And I can't think anything other than you knew it LONG ago. I did too. Thank you for being absolutely RELENTLESS. I have no kids, but I care about every one of them.

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Jon Rappoport, investigative journalist who has spent 30 years researching fake pandemics:





February 2023: Denis Rancourt explained to RFK Jr. that his analysis of all-cause mortality shows no indication whatsoever of any "viral pandemic"


Just to counter the mass brainwashing machine: COnVID is the flu rebranded. Brought to you to justify the poisoning of the population through forced injections.

The Illusion of A Virus

All they ever wanted, all they ever needed, is now, in their arms.


The only thing ever needed to unleash the real bioweapon—the mRNA injections—was a contagion of fear. It’s the one thing that spreads more efficiently from human to human than anything else, particularly more efficiently than the truth.

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Amen!! Thank you for broadcasting on your platform how UNC Chapel Hill & Baric, DOD & all their corrupt regulatory captures & criminal ilk, aka the USA 3-letter agencies, are at the bottom of this Covid Bioterrorism Program. Sure, the CCP is undoubtedly working hand-in-hand with all the treasonous and/or compromised criminals in our government, but the USA ruling elite are at the heart of all this. Dr. David E. Martin has been screaming at the top of his lungs at every podium & microphone he can find for 20 years trying to alert our esteemed Congress to the malleability & potential for weaponization of SARS & Fauci's devious activities, but to no avail. The last couple of years he's been doing the same with US attorneys, attorneys general & governor's of every state, the DOJ & more, but no one has had the courage to act due to fear of political retribution. Every point of evidence Dr. Martin has put forth is verifiable in the public record, yet no journalist bothers to go look for themselves. Every word I've heard Dr. Martin utter has turned out to be true & he's not been asked to retract one word of any accusations he's made. Thanks be to God that FINALLY someone with a substantial following & audience is listening to what Dr. Martin is revealing!!! God Bless you!!! (For anyone interested, google "Dr. David Martin Fauci Dossier" and read the timeline & documentation of all the specific crimes Fauci, Baric, the Gates et al have committed & all the universities & companies who've enjoyed financial gains from patents associated with SARS. Will make you nauseous.)

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Whose going to arrest them? Will someone please tell me and explain why it hasn’t happened to date? They are on Trump 24/7 and yet Fauci Baric Birx walk free and enjoy fat bank accounts and elitist privileges and gross arrogance.

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Look, I can’t be more direct. We can’t have a lethal pandemic sweeping the land, killing thousands of people & it NOT show up in the total mortality charts. Not unless someone is hiding dead bodies. And they’re not. Its MISDIAGNOSES. Please wake up. It’s not even new. PCR false positive pseudo epidemics exist. We’ve got one. When in a pseudoepidemic everyone thinks it’s a real epidemic. But we don’t have extra deaths. That’s howling out for an explanation & there’s only one. Is literally not a single person interested? … The fascinating thing about test related pseudo epidemics is that they vanish as soon as the aberrant test is halted. Nothing else changes because nothing else is happening. - Dr Mike Yeadon, Ex-Chief Science Officer Pfizer

AUDIO- Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, tells Canadian govt:

"The bottom line is simply this: there is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public… It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game. There is no action needed…Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence they are effective whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless…Closures have had terrible consequence and everywhere should be open tomorrow…Positive testing results do NOT indicate clinical infection. It is simply driving public hysteria and ALL testing should STOP unless you are presenting to hospital with respiratory problems...The scale of the response you’re undertaking with no evidence is utterly ridiculous, given the consequences...all kinds of business closures, suicides…it’s just another flu. You should be out of the business of medicine.. Let people make their own decisions. You're being led down the garden path…I’m outraged and it should all stop tomorrow. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zQwxrBgrdAt0/

The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-rt-pcr-how-to-mislead-all-humanity-using-a-test-to-lock-down-society/5728483 It is time for everyone to come out of this negative trance, this collective hysteria, because famine, poverty, massive unemployment will kill, mow down many more people than SARS-CoV-2!

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Yes, US and the media created covid with 24/7 hysteria and a scientifically fraudulent PCR test!!! They hijacked the flu and called it covid.

Lawyer: Covid PCR Tests Scientific Fraud, Lockdowns Crimes Against Humanity


How to Create a Fake Pandemic


Greetings, fellow manipulators and deceivers, and welcome to our course on how to create a fake pandemic! As you know from our previous courses, the first thing you need for an undertaking of this kind is to own some mainstream media. As experienced mass manipulators, we're sure you own a medium outlet or two, so let's get right into it!

