Our petrodollar just got demolished in the Middle East. Our economy is going to get ugly real soon. Please prepare everyone.

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Time to cut up the government credit card, close up universities, outlaw funding of DEI, detach totally from the globalists one-world government plan... U.N., WHO, WEF and the rest of the money suckers, forgo the funding of the military industrial complex and the owners of it (global elites), and make the sale of illicit drugs a capital offence. Make respecting the Sabbath mandatory, as well as 2 years of mandatory military training and public service, after which the graduates have the choice of which jobs they want, and those who fail to perform are assigned the rest of the job openings on a descending scale. Merit based promotions and hiring only. No publicly funded jobs for any who cannot figure out if they are male or female. Bonuses for those who choose a healthy life style, marriage and children born of the union. Seize the assets of ALL those who have been robbing the public purse for so long, and jail them for life, ESPECIALLY MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Use Dr. John Coleman's book "CONSPIRATORS HIERARCHY, The story of the 300" as a reference guide on who to arrest and strip of assets. Any national debt noted to be payable to any of the banks or organizations listed in Coleman's book should be dismissed as paid, the bank dissolved and the principle officers of the organization hung. Did I mention clearing out the Justice department and the alphabets? Yea...goodbye debt, hello freedom...p.s. deport 'ARNIE' for his 'f.... your fweedom' comments, and apply his assets funding some teachers who are not preoccupied with crotch-sniffing, and incidentally actually can teach math, science, English and ECONOMICS.

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this is crazy good, I like the content. I have raised something you said about public service and I think this is a good move to require some form of service from any one seeking citizenship...I am trying to find the right words...maybe for the illegals now forward, they should have some form of peace corp or something...something to show you have skin in the game

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For sure Dr. P. Your justice system has ours beat, You can imagine what is going to happen when the prosecutor (persecutor) walks in on six inch spikes and purple dyed hair. Ours is all f*cked up with corrupt JP's, lying bureauCRAPS, and a prejudicial biased band of bag licking bigots running the show,

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Actually, it’s a good point. Because this so-called magical change hasn’t happened yet. But how bad can it get! At what point do we implode? Or are we gonna finally break down simultaneously, while we’re all getting robbed of our houses by a bunch of terrorists from other countries that are running rampant, strapped with bombs and we all explode, just like midnight at Disneyland. Body parts and fiat currency everywhere in the air, falling like our constitution at Biden’s inauguration. We have to make light of it, otherwise you’ll go crazy, it’s so damn ridiculous!

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you are talking it as crazy as it sounds, it is real...what you have written here is real. its not ridiculous, its is real...thank you.

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Oh please. We may not even be around in 10 years…and if we are there will be an entirely new financial system..worrying about this is a waste of time.

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The corporation of the United States has embezzled from its citizens/clients trillions of dollars, laundered it, borrowed on it, and reneged on its promissory notes. But it's STILL IN BUSINESS.....fancy that.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

I am amazed that this video is still available. These "vaccines" are killing people. You were deliberately terrified into taking them. People were falling ill, fitting and dying in the "vaccination" centres yet they kept on "vaccinating" you. The "vaccination" pushing mainstream media did not tell you anything at all about this yet they knew. They are still not telling you the truth, just little snippets here and there to keep you onside. Watch this seven minute video until the end and it will all become clear to you. The China videos of people falling dead in the streets before the "vaccines" were deployed were fake. Donald Trump is the "Father of the vaccine" and kicked this "vaccinate" all Americans from the outset and even gave Anthony Fauci a commendation. Watch these people dying. They are dying from that "vaccine". Trump knows all about this. Biden knows all about this. Boris Johnson knew all about this. Matt Hancock knew all about this. Chris Whitty knew all about this. Tony Blair knew all about this. Rishi Sunack knows all about this. Keir Starmer knows all about this. The N H S chief executive officer Amanda Pritchard knows all about this.Yet they still want to "vaccinate" you for the fraudulently reported covid.

They are all as guilty as hell no matter what they say on the world stage. All guilty. Every last one of them. Everything they inject into you now is the same deadly mRNA shit or its equivalent. THEY ARE DOING IT AND THEY ARE ALL GUILTY...

May God forgive these profiteering maiming murdering scum?

He won't.

Read a Bible.

God hates murderers.


Trump may save your country but he won't save you. The damage has already been done...


Billy Idol - Eyes Without A Face - 2023 Video

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Donald Trump may save America he says.

Save it for who?

He didn't drain the swamp before.

He is not going to drain the swamp now.

They are all friends off camera.

