees in medicine or science).

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To enlighten us.

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Best: evidence? Producing what?

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Paul and all,

I know so many persons that hope they do NOT have to go near the hospital death centers! We are only worth $$$ to the corporate/government medical swamp…now as deep as DC!

It is great that people like you and others are trying to right all the public health wrongs that have happened the last 3 years BUT…

There are MANY wrongs that must be righted in America (COVID, election, border messes, etc) and serious address of this 1 critical issue MUST happen BEFORE we have serious wins on all the other corruption fronts…Constitutional NATURAL BORN CITIZEN DEFINITION!

All serious patriotic citizens must learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…


Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization in America…


Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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Dr Alexander: why post a Newsweek survey about anything, never mind what, at best, likely amounts only to a list of the most corrupt hospitals?

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Bullshit...the see the death chamber that murdered my mother on here! They know something is up otherwise we wouldn’t being seeing them work so hard to convince you to forgive them. The ex-Governor of NY wants your forgiveness now 😂Have you see the segment of four men talking on CNN? Go watch it.

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Do you have a link or more info with which to do a productive internet search? Thanks! (I do try to stay as far from CNN as from hospitals, generally ;)

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So a list of places to avoid then.

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