***Book- Global Covid Report- There is No Deadly “Pandemic” –German Doctors for Truth


Book: The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses, Including Coronavirus, Are Not the Cause of Disease By Thomas Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell https://aim4truth.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/The_Contagion_Myth_Why_Viruses_Including_Coronavirus_Are_Not_the_Cause_of_Disease_by_Thomas_S._Cowan_Sally_Fallon_Morell.pdf

Book: Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense http://www.gregcaton.com/bks/virus_mania.pdf

Book: Dr. Vernon Coleman: Covid 19 The Greatest Hoax in History


New Study Says Exosomes Can’t be Distinguished From Viruses https://www.sott.net/article/443445-New-study-says-exosomes-cant-be-distinguished-from-viruses

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

Coid 1984 FOI Request UK government admits Virus Doesn’t Exist https://www.thebernician.net/covid-1984-foi-request-uk-government-admits-virus-doesnt-exist/

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Agreed 100%

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Anyone who thinks impeachment hoax 1 and the emergence of covid at the same time are unrelated is a tinfoil hat wearing coincidence theorist. Schiff and the deep state released the virus to take down Trump.


(chiefly derogatory) Someone who rejects the claims of conspiracy theories, believing that any observations or occurrences are just coincidences.

A person who doggedly holds onto the belief that the collapse of our society is just a series of random, unfortunate events…

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It wasn’t an accident. It was meant to disrupt the 2020 election. The coup. Chicom’s working with global elite puppets here. Biden & Xi Jinping, they’re all playing victim while they were the perpetrators. My intuition immediately identified what was happening in 2020 along with the color revolution riots. That’s my belief and I’m sticking with it. Now to hope we can move faster and arrest the traitors of the J6 coup cover up committee and stop the madness before they unleash their next asymmetrical attack.

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So , you are sure about the virology lab in Winnipeg?

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Thank you Paul!

I am very concerned about the answers to these questions…

Without UNITY of people and strategic planning with serious leaders can anything that matters get accomplished?

Where is America’s ONE UNITED Freedom Movement/TEAM with strategic actions that matter to STOP ALL TREASON…bioweapons events, military psychological media censorship, ruined schools at all levels, open borders, election fraud, etc?

Fact…No Treason can be stopped unless you stop ALL of it! How?

Where are the strategic planning meetings to stop ALL Treason?

How can we help any other country without cleaning out America of the ALL the Treason?

Keep an eye on Lex Greene pieces as he has a serious background…



Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and still counting)

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Arrest, prosecute,convict, take their illegal and blood money and give to the victims, jail them long enough to force them to make restitution for their crimes; and firing squad/execution/gallows!!!!!

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I do not believe any lab leaked anything. If some deadly virus leaked at the site, their would have been major devastation right in the direct area...as in many people dying or seriously injured. Exactly how did any lab leak it? Open the doors or windows?

Explain to me how the virus could have just fluffled along on the winds and spread to every corner of the earth in a matter of days or weeks. If there was a minor leak, it would have been dissipated long before traveling around the globe.

Apparently there are billions of various types of virus particles floating around the world and for billions of people to be targeted for covid-19 is ludicrous. Person to person transmission has never been proven either.

I'd say before I believe some of this twisted nonsense, I need virologists and other "medical experts" to do some very heavy explaining backed with true science and not the common computer algorithm guesswork.

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Who they are and what they have done are common knowledge. Cue the Reckoning.

Empanel Nuremberg II.

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Include France : China and France will conduct advanced joint research by using the Wuhan P4 laboratory Date:08-02-2018. I can't find a link, but Australia's CSIRO's Geelong laboratory was co-operating with Wuhan research.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

The "spies that lied" who claimed that the New York Post story on Hunter's laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation and their allies at Shitter and Arsebook from the propaganda and censorship industrial complex were desperate to cover up the RINO-Dem origins of the pandemic. That's one of the reasons why they installed Biden Snr and are planning to later install his son Hunter. Pence is in reserve. He may also be installed but the DS were not ready to take that step in 2020. The installation of President Hunter Biden will not be good but a Pence presidency could lead to the extinction of all life on earth. RINOs and Dems are different sides of the same coin but RINOs are worse than Dems and Pence is the worst of the RINOs. A man with less principles and integrity is impossible to imagine. Not even Romney, Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, George Conway or Lindsey Graham come close to Pence in plumbing the depths of depravity.

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