All of them!!!

"Don't forget your boosters."

Donald "Father of the vaccine" Trump.

More than likely.

There's more big pharma money to be made and these self replicating mRNA "vaccines" and their equivalents are now compulsory for your young school children yet funnily enough not for the 'elites' and theirs...

Have any 'elites' died of covid?


Not a single one.

Have any of the 'elites' died from the covid "vaccinations"?


Not a single one.

They wouldn't when they have not had them.

Not a single one.

All still here all and all telling you to keep on taking them...


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thank you for sharing...you raise troubling issues...it is incredible how maybe all, most leaders went with it

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Those videos of people dying are after the shots

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Yes. You can see them actually dying in the "vaccination" centres too.

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All empires collapse, America is no exception. And all.of the politicians are working at break-neck speed to help the cause.

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That's a whole lot of ice cream cones for The Dummy.

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In any country without a Gold Standard, debt is100% arbitrary. Cons in Congress need to be mindful that they are playing with fire as they pretend that they have money when all they have is Monopoly Money that has ZERO value. The US Dollar has been turned into SHITCOIN. Our monetary system is no less than a big PONZI SCHEME without the backing of GOLD. I say we drag the 388 Traitor Cons our if their offices and put their no account assets in prison to be treated like the Common Criminals they are as they RUIN millions of lives with SELF SERVING policies. #FreedomIsNotFree End the US Givernment's PONZI SCHEME. #EndInsiderTrsdingFirConsInCongress #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP

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I stop my commenting to pay homage to the USA for producing the sweetest country music female singers ever over and above many other nations.

This gal has a voice that gives me the shivers and she does a far better job than Judy Collins or any other I ever heard in my entire life. I also pay homage to the rural gals in Iowa and Nebraska I have met and those I am friends with in Colorado.


I have counselled more than a few in the recent fake migrant madness to take an NRA course on shotgun self defense and buy one for themselves and one for their husbands. Especially Rachel, Karen. and "Skirt Girl" who are three gals I would die for. They do not make women any prettier or sweeter than in those three rural states.

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...and these are not the only three I would defend to the end,... Is not it long past the time for the American male to grab a good chew of hate and anger and defend his women from those who sex traffic them, sell them illicit drugs, pimp them and/or in other ways disrespect them?

I was once in a mountain town and one out of line soy boy interfered in the "best interests" of a close friend I was with. It is a given if one appreciates and cherishes a gal to pass on the talk and do what needs to be done. If I can do it so can you. I met some real good men down there also rural men who were defenders of their womenfolk but the law is no substitute when action is required on the spot. F^ck the consequences. At least one will be able to hold his head high and she will adore you for that. It is the way God always intended it to be. While law enforcement in the USA consists of good men, at least all I have met, up here with the exception of the RCMP the dregs need to be defunded and the RCMP used to replace them all coast to coast.

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I live in America and have never met a good cop. We saw them allow burning, looting, mursering, then arrest the guy reading a Bible on the street corner. The same people will take guns, your Bible, your wife, your children the minute they're told to. We need to protect our women because society has gone from #metoo to what's a woman?! People in rural America often say their cops are good ol boys and won't do that but then they know people that were getting roughed up by them for not wearing a face diaper.

Their payback is coming, people hate them and thry know it. Soon to be replaced by all of the illegals. I look forward to the day they're being roughed up, locked up by the very people they allowed in.

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Be aware the CYSTem controls and gives orders to police..therein lies the problem.

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Easy answer. Just start printing our own money and tell the NON government Federal Reserve to go F themselves. Take their interest owed and shove it. Debt solved. Screw em. They are the globalist criminals, all those who run the multitude of countries banks across the world that print the money, along with gates, soros, royal family, black rock, vanguard, WEF, WHO, and so on.

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Sure do: "Hyperinflation" and "Social Collapse." All planned and implemented by our Satanic Global Elites. Look to your preps folks, hope you've got a doomstead 100 miles hike from anyone else -- 'cause I don't!

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Implications are that the fuse on hyperinflation has been lit - and now it's a short fuse?


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At current rates, the U.S. national debt is growing by a remarkable $1 trillion about every 100 days, equal to roughly $3.6 trillion per year.

“One Trillion” every 100 days!

Yes America as they say in the farming sector

“Ripe For the Picking”! Who’s fooling who, I’m not sure if Donald J. Trump is for saving America or if he’s part of this coordinated attack!

This “coordinated attack” started long ago, was elevated with the Covid scam and today, today this illegitimate administration has gone out of its way enriching themselves, protecting themselves, while they continue to destroy our nation and

“Leave Americans Behind”!

