The US economy is in a steep nosedive.

The government and it’s handlers know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for this crash.

A new control grid is being installed to try to mitigate the impacts of the crash of their system while installing a new, comprehensive digitized control system.

That mitigation does not include easing the pain for you or me- it means making sure the super wealthy don’t have to give up a dime of their stolen wealth.

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As George Carlin says “they don’t give a shit about us”, never have never will, we are owned and that’s the truth. All they do is lie to our faces and people are either willfully ignorant or ignorantly willful. Keep the masses dumbed down and sick, in debt, consume consume consume, eat eat eat, spend spend spend, never ending hamster wheel! At least my son gets it finally, pissed at the lies and never-ending problems with no solutions. We should have cures for all these viruses by now and people should be taught how to save and stay out of debt in school, but no. That wouldn’t help their cause. 🤬

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Again, this is more like a thumbs up than a like. All wars are bank wars. We are also in a spiritual war and have been since the beginning of this insane place we Ezist in.

It is all being run by evil. Hmmmm, why does she “giggle”/Cackle (iMO) sooo much? Does it remind one of Killarey? Reminds me of kuru disease as these insane things continue to do their insanity.

As the wall gets closer and closer to the speeding car. Evil being what it always was, Evil. Have you noticed these things in charge (Demons/narcissists/psychopaths/sociopaths and their enablers/robots have the emotional intelligence of pre-toddlers?

They are raised by the same emotionally immature evil they become. Learned about these emotionally immature things elsewhere on another telegram channel and from my mentor.

We are thankfully in the end times!!!

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Another man made disaster. That’s how Obama chose to describe acts of terrorism. This was done by terrorists and there are anti terrorism laws that maybe should be used to prosecute them.

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They are laughing at us. grrrr

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Hey it’s not all bad news. Home prices need to crater 20,30,40%. Back to 2014 levels where they belong. The economy has not grown since then, the only things that have grown are the FED balance sheet, government spending, and the amount of lies we are told on a daily basis. All three helped to inflate the bubbles, now the piper must be paid.

Some sense of sanity returning to the housing market would be beneficial in the long run for the entire economy.

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There's no recession. Ask Brandon's spokesperson who stated there isn't and that 2 quarters of negative numbers is not a recession. And Yellin said we aren't in one either. There you have it. They always tell the truth, (not).

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"so they counted all the infected and hospitalizations and deaths after each shot as ‘UNVACCINATED’ and not the correct VACCINATED..."

edit: not the correct Injected (or poisoned).


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