“We the People” matter NOT! Actually we’re the problem, along with that nasty document called the “United States Constitution”!

But don’t worry, they’ve figured out how to get around that pesky document! It’s called, ignore it! Don’t worry about it! By the time they’re done with

“We the People” it won’t matter!

And this is exactly what they’ve been doing over and over again


They did it with COVID!

They’re still doing it with “BRIX and her STIX” rectal thermometer for cows! They’re all infected! Slaughter them all!

Yes Deborah Birx running around testing / sticking cows for the new and improved, infamous “Bird Flu”!

Soon, Grandma’s and Grandpa’s will be lining up for their “Bird Flu” death shots!

God willing they have someone properly guiding them.

We the people have been and will continue to be “slow boiled”!

This is the only way they can minimize chaos!

Once all their ducks are aligned, they’ll simply “exit stage left”! As in get the “Puck out of Dodge”!

And the rest of us can fend for ourselves!

It’s so obvious. Simply look at what you can see. What you do know. Then listen to your

“Gut Instinct”!

Overwhelmingly, all the signs are “positive” for

America’s Collapse!

The last time I checked, the odds are in favor of? There’s many possibilities. But there’s only one absolute reality which is, America is being “pushed over the edge”!

I don’t foresee a soft pillow landing whatsoever! How damaging is anyone’s guess but I can say with certainty, there aren’t any “Golden Parachutes” for “We the People”! That I can guarantee!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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superb sharing....thank you...

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You’re welcome Dr and thank you as well.


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We mustn’t forget Ukraine! Yes good ole Ukraine! Kiev has more pubs and nightclubs today than before? Before what actually?

Before we laundered a couple hundred billion, maybe a little less, a little more, who the “blank” knows because “nobody’s counting”!

And yes we’re responsible for paying “U-Kant-Rein-On-me” otherwise known as “Ukraine”pensions system! Securing their borders, protecting their capital!

While they party like it’s? Like “We The People” have all be “Left Behind”! Wake the “Blank” up America, we’ve all be deliberately setup to? Setup to defend ourselves against our own worst instincts, which ultimately leads to “only the fittest will survive”!

First we must realize what’s happening.

What have you “Uncle Sam” done for me today?

“weapon’s of mass destruction”

“Overrun inner cities/society with illegals”

“Leave all borders unprotected”

“Elevate illegals above the citizens”

“Open illegal “ONLY” go zones”

These are some of what our, yes “We The Peoples” own government has done for us lately!

Does anyone believe this is pure “incompetence”? Or is something else on our horizon? Something nobody has ever seen before!

If the list of deliberate failures is what I can list in five minutes, what in “God’s Name” is really going to happen?

What’s really happening? Or what don’t we know about?

Those are the questions I ask myself everyday!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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“Elevate illegals above the citizens”...this is the most true and dangerous statement...thank you AJR for always helping lift and showcase the disaster we face...the issue on borders is really the key issue we must talk of daily for the nation is done, any nation is done if they did what Biden and Obama have done here...and it was happening under Bush, Obama's first 2 terms...no nation can survive this...Rome fell in part because of border invasions...and the issue is the people coming in a rapists and killers and when I write it, it hurts that I can find, any day, evidence of it happening...our people will be raped and murdered...numbers game...but the truth is some of the worst people are among the illegals...of course you can find good in anything....but unless we can vet ALL, we should have none. if I gave you 10 chocolates to eat and said 'hey look, one of them is poisonous but oh it tastes so good, and you cant tell the difference', would you eat any?

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So absolutely true Dr. I’m concerned about the rapist, gangsters, murderers and most importantly are the Jihadist, the terrorist, who in large part and massive numbers are simply waiting for the “green light”!

It doesn’t matter to these jihadist and terrorist, big kabooms or little kabooms, in their minds the seek to instill fear! And fear is what they will achieve! It’s no longer a question of “IF” nor “WHEN”, the biggest question is, “how can we prevent them from achieving their goals”? Or worse, can we stop them now?

An even bigger concern is the amount of “military age men” known to be strategically positioned all around America! I honestly do not think JJ Carroll and Brian O’Shea are talking out their butt cheeks when they say they know of “millions of unchecked military age men” have entered America and have been positioned strategically around America!

The rough numbers they’re aware of are 8-10% of America’s population! Even if their numbers are half or less than a quarter of America’s population, we’re still looking at around 10 Million roughly? The numbers are staggering, no matter how we count them.

Thank you Dr Alexander.


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